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Block, Stefan Merrill
Oliver Loving

Imprint: New York City, NY, Flatiron Books, 2018
Edition: First Edition
Binding: Hardback , With Dust Jacket
Inscription: Signed, inscribed or annotated

First Edition / First Printing. As New in As New Dust Jacket. 395 pages. The author's third novel. Now considered a contemporary classic. The First Hardcover Edition. Precedes and should not be confused with all other subsequent editions. Published in a small and limited first print run as a hardcover original only. Presents Stefan Merrill Block's "Oliver Loving". All in all, his best novel thus far: Tragic, sometimes depressingly so, yet authentically uplifting at the same time. "One reason we read fiction is to know the lives of others as well as our own. Stefan Merrill Block writes about a West Texas family and community so wholly and honestly, and with such poetic beauty, that their dreams and sorrows become ours. A dazzling, psychologically astute, scientifically engaged novel about love, loss, and the mysteries of the mind. Dares to ask some of the most profound questions of what it means to be alive" (David Ebershoff). "Like Jonathan Franzen's 'The Corrections' and Annie Proulx's 'The Shipping News', an extraordinary novel about family and community, told with real heart and humor and style" (Jonathan Lee). An absolute "must-have" title for Stefan Merrill Block collectors. This copy is very boldly and beautifully signed, placed, and dated in blue pen-marker on the title page by the author: "Stefan Merrill Block 5/28/19 NYC". It is signed directly on the page itself, not on a tipped-in page. Stefan Merrill Block's signature is one of the most unusual we have ever seen. This title is a contemporary classic. This is one of few such signed, placed, and dated copies of the First Hardcover Edition/First Printing still available online and is in especially fine condition: Clean, crisp, and bright, a beauty. Please note: Copies available online have serious flaws, are subsequent editions, or are remainder-marked. This is surely an accessible and lovely alternative. A rare signed copy thus. One of the most brilliant American novelists of our time. A fine copy. . ISBN 1250169739.

Stock number: 22365. ISBN: 1250169739

$US 50.00Add To Cart

Bloom, Harold (Author) & Podwal, Mark (Artist)
Fallen Angels

Imprint: New Haven, CT, Yale University Press, 2007
Edition: First Edition
Binding: Hardback , With Dust Jacket

First Edition / First Printing. As New in As New Dust Jacket. 71 pages. Book-length essay on subject, accompanied by original art. One of the finest and most beautiful books on subject. The First Hardcover Edition. Precedes and should not be confused with all other subsequent printings. Published in a small and limited first print run as a hardcover original only by a University Press. The First Edition is now scarce. A brilliant production by Mark Podwal: Small-size volume format. Deep blue cloth boards with metallic-silver titles embossed on spine, as issued. Text by Harold Bloom. Art by Mark Podwal. The latter are called "illuminations", and include "Good Versus Evil" on the cover, one of the finest contemporary renditions of religious iconography. Printed on pristine-white thick coated stock paper by EuroGraphica SPA in Italy to the highest standards. In pictorial DJ with titles on the cover and spine, as issued. Presents, in an elegant, small-size format, Harold Bloom's "Fallen Angels". His heterodox interpretation of the meaning of angels. The art by Mark Podwal is integral to the book, worthy of being called illuminations because they are not mere additions. "Harold Bloom begins by observing our present-day obsession with angels, which reached its greatest intensity as the current millennium approached. Bloom is especially concerned with a particular sub-species of angels: Fallen angels. He proceeds to examine representations of fallen angels from Zoroastrian texts and the Bible to Milton's 'Paradise Lost' to Tony Kushner's 'Angels in America', arguing that familiarity with this rich literary tradition improves our reading and spiritual lives. Bloom's text is accompanied by original watercolors, line drawings, and illuminated letters by award-winning artist Mark Podwal. Every angel is terrifying, Rilke wrote. For Bloom, too, this is true in one sense, since he maintains that all angels are fallen angels. The image of Satan, the greatest of fallen angels, retains the ability to fascinate and frighten us, he argues, because we share a close kinship with him. Indeed, from a human perspective, we must agree that we are fallen angels. Fallen-ness is ultimately a human condition: The recognition of our own mortality. Throughout world literature, angels have always served as metaphors for death. We may take consolation, however, in our double awareness that angels also represent love and the celebration of human possibilities" (Publisher's blurb). "Otherness is the essence of angels, but then it is our essence also" (Harold Bloom). An absolute "must-have" title for Harold Bloom collectors. This title is a contemporary classic. This is one of few copies of the First Hardcover Edition/First Printing still available online, is still in the publisher's original shrinkwrap, and is in especially fine condition: Clean, crisp, and bright, a pristine beauty. Please note: Copies available online have serious flaws, are subsequent printings, or are remainder-marked. This is surely an accessible and lovely alternative. A scarce copy thus. 12 color plates. The greatest literary critic of our time. A fine copy. (SEE ALSO OTHER HAROLD BLOOM TITLES IN OUR CATALOG). ISBN 0300123485.

Stock number: 14806. ISBN: 0300123485

$US 30.00Add To Cart
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Bloom, Harold (Author) & Shakespeare, William (Subject)
Hamlet: Poem Unlimited

Imprint: New York City, NY, Riverhead Books, 2003
Edition: First Edition
Binding: Hardback , With Dust Jacket

First Edition / First Printing. Fine in Fine Dust Jacket. 154 pages. Book-length account on subject. One of Harold Bloom's finest achievements. The sequel to his masterly "Shakespeare: The Invention of The Human". The First Hardcover Edition. Precedes and should not be confused with all other subsequent editions. Published in a small and limited first print run as a hardcover original only. The First Edition is now scarce. Presents Harold Bloom's "Hamlet: Poem Unlimited". A brilliant extended essay on Shakespeare's greatest play. "The Prince of Denmark, argues the eminent Bloom, was not much loved by his father the warrior king or by his mother, Queen Gertrude. Bloom adds that Hamlet was detached, moving through life like the lead in his own personal drama, giving a theatrical flair to moments such as the death of Polonius and aptly choosing a play to 'catch the conscience of the king'. The closest thing he ever had to a parent was Yorick the Jester, and his confrontation with Yorick's skull followed shortly by his attending Ophelia's funeral dealt a serious double blow to his indifference. It was then that he moves grimly toward the climax and his own death. Bloom generates any number of provocative themes, such as Hamlet's notions about plays and acting as reflecting Shakespeare's own rivalries with Ben Jonson, and that the prince never loved Ophelia. Short, sophisticated, and opinionated, this is a thorny guide for Bardolators and Bloomians" (Publishers Weekly). There is no contemporary literary critic who understands and loves Shakespeare and done his best to make us understand and love him as much as Harold Bloom does. An absolute "must-have" title for Harold Bloom collectors. This title is a late-modern classic. This is one of few copies of the First Hardcover Edition/First Printing still available online and is in especially fine condition: Clean, crisp, and bright, a pristine beauty. Please note: Copies available online have serious flaws, are subsequent printings, or are remainder-marked. This is surely an accessible and lovely alternative. A scarce copy thus. The greatest literary critic of our time on the greatest writer of all time. A fine copy. (SEE ALSO OTHER HAROLD BLOOM TITLES IN OUR CATALOG). ISBN 157322233X.

Stock number: 12169. ISBN: 157322233X

$US 30.00Add To Cart
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Bloom, Harold
How To Read And Why

Imprint: New York City, NY, Scribner, 2000
Edition: First Edition
Binding: Hardback , With Dust Jacket
Inscription: Signed, inscribed or annotated

First Edition / First Printing. Fine in Fine Dust Jacket. 283 pages. Collection of critical essays on subject. Harold Bloom's passionate plea for literature and its revival as the focus of serious reading, it is his single most accessible book. The First Hardcover Edition. Precedes and should not be confused with all other subsequent editions, particularly copies that are signed on a tipped-in page. Published in a small and limited first print run as a hardcover original only. The First Edition is now scarce. Presents Harold Bloom's "How To Read And Why". Essays that answer the "how" and "why" of the title by providing definitive examples of the "what". Harold Bloom has the simplest recipe for reading: Read the great books. Life is too short to waste on worthless bestsellers, pulp fiction, and mediocre authors. The only way one really learns how to read is by reading the most challenging works of literature. The "what" can never be separated from the "how", and once one realizes this, the "why" becomes self-evident: In the Multi-Media Age, people read because it still offers the deepest, most lasting pleasure. Bloom takes on the great works as if he were reviewing them for the next day's paper, and makes his case as a freelance intellectual and literary critic, dismissive and disdainful of all theory-based academic criticism. His skepticism about academic theory is nothing less than reassuring: When one reads a feminist, post-structuralist, or deconstructionist interpretation of literature, one learns more about feminism, post-structuralism, or deconstruction, not literature. The self-referential aspect of all post-modernist criticism is not just ideological, it is self-indulgent and stupid. As with every great critic, Bloom's particular enthusiasms have had an enormous impact: His essay on Cormac McCarthy's "Blood Meridian" cemented McCarthy's first-rank stature in contemporary American literature. His most readable and in many ways, most endearing book. An absolute "must-have" title for Harold Bloom collectors. This copy is very prominently and beautifully signed in black ink-pen on the title page by Harold Bloom. It is signed directly on the page itself, not on a tipped-in page, as copies available online are. This title is a contemporary classic. This is one of few such signed copies of the First Hardcover Edition/First Printing still available online and is in especially fine condition: Clean, crisp, and bright, a pristine beauty. Please note: Copies available online have serious flaws, are in multiple subsequent printings, or are remainder-marked. This is surely an accessible and lovely alternative. A rare signed copy thus. The greatest literary critic of our time. A fine collectible copy. (SEE ALSO OTHER HAROLD BLOOM TITLES IN OUR CATALOG). ISBN 0684859068.

Stock number: 17649. ISBN: 0684859068

$US 150.00Add To Cart
Click to open full size image.

Bloom, Harold
Jesus And Yahweh: The Names Divine

Imprint: New York City, NY, Riverhead Books, 2005
Edition: First Edition
Binding: Hardback , With Dust Jacket
Inscription: Signed, inscribed or annotated

First Edition / First Printing. Fine in Fine Dust Jacket. 240 pages. The author's book-length account on subject. While he has written about Christianity before, this is Harold Bloom's very first full-fledged exploration of the Jesus narrative. The First Hardcover Edition. Precedes and should not be confused with all other subsequent editions. Published in a small and limited first print run as a hardcover original only. The First Edition is now scarce. Presents Harold Bloom's "Jesus And Yahweh: The Names Divine". One of his most brilliant and beautiful books. His compelling literary re-creation of Jesus as himself and in relation to Yahweh, that is, his continuity and discontinuity with the Jewish tradition. Based upon meticulous readings of abstruse scholarly texts that contradict one another, Bloom contrasts (he prefers the verb "divines", as in flashes of inspiration) the historical Jesus of Nazareth with the theological Jesus Christ, and in essence, finds nothing in common between them. On the contrary, the two figures are exact opposites. "Jesus" is the later Greek version of the original "Yeshua", which modern Jews have turned into and still use as "Joshua". Yeshua of Nazareth was, in Bloom's estimation, the greatest rabbi/genius since Moses, courageous, incorruptible, and fully committed to the restoration of ancient Jewish tradition at a time of profound turbulence and despair among the Jewish people. Yeshua of Nazareth will therefore not recognize himself at all in The Gospels, which were written centuries later, pragmatically and effectively transforming him into Jesus Christ, the founder of a new religion that broke away from monotheistic Judaism. Jesus Christ is a fascinating literary figure in his own right, worshipped as one God in the Holy Trinity (God The Father, God The Son, and God The Holy Spirit). Together with his mother, the Virgin Mary, they make up the Roman Catholic quartet. For more than two thousand years, this quartet has remained the core figures of polytheistic Christianity, the most vibrant, most influential, and most powerful religion the world has ever seen. As such, for Bloom, the so-called "Judaeo-Christian tradition" is not so much a myth as a farce. The book has infuriated and outraged both Jews and Christians alike. Bloom is a proud Jew even though he sees his people's destiny being uncertain at best as the Second Coming is not forthcoming. He does not believe in Jesus Christ, Shakespeare being his true God. And when he describes the Jesus narrative as the greatest literary mis-reading in human history, Bloom is poignantly (rather than polemically) alluding to his ground-breaking thesis about the anxiety of influence, the remarkable insight about literary creation that is the basis of his lifelong, overarching theme about the literary (rather than philosophical) struggle between "authority" and "personality": "The New Testament is frequently a strong mis-reading of the Hebrew Bible, and certainly it has persuaded multitudes" (Harold Bloom). Whereas "The Book of J" is joyful and exuberant, the tone of "Jesus And Yahweh" is elegiac. An absolute "must-have" title for Harold Bloom collectors. This copy is very prominently and beautifully signed in black ink-pen on the title page by Harold Bloom. It is signed directly on the page itself, not on a tipped-in page, as copies available online are. This title is a classic. As far as we know, this is the only such title-page signed copy of the First Hardcover Edition/First Printing available online and is in especially fine condition: Clean, crisp, and bright, a pristine beauty. Please note: Copies available online have serious flaws, are subsequent printings, or are remainder-marked. This is surely an accessible and lovely alternative. A rare signed copy thus. The greatest literary critic of our time. A fine collectible copy. (SEE ALSO OTHER HAROLD BLOOM TITLES IN OUR CATALOG). ISBN 1573223220.

Stock number: 15665. ISBN: 1573223220

$US 150.00Add To Cart

Bloom, Harold
Omens Of Millennium: The Gnosis Of Angels, Dreams, And Resurrection

Imprint: New York City, NY, Riverhead Books, 1996
Edition: First Edition
Binding: Hardback , With Dust Jacket
Inscription: Signed, inscribed or annotated

First Edition / First Printing. Fine in Fine Dust Jacket. 255 pages. The author's book-length account on subject. One of Harold Bloom's finest achievements. Review Copy. Review Materials laid-in. Precedes and should not be confused with all other subsequent editions, particularly copies that are signed on a tipped-in page. Published in a small and limited first print run as a hardcover original only. The First Edition is now scarce. Presents Harold Bloom's "Omens of Millennium: The Gnosis of Angels, Dreams, And Resurrection". Ominous beginnings. As the 21st century (abysmally) unfolds, Western culture is fascinated once again with angels, aliens (that is, bad angels or demons), and other otherworldly beings. Harold Bloom pulls us back to show with characteristic clarity and insight that our current longings are atavistically derived from Jewish, Christian, and Muslim traditions. Angels are harbingers of Apocalypse, expressing our very real anxieties about the end of the world. As such, they are a very real threat to science and its principal invention, our post-modern, consumerist society. Always on the mark, Bloom contends that, using technology's dazzling "special effects", shallow, escapist, and triumphalist popular culture has sought to contain and diminish a great tradition that has inspired some of the greatest Western artists and thinkers such as John Milton, William Blake, and of course, Shakespeare. He restores the "angelic" to its rightful place, as the transcendent image of the "all-too-human". "Draws on his life-long study of religion and in particular, the belief that God is not an external force but resides within each one of us. Through the ancient literature of Jewish Kabbalah, Christian Gnosticism, and Muslim Shiite Sufism, he reveals to us angels not as the kitschy cherubs we know today but as magnificent, terrifying beings who have always played a central role in Western culture. He allows us to feel their splendor and to experience the powerful role that dreams and near-death experiences have held throughout the centuries. In the dazzling final chapter, he delivers a Gnostic Sermon in which he urges us toward transcendence. Harold Bloom has written a book whose triumph is not only its synthesis of centuries of religious thought but its deep spirituality, through which we come to know and mourn a religious experience no longer available to us" (Publisher's blurb). An absolute "must-have" title for Harold Bloom collectors. This is a Review Copy. The Review Materials are laid-in. It is very prominently and beautifully signed in black ink-pen on the title page by Harold Bloom. It is signed directly on the page itself, not on a tipped-in page, as copies available online are. Bloom's signature on this particular copy (which had become unsteady with old age and illness) is one of the most beautiful we have ever seen. This title is a classic. As far as we know, this is the only such signed Review Copy of the First Hardcover Edition/First Printing available online and is in especially fine condition: Clean, crisp, and bright, a pristine beauty. Please note: Copies available online have serious flaws, are subsequent printings, or are remainder-marked. This is surely an accessible and lovely alternative. A rare signed copy thus. The greatest literary critic of our time. A fine collectible copy. (SEE ALSO OTHER HAROLD BLOOM TITLES IN OUR CATALOG). ISBN 1573220450.

