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Weiss, Sabine (Photographer) & Weiss, Marion (Contributor)
Sabine Weiss: L'oeil Intime ("the Intimate Eye")

Imprint: Paris, France, Escourbiac, 2014
Edition: First Edition
Binding: Hardback
Inscription: Signed, inscribed or annotated

First Edition / First Printing. As New in No Dust Jacket, As Issued. 95 pages. Retrospective collection of photographs. The First Hardcover Edition. Precedes and should not be confused with all other subsequent editions. Published in a small and limited first print run as a hardcover original only. The First Edition is now rare. An austerely elegant production by Victor Targosz Martinez: Regular-sized volume format. Pictorial hard boards with titles on the cover and spine, as issued. Photographs by Sabine Weiss. Text by Marion Weiss in the French original and felicitous English translation. Printed on pristine-white, thick coated stock paper in Paris, France to the highest standards. The reproduction quality is exemplary in every respect. Without DJ, as issued. Presents "Sabine Weiss: L'Oeil Intime". The probing Intimate Eye of a great humanist photographer. "Born in 1924 in Switzerland, she has always maintained a fierce independence and a need to strike out on her own. At just eighteen, during a time when being a photographer was not a common profession, especially for a woman, she took off in order to pursue this passion, riding her bicycle to Geneva. Robert Doisneau discovered her photography and asked her to join the humanist-leaning photo agency Rapho, giving her opportunities to work and travel for many other publications such as Time, Life, Newsweek, and Paris-Match. To this day, much of Weiss' work is still unknown to the general public for personal reasons. Weiss' diverse output as an artist defined her as the last representative of the French Humanist School of Photography, with the likes of Robert Doisneau, Izis Bidermanas, and Willy Ronis. An insatiable curiosity and lightness of being have continuously driven her life and photographic work. This is reflected in her remarkable vintage photographs of Paris in the Fifties, filled with compassion, playfulness, and a genuine tenderness toward humanity" (Stephen Daiter). Photography is "an alibi, a pretext for seeing everything, for going everywhere, for communicating with everyone" (Sabine Weiss). An absolute "must-have" title for Sabine Weiss collectors. This copy is very prominently, neatly, and beautifully signed in black ink-pen on the title page by Sabine Weiss. It is signed directly on the page itself, not on a tipped-in page. This title is now collectible. As far as we know, this is the only such signed copy of the First Hardcover Edition/First Printing available online and is in especially fine condition: Clean, crisp, and bright, a pristine beauty. Please note: Sabine Weiss, who turned 94 in 2018, does NOT do public signings. This signed copy was obtained directly from her Chicago gallery. A rare signed copy thus. Lavishly illustrated with duotone plates. One of the finest photographers of the 20th century. A fine collectible copy. (SEE ALSO OTHER SABINE WEISS TITLES IN OUR CATALOG). ISBN 2954938900.

Stock number: 22028. ISBN: 2954938900

$US 200.00Add To Cart

Welty, Eudora
One Writer's Beginnings

Imprint: Cambridge, MA, Harvard University Press, 1984
Edition: First Edition
Binding: Hardback , With Dust Jacket

First Edition / First Printing. Fine in Fine Dust Jacket. 105 pages. The author's autobiography. One of the greatest books of the 20th century. The First Hardcover Edition. Precedes and should not be confused with all other subsequent editions. Published in a very small and limited first print run as a hardcover original by a University Press. It became a surprise national bestseller and is one of Eudora Welty's most beloved books. The First Edition is now scarce. It is very beautifully produced with two-toned khaki and cream cloth boards, gilt titles embossed on cover and spine, vintage photographic reproductions, pristine-white archival stock paper, and an austerely elegant DJ design by Marianne Perlak. Presents Eudora Welty's "One Writer's Beginnings". Originally published as part of the legendary William E. Massey, Sr. Lectures In The History of American Civilization. The indispensable story of how she became a writer. One is tempted to say how she became a great writer, but the humility of the title that sets the tone and substance of her account compels one to resist the temptation. The story of a seemingly ordinary, self-effacing, and painfully shy Southern woman who becomes a Living Legend (Welty was also a great photographer, the only American writer so enviably blessed) ensured that these "university lectures" would become an instant classic. "Eudora Welty's earliest box camera suspended a moment forever and taught her that every feeling awaits a gesture. She has recreated a vanished world with the same subtlety and insight that mark her fiction" (Publisher's blurb). "The strands are all here. To the memory, nothing is ever really lost" (Eudora Welty). An absolute "must-have" title for Eudora Welty collectors. This title is a modern classic. This is one of few copies of the First Hardcover Edition/First Printing still available online and is in especially fine condition: Clean, crisp, and bright, a pristine beauty. It is the single most beautiful copy we have ever seen. Please note: Copies available online are subsequent printings or have serious flaws because they have been read over and over again. The Limited Edition commands as much as $750. This is surely an accessible and lovely alternative. A rare copy thus. 16 vintage-photograph plates. Winner of the Pulitzer Prize in 1973 for "The Optimist's Daughter". Recipient of The Presidential Medal of Freedom in 1980 and The French Legion of Honor in 1996 for her body of work. Eudora Welty's Jackson, Mississippi home was declared a National Historic Landmark in 2001, one of very few writers so honored by the United States Government. One of the greatest writers of the 20th century. A fine copy. (SEE ALSO OTHER EUDORA WELTY TITLES IN OUR CATALOG). ISBN 0674639251.

Stock number: 14723. ISBN: 0674639251

$US 80.00Add To Cart
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Wenders, Wim (Artist/Photographer); Klaus-Schuster, Peter & Hartje, Nicole (Contributors)
Pictures From The Surface Of The Earth: Photographs By Wim Wenders

Imprint: Munich, Germany, Schirmer/Mosel, 2003
Edition: First Edition
Binding: Hardback , With Dust Jacket
Inscription: Signed, inscribed or annotated

First Edition / First Printing. As New in As New Dust Jacket. 128 pages. Revised And Expanded Edition of the artist/photographer's collection of panoramic photographs. One of the most beautiful art photography books of our time. The first appearance of the title in this edition. Precedes and should not be confused with all other subsequent editions. Published in a small and limited first print run as a hardcover original only. The First Edition is now scarce. A brilliant production by Wim Wenders and Klaus E. Goltz Halle: Oversize-volume format in wide oblong shape. Blue hard boards with white titles on cover and spine, as issued. Photographs and text by Wim Wenders. Essays by Peter Klaus-Schuster and Nicole Hartje. List of Plates with miniature reproductions appended at the end. Printed on pristine-white, thick coated stock paper by EBS in Verona, Italy to the highest standards. The reproduction quality is exemplary in every respect. In wraparound DJ and titles on the cover and spine, as issued. Originally published on the occasion of the exhibition of the same name held at The Hamburger Bahnhof Berlin in 2001. Presents Wim Wenders' "Pictures From The Surface of The Earth". Includes five new panoramas that appear for the first time and even more important, accurately re-present Wenders' original vision. There are also ten, new multi-panel foldouts that are reproduced. "For many years, Wim Wenders has taken an old panoramic camera along with him on his travels, using it whenever the sheer wealth of what he saw and the impressions it left on him burst the confines of the normal scale of things. What we see are landscapes and city vistas, photographs of architecture and nature, taken in the United States, Japan, Australia, Israel, Cuba, and Germany. They shed light on the world as encountered by the photographer and a portrait of the photographer as reflected in his vision of the world" (Publisher's blurb). Wim Wenders is justifiably known primarily as a filmmaker because he has made some of the greatest films of the so-called "New German Cinema", which arose from the devastation of his divided country's postwar ambivalences, guilts, and tensions. The most celebrated is "Wings of Desire", but he has made at least five other masterpieces, including the documentary, "The Buena Vista Social Club", which single-handedly revived interest in the incomparable music of Cuba. Wenders is also known for his lifelong love affair with America, where he has worked on some of the most beautiful films we shall ever see. If "Once" captures the human scale of a personal life, "Pictures From The Surface of the Earth" captures the inexhaustible beauty of the wider world, thereby beautifully complementing each other. An absolute "must-have" title for Wim Wenders collectors. This copy is very prominently and beautifully signed in black ink-pen on the title page by Wim Wenders. It is signed directly on the page itself, not on a tipped-in page. He also added a wing drawing, a very moving allusion to his film, "Wings of Desire". This title is a great art photography book. As far as we know, this is the only such signed copy (with drawing) of the First Revised Edition/First Printing available online and is in especially fine condition: Clean, crisp, and bright, a pristine beauty. A rare signed copy thus. 55 color plates, 32 foldouts. One of the greatest German visual artist/filmmakers of our time. A fine collectible copy. (SEE ALSO OTHER WIM WENDERS TITLES IN OUR CATALOG). ISBN 3829600518.

Stock number: 9438. ISBN: 3829600518

$US 500.00Add To Cart

Wenders, Wim (Filmmaker/Subject) & Graf, Alexander (Author)
The Cinema Of Wim Wenders: The Celluloid Highway

Imprint: London, England, Wallflower Press, 2002
Edition: First Edition
Binding: Hardback
Inscription: Signed, inscribed or annotated

First Edition / First Printing. Fine in No Dust Jacket, As Issued. 180 pages. Book-length critical account on subject. One of the best books on Wim Wenders ever published in our time. The First Hardcover Edition. Precedes and should not be confused with all other subsequent editions, particularly the Softcover Edition. Published in a small and limited first print run as a hardcover original by a small press andas part of its "Great Film Directors" Series. There is no American Edition. The First Edition is now rare. Presents Alexander Graf's "The Cinema of Wim Wenders: The Celluloid Highway". The definitive guide to the work of a great visionary film and visual artist. "Traces the development of one of the most well-known directors of the New German Cinema. Examines Wim Wenders' career from his early film school productions through his mature works. Analyses the most recent works as well as the themes and preoccupations that unite his oeuvre" (Publisher's blurb). Wenders' films have been profoundly influenced by American films (just as their predecessor, the French Nouvelle Vague/New Wave, was). His films, a lyrical and philosophical riff on the "road movie" genre, depict characters who are perpetually on the move, in their sometimes illuminating, sometimes failed attempts to glimpse their true selves, a sense of place, and ultimately, destiny. It is neither tendentious nor exaggerated to say that Wenders (and his German film director/colleagues, notably Werner Herzog) represents the generation of postwar Germany who sought to redeem themselves and their country through their subversive and noble art. Together with Wim Wenders' own series of great books on the art of film, "Emotion Pictures: Reflections On Cinema" (1989), "The Logic of Images" (1991), and "The Act of Seeing" (1997), this re-appraisal at the turn of the century shows Wenders to be one of the most reflective and perceptive film and visual artists of our time. An absolute "must-have" title for Wim Wenders collectors. This copy is very boldly and beautifully signed in gold pen-marker on the title page by Wim Wenders. It is signed directly on the page itself, not on a tipped-in page. This title is a contemporary classic. As far as we know, this is the only such signed copy of the First Hardcover Edition/First Printing available online and is in especially fine condition: Clean, crisp, and bright, a beauty. Please note: Copies available online have serious flaws, are subsequent printings, or are remainder-marked. This is surely an accessible and lovely alternative. A rare signed copy thus. One of the greatest German artist/filmmakers of our time. A fine collectible copy. (SEE ALSO OTHER WIM WENDERS TITLES IN OUR CATALOG). ISBN 1903364302.

Stock number: 19994. ISBN: 1903364302

$US 200.00Add To Cart
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Weschler, Lawrence
Calamities Of Exile: Three Nonfiction Novellas

Imprint: Chicago, IL, University Of Chicago Press, 1998
Edition: First Edition
Binding: Hardback , With Dust Jacket

First Edition / First Printing. Fine in Fine Dust Jacket. 199 pages. Retrospective collection of novella-like accounts. One of the most important literary events of our time. The First Hardcover Edition. Precedes and should not be confused with the Softcover Edition. Published in a small and limited print run as a hardcover original only by a University Press. The First Edition is now scarce. Presents Lawrence Weschler's "Calamities of Exile: Three Nonfiction Novellas". Masterly accounts on exile. Possibly the protean and indefatigable Lawrence Weschler's best book. "The three essays engage directly with the theme of political exile by delving into the lives of three exiles: South African author Breyten Breytenbach, who would attempt to re-enter the country to participate more actively in the struggle against apartheid, only to be captured and imprisoned; Kanan Makiya, an Iraqi whose 'Republic of Fear' offered many Westerners their first in-depth knowledge of Saddam Hussein's regime; and Jan Karan, a participant in the 1968 Revolution in Prague who, after years of running a smuggling operation in and out of Czechoslovakia, would return to his liberated homeland only to be denounced for alleged collaboration with its Communist oppressors. Lawrence Weschler is one of the late-20th century's best journalists, a master of the profile format. He offers the reader tremendous amounts of information, including extensive historical backgrounds, without ever sacrificing any of his prose's immediacy or clarity. Given that his three subjects have each fought against oppressive regimes, it would be easy to portray them as simplistic heroes, but Weschler takes great pains to show the full complexities of their characters, even when it casts them in a less than flattering light. You will learn much about international politics but more important, you will learn much about people" (Ron Hogan). "His thorough accounting of the men's covert operations, assumed identities, and strained relationships with fathers, wives, and colleagues creates a disturbing triptych of the perils of totalitarianism" (The New York Times). An absolute "must-have" title for Lawrence Weschler collectors. This title is a contemporary classic. This is one of few copies of the First Hardcover Edition/First Printing still available online and is in especially fine condition: Clean, crisp, and bright, a pristine beauty. Please note: Copies available online have serious flaws, are subsequent printings, or are remainder-marked. This is surely an accessible and lovely alternative. A scarce copy thus. One of the finest journalist/writers of our time. A fine copy. (SEE ALSO OTHER LAWRENCE WESCHLER TITLES IN OUR CATALOG). ISBN 0226893936.

