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COLMEIRO [Y PENIDO], Miguel (1816-1901).
Genistas y antilideas de España y Portugal.

Imprint: An. Soc. Españ. Hist. Nat., 1 (1872):
Binding: Hardback

pp. 1-90. 8vo. Old plain wrappers..

Stock number: 5852.

 20.00 (approx. $US 23.57 )Add To Cart

Colom, G., 1954.
Estudio de las biozonas con foraminiferos del Terciario de Alicante. [Bol. Inst. Geol. Miner. Espana, 66(1).]

Imprint: Madrid 1954.
Binding: Hardback

8vo, 23cm. Pp. 279, very numerous figs. of foraminifera on 35 plates, 4 large fold. diagrams, 16 figs. Paperbound, plain new wrappers. Very good.

Stock number: 18082.

 30.00 (approx. $US 35.36 )Add To Cart

Colóm, G., 1946.
Introducción al estudio de los microforaminiferos fósiles.

Imprint: Madrid: CSIC.
Binding: Hardback

8vo, 24cm. Pp. 376, many figs. on 26 pls., 21 figs. in text, bibl., index. Orig. wrs.

Stock number: 4811.

 25.00 (approx. $US 29.47 )Add To Cart

Colom Casanovas, G., 1969.
Kitomicrofacies de los terrenos secundários de España. [Mem. R. Acad. Cienc. Artes Barcelona, 39(11).]

Imprint: Barcelona.
Binding: Hardback

4to. Pp. 139, many microphotos on 104 pls. in text, 4 sketch maps. Orig. wrs.

Stock number: 2048.

 25.00 (approx. $US 29.47 )Add To Cart

Colóm, G., 1945.
Los foraminíferos de "concha arenácea" de las margas Burdigalenses de Mallorca. / Estudio prelliminar de la microfauna de foraminíferos de las margas Eocenas y Oligocenas de Navarra.

Imprint: Estud. Geol., 2:

pp. 3-34;35-84, 350 figs. on 19 pls. Wrs.

Stock number: 4812.

 17.00 (approx. $US 20.04 )Add To Cart

COMENIUS, Johannes Amos.
Via lucis. De weg van het licht. [Pimander, 3.]

Imprint: Amsterdam: In de Pelikaan, 1992.
Binding: Hardback

8vo, 25cm. 184 blz., frontisp., noten. Geb., linnen band met stofomslag. In nieuwstaat. - Met inleiding door Carlos Gilly.

Stock number: 17690.

 15.00 (approx. $US 17.68 )Add To Cart

COMES, Peter, & GOETHE,Friedrich.
Die ornitho-ökologischen Verháltnisse im Seevogelschützgebiete Schaarhörn und im Scharhorn-Neuwerk-Watt. [Hamburg. Küstenforsdh., 38.]

Imprint: Hamburg; Behörde für Wirtschaft &c., 1978.

Quart. 109 S., 36 Fotos, Karten und Daigr., 2 Tabelle. Orig.-Umschlag.

Stock number: 9996.

 18.00 (approx. $US 21.21 )Add To Cart

Materialien zur Geognosie Oberösterreichs. Ein Beitrag für die Landeskunde in Einzeldarstellungen. Sonderdruck aus dem 59. Jahrberichte des Museums Francisco Carolinum. [Landeskunde in Einzeldarstellungen, Heft 2.]

Imprint: Linz: J. Wimmer, 1900.

Oktav, 24.5cm. IV,252 S., 1 gefalt. Taf., 2 gefalt. Tab., Noten, Register. Orig.-Brosch. Ecken sehr leicht bestossen, sonst gut.

Stock number: 12725.

 20.00 (approx. $US 23.57 )Add To Cart

Compagnoni, B., & Conato, V., 1969.
Il Quaternario ad "Arctica islandica" a No di Anzio (Roma).

Imprint: Boll. Serv. Geol. Italia, 90:

pp. 39-60, 660 photos of nollusca and 26 photos of foraminifera on 8 plates, 1 sketch map and 4 photos in text, tables. Extract, plain new wrappers.

Stock number: 13864.

 7.50 (approx. $US 8.84 )Add To Cart

Van wijsheid dot schoonheid. Dialoog over tien actuele kwesties. Nederlandse vertaling: Theo Buckinx.

Imprint: Rotterdam: Lemniscaat, 2000.

8vo, 23.3cm. 568 blz., noten & refs. Paperback, orig. geïllustr. omslag. Ongelezen ex., stempeltje op schutblad, ,overigens als nieuw.