Stock number: 15663. ISBN: 1573220450

$US 200.00Add To Cart

Bloom, Harold
Omens Of Millennium: The Gnosis Of Angels, Dreams, And Resurrection

Imprint: New York City, NY, Riverhead Books, 1996
Edition: First Edition
Binding: Hardback , With Dust Jacket
Inscription: Signed, inscribed or annotated

First Edition / First Printing. Fine in Fine Dust Jacket. 255 pages. The author's book-length account on subject. One of Harold Bloom's finest achievements. The First Hardcover Edition. Precedes and should not be confused with all other subsequent editions, particularly copies that are signed on a tipped-in page. Published in a small and limited first print run as a hardcover original only. The First Edition is now scarce. Presents Harold Bloom's "Omens of Millennium: The Gnosis of Angels, Dreams, And Resurrection". Ominous beginnings. As the 21st century (abysmally) unfolds, Western culture is fascinated once again with angels, aliens (that is, bad angels or demons), and other otherworldly beings. Harold Bloom pulls us back to show with characteristic clarity and insight that our current longings are atavistically derived from Jewish, Christian, and Muslim traditions. Angels are harbingers of Apocalypse, expressing our very real anxieties about the end of the world. As such, they are a very real threat to science and its principal invention, our post-modern, consumerist society. Always on the mark, Bloom contends that, using technology's dazzling "special effects", shallow, escapist, and triumphalist popular culture has sought to contain and diminish a great tradition that has inspired some of the greatest Western artists and thinkers such as John Milton, William Blake, and of course, Shakespeare. He restores the "angelic" to its rightful place, as the transcendent image of the "all-too-human". "Draws on his life-long study of religion and in particular, the belief that God is not an external force but resides within each one of us. Through the ancient literature of Jewish Kabbalah, Christian Gnosticism, and Muslim Shiite Sufism, he reveals to us angels not as the kitschy cherubs we know today but as magnificent, terrifying beings who have always played a central role in Western culture. He allows us to feel their splendor and to experience the powerful role that dreams and near-death experiences have held throughout the centuries. In the dazzling final chapter, he delivers a Gnostic Sermon in which he urges us toward transcendence. Harold Bloom has written a book whose triumph is not only its synthesis of centuries of religious thought but its deep spirituality, through which we come to know and mourn a religious experience no longer available to us" (Publisher's blurb). An absolute "must-have" title for Harold Bloom collectors. This copy is very prominently and beautifully signed in black ink-pen on the title page by the author: "For David Streitfeld, Harold Bloom". It is signed directly on the page itself, not on a tipped-in page, as copies available online are. The recipient, who is named, was personally known to the author. Bloom's signature on this particular copy (which had become unsteady with old age and illness) is one of the most beautiful we have ever seen. This title is a modern classic. This is one of few such signed and inscribed copies of the First Hardcover Edition/First Printing still available online and is in especially fine condition: Clean, crisp, and bright, a pristine beauty. Please note: Copies available online have serious flaws, are subsequent printings, or are remainder-marked. This is surely an accessible and lovely alternative. A rare signed copy thus. The greatest literary critic of our time. A fine collectible copy. (SEE ALSO OTHER HAROLD BLOOM TITLES IN OUR CATALOG). ISBN 1573220450.

Stock number: 15674. ISBN: 1573220450

$US 150.00Add To Cart

Bloom, Harold (Author) & Shakespeare, William (Subject)
Shakespeare: The Invention Of The Human

Imprint: New York City, NY, Riverhead Books, 1998
Edition: First Edition
Binding: Hardback , With Dust Jacket

First Edition / First Printing. As New in As New Dust Jacket. 745 pages. Massive collection of essays on subject. One of the greatest books of the 20th century. The First Hardcover Edition. Precedes and should not be confused with all other subsequent editions. Published in a small and limited first print run as a hardcover original only. "Autographed Copy" round white sticker pasted in front. The First Edition is now rare. Presents Harold Bloom's "Shakespeare: The Invention of The Human". The crowning achievement of Bloom's genius: A 745-page celebration - "commentary" does not quite do justice in this context - of the one writer that he, very controversially, regards as the greatest literary artist of all time, the beginning, the middle, and the end of everything, in effect AND affect. The central narrative of Harold Bloom's life-work is the existential struggle between "authority" and "personality". Whether it's specifically between orthodoxy versus heresy, The Holy Bible versus The Book of J, normative Judaism and Christianity versus mystical Kabbalah/Gnosticism, "personality" is triumphant because it is more expressive, more subtle, and more multitudinous whereas "authority" inevitably becomes predictable, rigid, and ossified. The idea of "personality" is not just articulated, but sublimely dramatized by Bloom. He credits Shakespeare with inventing it, and devotes a definitive essay to each of the plays, emphasizing their "personality" and influence on all subsequent literature, feeling, and thought. "Before Bloom is done with us, he has made us wonder whether his vision of Shakespeare's influence on the whole of our lives might not simply be the sobering truth. A feast of arguments and insights, written with engaging frankness and affecting immediacy. Filled with literally thousands of insights" (Daniel Hintzsche). "The ultimate use of Shakespeare is to let him teach you to think too well and towards whatever truth you can sustain without perishing" (Harold Bloom). An absolute "must-have" title for Harold Bloom collectors. This Autographed Copy is very prominently and beautifully signed in black ink-pen on the publisher's tipped-in page by Harold Bloom. This title is a great book. This is one of few such pre-signed copies of the First Hardcover Edition/First Printing still available online and is in especially fine condition: Clean, crisp, and bright, a pristine beauty. Please note: The publisher issued a limited number of signed copies, which vanished from bookstores (within a day of their release in 1998). Few such signed copies have resurfaced since, more than twenty years later (as of 2019), which means that collectors have held on to them. Copies available online have serious flaws, are subsequent printings, or are remainder-marked. This is surely an accessible and lovely alternative. A rare signed copy thus. The greatest literary critic of our time on the greatest writer of all time. A fine collectible copy. (SEE ALSO OTHER HAROLD BLOOM TITLES IN OUR CATALOG). ISBN 1573221201.

Stock number: 19622. ISBN: 1573221201

$US 250.00Add To Cart

Bloom, Harold (Editor); Andersen, Hans Christian; Shakespeare, William & Other Authors
Stories And Poems For Extremely Intelligent Children Of All Ages

Imprint: New York City, NY, Scribner, 2001
Edition: First Edition
Binding: Hardback , With Dust Jacket
Inscription: Signed, inscribed or annotated

First Edition / First Printing. Fine in Fine Dust Jacket. 575 pages. Retrospective collection of stories and poems. One of the best collections of its kind ever published in our time. The First Hardcover Edition. Precedes and should not be confused with all other subsequent editions. Published in a small and limited first print run as a hardcover original only. The First Edition is now scarce. Presents Harold Bloom's "Stories And Poems For Extremely Intelligent Children of All Ages". A brilliant and rewarding reminder-selection of the greatest short stories and poems in the Western tradition. The key phrase of the extremely long title is "of all ages", which makes Bloom's selection elitist and inclusive at the same time. That is, he means ALL serious readers. As anyone familiar with Bloom's aesthetic of superior intelligence knows, the title is not pretentious but ironic. He gives grown-ups avid permission to dip into his book because there is much in it to discover, re-discover, and treasure. As Bloom repeatedly makes clear, the choice is not between The Old and The New (we need them both), but between what's great and what's mediocre (we need only the former). The choice would seem to be obvious enough, but it really isn't in our prevailing culture of identity politics. As such, Bloom's book is a refreshing antidote to the meretricious derivative products being packaged and marketed today by publishers and their hacks. Beware: Bloom savors irony of the most pungent, uncompromising kind. He believes that a sense of irony must be instilled at a very young age (even though it is never too late to develop one at any age). Dismissive of contemporary children's literature, Bloom stubbornly insists once more that we go back to the great ironic writers: "Children's literature is a mask for the dumbing-down that is destroying our literary culture. Most of what is now commercially offered as children's literature would be inadequate fare for any reader of any age at any time" (Harold Bloom). An absolute "must-have" title for Harold Bloom collectors. This copy is very prominently and beautifully signed in black ink-pen on the title page by Harold Bloom. It is signed directly on the page itself, not on a tipped-in page. This title is a contemporary classic. As far as we know, this is the only such signed copy of the First Hardcover Edition/First Printing available online and is in especially fine condition: Clean, crisp, and bright, a pristine beauty. Please note: Copies available online have serious flaws, are subsequent printings, or are remainder-marked. This is surely an accessible and lovely alternative. A rare signed copy thus. The greatest literary critic of our time. A fine collectible copy. (SEE ALSO OTHER HAROLD BLOOM TITLES IN OUR CATALOG). ISBN 0684868733.

Stock number: 20522. ISBN: 0684868733

$US 200.00Add To Cart

Bloom, Harold
The Epic/dramatists And Dramas/short Story Writers And Short Stories/essayists And Prophets/poets And Poems/novelists And Novels: Bloom's Literary Criticism 20th Anniversary Collection

Imprint: Philadelphia, PA, The Chelsea House, 2005
Edition: First Edition
Binding: Hardback

First Edition / First Printing. As New in No Dust Jacket, As Issued. 2057 pages. Retrospective collections of essays on literature. One of the greatest literary achievements of our time. The Complete Set. Each volume is the First Hardcover Edition in its First Printing. Precedes and should not be confused with all other subsequent editions. Published by The Chelsea House in first print runs as hardcover originals only, each individually released volume is part of Harold Bloom's Literary Criticism 20th Anniversary Collection. Individually and collectively, The Collection celebrates literature and just as important, the epochal role that Harold Bloom has played as its most formidable and authoritative champion. The Uniform-Edition design by Takeshi Takahashi beautifully presents each volume as the integral part of a larger whole: Regular-sized volume format. Glossy pictorial hard boards with titles on the cover and spine, as issued. A brilliant drawing of Harold Bloom by various American cartoonist/artists, notably The New York Review of Books' David Levine, is reproduced on the cover of each volume. Printed on pristine-white, archival stock paper in the United States to the highest standards. Without DJ's, as issued. Presents Harold Bloom's "Literary Criticism 20th Anniversary Collection". All six volumes, 2, 057 pages in all. Prolific and indefatigable, inhumanly and therefore genuinely so, the insomniac, workaholic Genius of Yale is the critical intelligence behind every piece. The volumes are "The Epic"; "Dramatists And Dramas"; "Short Story Writers And Short Stories"; "Essayists And Prophets"; "Poets And Poems"; and "Novelists And Novels". The greatest literary critic of our time turns out to be nothing more, and nothing less, than the greatest reader of our time. He has read more than anybody else: More completely, more intelligently, and more humanely. Harold Bloom does not subscribe to any extrinsic, ideologically motivated "theory" (unless intelligence, insight, and rapture constitute theory), but he does believe in three intrinsic standards: Aesthetic splendor, cognitive power, and wisdom. One can read the volumes "straight-through" over a period of several (sleepless) weeks or dip into them from time to time. Either way, one will surely go back to them over and over again for the rest of one's reading life, for illumination, enlightenment, and pleasure. Bloom reminds us above all, and we need to be reminded in a time of easy "gizmo" distractions, that reading is not oppressive but liberating, perhaps the most significant personal act a human being will make to assert his or her freedom. An absolute "must-have" set for Harold Bloom and literature reader/collectors. These titles are classics. As far as we know, this is the only Complete Set of the First Hardcover Editions/First Printings available online and is in especially and uniformly fine condition: Clean, crisp, and bright, pristine beauties. Please note: The individual volumes available online have serious flaws, are subsequent printings, or are remainder-marked. This is surely an accessible and lovely alternative. A rare set thus. The greatest literary critic of our time. A fine collectible set. (SEE ALSO OTHER HAROLD BLOOM TITLES IN OUR CATALOG).

Stock number: 18556.

$US 500.00Add To Cart

Bloom, Harold
The Western Canon: The Books And School Of The Ages

Imprint: New York City, NY, Harcourt Brace, 1994
Edition: First Edition
Binding: Hardback , With Dust Jacket

First Edition / First Printing. Fine in Fine Dust Jacket. 578 pages. Book-length account on subject. One of the most valuable books of our time. Review Copy. Review Material laid-in. The First Hardcover Edition. Precedes and should not be confused with all other subsequent editions. Published in a small and limited first print run as a hardcover original only. The First Edition is now scarce. Presents Harold Bloom's "The Western Canon: The Books And School of The Ages". His still-controversial pronouncement on canonical literature. "Shakespeare is the canon. He defines for the Western world the standard by which we judge all other literature. And more: He defines for us what we are to ourselves, what we understand of human nature. The evolution of human consciousness seems to have taken its one jolt forward with Shakespeare, who captured the entire scope of what is new" (Stuart Whitwell). It is easy to misunderstand, and thereby dismiss, what Bloom is saying when he asserts the centrality of the one writer he has elevated to the status of Founding Father: He sees the whole of Western literature THROUGH Shakespeare instead of through philosophy, neo-liberalism, critical theory, or conservative ideology, as ALL other contemporary critics do. Bloom is not saying that we should read only Shakespeare. On the contrary, Bloom himself has read, and written about, everyone else worth reading. Still, if there is any other writer, living or dead, greater than Shakespeare, then who is it? To be sure, it's an intimidating, even oppressive, standard. Most writers will fall short of true greatness, and writing itself is an impossible calling. But through Shakespeare, Bloom makes us see that this is what The Canon is all about: Greatness. The Great Works is an ongoing project that always moves in two directions simultaneously: It expands (by embracing vibrant, new voices) and contracts (by removing once-vital works that do not endure, "period pieces") at the same time. In the process, Bloom challenges - and demolishes - such currently fashionable notions as multiculturalism, New Historicism, academicism, and most pernicious of all, political correctness. The avidly read Appendix, "A Canonical Prophecy", a list of books today that will probably be timeless tomorrow, has been vindicated more than twenty-five years (as of 2019) after Bloom put it together. An absolute "must-have" title for Harold Bloom collectors. This is a Review Copy. The Review Material is laid-in. The latter includes a dazzling summary-essay by Harold Bloom that is adapted from his book. This title is a great book. As far as we know, this is the only Review Copy of the First Hardcover Edition/First Printing available online and is in especially fine condition: Clean, crisp, and bright, a beauty. Please note: Copies available online have serious flaws, are subsequent printings, or are remainder-marked. This is surely an accessible and lovely alternative. A rare copy thus. The greatest literary critic of our time. A fine copy. (SEE ALSO OTHER HAROLD BLOOM TITLES IN OUR CATALOG). ISBN 0151957479.

Stock number: 22286. ISBN: 0151957479

$US 70.00Add To Cart
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Bloom, Harold
Where Shall Wisdom Be Found?

Imprint: New York City, NY, Riverhead Books, 2004
Edition: First Edition
Binding: Hardback , With Dust Jacket

First Edition / First Printing. As New in As New Dust Jacket. 284 pages. Retrospective collection of essays on subject. One of Harold Bloom's finest achievements. The sequel to and companion volume of "The Western Canon" (1994). The First Hardcover Edition. Precedes and should not be confused with all other subsequent editions. Published in a small and limited first print run as a hardcover original only. The First Edition is now scarce. Presents Harold Bloom's "Where Shall Wisdom Be Found?". Written while Bloom was recovering from a life-threatening illness. It is dedicated to the great American philosopher Richard Rorty, who was also taken ill and died in 2007. The title is, famously, from "The Book of Job". It is, appropriately enough, interrogative rather than declarative, and not the same thing as the Book of Wisdom that many modern-day, "inspirational" demagogue-writers deem their life manifestos to be. Bloom's is a tentative quest, not a final or definitive discovery. "Bloom returns once more to sift through the Western canon, this time to discern and describe those writers whose brand of wisdom he holds in highest esteem. Beginning with Job and Ecclesiastes and ranging from Plato, Homer, Cervantes, Shakespeare, Montaigne, Francis Bacon, Dr. Johnson, and Goethe to Emerson, Nietzsche, Freud, and Proust, Bloom writes gracefully about each as he evaluates by comparison and teases out their subtle relationships" (Publishers Weekly). Harold Bloom's idiosyncratic version of the dialectic is "literary" rather than "existential". The dramatic struggle between "authority" and "personality" is the overarching theme of his oversize body of work. "Personality" is triumphant because it is more expressive, more subtle, and more multitudinous whereas "authority" inevitably becomes predictable, rigid, and ossified. "Personality" prevails, and eventually becomes even-more-powerful and awe-inspiring "authority": If there is a more authoritative figure, intimidatingly so, than Harold Bloom in contemporary American literature, we do not know him (or her). So where shall wisdom be found? The choice is between "poetry" (literature) and "philosophy" (commentary). Do we need to choose between Homer and Plato (or Cormac McCarthy and Richard Rorty) ? No, we do not. We need and will find wisdom from both, "as long as we recognize that poetry is superior" (Harold Bloom). An absolute "must-have" title for Harold Bloom collectors. This title is a classic. This is one of few copies of the First Hardcover Edition/First Printing still available online and is in especially fine condition: Clean, crisp, and bright, a pristine beauty. Please note: Copies available online have serious flaws, are subsequent printings, or are remainder-marked. This is surely an accessible and lovely alternative. A scarce copy thus. The greatest literary critic of our time. A fine copy. (SEE ALSO OTHER HAROLD BLOOM TITLES IN OUR CATALOG). ISBN 1573222844.

