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Fondation Teyler. Catalogue de la Bibliothèque. Deuxième volume. Auteurs Grecs et Latins.

Imprint: Haarlem: Héritiers Loosjes, 1889.
Binding: Hardback

4to, 28cm. Pp. iv,168, index. In 3 instalments, as issued, orig. printed wrappers, uncut. Very good. - Listing 600 titles with annotations.

Stock number: 10005.

 35.00 (approx. $US 41.25 )Add To Cart

EKMAN, Gustaf, & PETTERSSON, Otto.
Strommessung im offenen Meere mittelst automatisch registrierender Instrumente von unter dem Wasserspiegel verankerten Bojenaus. Von Gustaf Ekman. / Photographisch registrierender Tiefenstrommesser für Dauerbeobachtungen. Von Otto Pettersson.

Imprint: Göteborg: Wald. Zacharissons Boktryckerie, 1913.
Binding: Hardback

Large folio, 45x32cm. Pp. 8;2, 6 photos and figs. on 2 plates, 5 drawings on 1 plate, 2 photos and 1 fig. in text, 1 plate of letter facsimile with portrait. Orig. printed wrappers. - All illustrations show newly developed oceanographic apparatus. "Zur Technik der Strommessung, dem Andenken an Walther Herwig gewidmet" (covering title). Very scarce, printed in limited number.

Stock number: 2360.

 30.00 (approx. $US 35.36 )Add To Cart

EL HASSANI, Ahmed, 1991.
La zone de Rabat-Tiflet: bordure nord de la chaîne calédono-hercynienne du Maroc. [Bull. Inst. Sci. Rabat, 15.]

Imprint: Rabat.
Binding: Hardback

4to. Pp. 134, 134 figs., sections and maps in text, refs. Orig. printed wrs.

Stock number: 5952.

 25.00 (approx. $US 29.47 )Add To Cart

ELANDS, Martin ((e.a.).
Van telegraaf tot satelliet. 125 jaar telecommunicatie in de Koninklijke Landmacht 1874-1999.

Imprint: Den Haag: sdu Uitgevers, 1999.
Binding: Hardback

8vo, 24cm. 312 blz., talr. foto's e.a. illustr. (ged. in kleur), bibliogr. Geb., orig. linnen band in geïllustr. stofomslag. In nieuwstaat.

Stock number: 9425.

 25.00 (approx. $US 29.47 )Add To Cart

Elbel, R.E., 1967.
Amblyceran Mallophaga (biting lice) found on the Bucerotidae (Hornbills). [Proc. U.S. Natl. Mus., 120 (3558).]

Imprint: Washington.
Binding: Hardback

8vo. Pp. 76, 72 figs., refs. Orig. wrappers.

Stock number: 10415.

 10.00 (approx. $US 11.79 )Add To Cart

Mechanical replacement processes in mobile soil calcic horizons; their role in soil and landscape genesis in an area near Mérida, Spain.

Imprint: Wageningen 1982.
Binding: Hardback

8vo, 24cm. Pp. xii,208, 46 photos and figs., bibliogr. Paperbound, orig. wrappers. Very good. - Thesis.

Stock number: 13002.

 22.50 (approx. $US 26.52 )Add To Cart

Elbert, J., 1901.
Das untere Angoumien in den Osningbergketten des Teutoburgerwaldes. Verh. Naturhist. Ver. Preuss. Rheinl. Westf., 58:

pp. 77-167, 3 fold. pls. of fossils, 1 fold. section, 14 figs. in text and on 1 pl., refs. Offprint, orig. wrs. - Cretaceous.

Stock number: 1164.

 16.00 (approx. $US 18.86 )Add To Cart

ELDERINK, Cato (1871-1941).
Twènter laand en leu en lèven.

Imprint: Hengelo: Boekhandel Broekhuis, 1976.
Binding: Hardback

8vo, 22.3cm. 549,[3] blz., frontisp. portr., 4 plates. Geb., orig. linnen met geïllustr. stofomslag. Uitstekend exemplaar.

Stock number: 17094.

