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Dale, T.N., et al., 1914.
Slate in the United States. [U.S. Geol. Surv. Bull., 586.]

Imprint: Washington
Binding: Hardback

8vo. Pp. 220, 26 pls. and maps, 17 figs., tabs., bibl. Orig. wrs. Spine mended, good otherwise.

Stock number: 5430.

 17.00 (approx. $US 20.04 )Add To Cart

DALEN, J.L. van.
De Groote Kerk (Onze Lieve Vrouwenkerk) te Dordrecht.

Imprint: Dordrecht: De Dordrechtsche Drukkerij en Uitgevers Maatschappij, 1927.
Binding: Hardback

Folio, 31.3cm. XVIII,309 blz., frontisp. portet van auteur, 1 uitvouwbare plattegrond, 78 illustr. op 53 platen. Geb., orig. linnen band met vergulde titel- en wapenopdruk op voorplat. Vrije schutbladen iets verkleurd, overigens uitstekend.

Stock number: 17286.

 45.00 (approx. $US 53.04 )Add To Cart

Dalimier, P., 1861.
Stratigraphie des terrains primaires dans la presq'île du Cotentin.

Imprint: Paris: L. Martinet.
Binding: Hardback

8vo. Pp. iv,140, 1 fold. col. geol. map, 2 fold. pls. of sections. Contemp. quarter morocco, marbled boards, orig. printed wrs. bound in. Very good. - With reference to paleontological matters.

Stock number: 4465.

 75.00 (approx. $US 88.40 )Add To Cart

Dall, W.H., 1920.
Annotated list of the recent Brachiopoda in the collection of the U.S. National Museum, with descriptions of thirty-three new forms.

Imprint: Proc. U.S. Natl. Mus., 57:

`p. 261-377, refs. Plain wrs. Foxing on first two pages, good otherwise.

Stock number: 5891.

 10.00 (approx. $US 11.79 )Add To Cart

Dall, W.H., 1916.
A contribution to the invertebrate fauna of the Oligocene beds of Flint River, Georgia.

Imprint: Proc. U.S. Natl. Mus., 51:

pp. 487-524, 6 plates of photos of molluscs. Plain new wrappers.

Stock number: 12199.

 9.00 (approx. $US 10.61 )Add To Cart

Dall, W.H., 1877.
Index to the names which have been applied to the subdivisions of the class Brachiopoda. [Bull. U.S. Natl. Mus., 8.]

Imprint: Washington.
Binding: Hardback

8vo. Pp. 88. Orig. printed wrappers. -- With references and annotations. Scarce.

Stock number: 10089.

 15.00 (approx. $US 17.68 )Add To Cart

Dall, W.H., 1885.
List of marine mollusca comprising the Quaternary fossils and recent forms from American localities between Cape Hetteras and Cape Roque, including the Bermudas.

Imprint: [U.S. Geol. Surv. Bull., 24.] Washington.
Binding: Hardback

8vo. Pp. 336, bibl. Orig. wrs.

Stock number: 1622.

 35.00 (approx. $US 41.25 )Add To Cart

Dall, W.H., 1910.
Report on a collection of shells from Peru, with a summary of the littoral marine mollusca of the Peruvian zoological province.

Imprint: Proc. U./S. Natl. Mus., 37:

pp. 147-294, several figs. on 9 plates. Plain new wrappers.

Stock number: 9960.

 20.00 (approx. $US 23.57 )Add To Cart

Dall, W.H., 192.
Summary of the marine shellbearing mollusks of the Northwest Coast of America, from San Diego, California, to the Polar Sea, mostly contained in the collection of the United States National Museum, with illustrations of hitherto unfigured species. [

Imprint: [U.S. Natl. Mus. Bull., 112.] Washington 1921..
Binding: Hardback

8vo. Pp. 217, many figs. and photos on 22 pls., index. New plain wrappers.

Stock number: 9961.

 20.00 (approx. $US 23.57 )Add To Cart

Dall, W.H., 1909.
The Miocene of Astoria and Coos Bay, Oregon. (Contributions to the Tertiary paleontology of the Pacific Coast. I.) [U.S. Geol. Surv. Prof. Pap., 59.]