Stock number: 15649. ISBN: 1573222844

$US 30.00Add To Cart

Blossfeldt, Karl (Photographer) & Wilde, Ann & Jurgen (Publisher/Editors)
Urformen Der Kunst/art Forms In Nature: New Edition As Portfolio By Ann And Jurgen Wilde

Imprint: Cologne, Germany, Stiftung Fotografie Und Kunstwissenschaft/Ann & Jurgen Wilde,, 2003
Edition: First Edition
Binding: Hardback

First Edition / First Printing. Fine in No Dust Jacket, As Issued. 120 pages. New Edition of the photography book classic. Limited Slipcased Edition of 1000 copies. Published as a portfolio. There is no ISBN. The Limited Edition is now rare. A brilliant production by Ann and Jurgen Wilde: Oversize-volume format. "Forest Green" cloth portfolio with gilt titles and design embossed on the cover and spine, as issued. The design, which features the spike-leafed Bourgati's Eryngo, replicates the 1928 Verlag Ernst Wasmuth First Edition. Photographs by Karl Blossfeldt. They are presented as loose plates, each of them eminently suitable for framing, inspired by the fact that MOST copies of the original have precisely (and infamously) been detached/separated from the book and framed (most famously, by the late fashion icon Karl Lagerfeld), for display, and in order to increase their value even more. Introductory Essay in separate Pamphlet. Bibliography that lists ALL of the editions of "Urformen der Kunst", from 1928 through 1994, an astonishing twenty-three editions in all, culled from all over the world. Matching green hard board slipcase. Printed on pristine-white, uncoated Pacific 160 GSM stock paper by Meerssen & Palm in The Netherlands to the highest standards. The reproduction quality is outstanding in every respect. Without DJ, as issued. Re-presents, in its New Limited Edition, Karl Blossfeldt's "Urformen der Kunst". The Art Forms of Nature. Each photograph is presented as a loose plate, frame-able or retain-able within its elegant, durable inner portfolio and outer slipcase. Blossfeldt amassed over 6000 botanical specimens in his lifetime, a monomaniacal obsession that he then took a step further by taking photographs of them. First published more than ninety years ago, when he was 63 years old, "Urformen der Kunst" was a sensation, and led to two more sequel-volumes, "Wundergarten der Natur" ("Magic Garden of Nature", 1932) and "Wunder in der Natur" ("Magic In Nature", 1942). For here is the ultimate proof of the "intimate relationship between Art and Nature, alluding to the history of architectural ornamentation from Rococo to Renaissance to Gothic, all echoed in the tendrils, stalks, pods, and blossoms of Blossfeldt's photographs" (Vince Aletti). These historical precedents led to the Art Nouveau Movement in the 20th century (1890-1920), and served as the immediate influence and inspiration for Blossfeldt's botany. Tactile sensuousness, formal rigor, and natural beauty being immensely influential Art Nouveau ideals, Blossfeldt's flora blossomed, in its turn, as a major influence over nearly all subsequent design aesthetics, particularly Bauhaus and The New Objectivity Movement, as reflection and in rebellion at the same time. Even contemporary Minimalist design, while seemingly stripped clean of any reference to Nature, is nevertheless indebted, with its exacting emphasis on the use of all-natural materials (wood panellings, marble tiles, onyx, jasper, and agate bathrooms) and the rejection of anything synthetic or plastic. An absolute "must-have" title for Karl Blossfeldt collectors. This is a copy of the New Limited Slipcased Edition of 1000 copies. This title is a great photography book. As far as we know, this is the only copy of the Limited Edition available online and is in especially fine condition: Clean, crisp, and bright, a pristine beauty. Please note: Copies of the 1928 First Edition available online command hundreds and thousands of dollars even if they have serious flaws (missing DJ, missing pages, and so on). This is surely an accessible and lovely alternative. A rare copy thus. 120 plates. Widely regarded as one of the greatest photography books of the 20th century. A fine collectible copy. .

Stock number: 21832.

$US 500.00Add To Cart

Blumenfeld, Erwin (Photographer); Besset, Maurice & Teicher, Hendel (Contributors)
Blumenfeld: Meine 100 Besten Fotos/blumenfeld: My One Hundred Best Photos

Imprint: New York City, NY, Rizzoli Press, 1981
Edition: First Edition
Binding: Hardback , With Dust Jacket

First Edition / First Printing. Fine in Fine Dust Jacket. 139 pages. Facsimile Edition of the 1979 German original. One of the most beautiful art photography books of the 20th century. The first appearance of the title in English and in the United States. Precedes and should not be confused with all other subsequent editions. Published in a small and limited first print run as a hardcover original only. The First Edition is now scarce. An austerely elegant production by Rizzoli Press: Oversize-volume format. Black cloth boards with white titles embossed on spine, as issued. Photographs by Erwin Blumenfeld. Introduction by Maurice Besset. Essay by Hendel Teicher in a felicitous English translation by Phillipe Garner and Luna Carne-Ross. Printed on pristine-white, thick coated and uncoated stock papers in the United States to the highest standards. The reproduction quality is exemplary in every respect. In pictorial DJ with titles on the cover and spine, as issued. The First-State DJ is an exact facsimile of the First German Edition, and was subsequently replaced with the English-language version in all other subsequent printings. Presents, in its First English-Language Edition, Erwin Blumenfeld's "Meine 100 Besten Fotos". His one hundred best photographs, as personally selected by him, tragically unpublished in his lifetime, and now universally recognized as among the finest photographic images ever conceived and realized. Erwin Blumenfeld (1897-1969) did become famous for his fashion photography, working for Vogue and Harper's Bazaar. But his heart lay with the female face, body, and form, an obsession that resulted in some of the most innovative and brilliant nudes in photographic history, rivalled and matched only by the likes of Man Ray. Blumenfeld was one of the most innately and profoundly erotic portrayers of the nude. "He aimed to persuade his audience of the magical beauty of the human body, and to show the world that the nudes of the great Master Painters, from Botticelli to Ingres, could be challenged through the magical potential of the darkroom. An inspired innovator who experimented with solarizations, reticulations, negative-positive combinations, and chemical manipulations to enhance the eroticism of his images" (Publisher's blurb). The full range of Blumenfeld's inventiveness encompassed the Classical, the Surrealist, and (most brilliant of all) the Abstract Expressionist. An absolute "must-have" title for Erwin Blumenfeld collectors. This title is a great art photography book. As far as we know, this is only copy of the First Hardcover Edition/First Printing/First-State DJ available online and despite its imperfection (slight rubbing on DJ) is still in especially fine condition: Clean, crisp, and bright, a beauty. Please note: Copies available online are remainder-marked or have serious flaws yet are priced as though they had collectible value. A rare copy thus. 100 plates. One of the most brilliant photographers of the 20th century. A fine collectible copy. (SEE ALSO OTHER ERWIN BLUMENFELD TITLE IN OUR CATALOG). ISBN 0847803406.

Stock number: 21541. ISBN: 0847803406

$US 150.00Add To Cart

Blumenfeld, Erwin (Photographer) & Blumenfeld, Yorick (Contributor/Editor)
The Naked And The Veiled: The Photographic Nudes Of Erwin Blumenfeld

Imprint: London, England, Thames And Hudson, 1999
Edition: First Edition
Binding: Hardback , With Dust Jacket

First Edition / First Printing. Fine in Fine Dust Jacket. 144 pages. Retrospective collection of female nudes. One of the most beautiful books on the erotic photographic art of Erwin Blumenfeld. The First Hardcover Edition. Precedes and should not be confused with all other subsequent editions. Published in a small and limited first print run as a hardcover original only. The First Edition is now scarce. A brilliant production by Thames & Hudson: Oversize-volume format. Blue hard boards with titles on spine, as issued. Photographs by Erwin Blumenfeld. Curated, edited, and assembled by his son, Yorick Blumenfeld. Printed on pristine-white, thick coated stock paper in the United States to the highest standards. In pictorial DJ with titles on the cover and spine, as issued. Presents Erwin Blumenfeld's "The Naked And The Veiled". A posthumous retrospective of his pioneering and experimentally dazzling female nudes (with a few male nudes thrown in for good measure, including a full-frontal self-portrait of the photographer). Features never-before-published photographs as well as celebrated images such as "Nude Under Wet Silk". One of the greatest fashion and lifestyle photographers of our time, Blumenfeld is also recognized as one of the most innately and profoundly erotic portrayers of the nude. "He aimed to persuade his audience of the magical beauty of the human body, and to show the world that the nudes of the great Master Painters, from Botticelli to Ingres, could be challenged through the magical potential of the darkroom. An inspired innovator who experimented with solarizations, reticulations, negative-positive combinations, and chemical manipulations to enhance the eroticism of his images" (Publisher's blurb). His son Yorick provides insight into the work and brings a greater understanding and appreciation of these highly original and complex images. He describes the full range of Blumenfeld's inventiveness, from the Classical to the Surrealist to (most brilliant of all) the Abstract Expressionist. "It will interest not only those who are already familiar with Blumenfeld's fashion photographs, but anyone interested in the history of the nude in photography, who wishes to see the subject treated by one of the 20th century's undisputed Masters". An absolute "must-have" title for Erwin Blumenfeld collectors. This title is now collectible. This is one of few copies of the First Hardcover Edition/First Printing still available online and is in especially fine condition: Clean, crisp, and bright, a pristine beauty. Please note: Copies available online are remainder-marked or have serious flaws. This is surely an accessible and lovely alternative. A scarce copy thus. 120 duotone and color plates. One of the most brilliant photographers of the 20th century. A fine copy. (SEE ALSO OTHER ERWIN BLUMENFELD TITLE IN OUR CATALOG). ISBN 0500542309.

Stock number: 21184. ISBN: 0500542309

$US 70.00Add To Cart

Boas, Gary Lee (Photographer); McCormick, Carlo & Musto, Michael (Contributors)
Starstruck: Photographs From A Fan

Imprint: Los Angeles, CA, Dilettante Press/Distributed Art Publishers, 1999
Edition: First Edition
Binding: Hardback
Inscription: Signed, inscribed or annotated

First Edition / First Printing. Fine in No Dust Jacket, As Issued. 300 pages. Retrospective collection of photographs. One of the most important photography books of our time. The First Edition. Precedes and should not be confused with all other subsequent editions, particularly the 2000 and 2005 Editions. Published in a small and limited first print run as a hardcover original only. The flexi-boards are sometimes classified as "softcover" by dealers. The First Edition is now rare. A brilliant production by Gary Lee Boas and Dilettante Press: Oversize-volume format. Pictorial flexi-boards with titles on the cover and spine, as issued. Photographs by Gary Lee Boas. Text by Carlo McCormick and Michael Musto. Printed on pristine-white, archival stock paper in the United States to the highest standards. Without DJ, as issued. Presents Gary Lee Boas' "Starstruck: Photographs From A Fan". The single most important collection of its kind in the history of Western photography: A dedicated fan's amateur photographs of celebrities. Gary Lee Boas was not a paparazzo like Ron Galella (while he relentlessly pursued his subjects, he was not paid to do so, and his "scoops" were lucky "chance" encounters) nor was he a celebrity portrait-photographer like Annie Leibovitz (while all of his subjects enjoyed being photographed by him, often inviting Boas to pose with them, including a rare photograph of Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis posing graciously with Boas, all of his pictures are informal snapshots rather than formal portraits). Boas lived the life of the fan whose commitment was religious in its fervor. He ended up documenting for posterity the modern celebrity worship that photography has made possible. The idea of celebrity is centuries-old, much older than most people realize (the best book on the subject, "The Frenzy of Renown", recounts how such immortals as Mozart, Shakespeare, and Chopin cultivated their cult followings). Boas' distinct advantage over his predecessors was that he could take pictures. "Starting in 1966 at the age of fifteen, Gary Lee Boas would travel from his hometown of Lancaster, Pennsylvania to Philadelphia and New York City, where he would wait outside theaters, parties, and restaurants in hopes of photographing famous people. He captured everyone from silver-screen goddesses and Broadway legends to beauty queens, rock stars, politicians, porn stars, and the Pope. The result is the most fascinating portrait of contemporary culture, taken from the remarkable perspective of a fan" (Publisher's blurb). Boas' two biggest catches were Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis and Greta Garbo. If you are wondering why these two figures, then you are probably not interested in photography or celebrity. An absolute "must-have" title for Gary Lee Boas collectors. This copy is very prominently, neatly, and beautifully signed in blue pen on the title page by Gary Lee Boas. It is signed directly on the page itself, not on a tipped-in page. This title is a contemporary classic. This is one of few such signed copies of the First Edition/First Printing still available online and is in especially fine condition: Clean, crisp, and bright, a pristine beauty. Please note: Copies available online have serious flaws, are subsequent printings, or are remainder-marked. This is surely an accessible and lovely alternative. A rare signed copy thus. 300 color plates. "Starstruck: Photographs From A Fan" was selected as one of the greatest photography books in "The Photobook". One of the most remarkable photographers of the 20th century. A fine collectible copy. . ISBN 0966427254.

Stock number: 15494. ISBN: 0966427254

$US 200.00Add To Cart
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Bogosian, Eric

Imprint: New York City, NY, Simon & Schuster, 2000
Edition: First Edition
Binding: Hardback , With Dust Jacket
Inscription: Signed, inscribed or annotated

First Edition / First Printing. Fine in Fine Dust Jacket. 246 pages. The author's breakthrough debut novel. Now considered a contemporary classic. The First Hardcover Edition. Precedes and should not be confused with all other subsequent editions. Published in a small and limited first print run as a hardcover original only. The First Edition is now scarce. Present Eric Bogosian's "Mall". Dysfunctional America. A stunning achievement from the acclaimed, cult-status performance artist, actor, and playwright of "Talk Radio", "SubUrbia", and "Griller". "If John Cheever lived in America today, watched MTV, and shopped at the mall, he'd probably write like Eric Bogosian. Those feelings of ennui and existential dread that Cheever described in suburban America at midcentury, Bogosian articulates for America at the millennium. Bogosian, whose plays have been critical and commercial successes, has penned his first novel. 'Mall' is set in a generic shopping mall in an unnamed, generic American suburb. It becomes an intersection for five different troubled, angry, and dissolute characters who interact with each other with unexpected results. Bogosian shifts his perspective from character to character as the harrowing story unfolds. The writing is clever, vivid, and infused with very dark humor, sex, and violence. Virtually no detail, no quirk in this horrifying landscape escapes Bogosian's notice and all is woven together in this impressive, frightful work" (Ted Leventhal). An absolute "must-have" title for Eric Bogosian collectors. This copy is very boldly and beautifully signed in black pen-marker on the title page by Eric Bogosian. It is signed directly on the page itself, not on a tipped-in page. This title is a contemporary classic. This is one of few such signed copies of the First Hardcover Edition/First Printing still available online and is in especially fine condition: Clean, crisp, and bright, a pristine beauty. Please note: Copies available online have serious flaws, are subsequent printings, or are remainder-marked. This is surely an accessible and lovely alternative. A scarce signed copy thus. One of the most brilliant American writer/performer/artists of our time. A fine copy. . ISBN 0684857278.

