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Almeida, F.F.M. de, 1950.
Uma faunula de crustáceos bivalves do Arenito Bocucatú no estado de São Paulo. [Bol. Div. Geol. Miner. Dept. Nac. Prod. Min., 134.]

Imprint: Rio de Janeiro.

Pp. 36, 4 plates of photos, 1 fold. sketch map, 7 figs. Orig. wrappers. - Conchostraca and Ostracoda of Rhaetic-Liassic age.

Stock number: 12399.

 9.00 (approx. $US 10.61 )Add To Cart

Almela, A. (et al.), 1962.
Estudio gológico de la región de Almadén.

Imprint: Bol. Inst. Geol. Miner. España, 73:

pp. 193-328, 1 fold. tectonic map, 1 fold. col. stratigr. map, 1 fold. plate of col. sections, 10 plates of fossil photos, 14 sections in text, photos and figs. on 25 final pages. Paperbound, plain new wrappers. Very good.

Stock number: 15046.

 30.00 (approx. $US 35.36 )Add To Cart

ALPHEN, Oscar van, & MORRIËN, Adriaan.
Kinderen in de grote stad.

Imprint: 's-Gravenhage: Uitgeverij Oisterwijk, 1958.
Binding: Hardback

4to, 25.8cm.Pp. [112], many large (mostly full-page) black & white photos. Orig. cloth with gilt lettering in pictorial dust-jacket. Fine.

Stock number: 8837.

 50.00 (approx. $US 58.93 )Add To Cart

Alphen, J. van, 1933.
Overzicht van de geschiedenis der organische chemie voor 1870

Imprint: Leiden & Amsterdam: H.E. Stenfert Kroese, 1933.
Binding: Hardback

8vo, 24.5cm. Pp. xii,139, refs., indexes. Orig. quarter cloth, printed title-label on front cover.

Stock number: 1011.

 14.00 (approx. $US 16.50 )Add To Cart

D'ALPUGET, Lou, 1986.
Yachting in Australia. From Colonial Skiffs to America's Cup Defence.

Imprint: Sydney: William Collins, 1986.
Binding: Hardback

Small 4to, 25.3cm. Pp. 423, several colour photos on 20 plates, many black & white photos in text, tables, index. Hardbound, orig. boards n pictorial dust-jacket. Very good.

Stock number: 10655.

 20.00 (approx. $US 23.57 )Add To Cart

ALTENA, Ernst van.
De jongeman met twaalf vrouwen. Boerten uit de twaalfde en dertiende eeuw. Vertaald en ingeleid door Ernst van Altena.

Imprint: Amsterdam: Ambo, 1997.
Binding: Hardback

8vo, 21.4cm. 251 blz., noten. Geb., linnen band in geïllustr. stofomslag, met leeslint. In nieuwstaat.

Stock number: 12016.

 10.00 (approx. $US 11.79 )Add To Cart

ALTENA, Bert, & LENTE, Dick van
Vrijheid en Rede. Geschiedenis van Westerse samenlevingen 1750-1989.

Imprint: Hilversum: Verloren, 2003.
Binding: Hardback

Large 8vo, 24.5cm. Pp. 400, few figs., refs., ibndex. Orig. pictorial stiff wrappers. Fine, as new.

Stock number: 7226.

 20.00 (approx. $US 23.57 )Add To Cart

ALTWEGG, Andres M.
Vom Weinbau am Zürichsee. Struktur und Wandlungen eines Rebgebietes seit 1850.

Imprint: Stäfa: Th. Gut & Co. Verlag, 1980.

Oktav, 22cm. 325 S., zahlr. Fotos u.a. Abb. im Texte, Noten, Bibliog. Brosch., Illustr. Orig.-Umschlag. Tadellos.

Stock number: 15710.

 25.00 (approx. $US 29.47 )Add To Cart

ALVÃO, Domingos.
A cidade do Porto na obra do fotografo Alvão (1872-1946).

Imprint: Porto: Edicäo da Fotografia Alväo, 1984.
Binding: Hardback

Oblong 4to, 23 x 32.7cm Pp. [10], 164 plates of which 4 fold-out panoramas. Hardbound, orig. pictorial laminated boards. Minimal marking to covers, contents fine.