Imprint: Washington.
Binding: Hardback

4to. Pp. 278, numerous photos of fossils (mostly molluscs) on 23 pls., 1 map, index. Old half cloth, marbled boards. Very good.

Stock number: 3905.

 30.00 (approx. $US 35.36 )Add To Cart

Der Palazzo und die Mafia. Die italienische Gesellschaft und die Ermordung des Präfekten Alberto Dalla Chiesa. Einleitung und Übersetzung von Werner Rait.

Imprint: Köln: Förtner und Kroemer, 1984.

Oktav, 20.6cm. 238 S. Brioschiert, illustr. Orig.-Umschlag. Tadellos, neuwertig.

Stock number: 18029.

 29.00 (approx. $US 34.18 )Add To Cart

Dalla Torre, K.W. von, 1901.
Die naturhistorischen Programmaufsätze der österreichischen Unterrichtsanstalten.

Imprint: Wien: A. Hölder, 1901.
Binding: Hardback

4to. Pp. 66. Orig. printed wrappers. - Listing in chronological order 1194 items with indices of subjects and authors.

Stock number: 13207.

 10.00 (approx. $US 11.79 )Add To Cart

Dalla Torre, C.G. de, & Harms, H., 1900-1907.
Genera Siphonogamarum ad systema Englerianum conscripta.

Imprint: Leipzig: W. Engelmann.
Binding: Hardback

4to. Pp. viii,921, index. Gilt-lettered cloth. New end-papers. - Rare original edition.

Stock number: 5857.

 90.00 (approx. $US 106.07 )Add To Cart

Daly, R.A., 1915.
The glacial-control theory of coral reefs.

Imprint: Proc. Amer. Acad. Arts and Sci., 51(4):

`pp. [ii],157-251, 48 figs. Journal issue, orig. printed wrappers. Spine repaired, good otherwise.

Stock number: 16869.

 15.00 (approx. $US 17.68 )Add To Cart

Dam, A. ten, & Reinhold, T., 1941.
Die stratigraphische Gliederung des niederländischen Plio-Plistozäns nach Foraminiferen.

Imprint: [Meded. Geol. Sticht., Ser. C, V, 1.] Maastricht: E. van Aelst.
Binding: Hardback

4to. Pp. 66, many figs. on 6 pls., 5 fold. tabs. in pocket, bibl. Orig. wrs. Cover a bit thumbed.

Stock number: 708.

 15.00 (approx. $US 17.68 )Add To Cart

Dam, A. ten, & Reinhold, T., 1942.
Die stratigraphische Gliederung des niederländischen Oligo-Miozäns nach Foraminiferen (mit Ausnahme von Süd Limburg).

Imprint: [Meded. Geol. Sticht., Ser. C, V, 2.] Maastricht: E. van Aelst.
Binding: Hardback

4to. Pp. 106, numerous figs. on 10 pls., 8 fold. tabs. in pocket, 10 figs. in text, refs. Orig. wrs.

Stock number: 707.

 19.00 (approx. $US 22.39 )Add To Cart

DAM, W. van.
e. Op montage. Lichtinstallaties. 4e geheel omgewerkte druk. [Polytechnische Biboiotheek, 54.]

Imprint: Amsterdam: v/h Van Mantgem & De Does, 1947.
Binding: Hardback

8vo, 21cm. 222 blz., 261 fig. Geb., orig. gedecor. kart. band. Goed exemplaar.

Stock number: 11676.

 10.00 (approx. $US 11.79 )Add To Cart

Geologische Reisenotizen aus Schweden. (Abdruck a.d. Zeitschr. d. Deutschen geol. Gesellschaft, Jahrg. 1881.)

Imprint: [Berlin] 1881.
Binding: Hardback

8vo, 22.8cm. Pp. 405-441, 1 sketch map of island of Öland in text, footnotes & refs. Offprint, orig. printed brown wrs. With author's presentation inscription on front cover.

Stock number: 2455.

 30.00 (approx. $US 35.36 )Add To Cart

Dames, W., 1886.
Ueber einige Crustaceen aus den Kreideablagerungen des Libanon.