Stock number: 1751. ISBN: 0684857278

$US 30.00Add To Cart
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Bohjalian, Chris
Skeletons At The Feast

Imprint: New York City, NY, Shaye Areheart Books/Random House, 2008
Edition: First Edition
Binding: Hardback , With Dust Jacket
Inscription: Signed, inscribed or annotated

First Edition / First Printing. Fine in Fine Dust Jacket. 372 pages. The author's twelfth novel. One of the most important literary events of our time. The First Hardcover Edition. Precedes and should not be confused with all other subsequent editions. Published in a small and limited first print run as a hardcover original only. The First Edition is now scarce. Presents Chris Bohjalian's "Skeletons At The Feast". Represents a major departure for Chris Bohjalian, who is noted for his acute ability to capture the "seismic" import of the small instant. His first full-fledged historical novel. His publisher has compared it to Michael Ondaatje's "The English Parient". "Paints the brutal landscape of Nazi Germany as German refugees struggle westward ahead of the advancing Russian army. Inspired by the unpublished diary of a Prussian woman who fled in 1945, the novel exhumes the ruins of spirit, flesh, and faith that accompanied thousands of such desperate journeys. Bohjalian's well-chosen descriptions capture the anguish of a tragic era and the dehumanizing desolation wrought by war" (Publishers Weekly). "Chris Bohjalian has written his finest novel to date, set against the brutal, waning days of World War Two. Bohjalian's masterpiece, the power of the narrative will stay with the reader long after it is put down. It will stand as one of the best novels ever written about one of the most brutal periods in history" (Marvin Minkler). An absolute "must-have" title for Chris Bohjalian collectors. This copy is very boldly and beautifully signed in black pen-marker on the title page by Chris Bohjalian. It is signed directly on the page itself, not on a tipped-in page. Bohjalian's signature on this copy is one of the most beautiful we have ever seen. This title is now collectible. This is one of few such signed copies of the First Hardcover Edition/First Printing still available online and is in especially fine condition: Clean, crisp, and bright, a pristine beauty. Please note: Copies available online have serious flaws, are subsequent printings, or are remainder-marked. This is surely an accessible and lovely alternative. A scarce signed copy thus. One of the finest American writers of our time. A fine copy. (SEE ALSO OTHER CHRIS BOHJALIAN TITLES IN OUR CATALOG). ISBN 0307394956.

Stock number: 13362. ISBN: 0307394956

$US 30.00Add To Cart
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Bohjalian, Chris
The Law Of Similars

Imprint: New York City, NY, Harmony Books, 1999
Edition: First Edition
Binding: Hardback , With Dust Jacket
Inscription: Signed, inscribed or annotated

First Edition / First Printing. Fine in Fine Dust Jacket. 275 pages. The author's sixth novel. One of the most important literary events of our time. The First Hardcover Edition. Precedes and should not be confused with all other subsequent editions. Published in a small and limited first print run as a hardcover original only. The First Edition is now scarce. Presents Chris Bohjalian's "The Law of Similars". The sequel to his most beloved novel, "Midwives". Bohjalian is adept at examining social and moral issues fraught with ambiguities. Here, again, he focuses on a fallible protagonist whose lapse in ethical judgment is motivated by love and need. "Chris Bohjalian is an artist of the small but seismic instant. As this gripping novel proves, he knows all too well the awful daring of a moment's surrender" (Siobhan Carson). Bohjalian enjoys a cult following, deservedly so, as he is one of the most accomplished stylists writing today. He has often said that he would prefer to have a core group of passionate readers than a mass base. An absolute "must-have" title for Chris Bohjalian collectors. This copy is very boldly and beautifully signed in blue pen on the title page by Chris Bohjalian. It is signed directly on the page itself, not on a tipped-in page. This title is now collectible. This is one of few such signed copies of the First Hardcover Edition/First Printing still available online and is in especially fine condition: Clean, crisp, and bright, a pristine beauty. Please note: Copies available online have serious flaws, are subsequent printings, or are remainder-marked. This is surely an accessible and lovely alternative. A scarce signed copy thus. One of the finest American writers of our time. A fine copy. (SEE ALSO OTHER CHRIS BOHJALIAN TITLES IN OUR CATALOG). ISBN 0517705869.

Stock number: 1255. ISBN: 0517705869

$US 30.00Add To Cart
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Bolano, Roberto (Author) & Wimmer, Natasha (Translator)
2666: A Novel

Imprint: New York City, NY, Farrar, Straus & Giroux, 2008
Edition: First Edition

First Edition / First Printing. As New in No Dust Jacket, As Issued. 898 pages. The author's eighth book to be translated into English. One of the greatest novels of our time. The first appearance of the title in English and in the United States. Published simultaneously with the Hardcover Edition, it is the more collectible edition because it was issued in a one-time-only print run. It conforms more closely to Bolano's stated wishes about the book and was not reissued once all of the copies were sold. The Slipcased Edition is now scarce. Presents Roberto Bolano's "2666" in a felicitous English translation. His final masterpiece. "This brilliant behemoth is grand in scope, ambition, and sheer page count. Translator Natasha Wimmer has again done a masterful job. No novel this year will have as powerful an effect on the reader as this one" (Publishers Weekly). What exactly is Roberto Bolano's achievement? "Bolano was the first to make a true break from the legacy of 'The Boom'. Many other writers of his generation, and younger writers too, have tried and are still trying to make a literature of their own, one that doesn't languish in the long shadow of Gabriel Garcia Marquez, Mario Vargas Llosa, and the other novelists who exploded on the world scene in the 1960's. Bolano made the leap seem effortless. The writers of The Boom put Latin America on the map. Bolano creates a Latin America of the mind, a post-nationalist Latin America filtered through a rootless, restless, uncompromising literary sensibility" (Natasha Wimmer). The consistently high level of Bolano's virtuosity is almost miraculous when one sees it as having been achieved during a brief and miserable personal life. It was as though he turned to literature not just to complement or complete but to change his life altogether. By the time of his untimely death in 2003 at the age of 50, Bolano was universally regarded as the greatest Spanish-language novelist of our time. "The real thing and the rarest" (Susan Sontag). An absolute "must-have" title for Roberto Bolano collectors. This title is a great book. This is one of few copies of the First American Slipcased Edition/First Printing still available online and is in especially fine condition: Clean, crisp, and bright, a pristine beauty. Please note: Copies available online have serious flaws, are subsequent printings, or are remainder-marked. This is surely an accessible and lovely alternative. A rare copy thus. One of the greatest writers of our time. A fine copy. (SEE ALSO OTHER ROBERTO BOLANO TITLES IN OUR CATALOG). ISBN 0374531552.

Stock number: 14362. ISBN: 0374531552

$US 100.00Add To Cart
Click to open full size image.

Bolano, Roberto (Author) & Wimmer, Natasha (Translator)
2666: A Novel

Imprint: New York City, NY, Farrar, Straus & Giroux, 2008
Edition: First Edition
Binding: Hardback , With Dust Jacket
Inscription: Signed, inscribed or annotated

First Edition / First Printing. Fine in Fine Dust Jacket. 898 pages. The author's eighth book to be translated into English. One of the greatest novels of our time. The first appearance of the title in English and in the United States. Precedes and should not be confused with all other subsequent editions. Published simultaneously with a Slipcased Edition that presents the novel in three separate softcover volumes, which correspond to the novel's different yet intertwined parts. The First Hardcover Edition is now scarce. Presents Roberto Bolano's "2666" in a felicitous English translation. Masterpiece. "This brilliant behemoth is grand in scope, ambition, and sheer page count. Translator Natasha Wimmer has again done a masterful job. No novel this year will have as powerful an effect on the reader as this one" (Publishers Weekly). What exactly is Roberto Bolano's achievement? "Bolano was the first to make a true break from the legacy of 'The Boom'. Many other writers of his generation, and younger writers too, have tried and are still trying to make a literature of their own, one that doesn't languish in the long shadow of Gabriel Garcia Marquez, Mario Vargas Llosa, and the other novelists who exploded on the world scene in the 1960's. Bolano made the leap seem effortless. The writers of The Boom put Latin America on the map. Bolano creates a Latin America of the mind, a post-nationalist Latin America filtered through a rootless, restless, uncompromising literary sensibility" (Natasha Wimmer). The consistently high level of Bolano's virtuosity is almost miraculous when one sees it as having been achieved during a brief and miserable personal life. It was as though he turned to literature not just to complement or complete but to change his life altogether. By the time of his untimely death in 2003 at the age of 50, Bolano was universally regarded as the greatest Spanish-language novelist of our time. "The real thing and the rarest" (Susan Sontag). An absolute "must-have" title for Roberto Bolano collectors. This copy is very prominently and beautifully signed in black pen on the title page by Natasha Wimmer. It is signed directly on the page itself, not on a tipped-in page. Together with Chris Andrews, Bolano's other major translator, Wimmer deserves credit for bringing Bolano's work to English-language readers, that is to say, to a global audience. This title is a great book. This is one of few such signed copies of the First American Hardcover Edition/First Printing still available online and is in especially fine condition: Clean, crisp, and bright, a pristine beauty. It is the single most beautiful signed copy we have ever seen. Please note: Copies available online have serious flaws, are subsequent printings, or are remainder-marked. This is surely an accessible and lovely alternative. A rare signed copy thus. One of the greatest writers of our time. A fine collectible copy. (SEE ALSO OTHER ROBERTO BOLANO TITLES IN OUR CATALOG). ISBN 0374100144.

Stock number: 18905. ISBN: 0374100144

$US 200.00Add To Cart
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Bolano, Roberto (Author) & Andrews, Chris (Translator)

Imprint: New York City, NY, New Directions Books, 2006
Edition: First Edition
Binding: Hardback , With Dust Jacket

First Edition / First Printing. Fine in Fine Dust Jacket. 184 pages. The author's fourth book to be translated into English. Now considered a contemporary classic. The first appearance of the title in English and in the United States. Precedes and should not be confused with all other subsequent editions. Published in a small and limited first print run as a hardcover original only that sold out shortly after publication. The First Edition is now scarce. Presents Roberto Bolano's "Amulet" in a felicitous English translation. Focusses on the Uruguayan poet Auxilio Lacouture who runs across a host of Latin-American artists and writers, among them "Arturo Belano", Bolano's alter ego. "Amulet" remains in Auxilio's first-person voice while still allowing for the frenetic scattering of other personalities Bolano effortlessly and masterfully handles. What exactly is Roberto Bolano's achievement? "He emerged as a writer at a time when Latin America no longer believed in utopias, when paradise had become hell, and that sense of monstrousness and waking nightmares and constant flight from something horrid permeates '2666' and all his work. A writer who worked without a net, who went all out, with no brakes, and in doing so, created a new way to be a great Latin American writer" (Rodrigo Fresan). The consistently high level of Bolano's virtuosity is almost miraculous when one sees it as having been achieved during a brief and miserable personal life. It was as though he turned to literature not just to complement or complete but to change his life altogether. By the time of his untimely death in 2003 at the age of 50, Bolano was universally regarded as the greatest Spanish-language novelist of our time. "The real thing and the rarest" (Susan Sontag). An absolute "must-have" title for Roberto Bolano collectors. This title is a contemporary classic. This is one of few copies of the First American Edition/First Printing still available online and is in especially fine condition: Clean, crisp, and bright, a pristine beauty. Please note: Copies available online have serious flaws, are subsequent printings, or are remainder-marked. This is surely an accessible and lovely alternative. A scarce copy thus. One of the greatest writers of our time. A fine copy. (SEE ALSO OTHER ROBERTO BOLANO TITLES IN OUR CATALOG). ISBN 0811216640.

Stock number: 16687. ISBN: 0811216640

$US 100.00Add To Cart

Bolano, Roberto (Author) & Wimmer, Natasha (Translator/Signatory)
Beach: The Granta Magazine "aliens" Issue

Imprint: London, England, Granta Books, 2011
Edition: First Edition
Binding: With Dust Jacket

First Edition / First Printing. Fine in Fine Dust Jacket. 264 pages. Rare Roberto Bolano collectible item. A fine copy of the Granta Magazine "Aliens" Winter 2011 Issue, signed by his great translator, Natasha Wimmer. Bolano's posthumous contribution is "Beach", which marks its appearance in published form for the very first time. A superlative piece, it was subsequently included in the exhaustive collection, "Between Parentheses" (2011), also translated by Natasha Wimmer. The consistently high level of Bolano's virtuosity is almost miraculous when one sees it as having been achieved during a brief and miserable personal life. It was as though he turned to literature not just to complement or complete but to change his life altogether. By the time of his untimely death in 2003 at the age of 50, Bolano was universally regarded as the greatest Spanish-language novelist of our time. "The real thing and the rarest" (Susan Sontag). An absolute "must-have" title for Roberto Bolano collectors. This copy is very prominently and beautifully signed in black pen on the first page of the Contribution by Roberto Bolano's great translator, Natasha Wimmer. It is signed directly on the page itself, not on a tipped-in page. It also comes with a pristine copy of the Souvenir Program of the National Book Festival during which event her signature was obtained. This title is a contemporary classic. As far as we know, this is the only such signed copy of the Granta Magazine Winter 2011 "Aliens" Issue available online and is in especially fine condition: Clean, crisp, and bright, a pristine beauty. A rare signed copy thus. One of the greatest writers of our time. A fine copy. (SEE ALSO OTHER ROBERTO BOLANO TITLES IN OUR CATALOG).

Stock number: 19303.

$US 50.00Add To Cart

Bolano, Roberto (Author) & Wimmer, Natasha (Translator)
Between Parentheses: Essays, Articles, And Speeches 1998-2003

Imprint: New York City, NY, New Directions Books, 2011
Edition: First Edition
Binding: Hardback
Inscription: Signed, inscribed or annotated

First Edition / First Printing. As New in No Dust Jacket, As Issued. 390 pages. Massive posthumous collection of essays. One of the greatest literary collections of our time. The first appearance of the title in English and in the United States. Precedes and should not be confused with all other subsequent editions. Published in a small and limited first print run as a hardcover original only. The First Edition is now scarce. Presents, in one elegant volume, Roberto Bolano's "Between Parentheses" in a felicitous English translation. Cultural journalism and literary essays. "Collects most of the newspaper columns and articles Bolano wrote during the last five years of his life as well as the texts of some of his speeches and talks and a few scattered prologues. Bolano's career as a non-fiction writer began in 1998, the year he became famous overnight for 'The Savage Detectives'. He was suddenly in demand for articles and speeches, and he took to this new vocation like a duck to water. Cantankerous, irreverent, and insufferably opinionated, Bolano could also be tender and a fierce advocate for his heroes (Borges, Cortazar, Parra) and favorite contemporaries, whose books he read assiduously and promoted generously" (Publisher's blurb). "Between Parentheses" completes our picture of the one writer who is now universally regarded as the first truly great post-Magical Realism novelist, a man-of-letters in every sense: "The very highest level of literary achievement" (Colm Toibin). An absolute "must-have" title for Roberto Bolano collectors. This copy is very prominently and beautifully signed in black ink-pen on the title page by Roberto Bolano's great translator, Natasha Wimmer. It is signed directly on the page itself, not on a tipped-in page. This title is a contemporary classic. As far as we know, this is the only such signed copy of the First American Edition/First Printing available online and is in especially fine condition: Clean, crisp, and bright, a pristine beauty. Please note: Copies available online are damaged because the edition was issued without a DJ and also because of shoddy packing and poor handling on the publisher's part. A rare signed copy thus. One of the greatest writers of our time. A fine copy. (SEE ALSO OTHER ROBERTO BOLANO TITLES IN OUR CATALOG). ISBN 0811218147.