Stock number: 15836.

 15.00 (approx. $US 17.68 )Add To Cart

Conci, C., 1974.
Guida del Museo Civico di Stodie Naturale di Milano. V edizione.

Imprint: Milano 1974.
Binding: Hardback

Small 8vo, 16.7cm. Pp. 140, 12 colour plates, black & white photos intext, bibliogr. Paperbound, orig. pictorial wrappers. Fine.

Stock number: 17789.

 15.00 (approx. $US 17.68 )Add To Cart

CONCI, Cesare.
Il centenario di Giorgio Jan (1791-1866) e la fondazione ed il primo sviluppo del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Milano.

Imprint: Atti Soc. Ital. Sci. Nat. & Mus. Civ. St. Nat. Milano, 106 (1967):

pp. 5-94, several portraits, photos and facsimiles, refs. Journal issue, orig. wrappers.

Stock number: 13073.

 15.00 (approx. $US 17.68 )Add To Cart

CONDÉ, R., 1955.
Matériaux pour une monographie des Diploures Campodéidés. [Mém. Mus. Natl. Hist. Nat., S.S., Sér. A, Zool., 12.]

Imprint: Paris.
Binding: Hardback

Large 8vo. Pp. 202, numerous drawings in 34 figs., bibliogr. Orig. wrappers.

Stock number: 10405.

 25.00 (approx. $US 29.47 )Add To Cart

Congrès pour lÁvancement des Etudes, de la Stratigraphie et de Géologie du Carbonifère, 4ème
Heerlen, 15-20 septembre 1958. Compte rendu.

Imprint: Maastricht, 1960-1962.
Binding: Hardback

4to. Total of pp. lxxviii,802, many photos on 33 pls., 16 fold. tabs. in pockets, numerous illus. in text, refs. In three volumes as issued, orig. quarter cloth.

Stock number: 1154.

 75.00 (approx. $US 88.40 )Add To Cart

Coni, J.C., 1961.
O rapakivi Lavras; jazigas metaliferas associadas, Lavras do Sul, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil. [Bol. Esc. Geol. P. Alegre 7.]

Imprint: Porto Alegre 1961.
Binding: Hardback

8vo. Pp. 107, 12 figs., 35 diagrs., maps and plates incl. 26 microphotos of rock samples. Orig. wrappers.

Stock number: 10982.

 15.00 (approx. $US 17.68 )Add To Cart

CONIN, Liliana, & ZANOTTO, Piero.
Umoristi a Marostica. Rassegna Internazionale di Umoristica.

Imprint: Marostica: Gruppo Grafico Marosticense, 2003.
Binding: Hardback

Square 8vo, 21.8cm. Pp. [94] printed on fine thick drawing paper, 75 full-page cartoons (some in colour). Hardbound, laminated boards in pictorial dust-jacket. Fine new copy. - All text in Italian and English.

Stock number: 8922.

 30.00 (approx. $US 35.36 )Add To Cart

Conn, B.J., 1984.
A taxonomic revision of Prostanthera Labill. section Klanderia (F. v. Muell.) Benth. (Labiatae).

Imprint: Jour. Adelaide Bot. Gard., 6(3):

pp. 207-348, 79 figs. and distrib. maps, index. Journal issue, orig. wrs.

Stock number: 5853.

 20.00 (approx. $US 23.57 )Add To Cart

CONNAN, Jacques, 1987.
Regard sur la géochimie organique pétropière d'aujourd'hui.

Imprint: Bull. Centres Rech. Explor.-Prod. Elf-Aquitaine, 11(2):

pp. 181-219, many diagrs. (partly coloured), refs. Plain new wrs.

Stock number: 2409.

 9.00 (approx. $US 10.61 )Add To Cart

CONRAD, Georges.
L' évolution continentale post-hercynienne du Sahara algérien (Saoura, Erg Chech-Tanezrouft, Ahnet-Mouydir). [Centre Rech. Zones Arides, Géol., 10.]

Imprint: Paris: CNRS, 1969.
Binding: Hardback

4to. Pp. 527, 7 maps, 11 plates, 276 figs. and tabs., 2 fold. plates of sections, 6 fold. col. geol. maps in pocket, bibl., indices. Paperbound, orig. wrappers.

Stock number: 9602.

 42.50 (approx. $US 50.09 )Add To Cart

Sur la faune et la flore d'un ruisseau de l'Ardenne belge. [Mém. Mus. Roy. Hist. Nat. Belg., 99.]

