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Clearwater Books Books

EDWARD A.WILSON: Deep Sea Chanties. Old Sea Songs. Edited by Frank Shay, and with an introduction by William McFee and decorations and woodcuts by Edward Arthur Wilson RICHARD JEFFERIES: Richard Jefferies. An Anthology. Edited and with an introduction by Hugoe Matthews and Rebecca Welshman HENRY WILLIAMSON: Midsummer Night
CHRISTY CAMPBELL: Band of Brigands. The First Men in Tanks PETER TAYLOR: In the Miro District and Other Stories KEITH ROBERTS: The Boat of Fate. A novel
ROLLIE MCKENNA: A Life in Photography DAVID STOREY: Storey's Lives. Poems 1951-1991 JAMES MCMICHAEL: Each in a Place Apart. Poems
ISAAC ROSENBERG. Jean Liddiard: Isaac Rosenberg: The Half Used Life JOHN MCGAHERN: That They May Face the Rising Sun. A novel JOHN EVERETT MILLAIS. Paul Goldman: Beyond Decoration. The Illustrations of John Everett Millais
THOMAS MCGUANE: Something to be Desired. A novel DYLAN THOMAS: Dylans Swansea. ("A brief insight into the relationship between Dylan Thomas and Swansea the town he loved, but sometimes described in unflattering terms - his 'ugly, lovely town'") CHARLES LAMB: Mrs. Battle's Opinions on Whist. With illustrations by Roberta F.C.Waudby
PAUL MULDOON: Plan B. Poems. With photographs by Norman McBeath B.TRAVEN: The Treasure of the Sierra Madre. Translated from the German of 'Der Schatz der Sierra Madre' by Basil Creighton PHILIP LARKIN: contributes ten poems to the anthology Poetry from Oxford in Wartime. Edited by William Bell
PHILIP LARKIN: Femmes Damnées. A poem J.L.CARR: A Month in the Country. A novel. (SIGNED LIMITED EDITION) UWE M.SCHNEEDE: Surrealism
HERB GARDNER: A Piece of the Action. A novel. (SIGNED) PATRICK LEIGH FERMOR: Between the Woods and the Water. On Foot to Constantinople from The Hook of Holland: The Middle Danube to the Iron Gates. (SIGNED) W.S.GRAHAM: The White Threshold. Poems
WILLIAM GOLDING: The Pyramid T.E.LAWRENCE. J.N.Lockman: Meinertzhagen's Diary Ruse. False Entries on T.E.Lawrence GREAT WAR: Arras Avant et Apres le Bombardment [Arras Before and After the Bombardment]
G.KINGSLEY WARD AND MAJOR EDWIN GIBSON: Courage Remembered. The Story Behind the Construction and Maintenance of the Commonwealth's Military Cemeteries and Memorials of the Wars of 1914-1918 and 1939-1945 WILL ELLSWORTH-JONES: We Will Not Fight. The Untold Story of the First World War's Conscientious Objectors STUART SILLARS: Art and Survival in First World War Britain
NORMAN DOUGLAS: In the Beginning. A novel. (SIGNED LIMITED EDITION) JULIAN BARNES (writing as 'Dan Kavanagh'): Fiddle City HENRY WILLIAMSON: The Linhay on the Downs [and] The Firing Gatherer. Two stories
ROBERT GAMBEE: Manhattan Seascape. Waterside Views Around New York. (INSCRIBED WITH TLs) PIERS BIZONY: 2001. Filming the Future. With a foreword by Arthur C.Clarke MICHAEL Z.LEWIN: Ask the Right Question. A novel
PETER NEAGOE: Americans Abroad. An anthology. Edited and with a foreword by Peter Neagoe RICHARD WRIGHT: Uncle Tom's Children. Four Novellas. With a foreword by Paul Robeson W.BEACH THOMAS: With the British on the Somme. (INSCRIBED)
SHELL GUIDE. Stephen Bone: The West Coast of Scotland. Skye to Oban NORMAN DOUGLAS: How About Europe? Some Footnotes on East and West. (SIGNED LIMITED EDITION, ADDITIONALLY INSCRIBED) L.A.G.STRONG: The Lowery Road
CLERE PARSONS: Poems W.S.GRAHAM: contributes his poem 'The Day and Night Craftsmen' to an issue of the periodical 'Poetry Quarterly'. Vol. 7, No. 2. Summer 1945 ERIC GILL. William Shakespeare: Henry the Eighth. With wood engravings by Eric Gill
EDWARD WADSWORTH: Sailing-Ships and Barges of the Western Mediterranean and Adriatic Seas. Illustrated with twenty-three superb copper engravings, nineteen hand-coloured and nineteen full-page MICHAEL ROTHENSTEIN. Mel Gooding: Michael Rothenstein's Boxes MAX BEERBOHM: contributes a caricature of Oliver W.F.Lodge to the third issue of the literary magazine The Abinger Chronicle. Vol. 1, No. 3, February 1940
WILLIAM BRONK: Careless Love and Its Apostrophes. Poems. (SIGNED LIMITED EDITION) DANNIE ABSE: A Strong Does of Myself. (INSCRIBED) PAUL ENGLE: West of Midnight. Poems. (SIGNED, WITH CARD)
JOHN BETJEMAN AND JOHN PIPER: Church Poems. With drawings by John Piper. (WITHDRAWN FIRST STATE) BARBARA JONES. Ruth Artmonsky: A Snapper Up of Unconsidered Trifles. A Tribute to Barbara Jones CARADOC EVANS: My People. Stories of the Peasantry of West Wales
CARADOC EVANS: Capel Sion. Stories CARADOC EVANS: Nothing to Pay. A novel IAN WATSON: The Jonah Kit. A novel. (SIGNED)
ELMORE LEONARD: Fifty-Two Pick Up. A novel MICHAEL DIBDIN: Ratking. An Aurelio Zen mystery R.D.WINGFIELD: Frost at Christmas. (SIGNED)
MAX BEERBOHM: The Dreadful Dragon of Hay Hill JOHN PIPER. Adrian Stokes: Venice. Designed and with illustrations by John Piper. (DELUXE NUMBERED ISSUE) L.P.JACKS: All Men are Ghosts. Stories
ARTHUR WALEY: More Translations from the Chinese PENELOPE LIVELY: Spiderweb. A novel. (SIGNED) HENRY WILLIAMSON: The Ackymals. (SIGNED LIMITED EDITION)
CHARLES LANE: British Racing Prints 1700-1940 HENRY WILLIAMSON (published anonymously): The Gold Falcon; or The Haggard of Love. Being the Adventures of Manfred, Airman and Poet of the World War, and later, Husband and Father, in Search of Freedom and Personal Sunrise, in the City of New York; and of the Consummation of his Life JOHN BETJEMAN: Uncollected Poems. With a foreword by Bevis Hillier. (SIGNED)
CECIL COLLINS. Judith Collins: Cecil Collins. The catalogue of a 1989 Tate Gallery retrospective exhibition LEONARDO SCIASCIA: The Council of Egypt. Translated from the Italian of 'Il Consiglio d'Egitto' by Adrienne Foulke MAX ERNST: Max Ernst. A monograph issued upon the occasion of a 2006 exhibition of the artist's work at The Helly Nahmad Gallery, London
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