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Bally, A.
Geologische Untersuchungen in den SE-Abruzzen. (Gebiet zwischen der Ebene von Sulmona und den Tälern des Pescara und des unteren Sangro.)

Imprint: Zürich 1954.
Binding: Hardback

8vo. Pp. xvi,291, 13 (partly large and fold.) maps and sections in separate covers, comprehenseive bibl. of 850 references. Orig. wrs. - Thesis.

Stock number: 3643.

 36.00 (approx. $US 42.43 )Add To Cart

BALMER, Heinz.
Beiträge zur Geschichte der Erkenntnis des Erdmagmatismus. [Veröff. Schweiz. Ges. Med. Naturwiss., 20.]

Imprint: Aarau: Sauerländer, 1956.
Binding: Hardback

8vo. Pp. 892, 45 illustr., bibliogr., indices. Hardbound, orig. cloth in printed dust-jacket. Fine, as new.

Stock number: 12971.

 60.00 (approx. $US 70.72 )Add To Cart

Baltzer, A.
Das Berner Oberland und Nachbargebiete. [Samml. Geol. Führer, 11.]

Imprint: Berlin: Borntraeger, 1906.
Binding: Hardback

Small 8vo. Pp. xvi,348, 1 fold. itinerary map, 74 (29 fold.) illus. (photos, figs.., views and sections), bibl., index. Orig. cloth. - Scarce.

Stock number: 6173.

 30.00 (approx. $US 35.36 )Add To Cart

[ Balzac ]
Balzaciana. Livres et documents sur Honoré de Balzac et le mouvement romantique. Avec avant-propos par Pierre-George Castex, de l'Institut.

Imprint: Paris: [Librairie] Christian Galantaris, 1974.
Binding: Hardback

8vo, 23.8cm. Pp. [96], ssveral illsur., index. Paperbound, orig. printed wrappers. - Antiquarian bookseller's catalogue listing 683 items with prices, partly well annotated.

Stock number: 17294.

 20.00 (approx. $US 23.57 )Add To Cart

Bancroft, N., 1913.
On some Indian Jurassic gymnosperms. // Rheoxylon africanus, a new medullosean stem.

Imprint: Trans. Linn. Soc. London, Ser. 2, 8:
Binding: Hardback

pp. 69-86:87-193, several figs. and photos on 3 + 2 plates, refs. 4to. 28cm. Plain new wrappers.

Stock number: 14584.

 28.00 (approx. $US 33.00 )Add To Cart

Bandel, K., 1972.
Paläökologie und Paläogeographie im Devon und Unterkarbon der zentralen Karnischen Alpen.

Imprint: Palaeontogr., Abt. A, 141(1-4):
Binding: Hardback

pp. 1-117, 74 microphotos on 10 plates, 82 figs. in text, bibliogr. 4to. Orig. printed wrappers. Fine.

Stock number: 15298.

 45.00 (approx. $US 53.04 )Add To Cart

Bandel, K., 1973.
Trace fossils from the Upper Devonian, Nehnden Siltstone uf Wuppertal-Barmen (Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany).

Imprint: Palaeontogr., Abt. A, 142(4-6):
Binding: Hardback

pp. 156-176, 25 photos on 3 plates, 6 figs., bibliogr. 4to. Plain new wrappers.

Stock number: 14959.

 12.00 (approx. $US 14.14 )Add To Cart

BANDINELLI, Ranuccio Bianchi, & GIULIANO, Antonio.
Etruschi e Italici prima del dominioo di Roma. [Seconda edizione italiana.] [Bur Arte. Il Mondo della Figura.]

Imprint: Milano: Rizzoli Editore, 1976.
Binding: Hardback

8vo, 19.3cm. Pp. [x],436, 4 maps, 446 black & white photos, bibliogr., Paperbound, lamin. stiff wrappers. Very good.

Stock number: 12883.

 15.00 (approx. $US 17.68 )Add To Cart

Bandy O.L., 1956.
Ecology of foraminifera in Northeastern Gulf of Mexico. [U.S. Geol. Surv. Prof. Pap., 274-G.]