Stock number: 2103. ISBN: 0226893936

$US 20.00Add To Cart

West, Nathanael
Miss Lonelyhearts: The Collectors' Facsimile Edition

Imprint: New York City, NY, New Directions Books/Collectors Reprints, Inc, 1962
Edition: First Edition
Binding: Hardback , With Dust Jacket

First Edition / First Printing. As New in As New Dust Jacket. 215 pages. Facsimile Limited Edition of the author's novel. One of the greatest novels of the 20th century. The first and only appearance of the title in this edition. Precedes and should not be confused with the regular New Directions trade edition. Published in a small and limited print run whose number is not specified. There is no ISBN. The Limited Edition is now rare. An austerely elegant production by Collectors Reprints: Regular-sized volume format. Khaki cloth boards with titles embossed on spine, as issued. The entire production reproduces the 1933 Liveright Publishers First Edition down to the smallest detail: Its actual size, typeface, orange topstain, and pictorial DJ. The only enhancement-addition is the handsome cloth board slipcase with reproductions pasted on both sides. Presents, in a Facsimile Limited Slipcased Edition, Nathanael West's "Miss Lonelyhearts". His masterpiece of nihilism. Considering that the novel almost did not get published and immediately thereafter got caught up in the most disastrous publishing history ever to befall a masterpiece, this Limited Slipcased Edition is a long-overdue restoration for Modern First collectors. Nathan Weinstein was the ultimate paradox of a genius: He despised his Jewish roots so profoundly that he changed/"West-ernized" his name. The epithet, "self-hating Jew", applied to Nathanael West long before it became an ideological term. At the same time, Weinstein-become-West mined those very same roots to create his great art. Writing in eloquent prose, Harold Bloom is one of West's most insightful critic/admirers today. But he is by no means the only one, and in a sense, is merely echoing and consolidating a consensus among critics that had been building for some time. What is admirable about "Miss Lonelyhearts" is, of course, its nihilism. It is literature as uncompromising, powerful expression. "Excels 'The Sun Also Rises', 'The Great Gatsby', and even 'Sanctuary' as the perfected instance of a negative vision in modern American fiction. West's spirit lives again in 'The Crying of Lot 49' and some sequences in 'Gravity's Rainbow', but the sublimity of 'Miss Lonelyhearts' proves to be beyond Pynchon's reach" (Harold Bloom). After sweeping aside the greatest names of modern American literature (F. Scott Fitzgerald, Ernest Hemingway, William Faulkner, and Thomas Pynchon is everybody), Bloom is neither done nor satisfied: "Nothing by Bellow, Malamud, Philip Roth, Mailer, or Ozick can compare to 'Miss Lonelyhearts' as an achievement". That takes care of everybody else. Uncompromising critic indeed. An absolute "must-have" title for Nathanael West collectors. This title is a great book. This is one of few copies of the Facsimile Limited Slipcased Edition still available online and is in especially fine condition: Clean, crisp, and bright, a pristine beauty. Please note: Every single copy of the First Edition available online is in wretched condition yet commands thousands of dollars. This is surely an accessible and lovely alternative. A rare copy thus. One of the greatest novelists of the 20th century. A fine collectible copy. .

Stock number: 17796.

$US 200.00Add To Cart
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Westmoreland, Timothy A.
Good As Any

Imprint: New York City, NY, Harcourt Inc., 2002
Edition: First Edition
Binding: Hardback , With Dust Jacket
Inscription: Signed, inscribed or annotated

First Edition / First Printing. Fine in Fine Dust Jacket. 275 pages. The author's debut collection of short stories. One of the most important literary debuts of our time. The First Hardcover Edition. Precedes and should not be confused with all other subsequent editions. Published in a small and limited first print run as a hardcover original only. The First Edition is now scarce. Presents Timothy A. Westmoreland's "Good As Any". Evocative stories that reflect the austere beauty of their settings, the rural landscapes of New England and Texas. The protagonists are all male and have somehow been pushed to the margins, by illness, lack of love or both. Most of the characters must face a physical disability or illness, but the physical problems are really manifestations of emotional distress, the result of intense loneliness, and the craving for connection. This may sound painful and even depressing. In fact, it makes this collection one of the most powerful debuts of the year. An absolute "must-have" title for Timothy A. Westmoreland collectors. This copy is very prominently, elaborately, and beautifully signed in black pen on the title page by Timothy A. Westmoreland. It is signed directly on the page itself, not on a tipped-in page. He also crossed out his printed name with two wave-like strokes. This title is now collectible. This is one of few such signed copies of the First Hardcover Edition/First Printing still available online and is in especially fine condition: Clean, crisp, and bright, a pristine beauty. Please note: Copies available online have serious flaws, are subsequent printings, or are remainder-marked. This is surely an accessible and lovely alternative. A scarce signed copy thus. One of the most brilliant new voices in American literature. A fine copy. . ISBN 0151008523.

Stock number: 10344. ISBN: 0151008523

$US 30.00Add To Cart

Weston, Cole (Photographer); Maddow, Ben & Wilson, Charis (Contributors)
Cole Weston: Eighteen Photographs ("cole Weston: 18 Photographs")

Imprint: Salt Lake City, UT, Peregrine Smith, Inc., 1981
Edition: First Edition
Binding: With Dust Jacket
Inscription: Signed, inscribed or annotated

First Edition / First Printing. Fine in Fine Dust Jacket. Unpaginated. Exhibition Catalog. The first and the most beautiful book on the photographic art and achievement of Cole Weston ever produced. The first and only edition. Published in a small and limited print run as a softcover original only. The Exhibition Catalog is now rare. A brilliant production by Cole Weston: Oversize-volume format. Pale gray softcovers with titles on cover and spine, as issued. Photographs by Cole Weston. Essays by Ben Maddow and Charis Wilson. Printed on glossy stock paper in the United States to the highest standards. The reproduction quality is outstanding in every respect. In pictorial DJ with black titles on the cover and spine, as issued. Published on the occasion of the retrospective exhibition of the same name held at The Witkin Gallery New York in March 1981. Presents Cole Weston's "Eighteen Photographs". Some of his finest and most representative color photographs. Edward Weston's fourth and youngest son, Cole Weston spent a considerable part of his life administering his father's Estate while slowly building his own impressive oeuvre. He turned to color (which his father spurned) as far back as the 1940's, and never looked back. "A brilliant photographic printer, Cole was solely empowered by Edward to print his pictures after his death in 1958. A child whose first memory is of floating a toy boat in his father's darkroom sink, Cole has commented that he inherited photography as his family's birthright. From the microcosmic worlds found in tide pools to the grand landscapes of the American West, from ruined abbeys in England to his personal renderings of the nude, he pursued his own pathways in photography. After three decades of printing his father's work, Cole at last set aside this responsibility and turned his energies to his own photography. The photographs in this collection reveal his instinct for structure and form, his great sensitivity to color, and his distinctive vision of the earth's rich beauty" (Ben Maddow). Among the iconic photographs in this catalog are "Farm, New Zealand 1976", "Surf and Headlands, California 1958", "Hunt's Cove, Nova Scotia 1978", "Aspen, Utah 1978", "Yukon River, Alaska 1975", "Nude, Arizona 1979", "Cacti, Southern Utah 1976", "Nude in Window, Arizona 1979", "Summer Grass, Mono Lake 1977", and "Trapper"s Lake, Minnesota 1979". An absolute "must-have" title for Cole Weston collectors. This copy is very prominently and beautifully signed, dated (on the day of the exhibition), and inscribed in black ink-pen on the half-title page by the photographer: "For Carol, Thanks for your help in making my first book come true. Warmest regards, Cole 3/5/81". The recipient, Carol Kismaric, is one of the most important figures in the history of photography: Book designer, historian/scholar, and curator/author. This title is a classic. As far as we know, this is the only such signed, exhibition-day dated, and inscribed copy of the Exhibition Catalog available online and is in especially fine condition: Clean, crisp, and bright, a pristine beauty. Please note: Copies available online have serious flaws. This is surely an accessible and lovely alternative. A rare signed copy thus. 18 color plates. One of the finest American photographers of the 20th century. A fine copy. (SEE ALSO OTHER EDWARD WESTON TITLES IN OUR CATALOG). ISBN 0879050845.

Stock number: 13124. ISBN: 0879050845

$US 100.00Add To Cart

Weston, Edward (Photographer); Maddow, Ben (Author) & Weston, Cole (Contributor)
Edward Weston His Life And Photographs: The Definitive Volume Of His Photographic Work

Imprint: New York City, NY, Aperture Foundation, 1979
Edition: First Edition
Binding: Hardback , With Dust Jacket

First Edition / First Printing. Fine in Fine Dust Jacket. 285 pages. Definitive Edition of the photographer's oeuvre. The single most valuable book on the photographic art of Edward Weston. The 1979 Revised Edition. Precedes and should not be confused with all other subsequent editions. Published in a small and limited first print run as a hardcover original only. There is no ISBN. The First Edition Thus is now rare. A brilliant production by Wendy Byrne and Peter Bradford: Oversize-volume format in panoramic dimension. The book weighs 10 pounds. Beige-and-brown cloth boards with gilt titles embossed on cover and spine, as issued. Photographs by Edward Weston. Essay by Ben Maddow. Afterword by Cole Weston, his son and the executor of his Estate. Printed on pristine-white, thick coated stock paper in the United States to the highest standards. The reproduction quality is outstanding in its crispness, warmth, and tonal range. We do NOT make photography books like this any longer in America. In pictorial DJ with titles on the cover and spine, as issued. Presents "Edward Weston His Life And Photographs: The Definitive Volume of His Photographic Work". Published nearly twenty years after his death (in 1958), the best book (and reference volume) on the one photographer whose work anticipated and defined "photographic seeing". "This is the greatest collection of photographs by Weston ever published. The reproductions most closely resemble in quality and tone his original prints" (Cole Weston). "Weston transformed our vision of reality. He discovered visible images of the generative, elemental forms and forces of the world. The spectator feels that he is seeing not just a symbol for the object, but the thing itself, revealed for the first time, a heightened sense of reality that reveals the essence of all things" (Ben Maddow). "In viewing an exhibition of photographs, one must seek those examples which justify their existence as fine photography by achieving a correlation between meaning and expression, which is free from all irrelevant connotations, all suggestions of other forms of expression" (Edward Weston). Articulated by him in 1932, eighty-five years ago (as of 2017), Weston prophetically described the photograph as "the thing itself". This is, conscious of it or not, for better or for worse, our very own contemporary understanding of reality: The Image IS The Real. An absolute "must-have" title for Edward Weston collectors. This title is a great photography book. This is one of few copies of the 1979 Revised Edition/First Printing still available online and is in especially fine condition: Clean, crisp, and bright, a pristine beauty. Please note: Copies of the Limited Edition available online command almost $5000. Well, this is surely an accessible and lovely alternative. A rare copy thus. 195 illustrations and plates. One of the greatest photographers of the 20th century. A fine collectible copy. (SEE ALSO OTHER EDWARD WESTON TITLES IN OUR CATALOG).

Stock number: 21112.

$US 200.00Add To Cart

Weston, Edward
Photography: The "enjoy Your Museum" Pocket Guide

Imprint: Pasadena, CA, Esto Publishing Company, 1934
Edition: First Edition

First Edition / First Printing. Fine in No Dust Jacket, As Issued. 16 pages. Rare Edward Weston and photography collectible item. A fine copy of "Photography: The 'Enjoy Your Museum' Pocket Guide/Booklet. The first and only edition. Published in a small and limited print run as a softcover original only and as part of the now-legendary "Enjoy Your Museum" Series. There is no ISBN. The First Edition is now rare. An austerely elegant production by Esto Publishing: Small-size volume format. The booklet is a pocket book, meant as a handy reference guide to its subject. Gray softcovers with black titles on the cover, as issued. Text by Edward Weston. Photographic reproduction of an Edward Weston tree-root study on title page. Printed on archival stock paper in the United States to the highest standards. Enclosed in protective plastic sheet. Without DJ, as issued. Presents Edward Weston's "Photography". His articulate and persuasive "case" for photography as a serious art form, worthy of comparison with and just as important, distinct from the traditional arts of painting and sculpture. Published in 1934, Weston's pioneering essay remains valid and relevant to this day. "In viewing an exhibition of photographs, one must seek those examples which justify their existence as fine photography by achieving a correlation between meaning and expression, which is free from all irrelevant connotations, all suggestions of other forms of expression" (Edward Weston). The great landscape and portrait photographer painstakingly also makes his case for the difference between art, which everyone can do, and a work of art, which only a select few (such as himself) can. Art is how anyone expresses himself or herself creatively. As such, Weston acknowledges that photography is the most accessible and popular art of our time (which, it is important to note, is even more true in the Age of Instagram, and in ways that Weston could not have anticipated). A work of art is creative expression of high achievement in terms of its virtuosity, seriousness, power, and beauty. The work of art can only be created by a true artist. While attempts have been made throughout the Modern Age to erase the difference between art and a work of art, the distinction stubbornly and durably remains, and Weston was right (in 1934) to make it. An absolute "must-have" collectible, not just memorabilia, item for Edward Weston collectors. This title is a Weston collectible. This is one of very few copies of the pocket guide/booklet still available online and despite its age, remains in especially fine condition: Clean, crisp, and bright. Please note: This was an ephemeral production so most copies are gone. There are only two copies available online, one priced at $300, the other at $220. This is surely an accessible and lovely alternative. A rare copy thus. 1 photographic plate. One of the greatest photographers of the 20th century. A fine copy. (SEE ALSO OTHER EDWARD WESTON TITLES IN OUR CATALOG).

Stock number: 20714.

$US 100.00Add To Cart

Westphal, Dirk (Photographer) & Sanders, Jeremy (Designer)
Endless Bummer

Imprint: New York City, NY, Glenn Horowitz Bookseller, 2009
Edition: First Edition
Inscription: Signed, inscribed or annotated

First Edition / First Printing. Fine in No Dust Jacket, As Issued. Unpaginated. Artist Book. One of the best photography books of our time. The First Edition. Precedes and should not be confused with all other subsequent editions. Published in a small and limited print run as a softcover original only. The First Edition is now scarce. A brilliant production by Dirk Westphal and Jeremy Sanders: Regular-sized volume format. Pictorial softcovers with titles on the cover and spine, as issued. The cover design is a work of art. Photographs by Dirk Westphal. The latter are presented on the right-hand side while the location where the photograph was taken is printed in black letters on the opposite page. Brief Afterword. Printed on thick coated stock paper in the United States to the highest standards. Without DJ, as issued. Presents Dirk Westphal's "Endless Bummer". "Endless Summer" Meets "Jaws". Collection of color photographs from all over the world, a witty homage to surfing, particularly "Endless Summer" (1966), the one film that made it a global phenomenon. The "bummer" in the title (what we would now call a "photo bomb") refers to the fact that in every photograph, the menace called the shark suddenly appears to ruin everything: We only see its fin, but that's scary enough for the surfers and for us. The photographs were taken in such summer-hedonic places as Australia, Bali, the British Virgin Islands, Puerto Rico, Barbados, Nicaragua, the Bahamas, Costa Rica, the Andaman Islands as well as Southern California, where the surf culture began and continues to flourish, the very real threat of sharks notwithstanding. Westphal's ambivalent feelings about surfing, especially its somewhat overblown mythical status, is beautifully captured by the photographs, which shatter the myth just a little: "Nothing cancels mellow beach vibes faster than the threat of a shark. Thows a little cold water onto surfing's overheated mythology" (Dirk Westphal). An absolute "must-have" title for Dirk Westphal collectors. This copy is very prominently and beautifully signed in black pen-marker on the title page by Dirk Westphal. It is signed directly on the page itself, not on a tipped-in page. He designed his signature such that it looks like a shark's fin. This title is now collectible. As far as we know, this is the only such signed copy of the First Edition/First Printing available online and is in especially fine condition: Clean, crisp, and bright, a pristine beauty. A scarce signed copy thus. 25 color plates. One of the most brilliant living artist/photographers. A fine copy. . ISBN 0982074727.