Imprint: Zeitschr. Deut. Geol. Ges., 38(3):

pp. 551-575,[7], 3 lithogr. pls. Plain new wrs. Fre staple rust marks, good otherwise. Text of last page in old typescript copy.

Stock number: 1623.

 8.00 (approx. $US 9.43 )Add To Cart

Dames, W., 1890.
Ueber Vogelreste aus dem Saltholmskalk von Limhamn bei Malmö. [Bih. K. Sven. Vet.-Akad. Handl., Afd. IV, 16(1).]

Imprint: Stockholm.
Binding: Hardback

8vo. Pp. 12, 1 coloured plate. Wrs.

Stock number: 8711.

 4.00 (approx. $US 4.71 )Add To Cart

Damian-Georgescu, A., 1970.
Copepoda Harpactoidea (forme de apa dulce). [Fauna Rep. Soc. Rom., Crust., Vol. IV, fasc. 11.]

Imprint: Bucuresti.
Binding: Hardback

8vo. Pp. 249, 114 figs., index. Orig. printed wrappers.

Stock number: 14747.

 25.00 (approx. $US 29.47 )Add To Cart

Damman, A.H., 1989.
Skarn and ore formation in the Gåsborn area, West Bergslagen, central Sweden: a study of (sub)seafloor hydrothermal-metamorphic mineral assemblages.

Imprint: Amsterdam.
Binding: Hardback

8vo. Pp. [6],x,183, many figs. and diagrs., refs. Orig. wrs. - Thesis.

Stock number: 4969.

 18.00 (approx. $US 21.21 )Add To Cart

Preservation of wild life and nature reserves in the Netherlands Indies. Published on occasion of the Fourth Pacific Science Congress, Java 1929.

Imprint: [Weltevreden 1929.]
Binding: Hardback

8vo. Pp. viii,91, 5 tipped-in colour plates of birds, 15 other plates, 15 figs. in text, tables. Orig. printed quarter cloth. Covers slightly marked, contents very good.

Stock number: 13742.

 15.00 (approx. $US 17.68 )Add To Cart

In smart zult gij uw kinderen baren. Opmekelijke opvattingen over voortplanting.

Imprint: Amsterdam: Boom; Overveen: Belvédère, 1995.
Binding: Hardback

8vo, 21cm. 239 blz., enkele illus. in tekst, bibliogr. Ingen., orig. omslag. Uitstekend, als nieuw.

Stock number: 8281.

 17.50 (approx. $US 20.63 )Add To Cart

DANA, James Dwight.
An account of the discoveries in Vermont geology of the Rev. Augustus Wing. // On the relations of the geology of Vermont to that of Berkshire. (From American Journal of Science and Art. Vols. XII and XIV. 1877.)

Imprint: New Haven 1877.
Binding: Hardback

8vo, 22.6cm. Pp. [1],332-346,[1],405-419,[1]; [1],36-48,[1],132-140,202-207,257-264; 46 wood-engraved figs. in text, notes. Collected author's offprint, orig. printed wrappers. Very good. - With author's presentation inscription: "Mr G. Dewalque with the esteem of the Author". Georges Dewalque (1826-1905) was a prominent Belgian geologist and paleontologist.

Stock number: 12310.

 50.00 (approx. $US 58.93 )Add To Cart

Dana, J.D., 1852 (1972).
Crustacea. (United States Expedition during the Years 1838, 1839, 1849,, 1841, 1842, under the Command of Charles Wilkes, U.S.N., Vol. XIII.)

Imprint: Philadelphia: C. Herman, 1852; facsimile reprint: Lochem: Antiquariaat Junk, 1972.
Binding: Hardback

Two volumes, 8vo, 22.3cm. Vol. 1: pp. viii,1-686, 1 fold. map; vol. 2: pp. [iv],687-1618, taxon. .index. Hardbound, orig. cloth. Very good. The text complete but without the atlas of 69 plates. Scarce.

Stock number: 15569.

 150.00 (approx. $US 176.79 )Add To Cart

DANA, E.S., 1868.
On the chondrodite from the Tilly-Foster iron mine, Brewster, New York.