Stock number: 18055.

 45.00 (approx. $US 53.04 )Add To Cart

Alvarez Sierra, J., 1953.
Anatomicos Madrileños famosos. [Temas Madrilenos, V.]

Imprint: Madrid: Instituto de Estudios Madrilenos, 1953.
Binding: Hardback

8vo, 21cm. Pp. 46,[2], 11 portrs. on 6 pls., 2 other pls. Orig. wrs.

Stock number: 1012.

 10.00 (approx. $US 11.79 )Add To Cart

Cavanilles. Ensayo biográfico-crítico.

Imprint: An. Jard. Bot. Madrid, 6(1):

pp. 1-64, 1 portrait, bibliogr., notes, refs. Plain new wrappers. - On the botanist Antonio José Cavanilles (1745-1804).

Stock number: 12986.

 10.00 (approx. $US 11.79 )Add To Cart

Alvarez Lopez, 1947.
Comentarios históricos y botánicos con motivo de un "Glossario" hispano-musulmán de los siglos XI al XII.

Imprint: An. Jard. Bot. Madrid, 7 (1947):

pp. 5-175, indices; xerox copy of front cover of journal volume in front. Plain new wrappers. Little dog-earing to lower outer corner at start of volume, good otherwise.

Stock number: 12953.

 20.00 (approx. $US 23.57 )Add To Cart

Alvarez, R.Z., 1957.
Decäpodos españoles. XIII. Las Pasiphaeas del Mediterräneo occidental.

Imprint: Trab. Mus. Zool. [Barcelona], N.S., Zool., 2(5):

pp. 19-47, many figs. on 9 plates, 6 figs. in text, bibl. Offprint, orig. wrappers. Spine neatly mended.

Stock number: 9833.

 6.50 (approx. $US 7.66 )Add To Cart

Alvarez Sierra, M.A., 1987.
Estudio sistemático y bioestratigráfico de los Eomyidae (Rodentia) del Oligoceno superior y Mioceno inferior español. [Scripta Geol., 86.]

Imprint: Leiden.
Binding: Hardback

4to, 25.7cm. Pp. 206, numerous photos and drawings of molars on 33 plates, 76 figs. and diagrs., bibl. Orig. stiff wrappers. Little rubbing to front cover, contents fine.

Stock number: 8124.

 20.00 (approx. $US 23.57 )Add To Cart

Alvarez-Lopez, H. (editor), 2009.
Humedales del valle geográfico del río Cauca: génesis,, biodiversidad y conservación.

Imprint: Santiago de Calí: Corporación Autonomo Regional de Valle del Cauca, Dirección Tecnica Ambietal, Gruppo Biodiversidad, 2009.
Binding: Hardback

4to, 27.5cm. Pp. 182, numerous illustr. in colour throughout, 1 fold. map, a multimedia CD in rear cover pocket. Hardbound, decorated boards with pictorial dust-jacket. Fine, like new.

Stock number: 18215.

 45.00 (approx. $US 53.04 )Add To Cart

Alvarez Ramis, C., 1965.
Primera aportación al estudio de los "Sphenopteris" del Carbonífero español. A. (Estefaniense: 1a parte.) [Estud. Geol., 21.]

Imprint: Madrid.
Binding: Hardback

4to. Pp. 141, numerous photos on 63 pls., 57 figs., 4 maps (1 fold.), bibl. Orig. wrs.

Stock number: 6635.

 24.00 (approx. $US 28.29 )Add To Cart

ALVAREZ, T., 1963.
The recent mammals of Tamaulipas, México.

Imprint: Univ. Kansas Publ. Mus. Nat. Hist., 14(15):
Binding: Hardback

pp. 363-473, 5 figs., refs. 8vo. Offprint, orig. wrappers.

Stock number: 10063.

 12.50 (approx. $US 14.73 )Add To Cart

Ameghino, F., 1934.
La perforación astragalina. (Obras completas, 15.)