Imprint: Bruxelles 1942.
Binding: Hardback

Folio. Pp. 177,[5], 18 photos on 2 plates, 21 diagrs., bibliogr., index of species. Orig. printed wrappers, uncut. Wear to ends of spine, contents very good.

Stock number: 12187.

 15.00 (approx. $US 17.68 )Add To Cart

Constance, L., 1941.
The genus Nemophila Nutt.

Imprint: Univ. Calif. Publ. Bot., 19(10):
Binding: Hardback

pp. 341-398, many drawings in 18 figs., 6 distrib. maps, bibl. Large 8vo. Offprint, orig. wrs.

Stock number: 5854.

 10.00 (approx. $US 11.79 )Add To Cart

Conte, G., 1989.
Fossiles du plateau d'Albion. [Alpes de Lumière, 99.]

Imprint: Forcalquier: Alpes de Lumière, 1989.
Binding: Hardback

8vo, 21cm. Pp. 72, many photos, some figs., bibliogr. Orig. pict. stiff wrappers. Fine.

Stock number: 12327.

 10.00 (approx. $US 11.79 )Add To Cart

CONTEJEAN, Charles [Louis] (Montbéliard 1824 - Paris 1907).
Esquisse d'une description physique et géologique de l'arrondissement de Montbéliard. Extrait des Mémoires de la Société d'emulation de Montbéliard.

Imprint: Paris: J. Rothschild, 1862.
Binding: Hardback

8vo, 24.8cm. Pp. 92,[2], 1 fold. map, 2 fold. plates of sections. Plain new wrappers, printed part of original covers mounted. Some age marking but a good and clean copy yet.

Stock number: 8769.

 50.00 (approx. $US 58.93 )Add To Cart

Conti, S., 1964.
Rassegna casistica delle ofioliti italiane. I. Petrogenesi e classificazione delle serpentiniti.

Imprint: Atti Ist. Geol. Univ. Genova, 2(1):

pp. 1-95, many photos on 50 pls. Orig. wrs.

Stock number: 4133.

 18.00 (approx. $US 21.21 )Add To Cart

Coo, J.C.M. de, 1974.
Lithostratigraphy of the Devonian Santa Lucía Limestones in León, Spain.

Imprint: Leiden.
Binding: Hardback

8vo. Pp. 87, 32 photos on 16 plates, 4 fold. coloured correlation diagrams loosely inserted, ,figs., bibliogr. Orig. printed wrappers. - Doctoral thesis.

Stock number: 15086.

 15.00 (approx. $US 17.68 )Add To Cart

Cook, O.F., 1899.
African Diplopoda of the family Gomphodesmidae.

Imprint: Proc. U.S. Natl. Mus., 21:

pp. [ii],677-739, 7 pls. Offprint, orig. wrs.

Stock number: 5179.

 10.00 (approx. $US 11.79 )Add To Cart

Cook, E.T. (editor), 1905.
Carnations, picotees, and the wild and garden pinks. Written by several authorities and edited by E.T. Cook.

Imprint: London: Country Life / George Newnes, 1905.
Binding: Hardback

Large 8vo. Pp. xii,162, 30 photogr. plates (incl. frontisp.), index. Hardbound, orig. cloth. Some foxing in text, good otherwise.

Stock number: 15804.

 25.00 (approx. $US 29.47 )Add To Cart

Cook, H.J., & Cook, M.C., 1933.
Faunal lists of the Tertiary vertebrata of Nebraska and adjacent areas. [Nebraska Geol. Surv. Pap., 5.]

Imprint: [Lincoln, Neb.]
Binding: Hardback

8vo. Pp. 58, refs. Orig. wrs.

Stock number: 9371.

 7.50 (approx. $US 8.84 )Add To Cart

Cook, P.L., 1973.
Preliminary notes on the ontogeny of the frontal body wall in the Adenonidae and Adeonellidae (Bryozoa, Cheilostomata).

Imprint: *Bull. Brit. Mus. (Nat. Hist.), Zool., 25(6):

pp. 243-263, 18 photos on 3 pls., refs. Orig. wrs.

Stock number: 4897.

 8.00 (approx. $US 9.43 )Add To Cart

Cook, P.L., & Lagaaij, R., 1976.
Some Tertiary and Recent conescharelliniform Bryozoa.

Imprint: Bull. Brit. Mus. (Nat. Hist.), Zool., 29(6):

pp. 317-376, 8 plates. 3 maps, 7 figs., refs. Orig. wrappers.