Stock number: 14965. ISBN: 0982074727

$US 30.00Add To Cart

White, Edmund
A Boy's Own Story: The Picador Modern Classics Edition

Imprint: London, England, Picador Books, 1994
Edition: First Edition
Binding: Hardback , With Dust Jacket
Inscription: Signed, inscribed or annotated

First Edition / First Printing. Fine in Fine Dust Jacket. 218 pages. The author's third novel. One of the greatest American novels of the 20th century. The 1994 Picador Modern Classics First Edition. Precedes and should not be confused with all other subsequent editions, particularly the 2004 Modern Library Edition, published ten years later. Published in a small and limited first print run as a hardcover original only. In terms of sheer production values, this First British Thus is superior to ALL other editions, including the 1982 First Edition. There is NO equivalent American Edition. The First Edition Thus is now rare. Presents, in an impeccable new edition, Edmund White's "A Boy's Own Story". His most beloved novel. The Introductory Essay by Edmund White appears for the very first time and in this edition only. The first volume in a trilogy on gay American life, "A Boy's Own Story" was followed by "The Beautiful Room Is Empty" (1988) and ended with "The Farewell Symphony" (1997). A "coming-out" novel, it has been copied, but never matched much less surpassed, by what are now whole shelves of gay American literature. "White possesses the rare combination of a poetic sense of language and an ironic sense of humor. Unquestionably, the foremost American gay novelist" (Newsweek Magazine). An absolute "must-have" title for Edmund White collectors. This copy is very prominently and beautifully signed in black ink-pen on the title page by Edmund White. It is signed directly on the page itself, not on a tipped-in page. This title is a great book. As far as we know, this is the only such signed copy of the 1994 Picador Modern Classics First Edition Thus/First Printing available online and is in especially fine condition: Clean, crisp, and bright, a pristine beauty. Please note: Should NOT be confused with the 2004 Modern Library Edition, published ten years later. In terms of sheer production values, this First British Thus is superior to ALL other editions, including the 1982 First Edition. There is NO equivalent American Edition. The Introductory Essay by Edmund White appears for the very first time and in this edition only. A rare signed copy thus. Winner of the National Book Critics Circle Award in 1994 for "Genet". Anointed by Vladimir Nabokov as his American successor. One of the finest American writers of our time. A fine collectible copy. (SEE ALSO OTHER EDMUND WHITE TITLES IN OUR CATALOG).

Stock number: 22253.

$US 150.00Add To Cart
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White, Edmund

Imprint: New York City, NY, E. P. Dutton, 1985
Edition: First Edition
Binding: Hardback , With Dust Jacket
Inscription: Signed, inscribed or annotated

First Edition / First Printing. Fine in Fine Dust Jacket. 342 pages. The author's fourth novel. Now considered a contemporary classic. The First Hardcover Edition. Precedes and should not be confused with all other subsequent editions. Published in a small and limited first print run as a hardcover original only. The First Edition is now scarce. Presents Edmund White's "Caracole". His second historical romance. A fantasy, set in an imaginary time and a place that is a brilliant and analogous conflation of Venice, Paris, and Rio de Janeiro, the novel tells the story of Gabriel as he is introduced to the masculine rites of adulthood: Sex, social intrigue, and political power. Inspired by Choderlos de Laclos' classic, "Les Liaisons Dangereuses", it remains Edmund White's most controversial novel. Like "Dangerous Liaisons", "Caracole" is about the subtle, chess-like mind games that people play, the human being (an innocent boy or girl) turned into hunter's delicious prey. The spoiler is, as always, true love. The novel famously ended White's friendship with Susan Sontag, one of his earliest and most passionate supporters, because she appears in the novel as "Mathilda", the greatest intellectual of her time, with her son, the journalist David Rieff thrown in, as "Daniel", a tragic failure who lives in his mother's shadow. Thinly veiled, it is a vindictive, wounding, and savage characterization of Sontag, publicly formidable but privately thin-skinned and emotionally vulnerable after all. Truman Capote waited until Katherine Anne Porter was safely dead before mercilessly skewering her in "Answered Prayers", as the notoriously predatory, nymphomaniacal power player of the American literary establishment everyone knew her to be. The impatient Edmund White evidently could not wait long enough. He once said that there is a very fine line between love and hate because they are the two deepest (and therefore, most irrational) emotions. Also, we can hate only those whom we have truly loved. The rest is cold contempt. The fragile yet genuine bond between many male homosexual writers and their older female patrons is surely a subject for a book in itself. Written in Edmund White's effortless, supple, and immaculate prose: "A seduction through language, a masque without masks. Brings back to startling life a dormant strain in serious American writing: The idea of The Romantic" (Cynthia Ozick). An absolute "must-have" title for Edmund White collectors. This copy is very prominently and beautifully signed in blue ink-pen on the title page by Edmund White. It is signed directly on the page itself, not on a tipped-in page. This title is a contemporary classic. This is one of few such signed copies of the First Hardcover Edition/First Printing still available online and is in especially fine condition: Clean, crisp, and bright, a pristine beauty. We have not seen a more beautiful copy of this book. Please note: Copies available online have serious flaws, are subsequent printings, or are remainder-marked. This is surely an accessible and lovely alternative. A scarce signed copy thus. Winner of the National Book Critics Circle Award in 1994 for "Genet". Anointed by Vladimir Nabokov as his American successor. One of the finest American writers of our time. A fine copy. (SEE ALSO OTHER EDMUND WHITE TITLES IN OUR CATALOG). ISBN 0525242813.

Stock number: 12122. ISBN: 0525242813

$US 50.00Add To Cart
Click to open full size image.

White, Edmund

Imprint: New York City, NY, E. P. Dutton, 1985
Edition: First Edition
Binding: Hardback , With Dust Jacket
Inscription: Signed, inscribed or annotated

First Edition / First Printing. Fine in Fine Dust Jacket. 342 pages. The author's fourth novel. Now considered a contemporary classic. The First Hardcover Edition. Precedes and should not be confused with all other subsequent editions. Published in a small and limited first print run as a hardcover original only. The First Edition is now scarce. Presents Edmund White's "Caracole". His second historical romance. A fantasy, set in an imaginary time and a place that is a brilliant and analogous conflation of Venice, Paris, and Rio de Janeiro, the novel tells the story of Gabriel as he is introduced to the masculine rites of adulthood: Sex, social intrigue, and political power. Inspired by Choderlos de Laclos' classic, "Les Liaisons Dangereuses", it remains Edmund White's most controversial novel. Like "Dangerous Liaisons", "Caracole" is about the subtle, chess-like mind games that people play, the human being (an innocent boy or girl) turned into hunter's delicious prey. The spoiler is, as always, true love. The novel famously ended White's friendship with Susan Sontag, one of his earliest and most passionate supporters, because she appears in the novel as "Mathilda", the greatest intellectual of her time, with her son, the journalist David Rieff thrown in, as "Daniel", a tragic failure who lives in his mother's shadow. Thinly veiled, it is a vindictive, wounding, and savage characterization of Sontag, publicly formidable but privately thin-skinned and emotionally vulnerable after all. Truman Capote waited until Katherine Anne Porter was safely dead before mercilessly skewering her in "Answered Prayers", as the notoriously predatory, nymphomaniacal power player of the American literary establishment everyone knew her to be. The impatient Edmund White evidently could not wait long enough. He once said that there is a very fine line between love and hate because they are the two deepest (and therefore, most irrational) emotions. Also, we can hate only those whom we have truly loved. The rest is cold contempt. The fragile yet genuine bond between many male homosexual writers and their older female patrons is surely a subject for a book in itself. Written in Edmund White's effortless, supple, and immaculate prose: "A seduction through language, a masque without masks. Brings back to startling life a dormant strain in serious American writing: The idea of The Romantic" (Cynthia Ozick). An absolute "must-have" title for Edmund White collectors. This copy is very prominently and beautifully signed in black pen on the half-title page by Edmund White. It is signed directly on the page itself, not on a tipped-in page. This title is a contemporary classic. This is one of few such signed copies of the First Hardcover Edition/First Printing still available online and is in especially fine condition: Clean, crisp, and bright, a pristine beauty. Please note: Copies available online have serious flaws, are subsequent printings, or are remainder-marked. This is surely an accessible and lovely alternative. A scarce signed copy thus. Winner of the National Book Critics Circle Award in 1994 for "Genet". Anointed by Vladimir Nabokov as his American successor. One of the finest American writers of our time. A fine copy. (SEE ALSO OTHER EDMUND WHITE TITLES IN OUR CATALOG). ISBN 0525242813.

Stock number: 16017. ISBN: 0525242813

$US 50.00Add To Cart

White, Edmund
City Boy: My Life In New York During The 1960s And '70s

Imprint: New York City, NY, Bloomsbury Publishing, 2009
Edition: First Edition
Binding: Hardback , With Dust Jacket
Inscription: Signed, inscribed or annotated

First Edition / First Printing. Fine in Fine Dust Jacket. 300 pages. The author's second memoir. One of Edmund White's finest achievements. The First Hardcover Edition. Precedes and should not be confused with all other subsequent editions. Published in a small and limited first print run as a hardcover original only. The First Edition is now scarce. Presents Edmund White's "City Boy: My Life In New York During The 1960's And '70s". The definitive account on the Republic of New York. It is also the sequel-of-sorts to "My Lives" (2006), the best autobiographical-cum-literary account on New York City for our time. New York was, and always will be, the republic of arts and letters, a concentrate of talent, wealth, and power in an infinitesimal piece of land. It is every ambitious and hard-working citizen's self-avowed destiny, not just destination. It is the one place where seriousness still matters amid the harsh reality of our pervasive American/global commercial culture, a rot that has inescapably seeped into (and diminished) New York as well. In White's riveting account, New York is about every necessary human conquest: Sexual and romantic, social and economic, literary and artistic, material and spiritual. It is also the reason why, in White's humane view, the quest for fame and glory (and the seemingly insatiable hunger for "industrial quantities" of sex) must be underpinned by the cherished values of love and friendship. "A moving, candid, brilliant portrait of a time and place" (Publisher's blurb). "One of the three or four most virtuosic living writers of sentences in the English language" (Dave Eggers). An absolute "must-have" title for Edmund White collectors. This copy is very prominently and beautifully signed in black ink-pen on the title page by Edmund White. It is signed directly on the page itself, not on a tipped-in page. This title is a contemporary classic. This is one of few such signed copies of the First Hardcover Edition/First Printing still available online and is in especially fine condition: Clean, crisp, and bright, a pristine beauty. Please note: Copies available online have serious flaws, are subsequent printings, or are remainder-marked. This is surely an accessible and lovely alternative. A rare signed copy thus. Winner of the National Book Critics Circle Award in 1994 for "Genet". Anointed by Vladimir Nabokov as his American successor. One of the finest American writers of our time. A fine copy. (SEE ALSO OTHER EDMUND WHITE TITLES IN OUR CATALOG). ISBN 1596914025.

Stock number: 20520. ISBN: 1596914025

$US 100.00Add To Cart

White, Minor (Photographer); Bunnell, Peter C. (Contributor) & Lyons, Nathan (Editor)
Eye Mind Spirit: The Enduring Legacy Of Minor White

Imprint: New York City, NY, Howard Greenberg Gallery, 2008
Edition: First Edition
Binding: Hardback

First Edition / First Printing. As New in No Dust Jacket, As Issued. 80 pages. Exhibition Catalog. Memorial collection of photographs. One of the finest Catalogs on the photographic art of Minor White of our time. Limited Edition of 1500 numbered copies. The first and only edition. Published as a hardcover original only. The Limited Edition is now rare. An austerely elegant production by Joan Lyons: Oversize-volume format. Red cloth boards with photographic reproduction pasted in front and gilt titles embossed on the cover and spine, as issued. Photographs by Minor White. Edited with an Essay by Nathan Lyons. Essays by Peter C. Bunnell and Howard Greenberg. Printed in duotone on 100# Job Parilux Silk Text stock paper in the United States to the highest standards. In publisher's original shrinkwrap. Without DJ, as issued. Published on the occasion of the exhibition of the same name, which celebrated the centenary year of Minor White's birth, held at the Howard Greenberg Gallery New York from September 12 through October 18, 2008. Presents, in a Limited Edition format, Minor White's "Eye Mind Spirit". A memorial tribute to his ground-breaking and sublime achievement, celebrated in plates of ravishing beauty. The accompanying essays succinctly sum up the photographer's life and achievement. "Features seminal works spanning his entire career. White's contribution to photography was formidable. In addition to being a master craftsman, he was also a highly influential writer, critic, curator, editor, and teacher. During the 1950's and 1960's, White's house in Rochester, New York served as an important meeting place for a number of photographers as well as the editorial offices of Aperture Magazine, which White founded in 1952 with Ansel Adams, Dorothea Lange, Barbara Morgan, and Beaumont and Nancy Newhall" (Publisher's blurb). "The hallmark of a Minor White photograph is always apparent. It is rooted in a tension between what is depicted - the reality of the moment in light - and what the image might signify. One can understand this and recognize that such intent requires a special consciousness" (Peter C. Bunnell). Minor White had very high expectations and standards for photography: A heightened aesthetic awareness, poetic vision, and ultimately, transcendent mysticism. These were not only eloquently articulated in his manifesto-essays, they were fully realized in his great photographs. An absolute "must-have" title for Minor White collectors. This copy is one of the Limited Edition, indicated as such on the Back Limitation Page. This title is now collectible. This is one of few copies of the Limited Edition still available online, is still in the publisher's original shrinkwrap, and is in especially fine condition: Clean, crisp, and bright, a pristine beauty. Please note: Copies available online have serious flaws or are remainder-marked. But because copies are rare, they still command between $300 and $700. This is surely an accessible and lovely alternative. A rare copy thus. 55 duotone plates. One of the greatest photographers of the 20th century. A fine collectible copy. . ISBN 0974886300.

Stock number: 15612. ISBN: 0974886300

$US 150.00Add To Cart
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White, Edmund
Fanny: A Fiction

Imprint: New York City, NY, HarperCollins Publishers, 2003
Edition: First Edition
Binding: Hardback , With Dust Jacket
Inscription: Signed, inscribed or annotated

First Edition / First Printing. Fine in Fine Dust Jacket. 369 pages. The author's eighth novel. Now considered a contemporary classic. The First Hardcover Edition. Precedes and should not be confused with all other subsequent editions. Published in a small and limited first print run as a hardcover original only. The First Edition is now scarce. Presents Edmund White's "Fanny". Dedicated to Joyce Carol Oates, and marks the third phase in Edmund White's brilliant career: His permanent return to the United States (after twenty years of self-imposed exile in France) and his entry into American academe, as the Director of Literary Studies at Princeton University. It is curious that almost all blurbs and reviews of "Fanny" call it a "departure" for Edmund White in the sense that it is a historical novel, a "romance" in the manner of Nathaniel Hawthorne, whereas he is celebrated for his fictional accounts of contemporary gay life in America. The fact remains that two of his greatest works are historical novels: "Forgetting Elena" (1973) and "Caracole" (1985), which Vladimir Nabokov, Harold Bloom, and Cynthia Ozick regard as masterpieces, and not counting the explosively erotic historical fantasy, "Nocturnes For the King of Naples" (1978). "Fanny" would therefore be, at the very least, the third historical novel from his masterly hands. "Transports us to a past that ironically illuminates the present" (Ann Beattie). An absolute "must-have" title for Edmund White collectors. This copy is very prominently and beautifully signed in ink-pen on the title page by Edmund White. It is signed directly on the page itself, not on a tipped-in page, as copies available online are. This title is a contemporary classic. This is one of few such signed copies of the First Hardcover Edition/First Printing still available online and is in especially fine condition: Clean, crisp, and bright, a pristine beauty. Please note: Copies available online have serious flaws, are subsequent printings, or are remainder-marked. This is surely an accessible and lovely alternative. A scarce signed copy thus. Winner of the National Book Critics Circle Award in 1994 for "Genet". Anointed by Vladimir Nabokov as his American successor. One of the finest American writers of our time. A fine copy. (SEE ALSO OTHER EDMUND WHITE TITLES IN OUR CATALOG). ISBN 0060004843.