Stock number: 18280. ISBN: 0811218147

$US 100.00Add To Cart

Bolano, Roberto; Diaz, Junot; Egan, Jennifer; Franzen, Jonathan; Kushner, Rachel & Others
Bomb: The Author Interviews

Imprint: New York City, NY, Soho Press, 2014
Edition: First Edition
Binding: Hardback
Inscription: Signed, inscribed or annotated

First Edition / First Printing. As New in No Dust Jacket, As Issued. 460 pages. Retrospective collection of author interviews. The best author-interview collection of its kind of our time. The First Hardcover Edition. Precedes and should not be confused with all other subsequent editions. Published in a small and limited first print run as a hardcover original only. Presents, in one elegant collectible volume, the BOMB Magazine author interviews. Unique in the history of this fascinating and new literary genre: There were no formal, fully transcribed author interviews until the 20th century. It would have been nice if there was one between Hawthorne and Melville, for example, although we do have some of the magnificent letters they wrote each other. Now, we have two "similar-yet-dissimilar-at-the-same-time" authors talking about each other's work, other writers, and other shared interests. The pairings of the interviews are dazzling in both their originality and appropriateness. "Drawing on the first 30 years of BOMB Magazine. Brings together some of the greatest figures of world literature for a brilliant collection of sharp, insightful, and intimate conversations. Here we have a conversation with Jonathan Franzen, still an unkown author, on the eve of the publication of 'The Corrections'; and one with Roberto Bolano, near the end of his life. Lydia Davis and Francine Prose break down the intricacies of Davis' methods. Edwidge Danticat and Junot Diaz discuss the power of Caribbean diasporic fiction" (Publisher's blurb). And that's just for starters. An absolute "must-have" title for Modern First and contemporary literature collectors. This copy is very prominently and beautifully signed in blue ink-pen on the title page by Jennifer Egan. It is signed directly on the page itself, not on a tipped-in page. Laid-in is a pristine copy of the 2019 Chicago Humanities Festival Souvenir Program during which event her signature was obtained. This title is a great collection. As far as we know, this is the only such signed copy of the First Hardcover Edition/First Printing available online and is in especially fine condition: Clean, crisp, and bright, a beauty. Please note: Copies available online have serious flaws or are remainder-marked (even if the dealers do not always say so). This is surely an accessible and lovely alternative. A rare signed copy thus. Some of the greatest writers of our time. A fine copy. (SEE ALSO "WRITERS ON THE AIR" AND "BY THE BOOK" TITLES IN OUR CATALOG). ISBN 1616953799.

Stock number: 19719. ISBN: 1616953799

$US 40.00Add To Cart

Bolano, Roberto (Translated by Chris Andrews)
By Night In Chile

Imprint: New York City, NY, New Directions, 2003

First Edition / Second Printing. Fine in No Dust Jacket, As Issued. 144 pages. The author's first novel to be translated into English. One of Roberto Bolano's finest achievements. The first appearance of the title in English and in the United States. Precedes and should not be confused with all other subsequent editions. Published in a small and limtied first print run as a softocver original only. The First Edition is now rare. Presents Roberto Bolano's "By Night In Chile" in a felicitous English translation. Nothing less than the whole history of modern Chile, recounted in one 130-page paragraph by one of the greatest characters of contemporary literature, Sebastian Urrutia Lacroix, the narrator/protagonist at his deathbed. Quietly released by New Directions when he was still virtually unknown in the English-speaking world and shortly after he prematurely died. It remains one of the beloved author's touchstones. What exactly is Roberto Bolano's achievement? "Bolano was the first to make a true break from the legacy of 'The Boom'. Many other writers of his generation, and younger writers too, have tried and are still trying to make a literature of their own, one that doesn't languish in the long shadow of Gabriel Garcia Marquez, Mario Vargas Llosa, and the other novelists who exploded on the world scene in the 1960's. Bolano made the leap seem effortless. The writers of The Boom put Latin America on the map. Bolano creates a Latin America of the mind, a post-nationalist Latin America filtered through a rootless, restless, uncompromising literary sensibility" (Natasha Wimmer). The consistently high level of Bolano's virtuosity is almost miraculous when one sees it as having been achieved during a brief and miserable personal life. It was as though he turned to literature not just to complement or complete but to change his life altogether. By the time of his untimely death in 2003 at the age of 50, Bolano was universally regarded as the greatest Spanish-language novelist of our time. "The real thing and the rarest" (Susan Sontag). An absolute "must-have" title for Roberto Bolano collectors. This title is a great book. As far as we know, this is the only copy of the First Edition/Second Printing available online and is in especially fine condition: Clean, crisp, and bright, a pristine beauty. Please note: Copies available online are in innumerable later printings or often have serious flaws. A rare copy of the First Printing also available online commands $500, perhaps rightly so, and even though the copy has numerous flaws. This is surely an accessible and lovely alternative. A rare copy thus. One of the greatest writers of our time. A fine copy. (SEE ALSO OTHER ROBERTO BOLANO TITLES IN OUR CATALOG). ISBN 0811215474.

Stock number: 20150. ISBN: 0811215474

$US 50.00Add To Cart
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Bolano, Roberto (Author) & Andrews, Chris (Translator)
Last Evenings On Earth

Imprint: New York City, NY, New Directions Books, 2006
Edition: First Edition
Binding: Hardback , With Dust Jacket

First Edition / First Printing. As New in As New Dust Jacket. 184 pages. The author's first collection of short stories to be translated into English. Now considered a contemporary classic. The first appearance of the title in English and in the United States. Precedes and should not be confused with all other subsequent editions. Published in a small and limited first print run as a hardcover original only that sold out shortly after publciation. The First Edition is now scarce. Presents Roberto Bolano's "Last Evenings On Earth" in a felicitous English translation. Fourteen crucial short stories by Roberto Bolano, narrated in the first person by a sweet cacophony of diverse voices. A few are narrated by an author named "B" (who is, of course, Bolano himself). What exactly is Roberto Bolano's achievement? "He emerged as a writer at a time when Latin America no longer believed in utopias, when paradise had become hell, and that sense of monstrousness and waking nightmares and constant flight from something horrid permeates '2666' and all his work. A writer who worked without a net, who went all out, with no brakes, and in doing so, created a new way to be a great Latin American writer" (Rodrigo Fresan). The consistently high level of Bolano's virtuosity is almost miraculous when one sees it as having been achieved during a brief and miserable personal life. It was as though he turned to literature not just to complement or complete but to change his life altogether. By the time of his untimely death in 2003 at the age of 50, Bolano was universally regarded as the greatest Spanish-language novelist of our time. "The real thing and the rarest" (Susan Sontag). An absolute "must-have" title for Roberto Bolano collectors. This title is a contemporary classic. This is one of few copies of the First American Edition/First Printing still available online and is in especially fine condition: Clean, crisp, and bright, a pristine beauty. Please note: Copies available online have serious flaws, are subsequent printings, or are remainder-marked. This is surely an accessible and lovely alternative. A scarce copy thus. One of the greatest writers of our time. A fine copy. (SEE ALSO OTHER ROBERTO BOLANO TITLES IN OUR CATALOG). ISBN 0811216349.

Stock number: 17465. ISBN: 0811216349

$US 100.00Add To Cart
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Bolano, Roberto (Author) & Andrews, Chris (Translator)
Monsieur Pain

Imprint: New York City, NY, New Directions Books, 2010
Edition: First Edition
Binding: Hardback , With Dust Jacket

First Edition / First Printing. As New in As New Dust Jacket. 134 pages. The author's historico-literary novel. Now considered a contemporary classic. The first appearance of the title in English and in the United States. Precedes and should not be confused with all other subsequent editions. Published in a small and limited first print run as a hardcover original only. The First Edition is now scarce. Presents Roberto Bolano's "Monsieur Pain" in a felicitous English translation. Based on real-life figures and events, including the enigmatic eponymous character. Bolano wrote and published the novel when he was in his late 20's and during his long obscurity (in 1981 or 1982) as "The Elephant Path". He reissued it in 1999 as "Monsieur Pain", and discreetly alludes to its connection with a later work, "Last Evenings On Earth". Its very belated appearance in English is part of an ongoing project to translate and publish Bolano's complete oeuvre, and as such, is not only laudable but noble and necessary. "A hallucinatory masterwork. One of Robert Bolano's most tender and moving novels" (Publisher's blurb). What exactly is Roberto Bolano's achievement? "He emerged as a writer at a time when Latin America no longer believed in utopias, when paradise had become hell, and that sense of monstrousness and waking nightmares and constant flight from something horrid permeates '2666' and all his work. A writer who worked without a net, who went all out, with no brakes, and in doing so, created a new way to be a great Latin American writer" (Rodrigo Fresan). The consistently high level of Bolano's virtuosity is almost miraculous when one sees it as having been achieved during a brief and miserable personal life. It was as though he turned to literature not just to complement or complete but to change his life altogether. By the time of his untimely death in 2003 at the age of 50, Bolano was universally regarded as the greatest Spanish-language novelist of our time. "The real thing and the rarest" (Susan Sontag). An absolute "must-have" title for Roberto Bolano collectors. This title is a contemporary classic. This is one of few copies of the First American Edition/First Printing still available online and is in especially fine condition: Clean, crisp, and bright, a pristine beauty. Please note: Copies available online have serious flaws, are subsequent printings, or are remainder-marked. This is surely an accessible and lovely alternative. A scarce copy thus. One of the greatest writers of our time. A fine copy. (SEE ALSO OTHER ROBERTO BOLANO TITLES IN OUR CATALOG). ISBN 0811217140.

Stock number: 15878. ISBN: 0811217140

$US 50.00Add To Cart
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Bolano, Roberto (Author) & Andrews, Chris (Translator)
Nazi Literature In The Americas

Imprint: New York City, NY, New Directions Books, 2008
Edition: First Edition
Binding: Hardback , With Dust Jacket

First Edition / First Printing. As New in As New Dust Jacket. 227 pages. The author's Borgesian encyclopedia of imaginary extreme right-wing authors. Now considered a contemporary classic. The first appearance of the title in English and in the United States. Precedes and should not be confused with all other subsequent editions. Published in a small and limited first print run as a hardcover original only that sold out shortly after publication. The First Edition is now scarce. Presents Roberto Bolano's "Nazi Literature In The Americas" in a felicitous English translation. Fourteen biographies of Fascist and Nazi writers. Complete with Bibliographies, Cross-References, and an Epilogue, a dazzling work of literary "scholarship" created by Roberto Bolano from scratch. In other words, Borges, the writer Bolano regards as the greatest Spanish writer of the 20th century, and his "Book of Imaginary Beings" brilliantly re-imagined as a Book of Imaginary Monsters, and given a radical political twist that the apolitical-leaning-conservative Borges would have found unimaginable. What exactly is Roberto Bolano's achievement? "He emerged as a writer at a time when Latin America no longer believed in utopias, when paradise had become hell, and that sense of monstrousness and waking nightmares and constant flight from something horrid permeates '2666' and all his work. A writer who worked without a net, who went all out, with no brakes, and in doing so, created a new way to be a great Latin American writer" (Rodrigo Fresan). The consistently high level of Bolano's virtuosity is almost miraculous when one sees it as having been achieved during a brief and miserable personal life. It was as though he turned to literature not just to complement or complete but to change his life altogether. By the time of his untimely death in 2003 at the age of 50, Bolano was universally regarded as the greatest Spanish-language novelist of our time. "The real thing and the rarest" (Susan Sontag). An absolute "must-have" title for Roberto Bolano collectors. This title is a contemporary classic. This is one of few copies of the First American Edition/First Printing still available online and is in especially fine condition: Clean, crisp, and bright, a pristine beauty. Please note: Copies available online have serious flaws, are subsequent printings, or are remainder-marked. This is surely an accessible and lovely alternative. A scarce copy thus. One of the greatest writers of our time. A fine copy. (SEE ALSO OTHER ROBERTO BOLANO TITLES IN OUR CATALOG). ISBN 0811217051.

Stock number: 19046. ISBN: 0811217051

$US 100.00Add To Cart
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Bolano, Roberto (Translated by Chris Andrews)
The Insufferable Gaucho

Imprint: New York City, NY, New Directions Books, 2010
Edition: First Edition
Binding: Hardback , With Dust Jacket

First Edition / First Printing. Fine in Fine Dust Jacket. 165 pages. The author's twelfth book to be translated into English. The first appearance of the title in English and in the United States. Precedes and should not be confused with all other subsequent editions. Published in a small and limited first print run as a hardcover original only. The First Edition is now scarce. Presents Roberto Bolano's "The Insufferable Gaucho" in a felicitous English translation. Seven of Roberto Bolano's most autobiographically poignant pieces. The work of a writer who chose a life of exile and struggled with illness. "Explores themes of self-exile and illness. The two best stories concern conflicted Argentine protagonists. In the title story, Hector Pereda leaves Buenos Aires after the death of his wife and the collapse of the country's economy to make a go as a gaucho on the pampas. Inhabiting a ruined ranch, with only the languid locals and predatory rabbits as company, Hector finds a welcome, near-poetic restoration of a society where self-reliance and egalitarianism reign. In 'Alvaro Rousselot's Journey', an acclaimed Argentine novelist sets out for Paris to confront a filmmaker who has blatantly plagiarized his books though what really eats at the novelist is that the filmmaker has ignored the writer's recent works, leaving him with the sense that he had lost his best reader" (Publisher's blurb). What exactly is Roberto Bolano's achievement? "He emerged as a writer at a time when Latin America no longer believed in utopias, when paradise had become hell, and that sense of monstrousness and waking nightmares and constant flight from something horrid permeates '2666' and all his work. A writer who worked without a net, who went all out, with no brakes, and in doing so, created a new way to be a great Latin American writer" (Rodrigo Fresan). The consistently high level of Bolano's virtuosity is almost miraculous when one sees it as having been achieved during a brief and miserable personal life. It was as though he turned to literature not just to complement or complete but to change his life altogether. By the time of his untimely death in 2003 at the age of 50, Bolano was universally regarded as the greatest Spanish-language novelist of our time. "The real thing and the rarest" (Susan Sontag). An absolute "must-have" title for Roberto Bolano collectors. This title is a contemporary classic. This is one of few copies of the First American Edition/First Printing still available online and is in especially fine condition: Clean, crisp, and bright, a pristine beauty. Please note: Copies available online are damaged/bumped because of shoddy packing and poor handling on the publisher's part. A scarce copy thus. One of the greatest writers of our time. A fine copy. (SEE ALSO OTHER ROBERTO BOLANO TITLES IN OUR CATALOG). ISBN 0811217167.

Stock number: 15738. ISBN: 0811217167

$US 50.00Add To Cart
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Bolano, Roberto (Translated by Chris Andrews)
The Return

Imprint: New York City, NY, New Directions Books, 2010
Edition: First Edition
Binding: Hardback , With Dust Jacket

First Edition / First Printing. As New in As New Dust Jacket. 200 pages. The author's eleventh book to be translated into English. A collection of short stories, they are part of the "Last Evenings On Earth" collection and are finally restored and completed in this second installment. The first appearance of the title in English and in the United States. Precedes and should not be confused with all other subsequent editions. Published in a small and limited first print run as a hardcover original only. Presents Roberto Bolano's "The Return" in a felicitous English translation. Thirteen vintage Bolano pieces. "The stories have a subdued quality, from underworld confessionals like 'Snow' and 'Joanna Silvestri' to tender reminiscences like 'Cell Mates' and the heart-breaking missed romance of 'Clara'. Devotees of Bolano will recognize the writer's merciless and often humorous fusion of high art and dark human nature in small flights like 'Meeting with Enrique Lihn' and comic bloodbaths like 'William Burns' " (Publishers Weekly). What exactly is Roberto Bolano's achievement? "He emerged as a writer at a time when Latin America no longer believed in utopias, when paradise had become hell, and that sense of monstrousness and waking nightmares and constant flight from something horrid permeates '2666' and all his work. A writer who worked without a net, who went all out, with no brakes, and in doing so, created a new way to be a great Latin American writer" (Rodrigo Fresan). The consistently high level of Bolano's virtuosity is almost miraculous when one sees it as having been achieved during a brief and miserable personal life. It was as though he turned to literature not just to complement or complete but to change his life altogether. By the time of his untimely death in 2003 at the age of 50, Bolano was universally regarded as the greatest Spanish-language novelist of our time. "The real thing and the rarest" (Susan Sontag). An absolute "must-have" title for Roberto Bolano collectors. This title is a contemporary classic. This is one of few copies of the First American Edition/First Printing still available online and is in especially fine condition: Clean, crisp, and bright, a pristine beauty. Please note: Copies available online are damaged/bumped because of shoddy packing and poor handling on the publisher's part. A scarce copy thus. One of the greatest writers of our time. A fine copy. (SEE ALSO OTHER ROBERTO BOLANO TITLES IN OUR CATALOG). ISBN 0811217159.