Imprint: La Plata.
Binding: Hardback

Large 8vo. Pp. 727,[9], 61 figs. on 27 pls. New cloth. - Contains six papers on the astragalian perforation in fossil mammals. The remaining six papers include "Paleontologia Argentina: Relaciones filogenéticas y geográficas (pp. 5-93); Nuevas especies de Mamíferos cretácicos y terciarios de la República Argentina (pp. 93-219); Enumeración de los Impennes fófiles de la Patafonia y de la Isla Seymour (pp. 509-576); Les Edentés fossiles de France et d'Allemagne (pp. 577-686).

Stock number: 431.

 110.00 (approx. $US 129.65 )Add To Cart

Ameghino, F., 1935.
Obras postumas y truncas. (Obras completas y correspondencia cientifica. Vol. XIX. Edicion oficial [...] dirigada por Alfredo J. Torcelli.)

Imprint: La Plata: Taller de Impresiones Oficiales, 1935.
Binding: Hardback

4to, 27cm. Pp. 1038. Paperbound, plain new wrappers with printed title label to spine, orig. printed front cover preserved. Very good.

Stock number: 15306.

 90.00 (approx. $US 106.07 )Add To Cart

Ameling, A.D., 1978.
De adder. [Dieren dichterbij, 4.]

Imprint: Utrecht: Het Spectrum.
Binding: Hardback

8vo. Pp. 116, 57 photos and figs., index. Hardbound, orig. laminated pictorial boards in dust-jacket. boards. Fine. - Viper. The illustrations include some fine drawings by Piet Eggen.

Stock number: 4993.

 10.00 (approx. $US 11.79 )Add To Cart

Amerom, H.W.J. van, 1975.
Die eusphenopteridischen Pteridophyllen aus der Sammlung des Geologischen Bureaus in Heerlen, unter besonderer Berücksichtigung ihrer Stratigraphie bezüglich des südlimburgischen Kohlenreviers.

Imprint: [Meded. Rijks Geol. Dienst, Ser. C, III-1-7.] Maastricht: E. van Aelst.
Binding: Hardback

4to. Pp. 208, numerous photos on 48 pls., 53 illus. in text, 1 fold. tab. and 1 fold. diagr. loosely inserted, bibl. Orig. wrs.

Stock number: 615.

 36.00 (approx. $US 42.43 )Add To Cart

Amerom, H.W.J. van, Herngreen, G.F.W., & Romein, B.J., 1976.
Palaeobotanical and palynological investigation with notes on the microfauna of some core samples from the Lower Cretaceous in the West Netherlands basin. [Meded. Rijks Geol. Dienst, N.S., 27(2).]

Imprint: Haarlem.
Binding: Hardback

4to. Pp. 41-79, several (micro)photos on 6 pls., 29 figs., refs. Orig. wrs.

Stock number: 6723.

 10.00 (approx. $US 11.79 )Add To Cart

Amerom, H.W.J. van, & Pagnier, H.J.M., 1990.
Palaeoecological studies of Late Carboniferous plant macrofossils from borehole Kemperkoul-1 (Sittard, The Netherlands).

Imprint: Meded. Rijks Geol. Dienst, 44(4):
Binding: Hardback

pp. 43-61, 4 tabs., 12 figs., refs. 4to. Plain new wrs.

Stock number: 6722.

 6.00 (approx. $US 7.07 )Add To Cart

Amerom, H.W.J. van (et al.), 1985.
Sedimentology and genesis of glacial deposits in the Goudsberg, Central Netherlands. [Meded. R. Geol. Dienst, 39-2.]

Imprint: 's-Gravenhage: Staatsuitgeverij, 1985.
Binding: Hardback

4to. Pp. 29, 28 illustr. tables, refs. Orig. printed wrappers.

Stock number: 17024.

 9.00 (approx. $US 10.61 )Add To Cart

Amico, C. d', 1965.
L'intrusione granodioritica di Roncegno Valsugana. Studio modale.

Imprint: Miner. Petrogr. Acta, 11:

pp. 141-195, 21 figs., 1 fold. map, 11 tabs., refs. Paperbound, journal issue printed wrappers.

Stock number: 16176.

 10.00 (approx. $US 11.79 )Add To Cart

Amico, C. d', 1964.
Le metamorfiti della Valsugana occidentale.

Imprint: Miner. Petrogr. Acta, 10(1):
Binding: Hardback

pp. 1-42, refs. 8vo. Plain new wrappers.

Stock number: 16197.