Imprint: Washington 1956.
Binding: Hardback

4to. Pp. iv,179-204,[4], many figs. on 2 plates, 7 fold. sheets of diagrams in pocket, refs., index. Orig. printed wrappers.

Stock number: 17362.

 15.00 (approx. $US 17.68 )Add To Cart

Bandy, O.L., & Kolpack, 1963.
Foraminiferal and sedimentological trends in the Tertiary section of Tecolote Tunnel, California.

Imprint: Micropaleontology, 9(2):
Binding: Hardback

pp. 117-170, 36 figs., tabs. (partly fold.), refs. 4to. Offprint, orig. wrs. - Includes consideration of foraminiferal faunas.

Stock number: 1548.

 11.00 (approx. $US 12.96 )Add To Cart

Bang Hofman, N., 1823.
Om Confervernes Nytte i Naturens Husholdning.

Imprint: Danske Vid. Selsk. Phys. Skr., 2:
Binding: Hardback

pp. 207-220, 4 figs. coloured by hand on 1 engraved plate. 4to, 23cm. Plain new wrs. of hand-made paper, uncut.

Stock number: 2757.

 20.00 (approx. $US 23.57 )Add To Cart

BANGE, P. (e.a., redf.).
De doorwerkng van de Moderne Devotie. Windesheim 1387-1987. Voordrachten gehouden tijdens het Windesheim Symposium Zwolle/Windesheim 15-17 oktober 1987.

Imprint: Hilversum: Verloren, 1988.
Binding: Hardback

8vo, 23,8cm. 320 blz., noten & refs. Ingen., bedrukte omslag. Als nieuw.

Stock number: 18117.

 25.00 (approx. $US 29.47 )Add To Cart

Cornelis Engelbrechtsz.'s Leiden. Studies in cultural history.

Imprint: Assen: Van Gorcum, 1979.
Binding: Hardback

Square 4to, 24.7cm. Pp. xii,259, 97 photos (many full-page), notes, refs., indexes. Orig. cloth in dust-jacket. Small repair to top of spine of jacket, very good otherwise.

Stock number: 6492.

 20.00 (approx. $US 23.57 )Add To Cart

Banner, F.T., Simmons, M.D., & Whittaker, J.E., 1991.
The Mesozoic Chrysalinidae (Foraminifera, Testulariacea) of the Middle East: the Redmond (Aramco) taxa and their relatives.

Imprint: Bull. Brit. Mus. (Nat. Hist.), Geol., 67(2):
Binding: Hardback

pp. 101-152, 106 illustr. (mostly large microphotos), refs. 4to. Plain new wrappers.

Stock number: 17363.

 16.00 (approx. $US 18.86 )Add To Cart

Bannink, D.D., 1948.
Een monografie van het genus Operculina d'Orbigny 1826.

Imprint: Leiden 1948.
Binding: Hardback

Large 8vo. Pp. viii,160, 183 figs. on 19 photogr. plates (loosely inserted), 14 text illustr., 13 separate large folding tables, bibliogr. Orig. printed wrappers. - Doctoral thesis, University of Leiden. Includes a large bibliography of 592 titles.

Stock number: 17364.

 25.00 (approx. $US 29.47 )Add To Cart

Antologia geopolitica de Bolovia. [Enciclopedia Boliviana.]

Imprint: La Paz - Cochabamba: Ediciones Los Amigos del Libro, 1978.
Binding: Hardback

Small 8vo, 18.4cm. Pp. 389,[3], 9 sketch maps. Paperbound, orig. decor. stiff wrappers. Fine.

Stock number: 13166.

 20.00 (approx. $US 23.57 )Add To Cart

BARBARESI, Raffaello (editor), et al.
Chianti. Places, wines and culture with tourist itineraries. [Guide to European Territories.]

Imprint: Tavernerio (Como): Edizioni Grafica Comense, 1990.
Binding: Hardback

8vo, 23.8cm. Pp. 333, very numerous photos and itinerary maps throughout (all in colour), indices. Paperbound, pict. stiff wrappers. Like new, seems unused.