 25.00 (approx. $US 29.47 )Add To Cart

Landschapsgeschiedenis van De Strubben/Kniphorstbos. Archeologische en historisch-ecologische studies van een natuurgebied op de Hiondsrug.

Imprint: Groningen: Van Dijk & Poorthuis, 1913.
Binding: Hardback

8vo, 24cm. 236 blz., talr. fig., kaarjes e.a. ilustr. in tekst, noten & refs., bibliogr. Ingen., orig. geïllustr. omslag. In nieuwstaat.

Stock number: 17774.

 15.00 (approx. $US 17.68 )Add To Cart

ELIE DE BEAUMONT, Jean Baptiste (1798-1874).
Rapport sur les progrès de la stratigraphie. [Recueil des Rapports sur l'Etat des Lettres et les Progrès des Sciences en France.]

Imprint: Paris: Imprimerie Impériale, 1869.
Binding: Hardback

Small 4to, 26cm. Pp. [4],iv,572, 1 large chromolithogr. geol. map, 1 small map, index of authors. Modern half cloth. - Very scarce.

Stock number: 14051.

 125.00 (approx. $US 147.33 )Add To Cart

Elizarenkova, T.P., 1962.
English-Russian bookman's glossary.

Imprint: Moscow: Publishing Office "Soviet Russia", 1962.
Binding: Hardback

8vo, 19.3cm. Pp. 510,[2] printed in double columns. Hardbound, orig. printed cloth. Backstrip faded, fine otherwise.

Stock number: 16738.

 30.00 (approx. $US 35.36 )Add To Cart

Ellenberger, F., 1958.
Etude géologique du Pays de Vanoise (Savoie). [Mém. Explic. Carte Géol. France.]

Imprint: Paris: Imprimerie Nationale.
Binding: Hardback

4to. Pp. 561,[84], many drawings of fossil molluscs on 8 plates, 32 pls. of photos, 111 figs., 1 fold. pl. of sections, 1 fold. col. geol. map and 8 fold. panoramas in pocket, extensive bibl., detailed index. Paperbound, orig. printed wrappers. Faint foxing to front cover and few leaves at start of volume, very good othrwise. - Heavy volume of nearly 3 kg, additional postage will be necessary.

Stock number: 4456.

 75.00 (approx. $US 88.40 )Add To Cart

ELLENBROEK, B.A., & COOLS, A.R. (editors).
Atypical antipsychotics. [Milestones in Drug Therapy.]

Imprint: Basel: Birkhäuser Verlag, 2000.
Binding: Hardback

8vo, 23.3cm. Pp. xii,236, refs. & notes, index. Hardbound, orig. printed boards. Name to front end-paper, fine otherwise, as new.

Stock number: 15875.

 30.00 (approx. $US 35.36 )Add To Cart

Elles, G.L., 1900.
The zonal classification od the Wenlock Shales of the Welsh Borderland.

Imprint: Quart. Jour. Geol. Soc., 56:

pp. 370-414, 11 figs. of graptolites on 1 plate, 11 tables and 24 figs. (partly of graptolites), notes & refs. Plain new wrappers.

Stock number: 16954.

 10.00 (approx. $US 11.79 )Add To Cart

ELLET, Charles, Jr.
Contributions to the physical geography of the United States. Part I. On the physical geography of the Mississippi Valley, witj suggestions for the improvement of the navigation of the Ohio and other rivers. [Smithson. Contr. Knowl., 2,(2).]

Imprint: Washington 1851.
Binding: Hardback

Large 4to, 31.3cm. Pp. 64, 3 figs., letterpress tables, 1 fold. prifile. Paperbound, plain new wrappers. Fine.

Stock number: 14871.

 25.00 (approx. $US 29.47 )Add To Cart

ELLING, Wilhelm
Siedlungsfunde aus dem Kreis Borken 800-1900. Eine Ausstellung im Hamaland-Museum Vreden, 3. September 1978 - 29. Oktober 1978. Ausgewählt und bearbeitet von Wilhelm Elling.

Imprint: Vreden: im Selbstverlag vom Hamaland-Museum, 1978.
Binding: Hardback

4to, 29.5cm. Pp. 115, very numerous drawings and black & white photos. Orig. wrappers.