 6.00 (approx. $US 7.07 )Add To Cart

Amiet, J.-L., 1962.
Le peuplement carabologique des forêts du Jura salinois. Recherches sur le rôle du climat et du tapis végétal dans la distribution de certains Carabiques.

Imprint: Mém. Soc. Natl. Sci. Nat. Cherbourg, 50:

pp. 5-60, 7 diagrs., tabs., refs. Wrs.

Stock number: 5075.

 9.00 (approx. $US 10.61 )Add To Cart

Ammon, L. von, 1899.
Ein schönes Exemplar von Ischyodus avitus.

Imprint: Geognost. Jahresh., 12:

S. 158-160, 1 schöne gefalt. Fototaf. in Sepia-Abdruck von 23x62 cm. Quart. In neuem Papierumschlag.

Stock number: 16591.

 7.50 (approx. $US 8.84 )Add To Cart

Ammon, L. von, 1896.
Ueber neue Stücke von Ischyodus.

Imprint: Ber. naturwiss. Ver. Regensburg, 5:

S. 1-11 [=253-263], 3 Fig. auf 1 lithogr. Taf., 2 Fotos auf 1 Lichtdrucktaf. Sonderabdruck mit doppelter Paginierung, Orig.-Umschlag. Heftklammerspur auf Vorderseite, sonst gut. - Geschenkexemplar vom Autor mit kurzem Auftrag an [Prof. Fridolin] Sandberger.

Stock number: 16587.

 20.00 (approx. $US 23.57 )Add To Cart

Amorfini, A. (editor), 2009.
Atti del Convegno di Studi GEISITI tra valorizzazione e conservazione della natura, la geodiversità delle Alpi Apuane. Marina di Carrara, giovedì 11 ottobre 2001.

Imprint: Ospedaletto-Pisa: Pacini Editore, 2009.
Binding: Hardback

4to, 29.4cm. Pp. 119, many photos (mostly in colour), figs., graphs, tabs., bibliogr. Paperbound, orig. stiff wrappers. Fine.

Stock number: 17575.

 35.00 (approx. $US 41.25 )Add To Cart

AMPFERER, Otto (1875-1949).
Collection of 110 shorter papers (each up to ca. 20-30 pages) on Alpine geology, all original author's offprints,

Imprint: fron various German-language earth science journals, dating from 1918 to 1942.

Unique and nearly complete collection of the author's shorter writings, total of ca. 2,000 pages, many illustrated, some with the author's presentation inscription to his colleague Alpine geologist Prof. Hans Peter Cornelius (1888-1950). All papers in good to fine condition.

Stock number: 16677.

 325.00 (approx. $US 383.04 )Add To Cart

Ampferer, O. (et al.), 1913.
Führer zu geologischen Exkursionen in Graubündebn und in den Tauern. [...] Herausgegeben von der Geologischen Vereinigung.

Imprint: Leipzig: Max Weg.
Binding: Hardback

8vo. Pp. iv,64,[2], 1 double-page map, 2 double-page plates of sections, 29 illus. in text. Plain new wrappers.

Stock number: 8042.

 10.00 (approx. $US 11.79 )Add To Cart

Amrein, W., 1939.
Urgeschichte des Vierwaldstätter Sees.

Imprint: Mitt. Naturf. Ges. Luzern, 13:

pp. 1-184, 1 large fold. map in pocket, 15 pls. of photos, many drawings in 37 figs., bibl., geogr. index. Orig. wrs.

Stock number: 4873.

 35.00 (approx. $US 41.25 )Add To Cart

Amshoff, G.H.J., 1939.
On South American Papilionaceae.

Imprint: Utrecht.
Binding: Hardback

8vo. Pp. viii,78, 4 full-page composite figs., refs., 1 tab., index. Orig. wrs. - Thesis.

Stock number: 5825.

 14.00 (approx. $US 16.50 )Add To Cart

Amstutz, G.C., 1954.
Geologie und Petrographie der Ergussgesteine im Verrucano des Glarner Freiberges. [Publ. Vulkaninst. Immanuel Friedlander, 5.]