Stock number: 12119. ISBN: 0060004843

$US 50.00Add To Cart

White, Edmund (Author) & Genet, Jean (Subject)
Genet: A Biography

Imprint: New York City, NY, Alfred A. Knopf, 1993
Edition: First Edition
Binding: Hardback , With Dust Jacket
Inscription: Signed, inscribed or annotated

First Edition / First Printing. Fine in Fine Dust Jacket. 728 pages. Massive and definitive biography on subject. The best book on Genet in English ever written thus far. The first appearance of the title in the United States. Precedes and should not be confused with all other subsequent editions. Published in a small and limited first print run as a hardcover original only. The First Edition is now scarce. Presents Edmund White's "Genet: A Biography". Exhaustive biography of the great French Modernist writer. White has written a meticulous (hence its daunting length) and lucid account, a welcome antidote to Jean-Paul Sartre's unreadable "biography", "Saint Genet". According to many dependable critics, there is no other 20th-century writer whose prose style is as commanding, as authoritative, and as original as Jean Genet's, with the exception of Marcel Proust and Franz Kafka. That Genet was largely self-taught makes his achievement all the more astonishing. It is just as fascinating that he and Proust, the unsurpassed French literary artists of the 20th century, should both be homosexual. As such, "Genet" is also biography-as-autobiography: Edmund White, also homosexual and profoundly influenced by Genet, examines this cultural phenomenon, its continuity in the constellation of such writers as Andre Gide, Jean Cocteau, Michel Tournier, the philosopher Michel Foucault, and the culture critic Roland Barthes, all seminal figures, all gay. Every Edmund White book is, deep down, a fable. "Genet" is no exception. Every fable, as Michael Ondaatje has remarked about White, is marked by a melancholy beauty. Genet's life story is pure melancholy. An absolute "must-have" title for Edmund White and Jean Genet collectors. This copy is very prominently, neatly, and beautifully signed in blue ink-pen on the title page by Edmund White. It is signed directly on the page itself, not on a tipped-in page. This title is a late-modern classic. This is one of few such signed copies of the First American Edition/First Printing still available online and is in especially fine condition: Clean, crisp, and bright, a pristine beauty. Please note: At the time of the book's publication, Edmund White was based in Paris, suffering from AIDS, and believed he would never return to America. He was one of the first prominent figures to be diagnosed with the illness, and after more than twenty-five years, remains one of its longest-living survivors (through a cocktail regimen). Signed copies from the period will be difficult to find. Copies available online have serious flaws ("Very Good"). This is surely an accessible and lovely alternative. A rare signed copy thus. Lavishly illustrated with archival photographs. Winner of the National Book Critics Circle Award in 1994 for "Genet". Anointed by Vladimir Nabokov as his American successor. One of the finest American writers of our time. A fine copy. (SEE ALSO OTHER EDMUND WHITE TITLES IN OUR CATALOG). ISBN 0394571711.

Stock number: 20550. ISBN: 0394571711

$US 70.00Add To Cart
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White, Edmund
Hotel De Dream: A New York Novel

Imprint: New York City, NY, Ecco Press, 2007
Edition: First Edition
Binding: Hardback , With Dust Jacket
Inscription: Signed, inscribed or annotated

First Edition / First Printing. Fine in Fine Dust Jacket. 228 pages. The author's ninth novel. Now considered a contemporary classic. The First Hardcover Edition. Precedes and should not be confused with all other subsequent editions. Published in a small and limited first print run as a hardcover original only. The First Edition is now scarce. Presents Edmund White's "Hotel De Dream". His historical-cum-romance novel on Stephen Crane. Think Colm Toibin's "The Master" (on Henry James) rather than any of the deadly historical novels by American journalists and ex-politicians: White regards Crane as the equal of Hawthorne, Whitman, Dickinson, and Thoreau. Unlike these "above-board" (if enigmatic) figures, Crane was an underground character by choice, who regularly visited prostitutes, including Mrs. Cory Crane, a madam who owned a bordello called Hotel de Dream. White brilliantly imagines the last days of the 19th-century literary giant whose masterpiece, "The Red Badge of Courage", is required reading in English literature courses throughout the world. "White portrays the tragic moments of Stephen Crane on his deathbed, wasting away from tuberculosis, dictating a final novel of White's invention called 'The Painted Boy' [it is about Stephen Crane's encounter with a beautiful boy-prostitute]. As the writer's last work explores a tale of lust, survival, and love, White simultaneously conjures the true-love affair between Stephen and the woman known as Mrs. Crane. Although they were never legally wed, they called each other husband and wife, and White creates a poignant portrait of their tender relationship. While she ushers him through his final days, the couple are visited by the likes of Joseph Conrad and Henry James. Ultimately, Crane's unfinished manuscript is handed over to James to be polished and completed. Brilliantly researched and aching with life, 'Hotel de Dream' is a testament to love in all its forms" (Publisher's blurb). "One of the three or four most virtuosic living writers of sentences in the English language" (Dave Eggers). An absolute "must-have" title for Edmund White collectors. This copy is very prominently and beautifully signed in black ink-pen on the title page by Edmund White. It is signed directly on the page itself, not on a tipped-in page. This title is a contemporary classic. This is one of few such signed copies of the First Hardcover Edition/First Printing still available online and is in especially fine condition: Clean, crisp, and bright, a pristine beauty. Please note: Copies available online have serious flaws, are subsequent printings, or are remainder-marked. This is surely an accessible and lovely alternative. A scarce signed copy thus. Winner of the National Book Critics Circle Award in 1994 for "Genet". Anointed by Vladimir Nabokov as his American successor. One of the finest American writers of our time. A fine copy. (SEE ALSO OTHER EDMUND WHITE TITLES IN OUR CATALOG). ISBN 0060852259.

Stock number: 16024. ISBN: 0060852259

$US 50.00Add To Cart

White, Edmund
Inside A Pearl: My Years In Paris

Imprint: New York City, NY, Bloomsbury Publishing, 2014
Edition: First Edition
Binding: Hardback , With Dust Jacket
Inscription: Signed, inscribed or annotated

First Edition / First Printing. Fine in Fine Dust Jacket. 260 pages. Book-length account on subject. One of Edmund White's finest achievements. The First Hardcover Edition. Precedes and should not be confused with all other subsequent editions. Published in a small and limited first print run as a hardcover original only. The First Edition is now scarce. Presents Edmund White's "Inside A Pearl: My Years In Paris". Yet another full-fledged book on the most-written-about, most tourist-invaded, and most photographed city of them all? Absolutely yes. This is the author's third book on Paris, preceded by "Our Paris: Sketches From Memory" (1995) and "The Flaneur: A Stroll Through The Paradoxes of Paris" (2001). Because for White, the allure of Paris remains inescapable and inexhaustible. She is like a kaleidoscope that he is able to see from so many different, illuminating angles. "When Edmund White moved to Paris in 1983, leaving New York City in the midst of the AIDS crisis, he was forty-three years old, couldn't speak French, and only knew two people in the entire city. But in middle age, he discovered the anxieties and pleasures of mastering a new culture. When he left fifteen years later to take a teaching position in the United States, he was fluent enough to broadcast on French radio and TV, and in his work as a journalist, he made the acquaintance of everyone from Yves Saint Laurent to Catherine Deneuve to Michel Foucault. He also developed a close friendship with an older woman, Marie-Claude, through which he had come to understand French life and culture in a deeper way. The book's title evokes the Parisian landscape in the eternal mists and the half-light, the serenity of the city compared to the New York White had known. White fell headily in love with the city and its culture: Both intoxicated and intellectually stimulated. He became the definitive biographer of Jean Genet; he wrote lives of Marcel Proust and Arthur Rimbaud; and he became a recipient of the French Order of Arts and Letters. A memoir which gossips and ruminates, and offers a brilliant examination of a city and a culture eternally imbued with an aura of enchantment" (Publisher's blurb). An absolute "must-have" title for Edmund White collectors. This copy is very prominently and beautifully signed in black ink-pen on the title page by Edmund White. It is signed directly on the page itself, not on a tipped-in page. This title is a contemporary classic. As far as we know, this is the only such signed copy of the First Hardcover Edition/First Printing available online and is in especially fine condition: Clean, crisp, and bright, a pristine beauty. Please note: Copies available online have serious flaws, are subsequent printings, or are remainder-marked. This is surely an accessible and lovely alternative. A rare signed copy thus. Winner of the National Book Critics Circle Award in 1994 for "Genet". Anointed by Vladimir Nabokov as his American successor. One of the finest American writers of our time. A fine copy. (SEE ALSO OTHER EDMUND WHITE TITLES IN OUR CATALOG). ISBN 1608195821.

Stock number: 19730. ISBN: 1608195821

$US 100.00Add To Cart

White, Edmund
Jack Holmes & His Friend

Imprint: New York City, NY, Bloomsbury Publishing, 2012
Edition: First Edition
Binding: Hardback , With Dust Jacket
Inscription: Signed, inscribed or annotated

First Edition / First Printing. Fine in Fine Dust Jacket. 395 pages. The author's tenth novel. One of Edmund White's finest achievements. The First Hardcover Edition. Precedes and should not be confused with all other subsequent editions. Published in a small and limited first print run as a hardcover original only that sold out shortly after publication. The First Edition is now scarce. Presents Edmund White's "Jack Holmes & His Friend". A fable-novel on his lifelong theme as a novelist: Erotic desire and its acute effect on one's life, time, place, and ultimately, on culture and history. Most so-called gay novels (including White's great "Gay Trilogy") assume that both men must be gay for either a sexual encounter to take place or a romance to blossom between them. If so, then "gay" is not the same thing as "homosexual", which means attraction towards someone of the same sex, regardless of the other person's own sexual orientation. In the bid to assimilate into mainstream culture, gay men actively suppress spontaneous, genuine, and problematic desire, and voluntarily restrict any sexual desire to each other. The politicization of homosexuality has led to a new and more insidious (because it is consciously self-imposed) form of oppression and "ghetto-ization". Many gays, of all people, have also re-defined sexuality itself as immutable ("I was born this way") rather than fluid, unpredictable, and often unbeknownst ("confusing" being the operative word) to the person himself or herself. White's novel explores something that even he has largely avoided until now: The love, not just attraction, that an openly gay man feels for another man, who is heterosexual. The friendship of the title is really a love that dare not speak its name. "In tender prose, White does justice to the erotic potential of the story, with abundant and charged descriptions of sex. Switching between Jack's point of view and Will's, White shows each man as he perceives himself and as he is perceived by his friend. The result is not just ironic, it is an elegant study of the paradoxes and half-truths that emerge in long-standing friendships" (The New Yorker Magazine). "One of the three or four most virtuosic living writers of sentences in the English language" (Dave Eggers). An absolute "must-have" title for Edmund White collectors. This copy is very prominently and beautifully signed in black ink-pen on the title page by Edmund White. It is signed directly on the page itself, not on a tipped-in page. Laid-in is a pristine copy of the Souvenir Material of the event during which his signature was obtained. This title is a contemporary classic. This is one of few such signed copies of the First Hardcover Edition/First Printing still available online and is in especially fine condition: Clean, crisp, and bright, a pristine beauty. Please note: Copies available online have serious flaws, are subsequent printings, or are remainder-marked. This is surely an accessible and lovely alternative. A rare signed copy thus. Winner of the National Book Critics Circle Award in 1994 for "Genet". Anointed by Vladimir Nabokov as his American successor. One of the finest American writers of our time. A fine copy. (SEE ALSO OTHER EDMUND WHITE TITLES IN OUR CATALOG). ISBN 1608197034.

Stock number: 18675. ISBN: 1608197034

$US 70.00Add To Cart

White, Edmund (Editor); Angelou, Maya; Berendt, John; Gooch, Brad; Solomon, Andrew & Others
Loss Within Loss: Artists In The Age Of Aids

Imprint: Madison, WI, The University Of Wisconsin Press, 2001
Edition: First Edition
Binding: Hardback , With Dust Jacket

First Edition / First Printing. Fine in Fine Dust Jacket. 305 pages. Collection of memorial-essays. One of the finest literary collections of our time. The First Hardcover Edition. Precedes and should not be confused with all other subsequent editions. Published in a small and limited first print run as hardcover original only by a University Press. Published in conjunction with The Estate Project for Artists With AIDS, a national organization that preserves works created by artists living with HIV or are lost to AIDS. The First Edition is now scarce. Presents "Loss Within Loss: Artists In The Age of AIDS". As edited by Edmund White, the great American novelist and essayist, one of the least well-known, most moving, and most powerful collections on its subject. "When an artist dies we face two great losses: The person and the work he did not live to do. A moving collaboration by some of America's most eloquent writers, who supply wry, raging, sorrowful, and buoyant accounts of artist-friends and lovers struck down by AIDS. Includes Maya Angelou, Alan Gurganus, Brad Gooch, John Berendt, Craig Lucas, Robert Rosenblum, and eighteen others. Many of the subjects of the essays were already prominent: James Merrill, Paul Monette, David Wojnarowicz. Many others died young before they were able to fulfill the promise of their lives and art. Spans all of the arts and includes portraits of choreographers, painters, poets, actors, playwrights, sculptors, editors, composers, and architects. Stands as a powerful reminder of the devastating impact of the AIDS epidemic on the arts, and as the first real survey of that devastation. Though often intensely sad, an invigorating, sometimes even exuberant, testimony to the sheer joy of being an artist" (Publisher's blurb). The writers and artists paying tribute to their dead artist-predecessors in this book are all brilliant if not already great. The writers and artists, all dead of AIDS, are even greater. An absolute "must-have" title for Modern First and contemporary literature collectors. This title is a great collection. This is one of few copies of the First Hardcover Edition/First Printing still available online and is in especially fine condition: Clean, crisp, and bright, a pristine beauty. Please note: Copies available online have serious flaws, are subsequent printings, or are remainder-marked. This is surely an accessible and lovely alternative. A scarce copy thus. Some of the greatest American writers and artists of our time. A fine copy. (SEE ALSO OTHER EDMUND WHITE TITLES IN OUR CATALOG). ISBN 0299170705.