Stock number: 18076.

 25.00 (approx. $US 29.47 )Add To Cart

BARBÉ, Jean-Maurice
Tous les prénoms. [Guides Gisserot.]

Imprint: Paris: Editions Jean-Paul Gisserot, 1994.
Binding: Hardback

Large 8vo, 24cm. Pp. 506,[2]. Orig. pictorial laminated boards, Fine.

Stock number: 6598.

 26.00 (approx. $US 30.64 )Add To Cart

BARBER, C.A., 1907.
Studies in root parasitism. III. The haustorium of Olax scandens. [Mem. Dept. Agric. India, Bot. Ser., 2(4).]

Imprint: Pusa 1907.
Binding: Hardback

8vo. Pp. [ii],47, 12 plates, refs. Orig. printed wrappers. - One of the author's pioneering papers on the subject. Very scarce.

Stock number: 13737.

 20.00 (approx. $US 23.57 )Add To Cart

BARBER, C.A., 1908.
Studies in root parasites. IV. The Haustorium of Cansjera rheedi. [Mem. Dept. Agric. India, Bot. Ser., 2(59).]

Imprint: Pusa, 1908.
Binding: Hardback

8vo. Pp. [ii],36,[24], 11 plates, refs. Orig. printed wrappers. - One of the author's pioneer studies on the subject. Very scarce.

Stock number: 13735.

 20.00 (approx. $US 23.57 )Add To Cart

Barbieri, F., & Medioli, F., 1969.
Calcareous nannoplankton from the Upper Cretaceous of Southern Saskatchewan (Canada).

Imprint: Riv. Ital. Paleont., 75(4):

pp. 725-758, several microphotos on 8 pls., refs. Plain new wrs.

Stock number: 3533.

 7.00 (approx. $US 8.25 )Add To Cart

Barbieri, L., 1938.
La scoperta dell'elettricità animale nella correspondenza inedita fra Luigi Galvani e Lazzaro Spallanzani, con due lettere di Mariano Fontana e Bartolomeo Ferrari.

Imprint: Bologna
Binding: Hardback

8vo. Pp. 31. Orig. printed wrs. - "Estratto dagli Atti e Memorie della R.Deputazione di Storia Patria per l'Emilia la Romagna vol. III."

Stock number: 8635.

 5.00 (approx. $US 5.89 )Add To Cart

Barbieri, F., & Zanzucchi, G., 1963.
La stratigrafia della Valle di Roccaferrara (Appennino Parmense). (Contributio alla geologia dell'Appennino Emiliano, Nota II.)

Imprint: *Atti Soc. Sci. Nat. Milano, 102(2):
Binding: Hardback

pp. [ii],156-210, 17 pls. (mostly of photos of thin sections), 1 fold. pl. of profiles, 1 fold. tab., 10 illus. in text, refs. 8vo. Offprint, orig. wrs.

Stock number: 3901.

 16.00 (approx. $US 18.86 )Add To Cart

Barbour, G.B., 1929.
The geology of the Kalgan area. [Mem. Geol. Surc. China, Ser. A, 6.]

Imprint: Peking 1929.
Binding: Hardback

4to, 26.3cm. Pp. xii,148,[10], frontisp. (folding panorama drawing), 1 fold. geol. reconnaissance map, 1 fold. plate of sections, 1 other fold. map,, 20 microphotos of rock samples on 3 plates, 11 plates of other photos and drawings, 34 illustr. in text, bibliogr. Paperbound, orig. prnted wrappers. Good.

Stock number: 16859.

 30.00 (approx. $US 35.36 )Add To Cart

BARDSLEY, Samuel Argent (1764-1851).
Miscellaneous observations on Canine and Spontaneous Hydrophobia: to which is prefixed, the History of a Case of Hydrophobia, occurring twelve Years after the Bite of a supposed Mad Dog.