Stock number: 6655.

 32.00 (approx. $US 37.72 )Add To Cart

Elliott, J.M., 1977.
A key to the larvae and adults of the British freshwater Megaloptera and Neuroptera, with notes on their life cycles and ecology. [Sci, Oubl. Freshw. Biol. Ass., 35.]

Imprint: Ambleside.
Binding: Hardback

8vo. Pp. 52, 18 composite figs., 1 plate, refs. Orig. stiff wrappers.

Stock number: 10416.

 10.00 (approx. $US 11.79 )Add To Cart

Power and the pulpit in Puritan New England.

Imprint: Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1975.
Binding: Hardback

8vo, 2.5cm. PP. xii,241, notes & refs., index. Orig. cloth in dust-jacket. Fine in near fine dust-jacket.

Stock number: 9885.

 15.00 (approx. $US 17.68 )Add To Cart

Ellis, B.F., et al., 1968.
Catalogue of index smaller foraminifera. Volume 1. Cretaceous planktonic and Paleozoic foraminifera.

Imprint: New York: The American Museum of Natural History, 1968.
Binding: Hardback

4to. Ca. 700 pp., very numerous figs. throughout, refs., Loose-leaf in orig. lever-ring binder as issued. Very good.

Stock number: 17216.

 95.00 (approx. $US 111.97 )Add To Cart

ELLIS, Mary.
Index to publications of the New York State Natural History Survey and New York State Museum 1837-1902. [Bull. N.Y. State Mus., 66.]

Imprint: Albany: University of the State of New York, 1903.
Binding: Hardback

8vo, 22.3cm. Pp. [ii],239-653. Orig. gilt-lettered cloth. Very good. - Original printing. Consists of a detailed list of publications (pp. 241-272), author index (pp. 273-303), subject index (pp. 304-526) and index to descriptions of genera and species fossils (pp. 527-653).

Stock number: 10229.

 40.00 (approx. $US 47.14 )Add To Cart

Ellis, C.H., Lohman, W.H., & Wray, J.L., 1972.
Upper Cenozoic calcareous nannofossils from the Gulf of Mexico. (Deep See Drilling Project, Leg 1, Site 3.)

Imprint: [Quart. Colorado Sch. Mines, 67(3)>] Golden, Co.
Binding: Hardback

8vo. Pp. vi,103, 108 microphotos on 18 pls., 4 figs., refs. Orig. wrs.

Stock number: 2062.

 15.00 (approx. $US 17.68 )Add To Cart

Elloy, R., 1972
Réflexions sur quelques environnements récifaux du Paléozoïque. Bull. Centre Rech. Pau SNPA, 6(1):

pp. 1-105, 16 pls. of photos, 21 figs., 5 tabs., refs. Wrs.

Stock number: 1165.

 12.00 (approx. $US 14.14 )Add To Cart

Ellsworth, H.V., 1932.
Rare-element minerals of Canada. [Econ. Geol.. Ser., 11.]

Imprint: Ottawa: Department of Miners, Geological Survey, 1932.
Binding: Hardback

8vo, 24.6cm. Pp. vi,272, 1 photogr. plate (depicting alpha-ray electroscope), 8 sketch maps and plans in text, tabs., refs. Paperbound, orig. printed stiff wrappers. Very good.

Stock number: 16547.

 40.00 (approx. $US 47.14 )Add To Cart

Elmi, S., 1967.
Le Lias supérieur et le Jurassique moyen de l'Ardêche. Etude stratigraphique. [Docum. Lab. Géol. Fac. Sci. Lyon, 19(1-2).]

Imprint: Villeurbanne.
Binding: Hardback

4to. Pp. 507, 107 maps, sections, and diagrs., bibl. Orig. spiral-bound wrs., in 2 parts as issued. - Without the third part concluding the work, dealing exclusively with ammonites (Oppeliidae).

Stock number: 2224.