Stock number: 20536. ISBN: 0299170705

$US 30.00Add To Cart
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White, Edmund
My Lives: An Autobiography

Imprint: London, England, Bloomsbury Publishing, 2006
Edition: First Edition
Binding: Hardback , With Dust Jacket

First Edition / First Printing. Fine in Fine Dust Jacket. 360 pages. The author's debut memoir. One of Edmund White's crowning achievements as the leading gay American writer of our time. The First Hardcover Edition. Precedes and should not be confused with all other subsequent editions, particularly the American Edition. There are more archival photographs that are included, many of which inexplicably do not appear in the American Edition, and as such, the British is superior to the American Edition. Published in a small and limited first print run as a hardcover original only. The First Edition is now scarce. Presents Edmund White's "My Lives". Indisputably, the best account of gay life since Tennessee Williams' "Memoirs". Following its cue from the title, White's account candidly remembers his tumultuous, eventful, and fascinating life in ten thematic chapters: "My Shrinks", "My Father", "My Mother", "My Hustlers", "My Women", "My Europe", "My Master", "My Blonds", "My Genet", and "My Friends". They correspond more or less chronologically to his story of growing up handsome, gay, and enormously talented. Writing comes naturally and effortlessly to Edmund White, and this has proved to be his best weapon against his detractors, the "assimilationist", neo-Fascist gay writers like Andrew Sullivan and Bruce Bawer, who regard White's unapologetic bohemianism as a throwback to the past. White is indeed loyal to the idea of The Past partly because there isn't a whole lot in The Present that he finds hopeful or encouraging: How is it possible that so many gays (like Sullivan and Bawer) are or have been among the most rabid right-wingers (at least at the time of his writing his book; to be fair, Sullivan is a repentant and often eloquent former right-winger) and that they have internalized their oppression by identifying with their oppressors? He is a nihilist not by choice or even temperament but by default. His autobiography is characterized by a genuine humility and candor that are rare among celebrity-writers. Sexually explicit (there is a "sex scene" on nearly every other page), his account does not come across as lurid, self-indulgent, or obscene at all because of the sheer beauty of his prose, and he drops ideas as lightly as eggs in a basket. "Now that I'm sixty-five, I think this is a good moment to write a memoir. Sixty-five is the right time for casting a backward glance, while one is still fully engaged in one's life" (Edmund White). An absolute "must-have" title for Edmund White collectors. This title is a contemporary classic. This is one of few copies of the First Hardcover Edition/First Printing still available online and is in especially fine condition: Clean, crisp, and bright, a pristine beauty. Please note: Precedes and should NOT be confused with the American Edition. There are more archival photographs that are included, many of which inexplicably do not appear in the American Edition, and as such, the British is superior to the American Edition. Copies available online have serious flaws, are subsequent printings, or are remainder-marked. This is surely an accessible and lovely alternative. A scarce copy thus. Winner of the National Book Critics Circle Award in 1994 for "Genet". Anointed by Vladimir Nabokov as his American successor. One of the finest American writers of our time. A fine copy. (SEE ALSO OTHER EDMUND WHITE TITLES IN OUR CATALOG). ISBN 0747575223.

Stock number: 11451. ISBN: 0747575223

$US 20.00Add To Cart

White, Edmund (Author) & Sorin, Hubert (Artist)
Our Paris: Sketches From Memory

Imprint: New York City, NY, Alfred A. Knopf, 1995
Edition: First Edition
Binding: Hardback , With Dust Jacket
Inscription: Signed, inscribed or annotated

First Edition / First Printing. Fine in Fine Dust Jacket. 122 pages. Book-length account on subject. One of Edmund White's most beautifully conceived and realized books. The First Hardcover Edition. Precedes and should not be confused with all other subsequent editions. Published in a small and limited first print run as a hardcover original only. "Autographed Copy" white sticker pasted in front. The First Edition is now scarce. An austerely production by Alfred A. Knopf: Small-size volume format. Red hard boards with metallic-silver titles embossed on cover and spine, as issued. Text by Edmund White. Illustrations by Hubert Sorin. In ribbed pictorial DJ, which utilizes one of Hubert Sorin's sketches, and titles on the cover and spine, as issued. Presents Edmund White's "Our Paris: Sketches From Memory". One of the most autobiographical and most moving valentines from Edmund White for his adoptive and legendary city. It is the author's first book on Paris, followed by "The Flaneur: A Stroll Through The Paradoxes of Paris" (2001) and "Inside A Pearl: My Years In Paris" (2014). The author lived in Paris for the better part of his adult life (and at the peak of his creative powers) as an expatriate American, following in the footsteps of predecessors in Ernest Hemingway and Gertrude Stein, among countless other iconic figures. The book is illustrated with witty and delightful sketches of the city by the immensely talented Hubert Sorin, an accomplished architect and artist, who was the author's lover/husband until he died of AIDS in 1994. As Edmund White revealed in subsequent interviews, this gem of a book was a collaborative act of love. He wrote about his romance and marriage (in effect if not in legal fact) with Sorin (who left his French wife to live with White) in his masterly and elegiac novel, "The Married Man", where the eponymous character is really two people: Hubert Sorin and Edmund White. Written in White's effortless, supple prose, which serves him well in this graceful celebration of life's most civilized pleasures, the greatest being Paris itself. "One of the three or four most virtuosic living writers of sentences in the English language" (Dave Eggers). An absolute "must-have" title for Edmund White collectors. This Autographed Copy is very prominently and beautifully signed in black pen on the title page by Edmund White. It is signed directly on the page itself, not on a tipped-in page. This title is a contemporary classic. This is one of few such signed copies of the First American Edition/First Printing still available online and is in especially fine condition: Clean, crisp, and bright, a pristine beauty. Please note: At the time of the book's publication, Edmund White was based in Paris, suffering from AIDS, and believed he would never return to America. He was one of the first prominent figures to be diagnosed with the illness, and after more than twenty-five years, remains one of its longest-living survivors (through a cocktail regimen). Signed copies from the period will be difficult to find. A rare signed copy thus. 30 black-and-white plates. Winner of the National Book Critics Circle Award in 1994 for "Genet". Anointed by Vladimir Nabokov as his American successor. One of the finest American writers of our time. A fine copy. (SEE ALSO OTHER EDMUND WHITE TITLES IN OUR CATALOG). ISBN 0679441662.

Stock number: 20546. ISBN: 0679441662

$US 50.00Add To Cart

White, Edmund
Our Young Man

Imprint: New York City, NY, Bloomsbury Publishing, 2016
Edition: First Edition
Binding: Hardback , With Dust Jacket
Inscription: Signed, inscribed or annotated

First Edition / First Printing. Fine in Fine Dust Jacket. 290 pages. The author's eleventh novel. One of Edmund White's finest achievements. The First Hardcover Edition. Precedes and should not be confused with all other subsequent editions. Published in a small and limited first print run as a hardcover original only. The First Edition is now scarce. The DJ design aptly features a Polaroid reproduction from Tom Bianchi's "Fire Island Pines". Presents Edmund White's "Our Young Man". A historical-cum-Zeitgeist novel, inspired by Stendhal's Julien Sorel ("The Red And The Black"), and infused with White's coolly American sensibility and pathos. "Follows the life of a gorgeous Frenchman, Guy, as he goes from the industrial city of Clermont-Ferrand to the top of the modeling profession in New York City's fashion world, becoming the darling of Fire Island's gay community. Like Wilde's Dorian Gray, Guy never seems to age. At thirty-five, he is still modeling, still enjoying lavish gifts from older men who believe he's twenty-three, though their attentions always come at a price. Ambivalently, Guy lets them believe, driven especially by the memory of growing up poor, until he realizes he needs the lie to secure not only wealth but love itself. Surveying the full spectrum of amorous life through the Disco Era and into the age of AIDS, it explores the power of physical beauty to fascinate, to enslave, and to deceive" (Publisher's blurb). "One of the three or four most virtuosic living writers of sentences in the English language" (Dave Eggers). An absolute "must-have" title for Edmund White collectors. This copy is very prominently and beautifully signed in black ink-pen on the title page by Edmund White. It is signed directly on the page itself, not on a tipped-in page. This title is a contemporary classic. This is one of few such signed copies of the First Hardcover Edition/First Printing still available online and is in especially fine condition: Clean, crisp, and bright, a beauty. Please note: Copies available online have serious flaws, are subsequent printings, or are remainder-marked. It is also White's most popular novel since "A Boy's Own Story". As such, signed copies in fine condition will always be scarce. A rare signed copy thus. Winner of the National Book Critics Circle Award in 1994 for "Genet". Anointed by Vladimir Nabokov as his American successor. One of the finest American writers of our time. A fine copy. (SEE ALSO OTHER EDMUND WHITE TITLES IN OUR CATALOG). ISBN 1620409968.

Stock number: 22255. ISBN: 1620409968

$US 70.00Add To Cart

White, Edmund
Sacred Monsters

Imprint: New York City, NY, Magnus Books, 2011
Edition: First Edition
Binding: Hardback , With Dust Jacket
Inscription: Signed, inscribed or annotated

First Edition / First Printing. Fine in Fine Dust Jacket. 258 pages. Retrospective collection of essays. One of Edmund White's finest achievements. The First Hardcover Edition. Precedes and should not be confused with all other subsequent editions. Published in a small and limited first print run as a hardcover original only. The First Edition is now scarce. Presents Edmund White's "Sacred Monsters". A "case-by-case" elaboration and summing-up of his deeply personal aesthetics. Here are twenty-two beautifully written essays on a gamut of modern and contemporary cultural figures. White calls them "sacred monsters", the literal (and felicitous) translation of the French "monstre sacre", someone who is, in his Webster's dictionary-worthy definition, "a venerable or popular celebrity so well-known that he or she is above criticism, a legend who despite eccentricities or faults cannot be measured by ordinary standards; a fixture on the cultural horizon". Another religious term, "icon", is more commonly used today to refer to a human being so transcendent he or she becomes a divinity, a god or goddess, and as Truman Capote, one of the sacred monsters in the book, once famously said, criticizing a sacred monster or icon is like criticizing the Hudson River. White's sacred monsters include John Cheever, Patti Smith, Henry James, Mary Cassatt, Paul Bowles, Andy Warhol, John Singer Sargent, Vladimir Nabokov, Auguste Rodin, Edith Wharton, Christopher Isherwood, Allen Ginsberg, Marguerite Duras, John Rechy, Ford Maddox Ford, David Hockney, Reynolds Price, E. M. Forster, James Abbott McNeil Whistler, and Marcel Proust, among others. White's piece on the Rodin sculpture of the handsome Belgian soldier Auguste Neyt illuminates the deeply personal and homoerotic aesthetics underlying his criticism: "Of course our formalist critics today teach us not to confuse art with life, but when I was an adolescent, Rodin's art - this one sculpture - had replaced life. I wanted somehow to marry him, to live with him for the rest of my life. Since Auguste Neyt had already been dead for half a century, surely my union with him was preposterous, impossible - something that took me out of time and history and propelled me into an ideal world of timeless desire. That conundrum - how to marry a man already dead for half a century when the statue was Rodin's invention and not the soldier, and marriage to any member of the same sex was unthinkable - was my introduction to the ideal and excruciatingly improbable realm of art" (Edmund White). "One of the three or four most virtuosic living writers of sentences in the English language" (Dave Eggers). An absolute "must-have" title for Edmund White collectors. This copy is very prominently and beautifully signed in black ink-pen on the title page by Edmund White. It is signed directly on the page itself, not on a tipped-in page. Laid-in is a pristine copy of the Souvenir Material of the event during which his signature was obtained. This title is a contemporary classic. As far as we know, this is the only such signed copy of the First Hardcover Edition/First Printing available online and is in especially fine condition: Clean, crisp, and bright, a pristine beauty. A rare signed copy thus. Winner of the National Book Critics Circle Award in 1994 for "Genet". Anointed by Vladimir Nabokov as his American successor. One of the finest American writers of our time. A fine copy. (SEE ALSO OTHER EDMUND WHITE TITLES IN OUR CATALOG). ISBN 1936833115.

Stock number: 19676. ISBN: 1936833115

$US 100.00Add To Cart
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White, Edmund
Skinned Alive

Imprint: New York City, NY, Alfred A. Knopf, 1995
Edition: First Edition
Binding: Hardback , With Dust Jacket
Inscription: Signed, inscribed or annotated

First Edition / First Printing. Fine in Fine Dust Jacket. 254 pages. The author's debut collection of short stories. One of Edmund White's finest achievements. Now considered a contemporary classic. The first appearance of the title in the United States. Precedes and should not be confused with all other subsequent editions. Published in a small and limited first print run as a hardcover original only. The First Edition is now scarce. Presents Edmund White's "Skinned Alive". Eight beautifully written and moving stories by one of very few great American writers of our time. Written in Edmund White's famously effortless, supple, and immaculate prose, which serves him well in this graceful act of sexual, emotional, and psychological exploration and disburdenment. "A wonderful collection. This is Edmund White at his most humorous and most personal, each story a time capsule, a re-telling, a reprise, another fiction of an autobiography. Most of all, White ends his stories brilliantly: What seems a series of haphazard comic episodes suddenly focusses, and we discover the sadness of a fable. When you put this book down, you know you've read a series of new maps. You've been deeply moved. You've been there" (Michael Ondaatje). Every Edmund White book is, deep down, a fable. Every fable, as Ondaatje observes, is marked by a melancholy beauty. An absolute "must-have" title for Edmund White collectors. This copy is very prominently and beautifully signed in blue pen on the title page by Edmund White. It is signed directly on the page itself, not on a tipped-in page, as many copies available online are. This title is a late-modern classic. This is one of few such signed copies of the First American Edition/First Printing still available online and is in especially fine condition: Clean, crisp, and bright, a pristine beauty. Please note: At the time of the book's publication, Edmund White was based in Paris, suffering from AIDS, and believed he would never return to America. He was one of the first prominent figures to be diagnosed with the illness, and after more than twenty-five years, remains one of its longest-living survivors (through a cocktail regimen). So signed copies from the period will be difficult to find. A scarce signed copy thus. Winner of the National Book Critics Circle Award in 1994 for "Genet". Anointed by Vladimir Nabokov as his American successor. One of the finest American writers of our time. A fine copy. (SEE ALSO OTHER EDMUND WHITE TITLES IN OUR CATALOG). ISBN 0679434763.