Stock number: 12889.

 11.00 (approx. $US 12.96 )Add To Cart

COOK, J. Thomas.
Spinoza's Ethics. A Reader's Guide.

Imprint: London: Continuum. 2007.
Binding: Hardback

8vo, 21.4cm. Pp. x,174, bibliogr. Paperbound, pictorial stiff wrappers. Fine unread copy.

Stock number: 17611.

 15.00 (approx. $US 17.68 )Add To Cart

Cook, P.L., 1977.
The genus Tremogasterina Canu (Bryozoa, Cheilostomata).

Imprint: *Bull. Brit. Mus. (Nat. Hist.), Zool., 32(5):

pp. 103-165, 8 pls., 2 maps, 8 figs., refs. Orig. wrs.

Stock number: 4898.

 12.00 (approx. $US 14.14 )Add To Cart

Cook, D.R., 1966.
The water mites of Liberia. [Mem. Amer. Ent. Inst., 6.]

Imprint: Ann Arbor; Michigan: American Entomological Institute, 1966.
Binding: Hardback

8vo, 22.7cm. .Pp. vi,418. 922 figs., index. Hardbound, orig. cloth. Fine

Stock number: 14297.

 45.00 (approx. $US 53.04 )Add To Cart

Cools, J.M.A., 1989.
Atlas van de Noordbrabantse flora. [Natuurhist. Bibl. KNNV. 51.]

Imprint: Tilburg: Stichting Uitgeverij KNNV, 1989.
Binding: Hardback

8vo, 24.5cm. 371 blz., enige foto's, talr. verspreidingskaartjes, bibliogr. Geb., geïllustr. kart. band. Naam op schutblad, overigens als nieuw.

Stock number: 18167.

 15.00 (approx. $US 17.68 )Add To Cart

Coomans, H.E., 1989.
Antillean seashells. The 19th century watercolours of Caribbean molluscs painted by Hendrik van Rijgersma.

Imprint: Zutphen: Walburg Pers.
Binding: Hardback

8vo. Pp. 192, frontisp. portrait, 74 colour plates, 6 figs., bibliogr., index.Orig. boards in dust-jacket. Fine.

Stock number: 10568.

 15.00 (approx. $US 17.68 )Add To Cart

COOMANS-EUSTATIA, Maritz, COOMANS, Henry E., & LEE, To van der.
Breekbare banden. Feiten en visies over Aruba, Bonaire en Curaçao na de Vrede van Munster 1648-1998. Met medewerking van Johan van 't Leven, vormgeving.

Imprint: Bloemendaal: Stichting Libri Antilliani, 1998.
Binding: Hardback

4to, 29.8cm. 275 blz., frontisp., talr. illustr. in tekst (sommige in kleur). Geb., linnen band met geïllustr. stofomslag. In nieuwstaat.

Stock number: 17684.

 30.00 (approx. $US 35.36 )Add To Cart

Coomans, H.E., & Coomans-Eustatia, M., 1988.
Flowers from St. Martin. The 19th century watercolours of Westindian plans painted by Hendrik van Rijgersma.

Imprint: Zutphen: Walburg Pers, 1988.
Binding: Hardback

8vo. Pp. 159, frontisp. portr., 58 coloured plates, 5 illustr. in text, bibliogr., index. Hardbound, with pict. dust-jacket. Fine, as new.

Stock number: 16271.

 20.00 (approx. $US 23.57 )Add To Cart

Coomans, H.E., 1974.
Life and malacological work of Hendrik Elingsz Rijgersma (1835-1877), a Dutch physician and scientist on St. Martin, Netherlands Antilles.

Imprint: Amsterdam.
Binding: Hardback

4to. Pp. [iv],115-214, 1 portrait, 25 illustr. In text, bibliogr. Orig. printed wrappers. Faint trace of use but a good copy yet. - Doctoral thesis. Printed separately from Bijdragen tot de Dierkunde, vol. 44.

Stock number: 10795.

 15.00 (approx. $US 17.68 )Add To Cart

Coombs, W.P., Jun., 1978.
The families of the ornithischian dinosaur order Ankylosauria.

Imprint: Palaeontology, 21(1):

pp. 143-170, 2 plates, 17 figds., refs. Plain new wrappers.

Stock number: 14805.

 6.00 (approx. $US 7.07 )Add To Cart

Beauty of Bath.