 50.00 (approx. $US 58.93 )Add To Cart

Elsick, Wm.C. (chairman), 1983.
Annotated glossary of fungal palynomorphs. By the AASP, Inc. Workgroup on Fossil Fungal Palynomorphs. [AASP Contr. Ser., 11.]

Imprint: [Dallas, Tx.:] American Association of Stratigraphic Palynologists Foundation, 1983.
Binding: Hardback

4to. Pp. 35, 21 photos on 1 plate, many figs. Orig. wrappers.

Stock number: 13353.

 10.00 (approx. $US 11.79 )Add To Cart

ELSNER, Eleanor
The romance of the Basque country and the Pyrenees.

Imprint: London: Henry Jenkins Ltd., 1927.
Edition: First Edition
Binding: Hardback

8vo, 21.4cm. Pp. 319, frontisp., 16 photogr. pls., index. Orig. printed cloth. Ownership entry and exlibris on front end-papers, near fine otherwise. - First printing.

Stock number: 6499.

 20.00 (approx. $US 23.57 )Add To Cart

Elson, P.F., 1962.
Predator-prey relationschips between fish-eating birds and Atlantic salmon. (With a supplement on fundamentals of Marganser control.) [Fish. Res. Board Canada, Bull., 133.]

Imprint: Ottawa 1962.
Binding: Hardback

8vo, 24.7cm. Pp. viii,87, 21 figs.and photos, 25 tabs., refs. Paperbound, orig. printed wrappers. Fine.

Stock number: 16451.

 15.00 (approx. $US 17.68 )Add To Cart

Elter, O., 1986.
La collezione ornitologica del Museo di Zoologia dell'Università di Torino. [Museo Regionale di Scienze Naturali, Cataloghi, VIII.]

Imprint: Torino.
Binding: Hardback

8vo.. Pp. 513,[3], 5 colour plates, 4 figs. Orig. wrappers. Fine new copy.

Stock number: 10871.

 35.00 (approx. $US 41.25 )Add To Cart

Eluwa, M.C., 1970.
The biology of the West African bush-cricet, Euthypoda acutipennis Karsch (Orthoptera: Tettigoniidae).

Imprint: Biol. Jour. Linn. Sco., 2:

pp. 1-39, 1 plate, 16 figs., refs. Wrappers.

Stock number: 10417.

 8.00 (approx. $US 9.43 )Add To Cart

Emberger, L., 1932.
Notice sur les titres et travaux scientifiques.

Imprint: Montpellier: Causse, Graille & Castelnau.
Binding: Hardback

4to. Pp. 47. Orig. wrs.

Stock number: 2064.

 8.00 (approx. $US 9.43 )Add To Cart

Emerson, B.K., 1895.
A mineralogical lexicon of Franklin, Hampshire, and Hampden Counties, Massachusetts. [U.S. Geol. Surv. Bull., 126.]

Imprint: Washington.
Binding: Hardback

8vo. Pp. 180, 1 plate, 5 figs. Orig. wrappers. Fine.

Stock number: 9820.

 17.50 (approx. $US 20.63 )Add To Cart

Emerson, A.E., 1969.
A revision of the Tertiary fossil species of the Kalotermitidae (Isoptera). [Amer. Mus. Novit., 2359.]

Imprint: New York.
Binding: Hardback

8vo. Pp. 57, 12 figs. and 8 tabs. in text, refs. Stapled as issued.

Stock number: 4024.

 9.00 (approx. $US 10.61 )Add To Cart

Emerson, A.E., 1952.
The neotropical genera Procornitermes and Cornitermes (Isoptera, Termitidae).

Imprint: Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., 99(8):
Binding: Hardback

pp. 475-540, 32 figs., 29 tables, refs. 4to. Orig. wrappers.

Stock number: 10418.

 14.00 (approx. $US 16.50 )Add To Cart

EMERY, Walter B.
Ägypten. Geschichte und Kultur der Frühzeit 3200-2800 v.Chr.

Imprint: Wiesbaden: Fourier Verlag, 1964.

Oktav, 21cm. 282 S., 32 Fototaf., 150 Textzeichnungen vom Verfasser, Bibliogr., Namen- und Sachregister. Geb., Orig.-Pappbd. mit illustr. Schutzumschlag. Sehr gut.