Stock number: 12017. ISBN: 0679434763

$US 50.00Add To Cart

White, Edmund
The Burning Library: Essays

Imprint: New York City, NY, Alfred A. Knopf, 1994
Edition: First Edition
Binding: Hardback , With Dust Jacket
Inscription: Signed, inscribed or annotated

First Edition / First Printing. Fine in Fine Dust Jacket. 386 pages. Retrospective collection of essays. One of Edmund White's finest achievements. The First Hardcover Edition. Precedes and should not be confused with all other subsequent editions, particularly the British Edition. Published in a small and limited first print run as a hardcover original only. The First Edition is now scarce. Presents Edmund White's "The Burning Library: Essays". His first and, in many ways, still his best retrospective. Six of the pieces appear in this book for the very first time. "Along with his ground-breaking essays that redefine politics, language, identity, and friendship in the light of gay experience and desire, this magisterial collection of 25 years of White's nonfiction writings includes dazzling, subversive appreciations of cultural icons as diverse as Truman Capote and Cormac McCarthy, Robert Mapplethorpe and the singer formerly known as Prince" (Publisher's blurb). "Reviews the work of contemporary writers, American and European, gay and non-gay, such as James Merrill, Christina Stead, Darryl Pinckney, and Marguerite Yourcenar. Together with White's discussions of his own fiction, provides valuable insights into the reading and writing of literature" (Judy Mimken). "One of the three or four most virtuosic living writers of sentences in the English language" (Dave Eggers). An absolute "must-have" title for Edmund White collectors. This copy is very prominently and beautifully signed in black ink-pen on the title page by Edmund White. It is signed directly on the page itself, not on a tipped-in page. Laid-in is a pristine copy of the Souvenir Material of the event during which his signature was obtained. This title is a late-modern classic. This is one of few such signed copies of the First Hardcover Edition/First Printing still available online and is in especially fine condition: Clean, crisp, and bright, a pristine beauty. Please note: Copies available online have serious flaws, are subsequent printings, or are remainder-marked. This is surely an accessible and lovely alternative. A rare signed copy thus. Winner of the National Book Critics Circle Award in 1994 for "Genet". Anointed by Vladimir Nabokov as his American successor. One of the finest American writers of our time. A fine copy. (SEE ALSO OTHER EDMUND WHITE TITLES IN OUR CATALOG). ISBN 0679434755.

Stock number: 19692. ISBN: 0679434755

$US 70.00Add To Cart

White, Edmund
The Flaneur: A Stroll Through The Paradoxes Of Paris

Imprint: New York City, NY, Bloomsbury Publishing, 2001
Edition: First Edition
Binding: Hardback , With Dust Jacket
Inscription: Signed, inscribed or annotated

First Edition / First Printing. Fine in Fine Dust Jacket. 215 pages. Book-length account on subject. One of Edmund White's finest achievements. The First Hardcover Edition. Precedes and should not be confused with all other subsequent editions. Published in a small and limited first print run as a hardcover original only that sold out shortly after publication. A surprise bestseller, the book remains available in multiple subsequent printings. The First Edition is now rare. Presents Edmund White's "The Flaneur: A Stroll Through The Paradoxes of Paris". The inveterate walker's guide to the city designed for walkers. This is the author's second book on Paris, preceded by "Our Paris: Sketches From Memory" (1995) and followed by "Inside A Pearl: My Years In Paris" (2014). It is worthy of comparison with its predecessors in Baudelaire and Walter Benjamin. "A flaneur is a stroller, a loiterer, someone who ambles through city streets in search of adventure and fulfillment. Edmund White, who lived in Paris for sixteen years, wanders through the streets and avenues and along the quays, into parts of Paris virtually unknown to visitors and indeed to many Parisians. In the hands of the learned White, a walk through Paris is both a tour of its lush, sometimes prurient history, and an evocation of the city's spirit. Leads us to bookshops and boutiques, monuments and palaces, giving us a glimpse into the inner human drama. Along the way we learn everything from the latest debates among French lawmakers to the juicy details of Colette's life" (Publisher's blurb). "One has the impression of having fallen into the hands of a highly distractible, somewhat eccentric poet and professor who is determined to show you a Paris you wouldn't otherwise see. Tells such a good story that I'm ready to listen to anything he wants to talk about" (The New York Times). Among American writers, only Edmund White could have written this book. By his own admission, he has spent a serious and dedicated portion of his otherwise sedentary life as a writer cruising. Cruising requires strong feet, insatiable sexual desire, and infinite curiosity, all of which White had, and refined over an adult lifetime of cruising. Its natural extension, a stroll through Paris, however paradoxical, is pure leisure, a walk in the park. An absolute "must-have" title for Edmund White collectors. This copy is very prominently and beautifully signed in black ink-pen on the title page by Edmund White. It is signed directly on the page itself, not on a tipped-in page. This title is a contemporary classic. As far as we know, this is the only such signed copy of the First Hardcover Edition/First Printing available online and is in especially fine condition: Clean, crisp, and bright, a pristine beauty. Please note: Copies available online are subsequent printings even if their dealers don't say so. This is surely an accessible and lovely alternative. A rare signed copy thus. Winner of the National Book Critics Circle Award in 1994 for "Genet". Anointed by Vladimir Nabokov as his American successor. One of the finest American writers of our time. A fine copy. (SEE ALSO OTHER EDMUND WHITE TITLES IN OUR CATALOG). ISBN 1582341354.

Stock number: 19729. ISBN: 1582341354

$US 100.00Add To Cart

White, Edmund
The Married Man

Imprint: London, England, Chatto & Windus, 2000
Edition: First Edition
Binding: Hardback , With Dust Jacket
Inscription: Signed, inscribed or annotated

First Edition / First Printing. Fine in Fine Dust Jacket. 321 pages. The author's seventh novel. Now considered a contemporary classic. The First Hardcover Edition. Precedes and should not be confused with all other subsequent editions, particularly the American Edition. The First Edition is now scarce. Presents Edmund White's "The Married Man". His deeply autobiographical novel. It is a thinly veiled memorial-novel about Hubert Sorin, his much younger French lover, with whom he collaborated on a gem of a book called "Our Paris" (1995), and who died of AIDS. Sorin was married when Edmund White met him. He left his wife to live with the author, a romance that became a marriage (in effect if not in legal fact). Shortly afterwards, he became terminally ill. This unexpected turn of events turned White, until then a self-confessed incurably promiscuous gay man, into a fully committed husband and "care-giver". Hence the double meaning of the title. Beautifully written in Edmund White's effortless, supple, and immaculate prose, which serves him well in this graceful and elegiac act of sexual, emotional, and psychological disburdenment and sorrow. In lesser hands, White's love story would have descended into bathos by Page Two. White compels our attention to the very end, a heartbreakingly explosive ending, told in some of the most beautiful passages of late-20th century American literature. "One of the three or four most virtuosic living writers of sentences in the English language" (Dave Eggers). An absolute "must-have" title for Edmund White collectors. This copy is very prominently and beautifully signed and dated (in the month and year of publication) in black ink-pen on the title page by the author: "3/16/00 Edmund White". It is signed directly on the page itself, not on a tipped-in page. This title is a great book. As far as we know, this is the only such signed and publication-month dated copy of the First Hardcover Edition/First Printing available online and is in especially fine condition: Clean, crisp, and bright, a pristine beauty. Please note: At the time of the book's publication, Edmund White was based in Paris, suffering from AIDS, and believed he would never return to America. He was one of the first prominent figures to be diagnosed with the illness, and after more than twenty-five years, remains one of its longest-living survivors (through a cocktail regimen). Signed copies from the period will be difficult to find. A rare signed copy thus. Winner of the National Book Critics Circle Award in 1994 for "Genet". Anointed by Vladimir Nabokov as his American successor. One of the finest American writers of our time. A fine copy. (SEE ALSO OTHER EDMUND WHITE TITLES IN OUR CATALOG). ISBN 0375400052.

Stock number: 20542. ISBN: 0375400052

$US 70.00Add To Cart
Click to open full size image.

Wiggins, Marianne
Almost Heaven

Imprint: New York City, NY, Crown Publishers, 1998
Edition: First Edition
Inscription: Signed, inscribed or annotated

First Edition / First Printing. Fine in No Dust Jacket, As Issued. 212 pages. The author's fifth novel. One of Marianne Wiggins' finest achievements. Uncorrected Proof. Precedes and should not be confused with all other subsequent editions. Published in a tiny print run as a softcover original only for the exclusive use of the publisher and author. There is no ISBN. The Uncorrected Proof is now scarce. Glossy pictorial softcovers with titles on the cover and spine, as issued. Text by Marianne Wiggins. Printed on archival stock paper in the United States to the highest standards. Without DJ, as issued. Presents Marianne Wiggins' "Almost Heaven". Her best work, an astonishing yet vastly underrated chievement. At the time of his fatwa, now since officially "lifted" by Iran, Salman Rushdie was married to Marianne Wiggins, who acted as his intrepid and vital link to the outside world. A disciple of the great literary critic and cultural philosopher George Steiner, she has been championed by the influential Steiner as the brilliant writer that she truly is. An absolute "must-have" title for Marianne Wiggins collectors. This copy of the Uncorrected Proof is very prominently and beautifully signed in black ink-pen on the title page by Marianne Wiggins. It is signed directly on the page itself, not on a tipped-in page. This title is a contemporary classic. This is one of few such signed copies of the Uncorrected Proof still available online and is in especially fine condition: Clean, crisp, and bright, a pristine beauty. Please note: Copies available online have serious flaws, are subsequent printings, or are remainder-marked. This is surely an accessible and lovely alternative. A scarce signed copy thus. One of the most brilliant American writers of our time. A fine copy. (SEE ALSO OTHER MARIANNE WIGGINS TITLE IN OUR CATALOG).

Stock number: 1165.

$US 20.00Add To Cart

Williams, Bernice
Hallowed Spaces Revisited: Meditations On Architecture

Imprint: Chicago, IL, Blurb, Inc., 2011
Edition: First Edition
Inscription: Signed, inscribed or annotated

First Edition / First Printing. As New in No Dust Jacket, As Issued. 105 pages. Retrospective collection of black-and-white photographs. One of Bernice Williams' finest achievements. The first and only edition. Published in a small and limited print run as a softcover original only. There is no ISBN. The First Edition is now rare. Presents Bernice Williams' "Hallowed Spaces Revisited: Meditations On Architecture". Her lifelong admiration for and commitment to architecture as a painter-sculptor who turned full-time to photography. By Williams' own estimation, this volume represents the most complete sequence of architectural images taken by her thus far. Individually and collectively, they represent a singular approach to architecture: Williams is obsessed with detail, not building design or monumentality. Her work consists primarily of extreme closeup shots, regarding modern architecture as if it were of the same aesthetic value and resource as the ancient Egyptian ruins whose detail-work she once photographed. "Originally I studied painting and sculpture. I took my first photography course primarily out of curiosity. But it soon became my preferred creative medium. From 1998 to 2001, I worked as an artist in Egypt on a project documenting inscriptions on temple walls. During that time, I continued with my photography, primarily concentrating on architectural space: Details of ancient Egyptian monuments and Islamic structures in Cairo. I photograph what captures my eye and imagination. Since I began looking through a lens, I realized that I was searching for beauty with my camera. I will always be totally fascinated by the ability to capture a fleeting magical moment of beauty through the mechanism of light passing through a lens, and then being able to hand over that same moment to someone else" (Bernice Williams). An absolute "must-have" title for Bernice Williams collectors. This copy is very prominently, neatly, and beautifully signed, dated, and inscribed in black pen on the title page by the photographer: "2015 To Martha, With many thanks for all your kindness, Bernice [Williams]". It is signed directly on the page itself, not on a tipped-in page. The recipient, Martha Schneider, who is named, is one of the most important figures in contemporary art and photography. This title is now collectible. As far as we know, this is the only such signed, dated, and inscribed copy of the First Edition/First Printing available online and is in especially fine condition: Clean, crisp, and bright, a pristine beauty. A rare signed copy thus. Lavishly illustrated with duotone plates. One of the most brilliant American photographers of our time. A fine copy. .

Stock number: 22123.

$US 40.00Add To Cart

Williams, Michael; Cahan, Richard & Osborn, Nicholas (Editor/Authors)
Who We Were: A Snapshot History Of America

Imprint: Chicago, IL, Cityfiles Press, 2008
Edition: First Edition
Binding: Hardback , With Dust Jacket

First Edition / First Printing. As New in As New Dust Jacket. 250 pages. Retrospective collection of snapshot-photographs. One of the most evocatively beautiful photography books of our time. The First Hardcover Edition. Precedes and should not be confused with all other subsequent editions. Published in a small and limited first print run as a hardcover original only. The First Edition is now scarce. A brilliant production by Michael Williams and Richard Cahan: Oversize-volume format. Black cloth boards with white titles embossed on spine, as issued. Photographs by anonymous contributors. The beauty of the collection lies in the fact that almost all of the photographers are unknown. Printed on pristine-white, thick coated stock paper in the United States to the highest standards. In pictorial DJ with titles on the cover and spine, as issued. Presents "Who We Were: A Snapshot History of America". Gripping, "spot-on", touching vernacular photographs by amateur photographers. "Since the first snapshots were taken in 1888, Americans have used simple, inexpensive cameras to record their life-stories. In the process, they have left behind hundreds of millions of snapshots that document the story of America. For the first time, the best of these personal photographs have been gathered together to tell the nation's history. Forms the first people's photo-history of America: The Wright Brothers, the World Wars, Woodstock. They are all here, creating a crazy quilt of steamships and biplanes, migrants and flappers, seal clubbers and suffragettes. This is who we were and who we are" (Publisher's blurb). The collection draws to a close at the near-century mark, in 1972, with one of the greatest photographs ever taken in the medium's history: A snapshot that Apollo 16 astronaut Charles M. Duke took of his family's vintage snapshot, which he "placed" on the moon's surface, as if to signify that, through him, his family also made it on the moon. A simple yet inspired gesture, the image evokes, once again, photography's singular magic and mystique. The authors are right to exclude the digital cellphone camera altogether because the "selfie" (and ALL other digital-camera variants that emanate from it) is another story. It is nothing less (and nothing more) than a different way of photographic seeing: About oneself in relation to oneself and to others, though not necessarily other Americans, history, or the nation. An absolute "must-have" title for photography book collectors. This title is a contemporary photography book classic. This is one of few copies of the First Hardcover Edition/First Printing still available online and is in especially fine condition: Clean, crisp, and bright, a pristine beauty. Please note: Copies available online have serious flaws because they have been pored over. A scarce copy thus. 370 plates. Some of the most beautiful photographs of our time. A fine copy. . ISBN 097854501X.

Stock number: 21319. ISBN: 097854501X

$US 50.00Add To Cart
Click to open full size image.