Stock number: 17686. ISBN: 0811217159

$US 50.00Add To Cart
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Bolano, Roberto (Author) & Healy, Laura (Translator)
The Romantic Dogs: Poems

Imprint: New York City, NY, New Directions Books, 2008
Edition: First Edition

First Edition / First Printing. As New in No Dust Jacket, As Issued. 141 pages. Debut collection of poems. Now considered a contemporary classic. The first appearance of the title in English and in the United States. Precedes and should not be confused with all other subsequent editions. Published in a small and limited first print run as a softcover original only. The First Edition is now rare. Presents Roberto Bolano's "Romantic Dogs: Poems". His searingly beautiful poetry, in a meticulously edited Bilingual Edition (the Spanish original on the left-hand page, the felicitous English translation en face). Together with "By Night In Chile" (2003), this is his single rarest title. The forty-four poems represent what Bolano's critics and admirers regard to be his finest. He wrote five poetry collections in all, now since collected and published more than five years later, in one massive volume, as "The Unknown University" (2013). Bolano has been called contemporary literature's "patron saint" because the consistently high level of his virtuosity is almost miraculous when one sees it as having been achieved during a brief and miserable personal life. It was as though he turned to literature not just to complement or complete but to change his life altogether. By the time of his untimely death in 2003 at the age of 50, Bolano was universally regarded as the greatest Spanish-language novelist of our time. And yet, Bolano himself hoped to be remembered for his poetry, which he gave up after his marriage and the birth of his child, deciding (quite rightly) that he was now responsible not just for himself but for his family's future, and that it would be much more realistic for him to earn a living by writing prose, both fiction and literary criticism, which he proceeded to produce non-stop in the very short period of time he had left. Still, his admirers believe that like Borges, whom he considered to be the greatest Spanish writer of the 20th century, his prose was made possible by, and is an extension of, his poetry. Even the most cursory consideration of his novels - the novella-length, lyrical, experimental ones as well as the epic "2666" - will bear this out. Any definitive appraisal of his oversize body of work must therefore take into account the poetry that he first wrote then reluctantly abandoned. An absolute "must-have" title for Roberto Bolano collectors. This title is a great collection. As far as we know, this is the only copy of the First American Edition/First Printing (Publication Statement on the Copyright Page with NO further printing indications, which may be found in all other multiple subsequent printings) available online and is in especially fine condition: Clean, crisp, and bright, a pristine beauty. Please note: Copies available online are ALL subsequent printings or remainder-marked. This is surely an accessible and lovely alternative. A rare copy thus. One of the greatest writers of our time. A fine collectible copy. (SEE ALSO OTHER ROBERTO BOLANO TITLES IN OUR CATALOG). ISBN 0811218015.

Stock number: 22210. ISBN: 0811218015

$US 200.00Add To Cart

Bolano, Roberto (Author) & Wimmer, Natasha (Translator)
The Savage Detectives

Imprint: New York City, NY, Farrar, Straus & Giroux, 2007
Edition: First Edition
Binding: Hardback , With Dust Jacket
Inscription: Signed, inscribed or annotated

First Edition / First Printing. Fine in Fine Dust Jacket. 577 pages. The author's seventh book to be translated into English. One of the greatest novels of our time. Recently selected as the greatest Spanish-language novel of the first decade of the 21st century. The first appearance of the title in the United States. Precedes and should not be confused with all other subsequent editions. Published in a small and limited first print run as a hardcover original only through a generous grant by Spain's Ministry of Culture. The First Edition is now rare. Presents Roberto Bolano's "The Savage Detectives" in a felicitous English translation. Masterpiece. It finally brought him the international recognition he yearned for and so richly deserved, and transformed his status from cult to world-class writer. What exactly is Roberto Bolano's achievement? "He emerged as a writer at a time when Latin America no longer believed in utopias, when paradise had become hell, and that sense of monstrousness and waking nightmares and constant flight from something horrid permeates '2666' and all his work. A writer who worked without a net, who went all out, with no brakes, and in doing so, created a new way to be a great Latin American writer" (Rodrigo Fresan). "The writers of The Boom put Latin America on the map. Bolano creates a Latin America of the mind, a post-nationalist Latin America filtered through a rootless, restless, uncompromising literary sensibility" (Natasha Wimmer). The consistently high level of Bolano's virtuosity is almost miraculous when one sees it as having been achieved during a brief and miserable personal life. It was as though he turned to literature not just to complement or complete but to change his life altogether. By the time of his untimely death in 2003 at the age of 50, Bolano was universally regarded as the greatest Spanish-language novelist of our time. "The real thing and the rarest" (Susan Sontag). Could it be that "The Savage Detectives" is destined to be regarded as the greatest novel of the decade, period? An absolute "must-have" title for Roberto Bolano collectors. This copy is very prominently and beautifully signed in black pen on the title page by Natasha Wimmer. It also comes with a pristine copy of the Souvenir Program of the National Book Festival during which event her signature was obtained. As his translator, Wimmer deserves credit for bringing Bolano's work to English-language readers, that is to say, to a global audience. This title was recently selected as the greatest Spanish-language novel of the first decade of the 21st century. This is one of few such signed copies of the First American Edition/First Printing still available online and is in especially fine condition: Clean, crisp, and bright, a pristine beauty. Please note: Copies available online have serious flaws, are subsequent printings, or are remainder-marked. This is surely an accessible and lovely alternative. A rare signed copy thus. One of the greatest writers of our time. A fine collectible copy. (SEE ALSO OTHER ROBERTO BOLANO TITLES IN OUR CATALOG). ISBN 0374191484.

Stock number: 19232. ISBN: 0374191484

$US 200.00Add To Cart

Bolano, Roberto (Author); Andrews, Chris (Translator) & Wimmer, Natasha (Translator)
The Secret Of Evil

Imprint: New York City, NY, New Directions, 2012
Edition: First Edition
Binding: Hardback , With Dust Jacket

First Edition / First Printing. Fine in Fine Dust Jacket. 145 pages. Collection of the author's unfinished writings. Now considered a contemporary classic. The first appearance of the title in English and in the United States. Precedes and should not be confused with all other subsequent editions. Published in a small and limited first print run as a hardcover original only. The First Edition is now scarce. Presents Roberto Bolano's "The Secret of Evil" in a felicitous English translation. Marks the very first collaboration between Chris Andrews and Natasha Wimmer, Roberto Bolano's indefatigable (and heroic) translators in English. It is the ultimate posthumous tribute to Roberto Bolano's genius: A collection of fragments and unfinished pieces he left behind that were found in his computer after his death. That they ostensibly "extend the intricate, single web that is the work of Roberto Bolano" does not mean they cohere, but rather that Bolano's devoted readers have to have in published form every last scrap of paper Bolano wrote on. Considering how much Roberto Bolano now means to contemporary literature, they are not wrong to be so loyal and grateful. "The real thing and the rarest" (Susan Sontag). An absolute "must-have" title for Roberto Bolano collectors. This title is a contemporary classic. This is one of few copies of the First American Edition/First Printing still available online and despite its imperfection (visible wear on the top corner of DJ spine, a publisher's flaw, NOT from handling or use, but it's there) is still in fine condition: Every single internal page is clean, crisp, and bright. The boards are sharp, NO bumping at all. It is priced accordingly. Please note: Copies available online have even more serious flaws, are subsequent printings, or are remainder-marked. This is surely an accessible and lovely alternative. A scarce copy thus. One of the greatest writers of our time. A near-fine copy. (SEE ALSO OTHER ROBERTO BOLANO TITLES IN OUR CATALOG). ISBN 0811218155.

Stock number: 22236. ISBN: 0811218155

$US 30.00Add To Cart
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Bolano, Roberto (Translated by Chris Andrews)
The Skating Rink

Imprint: New York City, NY, New Directions, 2009
Edition: First Edition
Binding: Hardback , With Dust Jacket

First Edition / First Printing. As New in As New Dust Jacket. 182 pages. The author's ninth book to be translated into English. Now considered a contemporary classic. The first appearance of the title in English and in the United States. Precedes and should not be confused with all other subsequent editions. Published in a small and limited first print run as a hardcover original only. The First Edition is now scarce. Presents Roberto Bolano's "The Skating Rink" in a felicitous English translation. A hair-raising book. "Delivers Bolano's signature mix of mordant wit and romantic tenderness, 'The Skating Rink' is both a crime and a love story" (Publisher's blurb). What exactly is Roberto Bolano's achievement? "He emerged as a writer at a time when Latin America no longer believed in utopias, when paradise had become hell, and that sense of monstrousness and waking nightmares and constant flight from something horrid permeates '2666' and all his work. A writer who worked without a net, who went all out, with no brakes, and in doing so, created a new way to be a great Latin American writer" (Rodrigo Fresan). The consistently high level of Bolano's virtuosity is almost miraculous when one sees it as having been achieved during a brief and miserable personal life. It was as though he turned to literature not just to complement or complete but to change his life altogether. By the time of his untimely death in 2003 at the age of 50, Bolano was universally regarded as the greatest Spanish-language novelist of our time. "The real thing and the rarest" (Susan Sontag). An absolute "must-have" title for Roberto Bolano collectors. This title is a contemporary classic. This is one of few copies of the First American Edition/First Printing still available online and is in especially fine condition: Clean, crisp, and bright, a pristine beauty. Please note: Copies available online were badly damaged because of shoddy packing and poor handling. A scarce copy thus. One of the greatest writers of our time. A fine copy. (SEE ALSO OTHER ROBERTO BOLANO TITLES IN OUR CATALOG). ISBN 0811217132.

Stock number: 14794. ISBN: 0811217132

$US 50.00Add To Cart

Bolano, Roberto (Author); Wimmer, Natasha (Translator) & Stein, Lorin (Editor)
The Third Reich: The First Installment Of "the Paris Review" Serial Novel

Imprint: New York City, NY, The Paris Review, 2011
Edition: First Edition
Inscription: Signed, inscribed or annotated

First Edition / First Printing. Fine in No Dust Jacket, As Issued. 256 pages. Posthumous publication of the author's unpublished novel. One of the most important literary events of our time. The first appearance of the title in English and in the United States. Precedes and should not be confused with the regular trade edition. Published in a small and limited one-time-only print run as a softcover original only. There is no ISBN. The Magazine Issue is now rare. Presents the first installment of Roberto Bolano's "El Tercer Reich" in a felicitous English translation. The "serial novel" idea so beloved by the author (he talked and wrote about it incessantly), finally realized with this landmark publication. Following his wishes, the heirs of Roberto Bolano agreed to publish his novel in four consecutive installments of The Paris Review. Edited by Lorin Stein, the Paris Review Editor-in-Chief and Bolano's FSG editor/champion, translated by Natasha Wimmer, and supplemented with original drawings by Leann Shapton, one of which graces the cover, the 70-page first installment of "The Third Reich" dazzles. "El Tercer Reich" was discovered among Bolano's papers in 2009. He wrote it in 1989, but never published it in his lifetime. Why he did not will remain a mystery because it is "vintage/quintessential" Bolano. "From the first sentence, the novel bears his hallmarks. The irony, the atmosphere of erotic anxiety, the dream logic shading into nightmare, the feckless, unreliable narrator; all prefigure his later work. The young novelist must have been exhilarated, and possibly alarmed, to discover his talent so fully formed. Our first serialized novel since Harry Mathews' 'The Sinking of The Odradek Stadium' forty years ago" (Lorin Stein). The Issue also includes other valuable work: An original piece, "Emission", by Joshua Cohen, Interviews with Ann Beattie and Janet Malcolm, and a Portfolio of original art by various contributors. An absolute "must-have" title for Roberto Bolano collectors. This copy is very prominently, neatly, and beautifully signed in black ink-pen by Roberto Bolano's great translator, Natasha Wimmer. It is also very prominently, neatly, and beautifully signed in black pen on his Contribution, "Emission", by Joshua Cohen. They signed on the page itself, not on a tipped-in page. This title is a contemporary classic. As far as we know, this is the only such double-signed copy available online and is in especially fine condition: Clean, crisp, and bright, a pristine beauty. A rare signed copy thus. One of the greatest writers of our time. A fine copy. (SEE ALSO OTHER ROBERTO BOLANO TITLES IN OUR CATALOG).

Stock number: 16437.

$US 100.00Add To Cart

Bolano, Roberto (Author) & Wimmer, Natasha (Translator)
The Third Reich: A Novel

Imprint: New York City, NY, Farrar, Straus & Giroux, 2011
Edition: First Edition
Binding: Hardback , With Dust Jacket

First Edition / First Printing. As New in As New Dust Jacket. 277 pages. Scarce Roberto Bolano collectible set. Pristine copies of the First American and First British Editions. Posthumous publication of the author's unpublished novel. One of the most important literary events of our time. The first appearance of the title in the United States and the United Kingdom as a book, the American being a hardcover and the British, a softcover original. The novel first appeared serially, in four consecutive installments of The Paris Review. Presents Roberto Bolano's "El Tercer Reich" in a felicitous English translation. His serial novel, published as one complete volume. Discovered among Bolano's papers in 2009, he wrote it in 1989, but never published it in his lifetime. Why he did not will remain a mystery because it is "vintage-quintessential" Bolano. "From the first sentence, the novel bears his hallmarks. The irony, the atmosphere of erotic anxiety, the dream logic shading into nightmare, the feckless, unreliable narrator; all prefigure his later work. The young novelist must have been exhilarated, and possibly alarmed, to discover his talent so fully formed" (Lorin Stein). "Bolano makes you feel changed for having read him; he adjusts your angle of view on the world" (The London Guardian). "When I read Bolano I think: Everything is possible again" (Nicole Krauss). An absolute "must-have" title for Roberto Bolano collectors. This title is a contemporary classic. As far as we know, this is the only set of the First American Hardcover and First British Softcover Editions/First Printing available online and is in especially fine condition: Clean, crisp, and bright, pristine beauties. Please note: Copies available online have serious flaws, are subsequent printings, or are remainder-marked. This is surely an accessible and lovely alternative. A scarce set thus. One of the greatest writers of our time. A fine set. (SEE ALSO OTHER ROBERTO BOLANO TITLES IN OUR CATALOG). ISBN 0374275629.

Stock number: 17003. ISBN: 0374275629

$US 100.00Add To Cart

Bolano, Roberto (Author) & Wimmer, Natasha (Translator)
The Third Reich: A Novel

Imprint: London, England, Picador, 2011
Edition: First Edition
Binding: Hardback

First Edition / First Printing. As New in No Dust Jacket, As Issued. 277 pages. Posthumous publication of the author's unpublished novel. One of the most important literary events of our time. The first appearance of the title in the United Kingdom as a Slipcased Hardcover Edition. Published in a small and limited special print run that was not be reissued once all of the copies were sold. The First British Edition is a softcover original only. The Slipcased Hardcover Edition is now scarce. A brilliant production by Picador: Regular-sized volume format. Glossy pictorial hard boards with titles on the spine, as issued. Hard board slipcase. Printed on archival stock paper in London to the highest standards. Without DJ, as issued. Presents, in its Slipcased Harcover Edition, Roberto Bolano's "El Tercer Reich" in a felicitous English translation. His serial novel, published as one complete volume. Discovered among Bolano's papers in 2009, he wrote it in 1989, but never published it in his lifetime. Why he did not will remain a mystery because it is "vintage-quintessential" Bolano. "From the first sentence, the novel bears his hallmarks. The irony, the atmosphere of erotic anxiety, the dream logic shading into nightmare, the feckless, unreliable narrator; all prefigure his later work. The young novelist must have been exhilarated, and possibly alarmed, to discover his talent so fully formed" (Lorin Stein). "Bolano makes you feel changed for having read him; he adjusts your angle of view on the world" (The London Guardian). "When I read Bolano I think: Everything is possible again" (Nicole Krauss). An absolute "must-have" title for Roberto Bolano collectors. This title is a contemporary classic. This is one of few copies of the First British Slipcased Hardcover Edition still available online and is in especially fine condition: Clean, crisp, and bright, a pristine beauty. Please note: Copies available online have serious flaws, are subsequent printings, or are remainder-marked. This is surely an accessible and lovely alternative. A scarce copy thus. One of the greatest writers of our time. A fine copy. (SEE ALSO OTHER ROBERTO BOLANO TITLES IN OUR CATALOG). ISBN 0330510541.