Stock number: 11265.

 15.00 (approx. $US 17.68 )Add To Cart

Emery, K.O., & Hülsemann, J., 1963.
Submarine canyons of Southern California. Part I. `Topography, water, and sediments. [Allan Hancock Pacific Expeditions, 27(1).]

Imprint: Los Angeles: Southern California University Press, 1963.
Binding: Hardback

8vo, 22.5cm. Pp. viii, 80, 22 figs., tabs., bibliogr., append. Paperbound, plain new wrappers. Fine.

Stock number: 15010.

 20.00 (approx. $US 23.57 )Add To Cart

Emiliani, F., & Gandolfi, G., 1964-1965.
The accessory minerals from Predazzo granite (North Italy). I - II - III.

Imprint: Miner. Petrogr. Acta, 10:

pp. 111-127; 11: pp. 111-121;123-131, refs. 3 parts in one volume, journal issue wrappers.

Stock number: 16219.

 10.00 (approx. $US 11.79 )Add To Cart

Emison, W.B., et al., 1978.
Survey of the vertebrate fauna in the Grampian-Edenhope area of Southwestern Victoria.

Imprint: Mem. Natl. Mus. Victoria, 39:

pp. 281-363, 6 photos on 3 plates, some distrib. maps, tabs. Plain new wrappers.

Stock number: 15780.

 10.00 (approx. $US 11.79 )Add To Cart

EMMENS, Karel (e.a.).
De Oude Calixtuskerk te Groenlo. Tussen Utrecht en Münster.

Imprint: Utrecht: Stichting Matrijs, 2005.
Binding: Hardback

4to, 27.8cm. 178 blz., frontisp. in kleur, zeer talr. foto's e.a. afb. in tekst, noten & refs., register. Geb., kart. band met geïllustr. stofomslag. Vrijwel in nieuwstaat.

Stock number: 17831.

 15.00 (approx. $US 17.68 )Add To Cart

Emmons, S.F. (editor).
Fifth International Congress of Geologists. Geological guide book of the Western Excursion. With daily itineraries and maps of the route.

Imprint: Washington, D.C., August, 1901.
Binding: Hardback

8vo, 23.5cm. Pp. viii,156, fold. frontisp. map, 6 illus. in text. Orig. printed stiff rs., cloth spine, uncut. Scarce.

Stock number: 5305.

 50.00 (approx. $US 58.93 )Add To Cart

Emmons, W., & Calkins, F.C., 1913.
Geology and ore deposits of the Philipsburg quadrangle, Montana. [U.S. Geol. Surv. Prof. Pap., 78.]

Imprint: Washington 1913.
Binding: Hardback

4to. Pp. 271, 2 fold. maps in pocket, 15 pls., 55 illus. in text. Paperbound, orig. printed wrappers. Spine neatly mended, good otherwise..

Stock number: 4979.

 40.00 (approx. $US 47.14 )Add To Cart

Emmons, R.C. (editor), 1953.
Selected petrogenetic relationships of plagioclase. [Mem. Geol. Soc. America, 52.]

Imprint: New York 1953.
Binding: Hardback

8vo. Pp. x,142, 14 plates of microphotos, 2 fold. maps, 98 figs., refs., index. Orig. cloth. Very good.

Stock number: 14833.

 15.00 (approx. $US 17.68 )Add To Cart

Emmons, S.F., & Irving, J.D., 1907.
The Downtown District of Leadville, Colorado. [U.S. Geol. Surv. Bull., 320.]

Imprint: Washington: Government Printing Office.
Binding: Hardback

8vo. Pp. 75, 12 sections on 6 fold. chromolith. pls., 1 fold. map in pocket, 5 figs., notes & refs., index. Orig. printed wrs.

Stock number: 3964.

 25.00 (approx. $US 29.47 )Add To Cart

Emry, R.J., 1970.
A North American Oligocene pangolin and other additions to the Pholidota.

Imprint: Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., 142(6):
Binding: Hardback

pp. 455-510, several photos and drawings in 32 figs., refs. Laghr 8vo. Offprint, orig. wrappers.