Wilsey, Sean
Oh The Glory Of It All

Imprint: New York City, NY, The Penguin Press, 2005
Edition: First Edition
Binding: Hardback , With Dust Jacket
Inscription: Signed, inscribed or annotated

First Edition / First Printing. Fine in Fine Dust Jacket. 482 pages. The author's breakthrough debut memoir. One of the most important literary debuts of our time. The First Hardcover Edition. Precedes and should not be confused with all other subsequent editions. Published in a small and limited first print run as a hardcover original only. The First Edition is now scarce. Presents Sean Wilsey's "Oh The Glory of It All". Wilsey's hilarious account of how he survived his weird and terrible childhood. Makes him the central character of his worldly-wise memoir. But its most interesting characters are his parents: His mother had appeared in Armistead Maupin's "Tales of The City" as a thinly veiled character. We see her whole here, warts and all, through the eyes of her writer/son. The book contains the most evil parent since Joan "Mommie Dearest" Crawford. Dede banned afternoon TV, monitored Wilsey's phone calls, played endless mind games, told Wilsey what to wear, and gave indispensable advice like, "You should wash your hands first before you use the urinal. Not after. Your penis isn't dirty. But your hands are". She is a larger-than-life drama queen who slept with Frank Sinatra, held salons, hosted a talk show, asked Wilsey to commit suicide with her (after his father finally left her for her best friend), and became a globe-trotting peace activist in order to win the Nobel Peace Prize: "Someone has to win it, Sean. Why not me?". "I couldn't stop reading the damn thing" (Armistead Maupin). Neither will the reader. An absolute "must-have" title for Sean Wilsey collectors. This copy is very prominently and beautifully signed in black pen on the title page by Sean Wilsey. It is signed directly on the page itself, not on a tipped-in page. This title is now collectible. This is one of few such signed copies of the First Hardcover Edition/First Printing still available online and is in especially fine condition: Clean, crisp, and bright, a pristine beauty. Please note: Copies available online have very serious flaws, are subsequent printings, or are remainder-marked. This is surely an accessible and lovely alternative. A scarce signed copy thus. One of the most brilliant American writers of our time. A fine copy. . ISBN 1594200513.

Stock number: 8630. ISBN: 1594200513

$US 30.00Add To Cart

Wilson, Robert; Burroughs, William S.; Sontag, Susan; Serra, Richard; Fairbrother, Trevor
Robert Wilson's Vision (with Sound Environment By Hans Peter Kuhn)

Imprint: Boston, MA, Museum Of Fine Arts/Harry N. Abrams, 1991
Edition: First Edition

First Edition / First Printing. Fine in No Dust Jacket, As Issued. 143 pages. Exhibition Monograph, presented as an Artist Book. One of the best books on the art of Robert Wilson. The first and only edition. Published simultaneously with the Hardcover Edition in a small and limited print run as a softcover original. While the First Softcover Edition was not originally issued with the CD that is an integral element of the production, this copy comes with it, in its own jewel case. A brilliant collaboration between the artist and composer: Oversize-volume format. Pictorial softcovers with titles on the cover and spine, as issued. Art by Robert Wilson. The works are set to original music by Hans Peter Kuhn in an accompanying CD. Essays by Trevor Fairbrother, "The Night Before The Day" and "Robert Wilson: A Chronological Essay". Contributions by other creative forces who have collaborated with Wilson: "Robert Wilson" by William S. Burroughs; "A Parsifal", a full-length play, by Susan Sontag; and "Images For Robert Wilson" by Richard Serra. Selected Bibliography by Virginia Abblitt. Essay on Hans Peter Kuhn by Peter Barr. Printed on pristine-white, archival stock paper in the United States to the highest standards. Without DJ, as issued. Published on the occasion of the landmark exhibition of the same name held at the Museum of Fine Arts Boston in 1991, which travelled on to other major American cities. Presents "Robert Wilson's Vision". The finest and most representative works of Robert Wilson. The one artist/genius who is widely acknowledged to be the most important figure in stage direction and design of our time. His contribution is arrestingly simple: Wilson has inseparably fused the roles of "director", "designer", and "artist", resulting in a visual approach to dramatic narrative that gives formal interdependence among light, space, and sound. Sculptures, drawings, videos, and installation works (including Wilson's seminal "the CIVIL warS") are shown together with other works that can be experienced, not just seen, in this Artist Book because of Wilson's sensory, tactile approach. The homage-contributions of fellow artists completes the retrospective. Robert Wilson's achievement is matched (but not surpassed) by the greatest creative forces of contemporary theater: Ariane Mnouchkine, Eiko Ishioka, Julie Taymor, Elizabeth LeCompte, Pina Bausch, and Peter Brook. There is, by now, a library on Wilson's ground-breaking work. This book is a cut above the rest. An absolute "must-have" title for Robert Wilson collectors. This title is a great collection. This copy of the First Softcover Edition uniquely comes with the CD and is in especially fine condition: Clean, crisp, and bright, pristine beauties. Please note: Copies available online have serious flaws, are subsequent printings, or are remainder-marked. This is surely an accessible and lovely alternative. A scarce set thus. One of the greatest creators of the theater of our time. A fine set. . ISBN 0878463240.

Stock number: 16147. ISBN: 0878463240

$US 30.00Add To Cart

Winterson, Jeanette; Toibin, Colm; Barry, Sebastian; Smith, Alexander McCall; Warner, Marina; Others
Midsummer Nights

Imprint: London, England, Quercus, 2009
Edition: First Edition
Binding: Hardback , With Dust Jacket

First Edition / First Printing. As New in As New Dust Jacket. 350 pages. Landmark collection of short stories and tales based on great operas. One of the most beautiful and most inspired literary collaborations of our time. The First Hardcover Edition. Precedes and should not be confused with all other subsequent editions. Published in a small and limited first print run as a hardcover original only. The First Edition comes with a red bellyband, which is missing in many copies of the true first and all other subsequent editions. There is no American Edition. The First Edition is now scarce. Published on the occasion of The Glyndebourne Festival's 75th Anniversary in 2009. Presents "Midsummer Nights". A loving tribute to opera, the greatest musical form ever invented by Man, by some of the most esteemed British writers of our time, who happen to committed opera lovers. Critical theorists, pop music, and Broadway aficionados need not apply. In 2009, The Glyndebourne Festival of Opera, the world's greatest summer opera festival (hence the book's title), celebrated its 75th year. Jeanette Winterson brought together fellow writers to contribute original stories inspired by the music that for these writers is The Other Muse. In addition to her considerable editorial duties, the indefatigable Winterson also wrote a piece inspired by Puccini's "La Fanciulla Del West". Her Introduction is followed by, among others, Alexander McCall Smith, story inspired by "Cosi Fan Tutte"; Ali Smith, "Fidelio"; Andrew Motion, "Peter Grimes"; Andrew O'Hagan, "Eugene Onegin"; Anne Enright, "Rusalka" ; Colm Toibin, "The Pearl Fishers"; Jackie Kay, "The Makropoulos Case"; Joanna Trollope, "L'Elisir d'Amore"; John Mortimer, "Cosi Fan Tutte"; Julie Myerson, "The Coronation of Poppaea"; Kate Atkinson, "La Traviata"; Kate Mosse, "Pelleas et Melisande"; Lynne Truss, "The Turn of The Screw"; Marina Warner, "Dido and Aeneas"; Ruth Rendell, "Theodora"; Sebastian Barry, "Natoma"; and Toby Litt, "Don Giovanni". An absolute "must-have" title for Modern First, contemporary literature, and opera lover/collectors. This title is a contemporary classic. This is one of few copies of the First Hardcover Edition/First Printing still available online and in especially fine condition: Clean, crisp, and bright, a pristine beauty. Please note: The red bellyband, which is missing in many copies of the true first and all other subsequent printings, is completely intact. A scarce copy thus. Some of the world's finest writers of our time on the some of the greatest operas of all time. A fine copy. (SEE ALSO OTHER MULTI-SIGNED COPY OF THIS TITLE IN OUR CATALOG). ISBN 1847248047.

Stock number: 17797. ISBN: 1847248047

$US 30.00Add To Cart

Winterson, Jeanette; Toibin, Colm; Barry, Sebastian; Smith, Alexander McCall; Warner, Marina; Others
Midsummer Nights

Imprint: London, England, Quercus, 2009
Edition: First Edition
Binding: Hardback , With Dust Jacket
Inscription: Signed, inscribed or annotated

First Edition / First Printing. As New in As New Dust Jacket. 350 pages. Landmark collection of short stories and tales based on great operas. One of the most beautiful and most inspired literary collaborations of our time. The First Hardcover Edition. Precedes and should not be confused with all other subsequent editions. Published in a small and limited first print run as a hardcover original only. The First Edition comes with a red bellyband, which is missing in many copies of the true first and all other subsequent editions. There is no American Edition. The First Edition is now scarce. Published on the occasion of The Glyndebourne Festival's 75th Anniversary in 2009. Presents "Midsummer Nights". A loving tribute to opera, the greatest musical form ever invented by Man, by some of the most esteemed British writers of our time, who happen to be committed opera lovers. Critical theorists, pop music, and Broadway aficionados need not apply. In 2009, The Glyndebourne Festival of Opera, the world's greatest summer opera festival (hence the book's title), celebrated its 75th year. Jeanette Winterson brought together fellow writers to contribute original stories inspired by the music that for these writers is The Other Muse. In addition to her considerable editorial duties, the indefatigable Winterson also wrote a piece inspired by Puccini's "La Fanciulla Del West". Her Introduction is followed by, among others, Alexander McCall Smith, story inspired by "Cosi Fan Tutte"; Ali Smith, "Fidelio"; Andrew Motion, "Peter Grimes"; Andrew O'Hagan, "Eugene Onegin"; Anne Enright, "Rusalka" ; Colm Toibin, "The Pearl Fishers"; Jackie Kay, "The Makropoulos Case"; Joanna Trollope, "L'Elisir d'Amore"; John Mortimer, "Cosi Fan Tutte"; Julie Myerson, "The Coronation of Poppaea"; Kate Atkinson, "La Traviata"; Kate Mosse, "Pelleas et Melisande"; Lynne Truss, "The Turn of The Screw"; Marina Warner, "Dido and Aeneas"; Ruth Rendell, "Theodora"; Sebastian Barry, "Natoma"; and Toby Litt, "Don Giovanni". An absolute "must-have" title for Modern First, contemporary literature, and opera lover/collectors. This copy is very prominently and beautifully signed in black ink-pen on the title page by Jeanette Winterson. It is signed directly on the page itself, not on a tipped-in page. It is also very prominently and beautifully signed on their Contributions by Jackie Kay, Sebastian Barry, Kate Atkinson, Joanna Trollope, Colm Toibin, Anne Enright, Andrew O'Hagan, Antonia Fraser, Andrew Motion, Marina Warner, and Alexander McCall Smith. This title is a contemporary classic. This is one of few such multi-signed copies of the First Hardcover Edition/First Printing still available online and is in especially fine condition: Clean, crisp, and bright, a pristine beauty. Please note: The red bellyband, which is missing in many copies of the true first and all other subsequent printings, is completely intact. A rare signed copy thus. Some of the world's finest writers of our time on the some of the greatest operas of all time. A fine collectible copy. (SEE ALSO OTHER COPY OF THIS TITLE IN OUR CATALOG). ISBN 1847248047.

Stock number: 17840. ISBN: 1847248047

$US 200.00Add To Cart

Winterson, Jeanette
Sexing The Cherry

Imprint: London, England, Bloomsbury Publishing, 1989
Edition: First Edition
Binding: Hardback , With Dust Jacket
Inscription: Signed, inscribed or annotated

First Edition / First Printing. Fine in Fine Dust Jacket. 167 pages. The author's third novel. One of the most important novels of our time. The First Hardcover Edition. Precedes and should not be confused with all other subsequent editions, particularly the American Edition. Published in a small and limited first print run as a hardcover original only. The First Edition is now scarce. Presents Jeanette Winterson's "Sexing The Cherry". Her prodigious, second masterpiece, after "Oranges Are Not The Only Fruit" (1987). "Lyrical prose that penetrates to the heart of things without any apparent effort. She knows how to speak the plain truth and, at the same time, satisfy our longing for the fabulous" (The Washington Post). As a prose stylist, Winterson has had few peers. The acerbic Gore Vidal famously (and rightly) hailed her as the most exciting young writer in the English language to emerge in the last quarter of the 20th century, fulsome praise that is all the more noteworthy considering Vidal famously disliked everybody else. The novel's poignant query: "Why is the measure of love its loss?" (Jeanette Winterson). An absolute "must-have" title for Jeanette Winterson collectors. This copy is very prominently and beautifully signed in black ink-pen on the title page by Jeanette Winterson. It is signed directly on the page itself, not on a tipped-in page. This title is a contemporary classic. This is one of few such signed copies of the First Hardcover Edition/First Printing still available online and is in especially fine condition: Clean, crisp, and bright, a pristine beauty. Please note: Copies available online have serious flaws: Tanning, rubbing, creasing, "shelfwear", previous owner's signature, you name it. This is surely an accessible and lovely alternative. A rare signed copy thus. One of the most brilliant British novelists of our time. A fine collectible copy. (SEE ALSO OTHER JEANETTE WINTERSON TITLES IN OUR CATALOG). ISBN 0747504644.

Stock number: 20599. ISBN: 0747504644

$US 150.00Add To Cart

Witkin, Joel-Peter (Artist/Photographer) & Borhan, Pierre (Contributor)
Disciple & Master

Imprint: New York City, NY, Fotofolio, 2000
Edition: First Edition
Binding: Hardback , With Dust Jacket
Inscription: Signed, inscribed or annotated

First Edition / First Printing. As New in As New Dust Jacket. 119 pages. Collection of "homage" art photographs, presented with their original inspirations. One of the most beautiful art photography books by Joel-Peter Witkin. The First Hardcover Edition. Precedes and should not be confused with all other subsequent editions. Published in a small and limited first print run as a hardcover original only. The First Edition is now scarce. An austerely elegant production by Joel-Peter Witkin: Oversize-volume format. Pale gray hard boards with black titles embossed on cover and spine, as issued. Photographs and text by Joel-Peter Witkin. Essay by Pierre Borhan. Printed on pristine-white, thick coated stock paper in Italy to the highest standards. In pictorial DJ, which juxtaposes Witkin's "homage" image with Man Ray's original, and titles on the cover and spine, as issued. Presents Joel-Peter Witkin's "Disciple & Master". His homage to artists and photographers that is ultimately about questioning, redefining, and extending the boundaries of what is sublime and beautiful in art. "Unites Witkin's photographs with the images that inspired them" (Publisher's blurb). Witkin's obsession with the macabre and grotesque has a distinguished lineage: He pairs his now-iconic images with their just-as-iconic antecedents. The work of very diverse influences that include Diane Arbus, Brassai, Lewis Carroll, Henri Cartier-Bresson, Fred Holland Day, Mike Disfarmer, Walker Evans, Roger Fenton, Horst, Jacques-Henri Lartigue, Nadar, Charles Negre, Man Ray, August Sander, Wilhelm Von Gloeden, and Weegee, among others, have had a profound impact on the one-of-a-kind art of Witkin. His allusions to Classical Painting, Baroque Art, Surrealism, and religious iconography show Witkin to be an erudite artist in a way that few contemporary artists are. Raised as both Jewish and Roman Catholic, Witkin remains a committed believer, of the most unusual kind: He sees God in human beings who do not look like human beings, and who are therefore otherworldly presences in our midst: Pinheads, dwarfs, giants, people born with wings, horns, tails, fins, claws, reversed feet, people with extra arms, legs, eyes, breasts, ears, noses, lips, genitals, and heads. Extreme, cruel aberrations of Nature, for Witkin, they are "beings from other planets, bearing the wounds of Christ". Although Witkin will always be an acquired taste, the vertiginous line between Arbus-ian voyeurism and Blakean mysticism that his work treads makes his work among the best ever taken by an American artist/photographer. It is very faraway, to be sure, from someone like Garry Winogrand, but also tragically grand in the way it is rooted in and captures human pain. An absolute "must-have" title for Joel-Peter Witkin collectors. This copy is very boldly and beautifully signed in black pen-marker on the half-title page by Joel-Peter Witkin. It is signed directly on the page itself, not on a tipped-in page. Witkin's signature fills up the page. This title is a contemporary art photography classic. This is one of few such signed copies of the First Hardcover Edition/First Printing still available online and is in especially fine condition: Clean, crisp, and bright, a pristine beauty. Please note: Copies available online have serious flaws ("Near Fine" or "Very Good") yet are priced as though they had collectible value. This is surely an accessible and lovely alternative. A rare signed copy thus. 54 duotone and color plates. One of the most brilliant American artist/photographers of our time. A fine collectible copy. (SEE ALSO OTHER JOEL-PETER WITKIN TITLES IN OUR CATALOG). ISBN 1584180218.