Imprint: Trans. Connecticut Acad., 3:

pp. 1-30, 22 figs. on 3 pls., 23 figs. in text. Offprint, plain new wrs., orig. front cover preserved.

Stock number: 3746.

 15.00 (approx. $US 17.68 )Add To Cart

Dana, J.D., & Dana, E.S., 1944.
The system of mineralogy. Seventh edition entirely rewritten and greatly enlarged by Charles Palache, Harry Berman and Clifford Frondel. Volume I. Elements, Sulfides, Sulfosalts, Oxides.

Imprint: New York: John Wiley, 1944.
Binding: Hardback

8vo, 22.7cm. Pp. xiv,834, many figs., refs., index. Orig. cloth. Fine.

Stock number: 11626.

 50.00 (approx. $US 58.93 )Add To Cart

Dance, J. Peter, 1966.
Shell collecting. An illustrated history.

Imprint: London: Faber and Faber, 1966.
Binding: Hardback

8vo, 21.5cm. Pp. 344, coloured frontispiece, 35 plates, 31 figures in text, appendices, bibliography, index. Hardbound, red cloth with pictorial dust-jacket. Minor marking along jacket edge, fine otherwise,

Stock number: 17931.

 30.00 (approx. $US 35.36 )Add To Cart

Danchenko, L.S.
Narodna keramika serednyogo Pridniprovya

Imprint: Kiev 1974.

191 p., numerous illus. (partly col.), bibl. Hardbound. - In Ukrainian. "Popular ceramics of the Middle Dnepr region."

Stock number: 6374.

 20.00 (approx. $US 23.57 )Add To Cart

Dandy, J.E.
Index of generic names of vascular plants 1753-1774. [Regnum Veget., 51.]

Imprint: Utrecht 1967.
Binding: Hardback

8vo. Pp. 130, annot. bibliogr. Paperbound, orig. wrappers.

Stock number: 13208.

 15.00 (approx. $US 17.68 )Add To Cart

Daniel, R., 1974.
Siphonophore from the Indian Ocean. [Mem. Zool. Surv. India, 15(4).]

Imprint: Calcutta 1974.
Binding: Hardback

Folio, 31.5cm. Pp. 242, many drawings in 18 figs., bibliogr. Paperbound, orig. printed wrappers. Spine neatly mended with paper strip, contents fine. - Very scarce.

Stock number: 15294.

 60.00 (approx. $US 70.72 )Add To Cart

Danieleopolo, D.L., Carbonel, P., & Colin, J.P. (editors), 1990.
Cytherissa (Ostracoda), the Drosophila of paleolimnology. / Cytherissa, la Drosophile de la paléolimnologie. (Scientific results of a multidisciplinary project on recent and fossil Ostracoda,) [Bull. Inst. Géol. Bassin Aquitaine, 47-48.]

Imprint: Talence: Université de Bordeaux, 1990.
Binding: Hardback

4to. Pp. 310, many photos, figs., diagrs. and tabs. in text and on plates, refs. Paperbound, orig. stiff wrappers. - Contains 22 papers arranged in the following sections 1. Introduction. 2. Morphology and phylogeny. 3. Historical biogeography. 4. Ecology and paleoecology. 5. The ancillary aspects of the "Cytherissa Projectidal". 6. Conclusions. Papers in English with French summaries, captions to illustrations in English and French.:

Stock number: 12618.

 50.00 (approx. $US 58.93 )Add To Cart

Daniloff, E. de, 1905.
Le district de Yalta (Crimée). Etude de géographie physique.

Imprint: Paris 1905.
Inscription: Signed, inscribed or annotated

9vo, 25cm. Pp. 169,[7], 4 fold. maps (1 coloured), 5 photogr. plates, 71 illustr. in text (mostly photos), bibliogr. Paperbound, orig. printed wrappers, uncut. Small repair to top of spine, contents very good. - Doctoral thesis at the Faculté des Sciences de Paris. Author's signed presentation copy to the famous geographer Emmanuel de Margerie (1862-1953).

Stock number: 17369.