Imprint: [Printed in:] Memoirs of the Literary and Philosophical Society of Manchester. Vol. IV. Part II. Manchester: printed for Cadell Jun. and Davies, in the Strand, London, 1796.
Binding: Hardback

8vo, 21.8cm. Pp. 431-488 (whole volume: pp. viii,273-653,[3], 6 plates). Contemp. cloth, printed title label to backstrip, top edges uncut. Very good. - Classic paper on hydrophobia or rabies, by an early specialist on the subject. The author was Physician to the Manchester Infirmary.

Stock number: 1246.

 95.00 (approx. $US 111.97 )Add To Cart

Bare, J.E., & McGregor, R.L., 1970.
An introduction to the phytogeography of Kansas.

Imprint: Univ. Kansas Sci. Bull., 48(26):

pp. 869-948, 45 distrib. maps, bibliogr. Offprint, orig. printed wrappers. Very good.

Stock number: 16608.

 10.00 (approx. $US 11.79 )Add To Cart

[ Baren, J. van ]
Catalogus der geologische en agro-geologische verzamelingen van de Landbouwhogeschool te Wageningen. [Meded. Landbouwhogesch., 27(8).]

Imprint: Wageningen: H. Veenman, 1924.
Binding: Hardback

8vo. Pp. x,152. Orig. printed wrappers.

Stock number: 9950.

 15.00 (approx. $US 17.68 )Add To Cart

Baren, J. van, 1920-1927.
De bodem van Nederland.

Imprint: Amsterdam: S.L. van Looy, 1920-1927.
Binding: Hardback

2 delen. Deel 1: blz. 1-448, 1 portret (W.C.H. Staring), 54 platen en kaarten (ged. uitvouwbaar), 22 fig. in tekst; deel 2: blz. XVI,449-1365, 71 platen, 2 fig., 23 tabellen,, noten, registers. Geb., orig. linnen banden met vergulde rugtitel. Uitstekend exemplaar.

Stock number: 17721.

 25.00 (approx. $US 29.47 )Add To Cart

Baren, J. van, 1910.
De morfologische bouw van het Diluvium ten oosten van den IJsel. I.-II.

Imprint: Leiden: E.J. Brill.
Binding: Hardback

8vo. 92,[2] blz., 1 uitvouwb. kaart, 4 foto's op 2 platen, 10 fig., noten. Ingen., orig. omslag, onafgesn. - Overdruk uit Tijdschr. Kon. Nederl. Aardrijksk. Gen., 2e Serie, deel 27.

Stock number: 11258.

 15.00 (approx. $US 17.68 )Add To Cart

Baren, J. van, 1927.
Düne und Moor bei Vogelenzang. Beitrag zur Frage der quartären Niveau-Veränderungen as der holländischen Westküste. [Mitt. Geol. Inst. Landb. Wageningen, XI.]

Imprint: Wageningen: H. Veenman, 1927.

Oktav, 24cm. [II],39,[7] S., 10 Fototaf., 1 Kärtchen. Orig.-Broschur. Sehr gut.

Stock number: 17898.

 10.00 (approx. $US 11.79 )Add To Cart

Barkman, J.J., 1963.
De epifyten-flora en -vegetatie van Midden-Limburg (België). [Verh. Kon. Nederl. Akad. Wet., Afd. Nat., 2e R., 54(4).]

Imprint: Amsterdam.
Binding: Hardback

Large 8vo. Pp. 44,[2], 1 fold. col. map, 8 full-page maps in text, 4 tabs., refs. Orig. wrs.

Stock number: 2759.

 10.00 (approx. $US 11.79 )Add To Cart

Barkpudah, Y.I.,, 1962.
A revision of Gypsophila, Bolanthus, Ankyropetalum, and Phryna.

Imprint: Amsterdam.
Binding: Hardback

8vo. Pp. xii,203, numerous drawings on 19 pls. in text, bibl., indexes. Orig. wrs. - Thesis. University of Utrecht.

Stock number: 5840.