Imprint: Zürich: Guggenbühl & Huber.
Binding: Hardback

8vo. Pp. 149, frontisp., 11 pls. of (micro)photos, 2 fold. pls. in pocket, 69 figs. in text, bibl. Orig. wrs.

Stock number: 5350.

 20.00 (approx. $US 23.57 )Add To Cart

Amstutz, C.G., editor, 1974.
Spilites and spilitic rocks. [Internat. Union Geol. Sci., Ser. A, 4.]

Imprint: Berlin: Springer.
Binding: Hardback

8vo. Pp. vi,482, 13 pls., 138 illus. in text, refs., bibl., subject index. Orig. boards.

Stock number: 5351.

 35.00 (approx. $US 41.25 )Add To Cart

An, Tai-xiang, 1982.
Study on the Cambrian conodonts from North and Northeast China.

Imprint: Sci. Rep. Inst. Geosci. Univ. Tsukuba, Sec. B, 3:

pp. 1130159,[33], numerous photos on 17 pls., 10 maps and diagrs. (2 fold.), refs. Plain new wrs.

Stock number: 7868.

 15.00 (approx. $US 17.68 )Add To Cart

ANCZYKOWSKI, Maria, et al.
Westfälische Steinskulptur des späten Mittelalters, 1380-1540. Ev. Stadtkirche Unna, 3. Oktober-15. November 1992. Eine Ausstellung des Kreises Unna.

Imprint: Unna: Der Oberkreisdirektor, Kreis Unna, 1992.

Quer-Oktav, 20x21cnm. 360 S., sehr zahlt. Fotos im Text, Bibliogr. Illustr. Orig.-Broschur. Sehr gut.

Stock number: 15877.

 15.00 (approx. $US 17.68 )Add To Cart

Andel, T. van, & Postma, H., 1954.
Recent sediments of the Gulf of Paria. (Reports of the Orinoco Shelf Expedition., I.) [Verh. Kon. Nederl. Akad. Wet., Afd. Natuurk., 1e R., 20(5).]

Imprint: Amsterdam 1954.
Binding: Hardback

4to. Pp. 245, 7 plates, 78 figs., 2 charts, 4 fold. maps in pocket, bibl. Orig. wrappers.

Stock number: 11007.

 25.00 (approx. $US 29.47 )Add To Cart

Anders, J., 1936.
Beiträge zur Besiedlungsökologie der Flechten. I. Die Besiedlung nährstoffarmer Sandsteinfelsen und Sandböden.

Imprint: Beih. Bot. Centralbl., Abt. B, 55(1/2):

S. 159-181, 1 Kartenskizze, 2 Fig., Bibliogr. In neuem Papierumschlag. Letzte Seite in Fotokopie, sonst tadellos.

Stock number: 16540.

 5.00 (approx. $US 5.89 )Add To Cart

Andersen, F.S., 1949.
On the subgenus Chironomus. Studies on the systematics and biology of Chironomidae III.

Imprint: Vid. Medd. Dansk Naturhist. Foren., 111:

pp. 1-66, figs., tabs., refs. Orig. wrappers. - PhD thesis.

Stock number: 6924.

 10.00 (approx. $US 11.79 )Add To Cart

Andersen, F.S., 1962.
The Norway lobster in Faeroe waters.

Imprint: Medd. Danmarks Fisk. Havunders., N.S., 3(9):

pp. 265-325, 3 pls., 23 figs. Orig. wrs.

Stock number: 5061.

 10.00 (approx. $US 11.79 )Add To Cart

Anderson, Ch.A. (et al.), 1950.
1940 E.W. Scripps Cruise to the Gulf of California. [Mem. Geol. Soc. Maer., 43.]

Imprint: New York 1950.
Binding: Hardback

Five parts in one volume,large 8vo. Pp. vi,viii,53,vii,216,viii,32,vi,55,ii,6, with 62 plates, figs. in text, 11 fold. charts in pocket, tabs., refs., indices. Orig. cloth. Very good. - Contents: 1. Geology of Islands and Neighboring Land Areas. / 2. Megascopic Paleontology and Marine Stratigraphy. / 3. Submarine Topography of the Gulf of California. / 4. Report on the Pleistocene and Pliocene Foraminifera. / 5. Sedimentation and Oceanography, Survey of Field Observations.

Stock number: 12427.