Stock number: 17063. ISBN: 0330510541

$US 100.00Add To Cart

Bolano, Roberto (Author) & Healey, Laura (Translator)
The Unknown University

Imprint: New York City, NY, New Directions Books, 2013
Edition: First Edition
Binding: Hardback , With Dust Jacket

First Edition / First Printing. As New in As New Dust Jacket. 835 pages. Posthumous collection of the author's poetry. One of the most important literary events of our time. The first appearance of the title in English and in the United States. Precedes and should not be confused with all other subsequent editions. Published in a small and limited first print run as a hardcover original only that sold out shortly after publication. The First Edition is now scarce. Presents Roberto Bolano's "The Unknown University" in a felicitous English translation. All of Bolano's searing, beautiful poetry in a meticulously edited bilingual edition (the Spanish original on the left-hand page, the English translation en face). There is NO comparable edition in Spanish itself: Exhaustive and definitive, it gathers in one, 835-page volume, all of the five poetry collections Bolano published individually in his brief lifetime, plus poems found by his estate in his unpublished notebooks. As it turns out, contemporary literature's "patron saint" had "one of 20th-century literature's great dirty minds. Many of the best lines are unpublishable here. A handful of these poems are masterpieces" (The New York Times). The consistently high level of Bolano's virtuosity is almost miraculous when one sees it as having been achieved during a miserable personal life. It was as though he turned to literature not just to complement or complete but to change his life altogether. By the time of his untimely death in 2003 at the age of 50, Bolano was universally regarded as the greatest Spanish-language novelist of our time. But Bolano himself had hoped to be remembered for his poetry, which he gave up after his marriage and the birth of his child, deciding, quite rightly, that he was now responsible not just for himself, but for his family's future, and that it would be more realistic to earn a living by writing prose fiction. His admirers believe that like Borges, whom he considered to be the greatest Spanish writer of the 20th century, his prose was made possible by - and is an extension of - his poetry. If so, any definitive appraisal of his large body of work (written non-stop in little over a decade) must take into account his iridescent poetry. An absolute "must-have" title for Roberto Bolano collectors. This title is a contemporary classic. As far as we know, this is the only copy of the First American Edition/First Printing available online and is in especially fine condition: Clean, crisp, and bright, a pristine beauty. Please note: Copies available online have serious flaws, are subsequent printings, or are remainder-marked. This is surely an accessible and lovely alternative. A rare copy thus. One of the greatest writers of our time. A fine copy. (SEE ALSO OTHER ROBERTO BOLANO TITLES IN OUR CATALOG). ISBN 0811219283.

Stock number: 21692. ISBN: 0811219283

$US 100.00Add To Cart

Bolano, Roberto (Author) & Wimmer, Natasha (Translator)
Woes Of The True Policeman

Imprint: New York City, NY, Farrar, Straus & Giroux, 2012
Edition: First Edition
Binding: Hardback , With Dust Jacket
Inscription: Signed, inscribed or annotated

First Edition / First Printing. Fine in Fine Dust Jacket. 250 pages. The author's final and unfinished novel. Roberto Bolano's valedictory achievement. The first appearance of the title in English and in the United States. Precedes and should not be confused with all other subsequent editions. Published in a small and limited first print run as a hardcover original only. The First Edition is now scarce. Presents Roberto Bolano's "Los sinsabores del verdadero policia" in a felicitous English translation by his champion/translator, Natasha Wimmer. Follows Oscar Amalfitano, an exiled Chilean university professor and widower. "The maze of his revolutionary past, his relationship with his teenage daughter, his passion for a former student, and his retreat from scandal in Barcelona. Forced to leave Barcelona for Santa Teresa, a Mexican city close to the US border, where women are being killed in unprecedented numbers, Amalfitano soon begins an affair with Castillo, a young forger of Larry Rivers paintings. An intimate police investigation of Amalfitano that involves a series of dark twists culminates in a finale full of euphoria and heartbreak. An exciting, kaleidoscopic novel, lyrical and intense yet darkly humorous. Marks the culmination of one of the great careers of world literature" (Publisher's blurb). After digging up and finding a seemingly inexhaustible treasure trove, this is it, together with "The Unknown University" (2013), the most complete collection of Bolano's poetry. Bolano readers and admirers can now take a deep breath, relax, and take it all in (until the next archival discovery), Roberto Bolano's achievement (and inevitably, shortcomings) in full. An absolute "must-have" title for Roberto Bolano collectors. This copy is very prominently and beautifully signed in blue pen on the title page by Roberto Bolano's champion and English translator, Natasha Wimmer. It is signed directly on the page itself, not on a tipped-in page. Together with Chris Andrews, Wimmer deserves major credit for bringing Bolano's transcendent work to English-language readers. This title is a contemporary classic. As far as we know, this is the only such signed copy of the First American Hardcover Edition/First Printing available online and is in especially fine condition: Clean, crisp, and bright, a pristine beauty. Please note: Copies available online have serious flaws, are subsequent printings, or are remainder-marked. This is surely an accessible and lovely alternative. A rare signed copy thus. One of the greatest writers of our time. A fine copy. (SEE ALSO OTHER ROBERTO BOLANO TITLES IN OUR CATALOG). ISBN 0374266743.

Stock number: 19008. ISBN: 0374266743

$US 100.00Add To Cart

Bolin, Liu (Artist/Photographer); Gavarro, Raffaele (Author/Curator) & Other Contributors
Liu Bolin: A Secret Tour: The Retrospective Exhibition Monograph

Imprint: Verona, Italy, Maretti Editore, 2012
Edition: First Edition

First Edition / First Printing. As New in No Dust Jacket, As Issued. 115 pages. Exhibition Monograph. One of the most beautiful art photography books of our time. The first and only edition. Published in a small and limited print run as a softcover original only that sold out shortly after publication. The First Edition is now rare. A brilliant production by Liu Bolin: Oversize-volume format. Pictorial softcovers that open out on the cover into a panoramic foldout, as issued. Art and photographs by Liu Bolin. Text by various contributors. Printed on pristine-white, thick coated stock paper in Italy to the highest standards. The reproduction quality is outstanding in every respect. Without DJ, as issued. Published on the occasion of the landmark retrospective exhibition of the same name held at the Hendrik Christian Andersen Gallery of Modern Art Italy in 2012. Presents Liu Bolin's "A Secret Tour". A rare East-Meets-West artistic encounter and event: His performance-art photographs of Italy. Liu Bolin gained enormous recognition with his "Hiding In The City" photographs. As a result of the Series, Bolin was dubbed "The Invisible Man", an epithet that is catchy and accurate: The overriding theme of his oeuvre is the confrontation between individual identity and social reality, which tragically leads to the individual's "disappearing" state. In the "A Secret Tour" Series, Bolin makes a detour and alludes poetically to the contact of a Chinese artist (namely himself) with Western art. As a foreign presence who remains an absence, Bolin applies the same techniques (that made him famous, preceded in its use only by Veruschka's "Trans-figurations"), melding himself to the grandeur and beauty of the Italian landscape. Apart from the fact that he has transplanted himself to Italy, the heart of European art, it is obviously a pleasure to see his "disappearing" state adapted to more positive, lyrical, and even witty effect. It should also be noted that, in our Digital Age, none of Liu Bolin's work is digitized or Photo-Shopped. Instead, they are all painstakingly constructed, staged, and photographed by Liu Bolin, and this monograph shows how he does it through documentary photographs that he directed himself. An absolute "must-have" title for Liu Bolin collectors. This title is a contemporary art photography classic. As far as we know, this is the only copy of the Exhibition Monograph available online and is in especially fine condition: Clean, crisp, and bright, a pristine beauty. A rare copy thus. One of the most brilliant artist/photographers of our time. A fine collectible copy. (SEE ALSO OTHER LIU BOLIN TITLE IN OUR CATALOG). ISBN 8889477881.

Stock number: 19159. ISBN: 8889477881

$US 200.00Add To Cart

Boltanski, Christian (Artist/Subject); Fox, Gerald (Director) & Bragg, Melvyn (Editor/Presentor)
Christian Boltanski: The Phaidon Press Documentary Film

Imprint: London, England, Phaidon Press, 1990
Edition: First Edition
Binding: Hardback

First Edition / First Printing. Fine in No Dust Jacket, As Issued. 2 pages. Rare Christian Boltanski collectible set. A fine copy of the Phaidon Press film release on PAL VHS tape with a pristine copy of the film transfer on NTSC DVD. The original is the VHS tape, which is now rare, as it was released by Phaidon Press in the PAL system only. There is no American NTSC version. The film transfer on NTSC DVD is not a Phaidon Press release and was made (by a professional technician, not by us) to enable you to view the film hassle-free. Its quality is irreproachable. Presents "Christian Boltanski". The very first English-language film on Christian Boltanski. He appears throughout the film, a shy yet irresistible presence, who constantly avoids looking directly at the camera, like a primitive who is afraid it will rob him of his soul. Together with his definitive collection of interviews, "The Possible Life of Christian Boltanski" (2009), in which his voice leaps off the page and comes alive, the film introduces and appraises the man-behind-the-work, the body of work itself, and the achievement of the greatest French artist of our time. An absolute "must-have" title for Christian Boltanski collectors. This film is a classic. As far as we know, this is the only set available online and is in especially fine condition: Clean, crisp, and bright, pristine beauties. Please note: The original is a PAL VHS tape, long out-of-print and now rare. There is no NTSC version. So the tape comes with a film transfer on NTSC DVD for convenient, enjoyable viewing. The quality of the DVD faithfully captures the VHS original. A rare set thus. One of the greatest artists of our time. A fine set. (SEE ALSO OTHER CHRISTIAN BOLTANSKI TITLES IN OUR CATALOG). ISBN 071486045X.

Stock number: 17805. ISBN: 071486045X

$US 100.00Add To Cart

Boltanski, Christian
Dernieres Annees

Imprint: Paris, France, Musee D'Art Moderne De La Ville De Paris, 1998
Edition: First Edition

First Edition / First Printing. Fine in No Dust Jacket, As Issued. 25 pages. Exhibition Catalog. The first and only edition. Published in a small and limited print run as a softcover original only. The Exhibition Catalog is now rare. Published on the occasion of the retrospective exhibition of the same name held at the Musee D'Art Moderne De La Ville De Paris from May 15 through October 4, 1998. Presents Christian Boltanski's "Dernieres Annees". A rare overview of Christian Boltanski's mature work in a retrospective that was held in conjunction with "Kaddish", one of the artist's - and contemporary art's - greatest achievements. The Catalog is beautifully and movingly presented as a series of words by Boltanski interspersed with photographs of his later works. The latter are now recognized as among the greatest art of our time: "Menschlich"; "Perdus" ("Lost"); and "Suisses Morts" ("Dead Swiss"), among other site-specific installations. The emphasis Boltanski places on the most fragile objects (which a photograph as well as a very cheaply produced Artist Book is) to evoke our "struggle against death" (his phrase) is the central idea behind his sublime art. As such, Boltanski's work is not "about" death but "against" it, through art rather than polemics. His obsession with death is often mistakenly seen as acceptance or even embrace of it when as Boltanski himself repeatedly says, the role of memory is to insist on the sanctity of human life, that whenever we remember those who have died, we remember their lives, not their death, and that memorial, archive, and elegy ultimately affirm life. At the same time, Boltanski acknowledges, more than any other living artist, that death is a fact of life, and that even as we struggle against it, we intuitively realize this fact from a series of "death experiences" throughout our lives: The end of childhood, which Boltanski regards as the first death we experience in life; the loss, not necessarily the actual death, of a loved one, which is why we call it "the end" of a romance, relationship, or marriage; a life-threatening illness; severe physical or psychological violence inflicted upon us. Denying the reality of death is more dangerous than our fear of it. An absolute "must-have" title for Christian Boltanski collectors. This title is now collectible. This is one of few copies of the Exhibition Catalog still available online and is in especially fine condition: Clean, crisp, and bright, a pristine beauty. A rare copy thus. One of the greatest artists of our time. A fine copy. (SEE ALSO OTHER CHRISTIAN BOLTANSKI TITLES IN OUR CATALOG). ISBN 287900425X.

Stock number: 17081. ISBN: 287900425X

$US 40.00Add To Cart

Boltanski, Christian

Imprint: Dublin, Ireland, CCA Tramway/Douglas Hyde Gallery/Glasgow School Of Art/Henry Moore Trust Dublin, 1994
Edition: First Edition

First Edition / First Printing. Fine in No Dust Jacket, As Issued. Unpaginated. Exhibition Catalog, presented as an Artist Book/Portfolio. One of Christian Boltanski's finest achievements. The first and only edition. Produced in a small and limited print run as a softcover portfolio of 500 sets only. In an ironic twist, many of the sets were irretrievably lost. There is no ISBN. The Catalog is now rare. Presents Christian Boltanski's "Lost". A Portfolio of Boltanski's "Lost" installations held in England, Scotland, and Ireland. The pieces are encased in a deliberately used, second-hand gray paper accordion folder with a black cloth tie. Inside are the Introductory Sheet and various files presented in different colors: "Death And The Duck-Rabbit"; An Interview With Boltanski; "Lost Property" Exhibition Documentation; "Lost Property" Record Cards; "Dead Swiss" Exhibition Documentation; "Lost Workers" packs of time cards; and four black-and-white Postcards. "Lost" has been one of Boltanski's deepest concerns (he has used the same title for various exhibitions). He presented thousands of lost objects found in trains that were never claimed for one of his major New York installations. "Dispersion", "Compra-Venta" ("Buy And Sell"), and the present "Lost" exhibition are all permeated by the fact that we do not only lose things, but that as human beings, we often feel lost. The loss of memory itself is probably the most painfully beautiful and complex theme of Boltanski's art: We need to remember because we forget. We need to forget because we need to move on. We cannot move on if we are unable or unwilling to remember. In one of the greatest art projects of our time, Boltanski created photographs that faded as soon as one looked at them. In another, plastic models crumbled as soon as one touched them. No artist has pursued the idea of The Archive with the same fervor as Boltanski. Retrieval of what is Lost is every archive's purpose. An absolute "must-have" title for Christian Boltanski collectors. This copy is a great Artist Book. This is one of few copies of the Exhibition Catalog still available online and as produced, is in especially fine condition: Clean, crisp, and bright. Please note: Copies available online command more than $800. This is surely an accessible and lovely alternative. A rare copy thus. One of the greatest artists of our time. A fine collectible copy. (SEE ALSO OTHER CHRISTIAN BOLTANSKI TITLES IN OUR CATALOG).

Stock number: 17084.

$US 300.00Add To Cart

Boltanski, Christian (Artist/Author); Grenier, Catherine (Editor) & Sante, Luc (Contributor)
The Possible Life Of Christian Boltanski

Imprint: Boston, MA, Museum Of Fine Art Publications, 2009
Edition: First Edition
Binding: Hardback , With Dust Jacket
Inscription: Signed, inscribed or annotated

First Edition / First Printing. Fine in Fine Dust Jacket. 239 pages. The artist's oral autobiography. One of the best art and photography books of our time. The first appearance of the title in English and in the United States. Precedes and should not be confused with all other subsequent editions. Published in a small and limited first print run as a hardcover original only. The First Edition is now scarce. The title alludes to one of Christian Boltanski's masterpieces, "La Vie Impossible" ("The Impossible Life"). The book is beautifully produced, with a Preface by the culture critic Luc Sante (which appears in the American Edition only), a brilliant DJ design by Mark Polizzotti, vintage photographs appended at the center of the book, and a title page that is in continuous, "back-to-back" pages (instead of the usual single page or doublespread). Presents "The Possible Life of Christian Boltanski" in a felicitous English translation. His personal story, told entirely in the form of a series of Interviews conducted by Catherine Grenier. The beauty of Grenier's interview format is that it gives us Christian Boltanski's voice in all its acute particularity. His voice leaps off the page, resulting in a narrative that once began is impossible to put down: Intelligent, candid, and for admirers of his solemn installations and Artist Books, surprisingly and refreshingly humorous. "Christian Boltanski's votive installations, archives, and objects, revolving around the fragile polarities of memory and amnesia, identity and anonymity, have made him one of the world's most renowned contemporary artists. And yet, despite the centrality of biography and testimony to his work, Boltanski's own story is little-known and has never been fully told. He recounts his unusual wartime childhood, his career, friendships, marriage, successes, regrets, his approaches to art and teaching, how he created various installations, his relations with dealers and the public, and other matters that illuminate as never before his complex, enigmatic works" (Publisher's blurb). Two examples: "My mother hid my father under the floorboards. He stayed there for a year and a half, between two floors in the house. He'd come out from time to time. I'm living proof of that!" (on how his Jewish father survived the Holocaust). "For years now, there's been this idea about me: He's a fraud, he's making a living out of suffering and the Shoah. There's always a little bit of truth in everything, but this type of reaction places enormous limitations on any understanding of my work. Suffering exists; misfortune exists; talking about these things isn't forbidden yet it's very difficult to do, it's looked upon very badly. Suffering is one of art's great subjects, and always has been" (Christian Boltanski). An absolute "must-have" title for Christian Boltanski collectors. This copy is very prominently, neatly, and beautifully signed in black pen on the title page by Christian Boltanski. It is signed directly on the page itself, not on a tipped-in page. This title is a contemporary art photography classic. As far as we know, this is the only such signed copy of the First American Edition/First Printing available online and is in especially fine condition: Clean, crisp, and bright, a pristine beauty. Please note: Copies available online have serious flaws, are subsequent printings, or are remainder-marked. This is surely an accessible and lovely alternative. A rare signed copy thus. One of the greatest artists of our time. A fine copy. (SEE ALSO OTHER CHRISTIAN BOLTANSKI TITLES IN OUR CATALOG). ISBN 0878467467.