 18.00 (approx. $US 21.21 )Add To Cart

Barlow, James A. (editor).
Prioceedings of the First I.C. White Memorial Symposium "The Age of the Dunkard", September 25-29, 1972.

Imprint: Morgantown, West Virginia: West Virginia Geological Survey, 1975.
Binding: Hardback

4to. Pp. xviii,352, several illus., in text, few plates, refs. Orig. cloth. - Coal Measures of the Dunkard Basin, West Virginia. - Heavy volume, additional postage required.

Stock number: 8451.

 47.50 (approx. $US 55.98 )Add To Cart

Barnard, K.H., 1940.
Additional records, and descriptions of new species of South African alder-flies (Megaloptera), may-flies (Ephemeroptera), caddis-flies (Trichoptera), stone-flies (Perlaria), and dragon-flies (Odonata).

Imprint: Ann. S. Afr. Mus., 32(6):

pp. 609-661, several drawings in 19 figs. Plain new wrappers.

Stock number: 9064.

 10.00 (approx. $US 11.79 )Add To Cart

Barnard, J.L., 1967.
Bathyal and abyssal gamaridean amphipoda of Cedros Tranch, Baja California. [U.S. Natl. Mus. Bull., 26.]

Imprint: Washington.

Pp. vi,205, numerous drawings in 92 large figs., refs., index. Orig. wrs.

Stock number: 5068.

 17.00 (approx. $US 20.04 )Add To Cart

Barnard, J.L., 1969.
Gammaridean amphipoda of the rocky intertidal of California: Monterey Bay to La Jolla. [U.S. Natl. Mus. Bull., 258.]

Imprint: Washington.

Pp. x,230, numerous drawings in 65 figs., refs. Orig. wrs.

Stock number: 5069.

 17.00 (approx. $US 20.04 )Add To Cart

Barnard, C.J., editor, 1989.
Kin recognition in vertebrates. International Conference on "Evolution and Ecology of Docial Behavior " (Florence, Italy, 19-24 March 1988). Proceedings of Round Table Discussion.

Imprint: Ethol. Ecol. Evol., 1(1):

pp. 81-133, figs., refs. Journal issue stiff paper wrappers. Very good.

Stock number: 15772.

 8.00 (approx. $US 9.43 )Add To Cart

Barnard, J.L., 1965.
Marine amphipoda of atolls in Micronesia.

Imprint: Proc. U.S. Natl. Mus., 117:

pp. 459-551, 34 figs., refs. Offprint, orig. wrs.

Stock number: 5067.

 10.00 (approx. $US 11.79 )Add To Cart

BARNARD, John Gross (1815-1882).
On the internal structure of the Earth considered as affecting the phenomena of precession and nutation [...]. [Smithson. Contrib. Knowl., 310.]

Imprint: Washington: The Smithsonian Institution, 1878.
Binding: Hardback

4to. Pp. iv,16, 2 figs., refs. & notes. Plain new wrappers.

Stock number: 15335.

 20.00 (approx. $US 23.57 )Add To Cart

BARNARD, J. Edwin.
Practical photo-micrography.

Imprint: London: Edward Arnold, 1911.
Binding: Hardback

8vo, 21.4cm. Pp.xii,322, 10 photogr. plates, 78 figs. of apparatus, index. Hardbound, orig. cloth. Fading to backstrip, contents fine. - [gkt.15873]

Stock number: 17757.

 40.00 (approx. $US 47.14 )Add To Cart

BARNARD, J. Edwin.
Practical photo-micrography.

Imprint: London: Edward Arnold, 1911.
Edition: First Edition
Binding: Hardback

8vo, 21.3cm. Pp. xii,322, many microphotos on 10 plates, 74 figs. in text (some full-page) and on 4 plates, refs., appendices, bibliogr., index. Hardbound, orig. cloth. Superficial traces of use to binding, contents fine. - First edition.

Stock number: 18013.

 30.00 (approx. $US 35.36 )Add To Cart

Problems of rotary motion presented by the gyroscope, the precession of the equinoxes, and the pendulum. [Smithson. Contr. Knowl., 240.]