 45.00 (approx. $US 53.04 )Add To Cart

Dankers, J.J., & Verheul, J.
Hoogovens 1945-1993. Van staalbedrijf tot twee-metalenconcern.

Imprint: Den Haag: Sdu Uitgeverij, 1993.
Binding: Hardback

4to, 29cm. 683 blz., talr. illus. (ged. in kleur), tab., noten & refs., bibliogr., personenreg., zakenreg. Gebonden in orig. linnen band in geïllus. stofomslag. Uitstekend exemplaar, als nieuw.

Stock number: 8269.

 50.00 (approx. $US 58.93 )Add To Cart

DANKERS, Joost, & LINDEN, Jos van der
Samensmeltend glas. Hoderd jaar N.V. Vereenigde Glasfabrieken 1899-1999.

Imprint: Amsterdam: Boom, 2001.
Binding: Hardback

4to, 24cm. 190 blz., talr. foto's (meest in kleur) en andere illustr., bibliogr., register van namen en onderwerpen. Gebonden, orig. linnen in geïllustr. stofomslag. Als nieuw.

Stock number: 7646.

 16.00 (approx. $US 18.86 )Add To Cart

Dankers, Joost, & Linden, Jos van der.
Van Regenten en Patiënten. De geschiedenis van de Willem Arntsz Stichting: Huis en Hoeve, Van der Hoevenkliniek en Dennendal. Ingeleid door Paul Schnabel.

Imprint: Amsterdam & Meppel: Boom, 1996.
Binding: Hardback

8vo, 24cm. Pp. 408, several photos in text, refs., bibl., index. Orig. cloth in dust-jacket. Very good.

Stock number: 6358.

 20.00 (approx. $US 23.57 )Add To Cart

Het Inferno van Dante. In de oorspronkelijke taal toegankelijk gemaakt door Dr. R. Eikeboom.

Imprint: Leuven: Davidsfonds, 2009.

8vo, 23.8cm. 420 blz., werkwoordenoverzicht. Paperback (genaaid). Ongelezen exemplaar in neiwstaat. - Originele Italiaanse tekst met Nederlandse vertalingen met uitvoerige uitleg.

Stock number: 17346.

 25.00 (approx. $US 29.47 )Add To Cart

Darbishire, O.V., 1923.
Lichens. (British Antarctic ("Terra Nova") Expedition, 19100. Natural History Report. Botany. Part III.)

Imprint: London: British Museum (Natural History), 1923.
Binding: Hardback

Large 4to. 31cm. Pp. 29-76,[4], 12 photos on 2 plates, 10 figs., refs., taxon. index. Offprint, orig. printed wrappers. Fine.

Stock number: 14995.

 20.00 (approx. $US 23.57 )Add To Cart

Etude biostratigraphique du Miocène marocain.

Imprint: [Rabat:] Société Chérifienne des Pétroles, Laboratoire Stratigraphique, 1953.
Binding: Hardback

4to. Pp. [iv],43, 3 photogr. plates of microfossils, 18 (partly fold.) diagrams, 1 fold. coloured map. In two parts (text & illustrations) as issued. orig. wrappers. Spines worn, good otherwise. - All text in carbon copy from typescript original, plates as photographic prints, other illustrations in diazotype. Rare, apparently not published in printed edition (WorldCat search without result).

Stock number: 12543.

 30.00 (approx. $US 35.36 )Add To Cart

Darlington, D., 1987.
In Condor County.

Imprint: Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1987.
Binding: Hardback

8vo, 23cm. Pp. [viii],242, bibliogr., index. Hardbound, orig. quarter cloth in pict. dust-jacket. Very good. - Partly fictionalized account of the "radical amateur" environmentalists Eben and Ian McMillan, in the eastern San Louis Obispo Conty, California, at the time of writing eighthy-year-old ranchers, naturalists and conservationists.

Stock number: 16610.

 10.00 (approx. $US 11.79 )Add To Cart

Survey of London. Volume XXV. St. George's Field, The Parishes of St. George the Martyr, Southwark, and St. Mary, Newington.