Stock number: 9217.

 12.50 (approx. $US 14.73 )Add To Cart

ENDE, Janine van den (e.a.).
DeLaMar Theater photo collection. 5 opdrachten voor 1 theater. Viviane Sassen - Hans Eijkelboom - Cuny Janssen - Koos Breukel - Erwin Olaf.

Imprint: [Zwolle: d'Jonge Hond, 2011.]
Binding: Hardback

Oblong 4to, 23x29.5cm. 82 blz., zeer talr. foto's in kleur. Geb., orig. bedrukte kartonnen band. Zonder cassette, overigens in nieuwstaat.

Stock number: 17014.

 25.00 (approx. $US 29.47 )Add To Cart

Enderlein, G., 1915.
Copeognatha. (Collections zoologiques du Baron Edm. de Selys Longchamps. Catalogue systématique et descriptif. Fasc. III, 2e partie.)

Imprint: Bruxelles: Hayez, 1915.
Binding: Hardback

Folio. Pp. iv,55, 5 col. pls., 10 figs. Orig. printed wrs., uncut. - Deutscher Text.

Stock number: 3827.

 30.00 (approx. $US 35.36 )Add To Cart

ENDERLEIN, Joan Karel Hendrik (1856-1934)
De wederzijdsche verplichting van bloed- en aanverwanten om elkander te onderhouden, volgens het Ned. Burg. Wetboek. Proefschrift [...] aan de Rijks-Universiteit te Itrecht [...].

Imprint: Utrecht: J. de Kruyf, 1880.
Binding: Hardback

8vo, 22.8cm. Pp. x,74,[2]. Orig. gilt-lettered and blind-stamped cloth, emblem of Utrecht University embossed in gilt on rear cover, all edges gilt. Fine.

Stock number: 7681.

 25.00 (approx. $US 29.47 )Add To Cart

Enderlein, G., 1931.
Die Copeognathen-Fauna der Seychellen. (The Percy Sladen Trust Expedition to the Indian Ocean in 1905 [...] Vol. III, No. 8.)

Imprint: Trans. Linn. Soc. London, 19(2):
Binding: Hardback

pp. 207-240, 35 coloured figs. on 3 plates, 52 figs. in text. Large 4to. Offprint, orig. wrappers. - Psocoptera.

Stock number: 10444.

 35.00 (approx. $US 41.25 )Add To Cart

Enderlein, G., 1905.
Morphologie, Systematik und Biologie der Atropiden und Troctiren, sowie Zusammenstellung aller bisher bekannten recenten und fossilen Formen. (Zoological Results of the Swedish Zoological Expedition to Egypt and the White Nile 1901 [...] No. 18.)

Imprint: [Uppsala.]
Binding: Hardback

8vo. Pp. 58, 48 figs. on 4 (1 col., 2 fold.) pls., 11 figs., index. Orig. wrs.

Stock number: 6623.

 10.00 (approx. $US 11.79 )Add To Cart

Endo, B., 1966.
Experimental studies on the mechanical significance of the form of the human facial skeleton. [Jour. Fac. Sci. Univ. Tokyo, Sect. V, vol. III, part 1.]

Imprint: Tokyo: University of Tokyo, 1966.
Binding: Hardback

Small 4to, 25.8cm. Pp. 106, some photos and many figs. in text, refs. Paperbound, orig. printed wrappers. Very good.

Stock number: 16537.

 25.00 (approx. $US 29.47 )Add To Cart

Engberding, Marine-Baurat.
Luftschiff und Luftschiffahrt in Vergangenheit, Gegenwart und Zukunft.

Imprint: Berlin: VDI-Verlag, 1926.
Binding: Hardback

8vo, 20.5cm. Pp. xxiv,272, frontisp. portr of Zeppelin, 1 fold. pl. of drawings, 7 photogr. pls., 119 illus. (mostly photos) in text. Orig. cloth. Binding a bit thumbed, contsnts good.

Stock number: 5740.

 45.00 (approx. $US 53.04 )Add To Cart
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