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Clearwater Books Books

MARTIN S.BRIGGS: The English Farmhouse PHILIP SNOW. (C.P.Snow interest): A Time of Renewal. Clusters of Characters, C.P.Snow and Coups W.H.AUDEN: The Dyer's Hand and Other Essays
WILLIAM COOPER: The Struggles of Albert Woods. A novel KEITH FEILING: Warren Hastings. A biography JOHN SPARROW: Visible Words. A Study of Inscriptions in and as Books and Works of Art
REBECCA WEST: Black Lamb and Grey Falcon. The Record of a Journey Through Yugoslavia in 1937 E.H.WILCOX: Russia's Ruin ALAN MOOREHEAD: The White Nile
CHARLES AND MARY LAMB: Tales from Shakespeare With twelve illustrations in permanent photography from the Boydell Gallery RONALD BLYTHE: The Age of Illusion. England in the Twenties and Thirties 1919-1940 FRED BURNABY: A Ride to Khiva. Travels and Adventures in Central Asia
RUDOLF C.SLATIN PASHA: Fire and Sword in the Sudan. A Personal Narrative of Fighting and Serving the Dervishes 1879-1895. Translated by Colonel F.R.Wingate C.P.SNOW: Strangers and Brothers. A novel HENRY WILLIAMSON: The Linhay on the Downs and Other Adventures in the Old and the New World. With photographs, mostly taken by the author
HENRY WILLIAMSON: Goodbye West Country. Illustrated with thirty photographic plates, mostly taken by the author HENRY WILLIAMSON: Tales of a Devon Village [and] Life in a Devon Village THÉOPHILE GAUTIER: The Complete Works of Théophile Gautier. Edited, introduced, and translated from the French by Professor F. C. De Sumichrast. Complete in twelve volumes
JAMES MORRIS: The Pax Britannica Trilogy. Complete in three volumes comprising Pax Britannica. The Climax of an Empire [and] Heaven's Command. An Imperial Progress [and] Farewell the Trumpets. An Imperial Retreat JAMES MORRIS: Venice IAN MCEWAN: The Children Act. A novel. (SIGNED)
IAN MCEWAN: Lessons. A novel. (SIGNED) CARSTEN JENSEN: We, the Drowned. A novel. Translated from the Danish of 'Vi, de Druknede' by Charlotte Barslund and Emma Ryder SUSAN HILL: A Bit of Singing and Dancing. Stories
STEPHEN FRY: The Hippopotamus. A novel. (INSCRIBED) CLIVE CUSSLER: Raise the Titanic! A novel ELEANOR CATTON: The Rehearsal. A novel
PETER CAREY: Theft. A Love Story. (SIGNED) C.J.BOX: The Bitterroots. A novel. (SIGNED) BOB WILLIS: The Captain's Diary. England in Australia and New Zealand 1982-83. (SIGNED)
IAN BOTHAM: Head On. The Autobiography. (INSCRIBED) TOM STOPPARD: Leopoldstadt. A play JONATHAN STROUD: The Golem's Eye. Volume two of 'The Bartimaeus Trilogy'. (SIGNED)
ANAÏS NIN: Trapeze. The Unexpurgated Diary of Anaïs Nin 1947-1955. Edited with a preface by Paul Herron, and with an introduction by Benjamin Franklin V ANDREW MOTION: Laurels and Donkeys. Poems DONNA LEON: Transient Desires. A novel. (SIGNED)
VICTOR JESTIN: Heatwave. A novel. Translated from the French of 'La Chaleur' by Sam Taylor. (SIGNED) RAYMOND CARVER: Beginners. The Original Version of 'What We Talk About When We Talk About Love'. Edited with a preface by William L.Stull and Maureen P.Carroll TIMOTHY WEST: I'm Here I Think, Where Are you? Letters from a Touring Actor. With a foreword by Prunella Scales. (SIGNED)
COLIN THUBRON: Falling. A novel. (SIGNED) GEORGE R.R.MARTIN: contributes his hitherto unprinted Games of Thrones story 'The Sons of the Dragon' to the anthology The Book of Swords. Edited with an introduction by Gardner Dozois EUGENIO MONTALE: The Collected Poems of Eugenio Montale 1925-1977. Translated by William Arrowsmith and edited with an introduction by Rosanna Warren
ELSPETH HUXLEY: Nellie. Letters from Africa. With a Memoir LEN DEIGHTON: Horse Under Water. A novel ANTHONY BEEVER: Berlin. The Downfall 1945
KAZIMIERZ NOWAK: Across the Dark Continent. Bicycle Diaries from Africa 1931-1936. Collected, edited and prefaced by Lukasz Wierzbicki and translated from the Polish by Ida Naruszewicz-Rodger TERRY PRATCHETT: Soul Music. A Discworld novel TERRY PRATCHETT: Moving Pictures. A Discworld novel
TERRY PRATCHETT: Witches Abroad. A Discworld novel TERRY PRATCHETT: Small Gods. A Discworld novel PHILIP KERR: Field Grey. A Bernie Gunther novel
HARUKI MURAKAMI: Killing Commendatore. A novel. Translated from the Japanese by Philip Gabriel and Ted Goossen PHLIP PULLMAN: His Dark Materials. Northern Lights. The Subtle Knife. The Amber Spyglass ISABEL RAWSTHORNE. Carol Jacobi: Out of the Cage. The Art of Isabel Rawsthorne
WILLIAM BOYD: The New Confessions. A novel. (SIGNED) EDGAR LUSTGARTEN: The Chalk Pit Murder ELIZABETH BOWEN: The Demon Lover and Other Stories
TERRY PRATCHETT: Mort. A Discworld novel TERRY PRATCHETT: Sourcery. A Discworld novel TERRY PRATCHETT: The Witch's Vacuum Cleaner and Other Stories
DICK KING-SMITH: The Crowstarver. A novel. (SIGNED) ARTHUR CONAN DOYLE: The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes F.W.HARVEY: A Gloucestershire Lad at Home and Abroad. Poems. With a preface by Colonel J.H.Collett
HAROLD PINTER: The Collection and The Lover ROBERT ANTON WILSON: Coincidance. A Head Test J.R.R.TOLKIEN: The Lord of the Rings. Complete in three volumes comprising 'The Fellowship of the Ring', 'The Two Towers' and 'The Return of the King'
RAMSEY CAMPBELL AND AUGUST DERLETH: Letters to Arkham. The Letters of Ramsey Campbell and August Derleth, 1961-1971. Edited with an introduction by S.T.Joshi and with an afterword by Ramsey Campbell THEODORA CORRIE: Siberian Echoes. (INSCRIBED) SIMON ARMITAGE: Black Roses. The Killing of Sophie Lancaster. A poem
GEOFFREY BOWNAS: Japanese Journeys. Writings and Recollections. (INSCRIBED) JOSEPH SZABO: Teenage. Photographs. With an introduction by Cameron Crowe ALBIE SACHS: The Jail Diary of Albie Sachs. (INSCRIBED)
SHEILA BURNFORD: The Incredible Journey. With illustrations by Carl Burger JOHN LE CARRÉ: The Honourable Schoolboy. A novel STEVE MCCURRY: From These Hands: A Journey Along the Coffee Trail. Photographs. (INSCRIBED)
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