Imprint: London: London City Council, 1955.
Binding: Hardback

4to, 29cm. Pp. xviii,150,[2], col. frontisp., 1 fold. plan, many illus. on 92 plates, several figs. in text, append., refs., index. Orig., gilt-lettered cloth. Little faint foxing on endpapers and edges and on a few margins, no dust-jacket, very good otherwise,

Stock number: 7851.

 35.00 (approx. $US 41.25 )Add To Cart

DARNTON, Robert.
De literaire onderwereld tijdens het Ancien Régime. Vertaald door Eugène Dabekaussen, Barbara de Lange en Tilly Maters.

Imprint: Amsterdam: Uitgeverij Bert Bakker, 1985.

8vo, 20cm. 253 blz., noten & refs., register. Paperback, geïllustr. omslag. Miniem leesvouwtje in rug, overigens als niwue.

Stock number: 12919.

 9.00 (approx. $US 10.61 )Add To Cart

Darragh, T.A., 1988.
A revision of the Tertiary Volutidae (Mollusca: Gastropoda) of south-eastern Australia.

Imprint: Mem. Mus. Victoria, 49(2):

pp. 195-308, numerous photos on 30 plates, 31 figs., bibliogr. Plain new wrappers. Fine.

Stock number: 14017.

 25.00 (approx. $US 29.47 )Add To Cart

Catalogue and index of contributions to North American geology, 1732-1891. [Bull. U.S. Geol. Syrv., 127.]

Imprint: Washington 1896.
Binding: Hardback

8vo, 23.2cm. Pp. 1045 printed in double columns. New buckram cloth, title gilt-lettered on backstrip. Dine.

Stock number: 12098.

 50.00 (approx. $US 58.93 )Add To Cart

DARWIN, Charles Robert (1809-1882).
Der Ausdruck der Gemüthsbewegungen bei dem Menschen und den Thieren. Aus dem Englischen übersetzt von J. Victor Carus. Dritte, sorgfältig durchgesehene Auflage.

Imprint: Stuttgart: E. Schweizerbart, 1877.
Binding: Hardback

8vo. Pp. viii,344, 30 photos on 7 heliography plates, 21 wood-engraved figures in text, index. Hardbound, new plain boards lined with green vergé paper, printed title label to backstrip. Fine. - "Ch. Darwin's gesammelte Werke [...] Autorisirte deutsche Ausgabe. Siebenter Band."

Stock number: 16696.

 45.00 (approx. $US 53.04 )Add To Cart

Dashzeveg, D., & Russell, D.E., 1988.
Palaeocene and Eocene Mixodontia (Mammalia, Glires) of Mongolia and China.

Imprint: Palaeontology, 31(1):

pp. 129-164, many photos. and some drawings in 28 illus. in text, refs. Extract, plain new wrappers.

Stock number: 9183.

 7.50 (approx. $US 8.84 )Add To Cart

Dathe, E., 1884.
Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Diabas-Mandelsteine.

Imprint: *Jahrb. Preuss. Geol. Landesanst., Jg. 1883:
Binding: Hardback

pp. 410-448, 4 figs. Large 8vo. Orig. printed wrs.

Stock number: 4183.

 10.00 (approx. $US 11.79 )Add To Cart

Daubrée, G.-A., 1859.
Etudes et expériences sur le métamorphisme et sur la forma-tion des roches cristallines.

Imprint: Mém. Sav. Etr. Acad. Sci. Inst. Imp. France, 17:
Binding: Hardback

pp. 1-126, notes & refs. 4to. Plain new wrs. - Cf. Dict. Sci. Biogr. III, p. 586.

Stock number: 7767.

 35.00 (approx. $US 41.25 )Add To Cart

Daubrée, Gabriel-Auguste (1814-1896)
Recherches expérimentales sur le striage res roches dû au phénomène erratique, sur la formation des galets, des sables et du limon produites par les agents mécaniques. Extrait des Annales des Mines.

Imprint: Paris: V. Dalmont, 1858.
Binding: Hardback

8vo. Pp. [iv],26. Orig. printed wrappers. uncut. Some foxing, good otherwise. - One of the classic papers by Daubrée about his observations and experiments with rocks

Stock number: 7092.

 30.00 (approx. $US 35.36 )Add To Cart
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