Stock number: 14864. ISBN: 0878467467

$US 70.00Add To Cart

Boltanski, Christian (Artist); Beil, Ralf & Assmann, Aleida (Contributors)

Imprint: Ostfildern-ruit, Germany, Hatje Cantz Publishers, 2006
Edition: First Edition
Binding: Hardback , With Dust Jacket
Inscription: Signed, inscribed or annotated

First Edition / First Printing. Fine in Fine Dust Jacket. 160 pages. Exhibition Monograph, presented as an Artist Book. One of the most beautiful books on the art of Christian Boltanski. The First Hardcover Edition. Precedes and should not be confused with all other subsequent editions. Published in a small and limited first print run as a hardcover original only. The First Edition is now rare. A brilliant production by Christian Boltanski: Oversize-volume format. The book weighs 3 pounds. Blue hard boards with titles embossed on cover and spine, as issued. Art by Christian Boltanski. Essays by Aleida Assmann and Ralf Beil. Printed on pristine-white, thick coated stock paper in Germany to the highest standards. In pictorial DJ with titles on the cover and spine, as issued. Presents Christian Boltanski's "Time". New work as well as previous work in a new light. The emphasis Boltanski places on the most fragile objects, particularly photographs, to evoke our "struggle against death" (his phrase) is the central idea behind his sublime art. As such, Boltanski's work is not "about" death but "against" it, through art rather than polemics. His obsession with death is often mistakenly seen as acceptance or even embrace of it when as Boltanski himself repeatedly says, the role of memory is to insist on the sanctity of human life, that whenever we remember those who have died, we remember their lives, not their death, and that memorial, archive, and elegy, which all pause Time, ultimately affirm Life. At the same time, Boltanski acknowledges, more than any other artist of our time, that death is a fact of life, and that even as we struggle against it, we intuitively realize from a series of "death experiences" throughout our lives (the end of childhood, the death of a loved one, the end of a friendship, romance, or marriage, extreme physical and psychological violence) that denying the reality of death is more dangerous than our fear of it. "I am for an art that is sentimental. I want to make people cry. Art should create emotions. The task is to create a formal work that is, at the same time, recognized by the spectator as a sentimentally charged object. Everyone will recognize their own history, their own world, which is more felt than perceived. The artist is someone who holds a mirror and those who look in the mirror recognize themselves but each one sees a different image" (Christian Boltanski). An absolute "must-have" title for Christian Boltanski collectors. This copy is very prominently and beautifully signed in black ink-pen on the title page by Christian Boltanski. It is signed directly on the page itself, not on a tipped-in page. This title is a great art photography book. As far as we know, this is the only such signed copy of the First Hardcover Edition/First Printing available online and is in especially fine condition: Clean, crisp, and bright, a pristine beauty. A rare signed copy thus. One of the greatest artists of our time. A fine collectible copy. (SEE ALSO OTHER CHRISTIAN BOLTANSKI TITLES IN OUR CATALOG). ISBN 3775718257.

Stock number: 13836. ISBN: 3775718257

$US 500.00Add To Cart
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Booth, Alvin (Photographer) & Cotton, Charlotte (Contributor)
Corpus: Beyond The Body

Imprint: Zurich, Switzerland, Editions Stemmle, 1999
Edition: First Edition
Binding: Hardback , With Dust Jacket
Inscription: Signed, inscribed or annotated

First Edition / First Printing. Fine in Fine Dust Jacket. 112 pages. The photographer's breakthrough debut collection. Alvin Booth's finest achievement. The first and only edition. Published in a small and limited print run as a hardcover original only. The First Edition is now scarce. A brilliant production by Alvin Booth: Oversize-volume format. Black hard boards with titles embossed on spine, as issued. Photographs by Alvin Booth. Essay by Charlotte Cotton. Printed on pristine-white, thick coated stock paper in Zurich, Switzerland to the highest standards. The reproduction quality is exemplary in every respect. In pictorial DJ with titles on the cover and spine, as issued. Presents Alvin Booth's "Corpus: Beyond The Body". Male, female, male/female duo, and group-orgiastic nudes, all of them body-painted in gold, to shimmeringly and glisteningly stunning effect. Photographs of ritualized, sadomasochistic poses and acts of sexual intercourse showcase some of the most perfect male and female bodies a photographer can ever hope for. There are also closeup shots of male and female genitals, which are brilliantly put together as miniature collages on a single page. They reproduce Alvin Booth's well-known practice with his original prints, which he painstakingly frames and assembles himself as multiples. One can think of several influences (Andreas Bitesnich, on the one hand, and Robert Mapplethorpe, on the other). But there is a sense of cheerful enjoyment and British wit in even the most explicit photographs that are entirely Alvin Booth's. An absolute "must-have" title for Alvin Booth collectors. This copy is very prominently, neatly, and beautifully signed, placed, and dated (in the year of publication) in black ink-pen on the half-title page by the photographer: "Alvin Booth Chicago 1999". It is signed directly on the page itself, not on a tipped-in page. It is also very boldly and beautifully signed in black ink-pen on her Contribution by Charlotte Cotton. This title is a contemporary erotic art photography classic. As far as we know, this is the only such double-signed, placed, and publication-year dated copy of the First Hardcover Edition/First Printing available online and is in especially fine condition: Clean, crisp, and bright, a pristine beauty. A rare signed copy thus. Lavishly illustrated with tritone plates. One of the most brilliant photographers of the nude and the sex act of our time. A fine copy. . ISBN 3908161940.

Stock number: 22411. ISBN: 3908161940

$US 100.00Add To Cart

Borges, Jorge Luis (Author); Shakespeare, William; Nietzsche, Friedrich & Steidl, Gerhard
Die Bibliothek Von Babel/the Library Of Babel

Imprint: Gottingen, Germany, Gerhard Steidl Druckerei Und Verlag, 2001
Edition: First Edition
Binding: Hardback , With Dust Jacket

First Edition / First Printing. Fine in Fine Dust Jacket. 100 pages. Artist Book. One of the most beautiful Artist Books of our time. The first appearance of the title in this edition. Precedes and should not be confused with all other subsequent editions. Published in a small and limited first print run as a hardcover original only. There is no American or British Edition. The First Edition is now rare. A brilliant production by Gerhard Steidl and Buchergilde Gutenberg: Regular-sized volume format. Gray cloth boards with original art embossed on the front board's center and titles embossed on spine, as issued. Short story by Jorge Luis Borges, interspersed with text excerpts from William Shakespeare and Friedrich Nietszche. The entire text is in German. The English translation is printed on white bond paper and enclosed in its own plastic sheet. Art by Gerhard Steidl and Buchergilde Gutenberg. Printed on pristine-white, thick uncoated stock paper in Gottingen, Germany to the highest standards. In pictorial DJ with titles on the cover and spine, as issued. Re-presents Jorge Luis Borges' "The Library of Babel". One of the greatest essay-stories ever written, re-imagined as an Artist Book that celebrates typography as the basis of the printed word. Borges' story is reproduced at the center of the book, preceded and followed by various sequences exploring typography's dazzling possibilities. They suggest (because they can never exhaust) the inventiveness and infinity that are inherent to the typographer's art, an art that parallels the Borges story's infinite possibilities. Gerhard Steidl and Buchergilde Gutenberg are not typographers-gone-wild. On the contrary, they restrain their fantastic exploration of typeface-as-visual by setting it against a rigorous grid format on every page, which lists, one after another, every known human language, from German to English to French, from Kisuaheli to Nahuatl to Pilipino. Restraint and consistency yield elegance, which remains the highest ideal of typography. The excerpts by Nietzsche and Shakespeare also show how typeface, which is something we normally take for granted, captures the very character of both the author and his text. Every book has a note appended at the end about the typeface that was used. The note is there, but hardly anyone notices it. "Die Bibliothek von Babel" compels our attention just this once, by turning the note into the heart and soul of the book, an authentic visual interpretation of and homage to Jorge Luis Borges' great story. After all, typeface (an invented set of characters for an alphabet) and typography (the arrangement of that invention) are the very foundation of the book and therefore, of every library, even Borges' "feverish library, whose random volumes constantly threaten to transmogrify into others, so that they affirm all things, deny all things, like some mad and hallucinating deity". An absolute "must-have" title for Jorge Luis Borges collectors. This title is a great book. As far as we know, this is the only copy of the First Hardcover Edition/First Printing available online and is in especially fine condition: Clean, crisp, and bright, a pristine beauty. A rare copy thus. Jorge Luis Borges' body of work is regarded by Harold Bloom, George Steiner, and Susan Sontag as among the canonical works of modern literature. One of the greatest writers of the 20th century. A fine collectible copy. (SEE ALSO OTHER JORGE LUIS BORGES TITLES IN OUR CATALOG). ISBN 3882437782.

Stock number: 17846. ISBN: 3882437782

$US 150.00Add To Cart
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Borges, Jorge Luis & Casares, Adolfo Bioy (Translated by Norman Thomas Di Giovanni)
Six Problems For Don Isidro Parodi

Imprint: New York City, NY, E. P. Dutton, 1981
Edition: First Edition
Binding: Hardback , With Dust Jacket

First Edition / First Printing. Fine in Fine Dust Jacket. 160 pages. Landmark collection of short fiction. One of the greatest books of the 20th century. The first appearance of the title in English and in the United States. Precedes and should not be confused with all other subsequent editions. Published in a small and limited first print run as a hardcover original only and as part of the ground-breaking and now-legendary series of translations by Normas Thomas di Giovanni of the author's works, all carried out with Borges' close collaboration. The First Edition is now scarce. A brilliant production by Jim McMullan: Regular-sized volume format. Red-and-white boards with gilt titles on spine, as issued. Short stories by Jorge Luis Borges and Adolfo Bioy Casares. In pictorial DJ with titles on the cover and spine, as issued. Presents Jorge Luis Borges' "Six Problems For Don Isidro Parodi" in a felicitous English translation. Six short stories that represent the first of Jorge Luis Borges' several productive collaborations with Adolfo Bioy Casares. Why has Latin American writers' (such as Roberto Bolano) and our own fascination with Borges endured (long after our interest in his contemporaries and successors passed) ? One answer: Long before the so-called Post-Modernist writers discovered and mined literary genres and sub-genres, Borges was already doing it, without its being named as such. The stories in this collection blend science fiction, the thriller/detective genre, and fantasy as well the essay, autobiography, and literary criticism. Why the conflation of various literary genres? "I do not dare to state that they are simple. There isn't anywhere on earth a single page or single word that is since each thing implies the universe, whose most obvious trait is complexity. The art of writing is mysterious; the opinions we hold are ephemeral" (Jorge Luis Borges). This statement, cited by writers who could not be more different from one another as Gore Vidal, Italo Calvino, and Susan Sontag, all of them luminaries, may well be Borges' artistic credo. This last collection in English translation shows Jorge Luis Borges, together with Alejo Carpentier and Machado de Assis, to be One of the Triumvirate of modern Latin-American literature, revered even by a much more popular figure like Gabriel Garcia Marquez, whose work would not exist without their exemplary influence. "If you read Borges frequently and closely, you become something of a Borgesian, because to read him is to activate an awareness of literature in which he has gone further than anyone else" (Harold Bloom). An absolute "must-have" title for Jorge Luis Borges collectors. This title is a modern classic. This is one of few copies of the First American Edition/First Printing still available online and is in especially fine condition: Clean, crisp, and bright, a pristine beauty. Please note: Copies available online have very serious flaws (soiling, chipping, tears, and price-clipped). However, the watercolor effect on the spine is intentional on the part of the designer, NOT fading at all. This is surely an accessible and lovely alternative. A rare copy thus. Jorge Luis Borges' body of work is regarded by Harold Bloom, George Steiner, and Susan Sontag as among the canonical works of modern literature. One of the greatest writers of the 20th century. A fine copy. (SEE ALSO OTHER JORGE LUIS BORGES TITLES IN OUR CATALOG). ISBN 0525204806.

Stock number: 13617. ISBN: 0525204806

$US 50.00Add To Cart
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Borges, Jorge Luis (Translated by Norman Thomas Di Giovanni)
A Universal History Of Infamy

Imprint: New York City, NY, E. P. Dutton & Company, Inc., 1972
Edition: First Edition
Binding: Hardback , With Dust Jacket

First Edition / First Printing. Fine in Fine Dust Jacket. 146 pages. Landmark collection of short fiction. One of the greatest books of the 20th century. The first appearance of the title in English and in the United States. Precedes and should not be confused with all other subsequent editions. Published in a small and limited first print run as a hardcover original only and as part of the ground-breaking and now-legendary series of translations by Normas Thomas di Giovanni of the author's works, all carried out with Borges' close collaboration. The First Edition is now scarce. A brilliant production by Jim McMullan: Regular-sized volume format. Red hard boards with black cloth overboard and gilt titles on spine, as issued. Short Stories, Parables, and Prefaces by Jorge Luis Borges. Bibliographical Note appended at the end. In pictorial DJ with white titles on the cover and spine, as issued. Presents Jorge Luis Borges' "Historia universal de la infamia" in the definitive English translation by Norman Thomas di Giovanni. "The book that literally transformed Spanish prose and whose long echoes can still be heard in 'One Hundred Years of Solitude' " (The New York Times). The importance of its publication is such that 1935, the year it was first published, is now part of the history of Latin-American literature. "I do not dare to state that they are simple. There isn't anywhere on earth a single page or single word that is, since each thing implies the universe, whose most obvious trait is complexity. The art of writing is mysterious; the opinions we hold are ephemeral" (Jorge Luis Borges). This statement, cited by writers who could not be more different from one another as Gore Vidal, Italo Calvino, and Susan Sontag, all of them luminaries, may well be Borges' artistic credo. This seminal collection shows Jorge Luis Borges, together with Alejo Carpentier and Machado de Assis, to be One of the Triumvirate of modern Latin-American literature, revered even by a much more popular figure like Gabriel Garcia Marquez, whose work would not exist without their exemplary influence. And surely, Roberto Bolano's entire body of work (notably "Nazi Literature In The Americas", 2008) is directly descended from Borges. "If you read Borges frequently and closely, you become something of a Borgesian, because to read him is to activate an awareness of literature in which he has gone further than anyone else" (Harold Bloom). The book includes, as two separate sections, "Streetcorner Man", Borges' very first short story, and "Etcetera", eight tales, labeled by Borges as ephemeral, now considered eternal. An absolute "must-have" title for Jorge Luis Borges collectors. This title is a great book. This is one of few copies of the First American Edition/First Printing still available online and is in especially fine condition: Clean, crisp, and bright, a beauty. Please note: Copies available online have very serious flaws, are in multiple subsequent printings, or are remainder-marked. This is surely an accessible and lovely alternative. A rare copy thus. Jorge Luis Borges' body of work is regarded by Harold Bloom, George Steiner, and Susan Sontag as among the canonical works of modern literature. One of the greatest writers of the 20th century. A fine copy. (SEE ALSO OTHER JORGE LUIS BORGES TITLES IN OUR CATALOG). ISBN 0525226702.

Stock number: 22412. ISBN: 0525226702

$US 100.00Add To Cart
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