 25.00 (approx. $US 29.47 )Add To Cart

[ Anderson, Angela ]
Ben Peach's Scotland. Landscape sketches by a Victorian geologist.

Imprint: Edinburgh: Institute of Geological Sciences, 1980.
Binding: Hardback

Square 8vo. Pp.. 18, several illustr. incl. one photogr. portr. of Benjamin Neeve Peach (1842-1926), refs. Orig. pict. stiff wrappers. Fine.

Stock number: 11923.

 10.00 (approx. $US 11.79 )Add To Cart

[ Anderson, J.L., et al. [ 1948.
Cretaceous and Tertiary subsurface geology. The stratigraphy, paleontology. and sedimentology of three deep test wells on the Eastern shore of Maryland. [Maryland Dept. Geol. Bull., 2.]

Imprint: Baltimore 1948.
Binding: Hardback

8vo. Pp. xiv,456, 39 plates of fossils, 12 fold. diagrams in pocket, append., index. Orig. cloth. Very good. - The large paleontological section covers pages 114 to 343.

Stock number: 12428.

 20.00 (approx. $US 23.57 )Add To Cart

Anderson, H.-J., u.a. (Hrsg.)
Der tiefere Untergrund der Niederrheinischen Bucht. Ein Symposium. [Fortschr. Geol. Rheinl. Westf., 6.]

Imprint: Krefeld.

Gr.-Oktav. VIII,462 S., 57 Taf., 53 Fig., 14 Tab., 1 gefalt. Karte und 1 gefalt. Taf. mit Profilen in Tasche, Bibliogr., Register. Orig.-Leinen.

Stock number: 8056.

 26.00 (approx. $US 30.64 )Add To Cart

ANDERSON, William.
First [and] Second [and] Third and Final Report of the Geological Survey of Natal and Zululand.

Imprint: Pietermaritzburg: P. Davis [vol. I]; London: West, Newman and Co. [vols. II-III], 1902-1907.
Binding: Hardback

3 volumes, 4to, 29cm. Vol. 1: pp. 134, 12 plates of photos (views), 1 pl. of drawings of fossils, 5 fold. pls. of sections, 2 large chromolithogr. geol. maps; vol. II: pp. 169, 5 (3 tinted) lithogr. plates of fossils, 3 fold. pls. of sections, 1 fold. sketch map, 2 fold. chromolithogr. geol. maps; vol. III: pp. 300, many figs. and photos of fossils on 18 plates, 2 fold. chromolithogr. geol, maps, index to the complete work. Vol. I paperbound in plain new interim wrappers, vols. II-III hardbound in orig. printed cloth-backed boards. Few unobstrusive library marks, covers of hardbound volumes a bit thumbed and dust-marked, contents of all volumes very good. - Rare complete set of a fundamental work in the history of South African geology.

Stock number: 12542.

 350.00 (approx. $US 412.51 )Add To Cart

Anderson, F.M., & Martin, B., 1914.
Neocene record in the Temblor Basin, California, and Neocene deposits of the San Juan District, San Luis Obispo County.

Imprint: Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci., Ser. IV, 4(3):

pp. 15-112, many photos of molluscs on 10 pls. Offprint, orig. wrs. - Stratigraphy (pp. 15-52) and description of molluscs, mostly Miocene (pp. 53-109).

Stock number: 10313.

 15.00 (approx. $US 17.68 )Add To Cart

Anderson, F.W., & Barker, D., 1966.
Some British Jurassic and Cretaceous ostracoda.

Imprint: Bull. Brit. Mus. (Nat. Hist.), Geol., 11(9):

pp. 433-487, many photos on 9 pls., 32 figs., refs. Orig. wrs.

Stock number: 837.

 10.00 (approx. $US 11.79 )Add To Cart

Anderson, J.G.C., 1935
The marginal intrusions of Ben Nevis; the Coille Liana chain complex; and the Ben Nevis dyke swarms.

Imprint: Trans. Geol. Soc. Glasgow, 19(2):

pp. 225-269, 2 photogr. pls., 9 maps in text, refs. Offprint, orig. wrs. Spine mended.

Stock number: 7707.

 9.00 (approx. $US 10.61 )Add To Cart
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