Imprint: Zaltbommel/Netherlands: European Library, 1986.
Binding: Hardback

8vo, 20.4cm. Pp. 78, 8 full-page drawings by author. Orig. boards. Fine, as new.

Stock number: 7554.

 10.00 (approx. $US 11.79 )Add To Cart

Cooper, M., 1958.
Bibliography and index of literature on uranium and thorium and radioactive occurrences in the United States. Part 5: Connecticut [through] Wisconsin. [Geol. Soc. Amer. Spec. Pap., 67.]

Imprint: New York.
Binding: Hardback

8vo. Pp. vi,472, indexes. Orig. wrs.

Stock number: 5382.

 18.00 (approx. $US 21.21 )Add To Cart

Cooper, R.P., 1966.
Birds of a salt-field.

Imprint: Melbourne: Imperial Chemical Industries.
Binding: Hardback

8vo. Pp. viii,62,[6], coloured frontisp., 49 photos (some col.), index. Orig. stiff pictorial wrappers. Fine.

Stock number: 10684.

 9.00 (approx. $US 10.61 )Add To Cart

Cooper, G.A., (et al.), 1954.
Geologia y paleontologia de la region de Caborca, Norponiente de Sonora. Parte I. Paleontologia y estratigrafia del Cambrico de Caborca. [Bol. Inst. Geol. Univ. Aut. Mexico, 53.]

Imprint: México.
Binding: Hardback

8vo. Pp. xiv,258, many illus. on 31 pls., 2 maps, 2 tabs., figs. in text, refs., index. Orig. wrs.

Stock number: 3877.

 24.00 (approx. $US 28.29 )Add To Cart

Cooper, G.A., 1982.
New brachiopods from the Southern Hemisphere and Cryptopora from Oregon (Recent). [Smithson. Contr. Paleobiol., 41.]

Imprint: Washington.
Binding: Hardback

4to. Pp. iv,43, 206 phoyos on 7 plates, 1 sketch map, bibliogr. Orig. stiff wrs. Spine mended, fine otherwise.

Stock number: 14796.

 10.00 (approx. $US 11.79 )Add To Cart

Cooper, G.A., et al., 1953.
Permian fauna at El Antimono, Western Sonora, Mexico.

Imprint: [Smithson. Misc. Coll., 119(2).] Washington.

Pp. iv,111, numerous photos of fossils on 25 pls., 1 fold. map, index. Orig. wrs. - Almost exclusively on brachiopods.

Stock number: 571.

 18.00 (approx. $US 21.21 )Add To Cart

Cooper, G.A., 1978.
Tertiary and Quaternary brachiopods from the Southwest Pacific.

Imprint: [Smithson. Contr. Paleobiol., 38.] Washington.
Binding: Hardback

4to. Pp. iv,23, many photos on 2 pls., 4 figs., r efs. Orig. wrs.

Stock number: 1611.

 8.00 (approx. $US 9.43 )Add To Cart

Cooper, G.A., 1979.
Tertiary and Cretaceous brachiopods from Cuba and the Caribbean. [Smithson. Contr. Paleobiol., 37.]

Imprint: Washington.
Binding: Hardback

4to. Pp. iv,45, 280 photos on 7 plates, 2 figs., refs. Orig. wrappers.

Stock number: 10088.

 12.50 (approx. $US 14.73 )Add To Cart

Cooper, R.A., & Stewart, I.R., 1979.
The Tremadoc graptolite sequence of Lancefield, Victoria.

Imprint: Palaeontology, 22(4):

pp. 767-979, 25 photos on 2 plates, several drawings in 8 figs., refs. Plain new wrappers.

Stock number: 16953.

 7.00 (approx. $US 8.25 )Add To Cart

Cope, E.D., 1889 (1963).
The Batrachia of North America.

Imprint: Ashton, Md.: Eric Lundberg.
Binding: Hardback

8vo. pp. 525, 86 pls., 119 figs., bibl., index. orig. cloth. - Unaltered reprint of original edition issued as No. 34 of "United States National Museum Bulletin".

Stock number: 5019.

 32.00 (approx. $US 37.72 )Add To Cart

Copeland, M.J., 1965.
Ordoviclan Ostracoda from Lake Timiskaming, Ontario.

Imprint: [Bull. Geol. Surv. Canada, 127.] Ottawa.
Binding: Hardback

8vo. Pp. x,52,[3], 236 photos on 11 pls., bibl., taxon. index. Orig. stiff wrs.

Stock number: 1614.

 13.00 (approx. $US 15.32 )Add To Cart
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