Imprint: Washington 1871.
Binding: Hardback

Large 4to, 31.8cm. Pp. iv,52, notes. Paperbound, plain new wrappers. Fine.

Stock number: 17372.

 35.00 (approx. $US 41.25 )Add To Cart

Barnard, K.H., 1934.
South African stone-flies (Perlaria) [Neuoptera], with descriptions of enw species.

Imprint: Ann. S. Afr. Mus., 30(4):
Binding: Hardback

pp. 511-548, several drawings in 21 figs. Large 8vo. Plain new wrappers.

Stock number: 8920.

 7.50 (approx. $US 8.84 )Add To Cart

Barnard, J.L., 1966.
Submarine canyons of Southern California. Part V. Systematics: Amphipoda. [Allan Hancock Pacific Expeditions, 27(5).]

Imprint: Los Angeles: Southern California University Press, 1966.
Binding: Hardback

8vo, 22.5cm. Pp. vi,166, numerous drawings in 45 full-page figs., 10 graphs, 21 tabs., index. Paperbound, plain new wrappers. Fine.

Stock number: 15007.

 23.00 (approx. $US 27.11 )Add To Cart

Barnes, C.R., Sass, D.B., & Poplawski, M.L.S/. 1973.
Conodont ultrastructure: the family Penderodontidae. [Life Sci. Contr. Roy. Ontario Mus., 90.]

Imprint: Ottawa.
Binding: Hardback

8vo. Pp. [ii],36, several large photos on 11 pls.,r efs. Orig. wrs.

Stock number: 3535.

 7.00 (approx. $US 8.25 )Add To Cart

Barnes, H., & Barnes, M., 1962.
The distribution and general ecology of Balanus balanoides together with some observations on the Balanus improvisus in the waters around the coasts of Denmark, Southern Sweden, and North-East Germany. [Lunds Univ. Årsske., N.F., Avd. 2, 58(8).]

Imprint: Lund.
Binding: Hardback

Small 4to. Pp. 41, 5 maps in text, refs. Orig. wrs., uncut.

Stock number: 5070.

 9.00 (approx. $US 10.61 )Add To Cart

Sobre a roteiro de sofala do piloto Arabe Hamad Ibn-Hadjid. [Trab. Inst. Invest. Cient. Moçambique, 25.]

Imprint: Lourenço Marques 1971.
Binding: Hardback

8vo, 23cm. Pp. 44, 4 plates (1 folding) incl. maps. Paperbound, orig. printed stiff wrappers. Fine.

Stock number: 16571.

 10.00 (approx. $US 11.79 )Add To Cart

Barrande, J., 1870.
Défense des colonies. IV.

Imprint: Prague & Paris: chez l'auteur et l'éditeur.
Binding: Hardback

8vo. Pp. 186, several tabs. in text, 1 col. map and 4 sections on 1 fold. leaf. Orig. printed wrs., uncut. Spine neatly mended. - Contents: I. Description de la colonie d'Archiac. II. Paix aux colonies. Déclarations de M.M. Krejci et Lipold. III. Caractères généraux des colonies, dans le bassin silurien de la Bohème.

Stock number: 3537.

 50.00 (approx. $US 58.93 )Add To Cart

Barrande, J., 1870.
Distribution des céphalopodes dans les contrées Siluriennes. Extrait du Syst. Silur. du Centre de la Bohême, Vol. II.

Imprint: Prague & Paris: chez l'auteur et édieur, 1870.
Binding: Hardback

8vo. Pp. xviii,480, tabs. in text. Plain new wrappers, uncut, printed title label to backstrip.

Stock number: 1549.

 75.00 (approx. $US 88.40 )Add To Cart

Barrell, J., 1925.
Marine and terrestrial conglomerates.

Imprint: Bull. Geol. Soc. Amer., 36:

pp. 279-342, 6 figs., notes & refs. Offprint, orig. wrs.

Stock number: 7724.

 9.00 (approx. $US 10.61 )Add To Cart
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