Stock number: 20369. ISBN: 1584180218

$US 200.00Add To Cart

Witkin, Joel-Peter
Joel-peter Witkin: The Twelvetrees Press Monograph

Imprint: Pasadena, CA, Twelvetrees Press, 1985
Edition: First Edition
Binding: Hardback , With Dust Jacket

First Edition / First Printing. Fine in Fine Dust Jacket. 124 pages. The artist/photographer's breakthrough debut collection. One of the finest art photography books of the 20th century. The First Limited Edition of 4000 copies. Precedes and should not be confused with all other subsequent editions. The First Limited Edition is now rare. An austerely elegant production by Joel-Peter Witkin and Jack Woody: Oversize-volume format. Black cloth boards with titles embossed on spine, as issued. Photographs and text by Joel-Peter Witkin. Original drawings by the artist/photographer reproduced as endpapers. Printed on pristine-white, thick uncoated stock paper in Lausanne, Switzerland to the highest standards. In stark black DJ with white titles on the cover and spine, as issued. Presents "Joel-Peter Witkin". The very first book on the now-much-published artist/photographer. The lapidary and singular art of Witkin, in what remains one of the most beautiful books ever: All of the photographs are stunningly reproduced on the right-hand page with their corresponding titles printed en face. Many of the images are now iconic, and have been reproduced in numerous subsequent books on Witkin. The vertiginous line between Arbus-ian voyeurism and Blakean mysticism that his work treads makes Witkin's work among the best ever taken by an American artist/photographer, very faraway, to be sure, from someone like Garry Winogrand, but also tragically grand in the way it is rooted in and captures our pain. "Between the advent of pain which is Birth, and the apotheosis which is Death, there is convalescence which is Life" (Joel-Peter Witkin). An absolute "must-have" title for Joel-Peter Witkin collectors. This title is a great art photography book. This is one of few copies of the First Limited Edition/First Printing still available online and is in especially fine condition: Clean, crisp, and bright, a pristine beauty. Please note: Copies available online command hundreds of dollars even if they have serious flaws. This is surely an accessible and lovely alternative. A rare copy thus. 44 duotone plates, 3 drawing reproductions. One of the most brilliant American artist/photographers of our time. A fine collectible copy. (SEE ALSO OTHER JOEL-PETER WITKIN TITLES IN OUR CATALOG). ISBN 0942642155.

Stock number: 21514. ISBN: 0942642155

$US 150.00Add To Cart

Wolf, Michael (Photographer); Egan, Natasha & Manaugh, Geoff (Contributors)
The Transparent City: Photographs By Michael Wolf

Imprint: New York City, NY, Aperture Foundation, 2008
Edition: First Edition
Binding: Hardback , With Dust Jacket

First Edition / First Printing. As New in As New Dust Jacket. 112 pages. The photographer's breakthrough third collection. One of Michael Wolf's finest achievements. The First Hardcover Edition. Precedes and should not be confused with all other subsequent editions. Published in a small and limited first print run as a hardcover original only. The First Edition is now rare. A brilliant production by Michael Wolf and Andrew Sloat: Oversize-volume format. Pictorial hard boards with titles on spine, as issued. Photographs by Michael Wolf. Text by Natasha Egan and Geoff Manaugh. Printed on pristine-white, thick coated stock paper to the highest standards. The reproduction quality is exemplary in every respect. In matching pictorial DJ with titles on the spine, as issued. Presents Michael Wolf's "The Transparent City". The culmination of the brilliant Chicago Project undertaken by the photographer. Raised and educated in the United States, Wolf divided his time between Europe and Hong Kong, where he was the Correspondent Photographer of the leading German magazine, Stern. The Chicago Project presented a rare opportunity for him to photograph an American urban landscape. Made possible by a commission from the Museum of Contemporary Photography Chicago, it is one of the most stunning photographic documents of our time, transcending its specific subject and yet somehow never losing any of its locale-specificity. Still, most Chicago residents will probably not recognize their city as photographed by Wolf - in the way, for example, they immediately recognized it in Christopher Nolan's Batman film, "The Dark Knight". "Bringing his unique perspective on changing urban environments to a city renowned for its architectural legacy, Wolf chose to photograph the central downtown area, focussing specifically on issues of voyeurism and the contemporary urban landscape in flux. The material resonates with all the formalism of the constructed, architectonic work for which Wolf is well-known, but also emphasizes the conceptual underpinnings of his ongoing engagement with the idea of how modern life unfolds within the framework of the ever-growing contemporary city" (Publisher's blurb). The resulting photographs recall the panoramas of Andreas Gursky and Thomas Struth while bearing the personal stamp of Michael Wolf's sensibility, marked by the very same voyeurism high-rises inescapably afford, as unknowing subjects are captured in their private offices and bedrooms. An absolute "must-have" title for Michael Wolf collectors. This title is a contemporary art photography classic. This is one of few copies of the First Hardcover Edition/First Printing still available online and is in especially fine condition: Clean, crisp, and bright, a pristine beauty. Please note: Copies available online have serious flaws yet are priced as though they had collectible value. This is surely an accessible and lovely alternative. A rare copy thus. 60 color plates. One of the most brilliant photographers of our time. A fine collectible copy. . ISBN 1597110760.

Stock number: 22407. ISBN: 1597110760

$US 150.00Add To Cart
Click to open full size image.

Wolff, Tobias
Our Story Begins: New And Selected Stories

Imprint: New York City, NY, Alfred A. Knopf, 2008
Edition: First Edition
Binding: Hardback , With Dust Jacket
Inscription: Signed, inscribed or annotated

First Edition / First Printing. Fine in Fine Dust Jacket. 380 pages. The author's fourth collection of short stories. One of the most important literary events of our time. The First Hardcover Edition. Precedes and should not be confused with all other subsequent editions. Published in a small and limited print run as a hardcover original only. The First Edition is now scarce. Presents Tobias Wolff's "Our Story Begins: New And Selected Stories". Ten new pieces and twenty-one of his best stories from his three previous collections. "A volume that belongs on everybody's shelf along with Hemingway's 'In Our Time', Salinger's 'Nine Stories', and the collected works of Flannery O'Connor, Raymond Carver, Gabriel Garcia Marquez, William Trevor, and Alice Munro. Wolff conjures stories that etch in your memory, which is to say, they become a part of you. This makes him, in my book, a very great writer indeed" (Marianne Wiggins). Apart from the fact that the new stories appear in book form for the first time, Tobias Wolff has made significant revisions to many of the classic stories. Wolff writes that he has never viewed any of his works as sacred texts. He has re-written what he considered "clumsy" passages and removed whole "superfluous" sections in many of the most beloved earlier pieces, making a comparison between the originals and their revised versions in this volume a rewarding and illuminating experience. A perfectionist to the core, it is appropriate that Wolff should call his fourth collection a beginning. An absolute "must-have" title for Tobias Wolff collectors. This copy is very prominently and beautifully signed in black ink-pen on the title page by Tobias Wolff. It is signed directly on the page itself, not on a tipped-in page, as copies from the publisher are. This title is a great book. This is one of few such signed copies of the First Hardcover Edition/First Printing still available online and is in especially fine condition: Clean, crisp, and bright, a pristine beauty. Please note: Copies available online have serious flaws, are subsequent printings, or are remainder-marked. This is surely an accessible and lovely alternative. A scarce signed copy thus. Winner of the PEN/Faulkner Award in 1985 for "The Barracks Thief". One of the most influential and important American writers of our time. A fine copy. (SEE ALSO OTHER TOBIAS WOLFF TITLES IN OUR CATALOG). ISBN 1400044596.

Stock number: 13223. ISBN: 1400044596

$US 100.00Add To Cart

Wolff, Tobias
The Other Miller: The Limited Edition

Imprint: Derry, New Hampshire, Babcock & Koontz, 1989
Edition: First Edition
Binding: Hardback
Inscription: Signed, inscribed or annotated

First Edition / First Printing. As New in No Dust Jacket, As Issued. 17 pages. Rare Tobias Wolff collectible item. A pristine copy of "The Other Miller", presented as a keepsake. Limited Edition of 200 numbered and signed copies. The first and only edition. There is no ISBN. The Limited Edition is now rare. An austerely elegant production by Coffee House Press: Regular-sized volume format. Pale gray cloth boards with titles printed on paper that is pasted in front. Text by Tobias Wolff. Woodcut art by Gaylord Schanilec. Printed on archival (and beautiful) stock paper in the United States to the highest standards. Without DJ, as issued. Presents, in a collectible edition format, Tobias Wolff's "The Other Miller". Originally appeared in the June 1986 Issue of The Atlantic Monthly. Here is this brilliant short story as a keepsake/collectible. An absolute "must-have" title for Tobias Wolff collectors. This copy is one of the Limited Edition of 200 numbered and signed copies, indicated/numbered as such on the Back Limitation Page (Number 185). It is very prominently and beautifully signed in black ink-pen by Tobias Wolff. This title is a late-modern classic. This is one of few copies of the Limited Edition still available online and is in especially fine condition: Clean, crisp, and bright, a pristine beauty. A rare signed copy thus. Winner of the PEN/Faulkner Award in 1985 for "The Barracks Thief". One of the most influential and important American writers of our time. A fine copy. (SEE ALSO OTHER TOBIAS WOLFF TITLES IN OUR CATALOG).

Stock number: 19309.

$US 50.00Add To Cart

Wolke, Jay (Photographer) & Pacyga, Dominic (Contributor)
Along The Divide: Photographs Of The Dan Ryan Expressway

Imprint: Santa Fe, New Mexico, Center For American Places, 2004
Edition: First Edition
Binding: Hardback , With Dust Jacket
Inscription: Signed, inscribed or annotated

First Edition / First Printing. Fine in Fine Dust Jacket. 88 pages. Retrospective collection of color photographs. One of the most important photography books on its subject ever published. The First Hardcover Edition. Precedes and should not be confused with all other subsequent editions, particularly the Reissued Edition. Published in a small and limited first print run as a hardcover original only. The book is beautifully produced, with mustard cloth boards, essay by Dominic Pacyga, and stunning color photographs by Jay Wolke that are reproduced on pristine-white, thick coated stock paper to the highest standards. In pictorial DJ with titles on the cover and spine, as issued. Presents Jay Wolke's "Along The Divide: Photographs of The Dan Ryan Expressway". Gritty and indelible. "Cutting across Chicago's South Side in a broad swath of concrete, steel, and overpasses, the Dan Ryan Expressway is one of America's busiest, and perhaps most chaotic, highways. Yet underneath the cacophony of its ten lanes lies an intriguing world of urban ecology and human networks. Unearths an ecosystem unto itself that weaves human and industrial elements into an essential feature of Chicago's identity. Between 1981 and 1985, Wolke shot thousands of photographs along the Dan Ryan during the day and night, traveling up and down the expressway in an effort to accurately capture it. In the twenty years since the photographs were taken, Wolke has organized his pictures into a complex and fascinating portrait of this iconic highway, which he characterizes as an 'arterial organism' with its own cycles and flows, causes and effects. The book is a dynamic narrative that explores the Dan Ryan's enormous influence over the people who drive on it, the neighborhoods lined alongside it, and the industrial environs it weaves through. Examines where the highway fits within the trope of the American road and explores how it became a massive expression of the urban lexicon" (Publisher's blurb). "As chilling as 'Blade Runner'. Unfortunately, this is not a dystopian vision set in a distant, fictional future. This is Chicago. This is America now. The automobile has utterly changed the landscape and our lives. Jay Wolke has found a powerful way to record this historic transformation in this unique, important photographic achievement" (Joel Sternfeld). An absolute "must-have" title for Jay Wolke and Chicago collectors. This copy is very prominently and beautifully signed and inscribed in black pen on the front free endpaper by the photographer: "For Martha, With greatest regards, Jay". It is signed directly on the page itself, not on a tipped-in page. The recipient, Martha Schneider, who is named, is an important figure in the art photography world. This title is a contemporary photography classic. As far as we know, this is the only such signed and inscribed copy of the First Hardcover Edition/First Printing available online and is in especially fine condition: Clean, crisp, and bright, a pristine beauty. Please note: Copies available online are subsequent printings. This is surely an accessible and lovely alternative. A rare signed copy thus. Lavishly illustrated with color plates. One of the most brilliant American photographers of our time. A fine copy. (SEE ALSO OTHER JAY WOLKE TITLES IN OUR CATALOG). ISBN 1930066287.

Stock number: 19797. ISBN: 1930066287

$US 50.00Add To Cart

Wolke, Jay (Photographer) & Pacyga, Dominic (Contributor)
Along The Divide: Photographs Of The Dan Ryan Expressway

Imprint: Santa Fe, New Mexico, Center For American Places, 2004
Edition: First Edition
Binding: Hardback , With Dust Jacket
Inscription: Signed, inscribed or annotated

First Edition / First Printing. Fine in Fine Dust Jacket. 88 pages. Retrospective collection of color photographs. One of the most important photography books on its subject ever published. The First Hardcover Edition. Precedes and should not be confused with all other subsequent editions, particularly the Reissued Edition. Published in a small and limited first print run as a hardcover original only. The book is beautifully produced, with mustard cloth boards, essay by Dominic Pacyga, and stunning color photographs by Jay Wolke that are reproduced on pristine-white, thick coated stock paper to the highest standards. In pictorial DJ with titles on the cover and spine, as issued. Presents Jay Wolke's "Along The Divide: Photographs of The Dan Ryan Expressway". Gritty and indelible. "Cutting across Chicago's South Side in a broad swath of concrete, steel, and overpasses, the Dan Ryan Expressway is one of America's busiest, and perhaps most chaotic, highways. Yet underneath the cacophony of its ten lanes lies an intriguing world of urban ecology and human networks. Unearths an ecosystem unto itself that weaves human and industrial elements into an essential feature of Chicago's identity. Between 1981 and 1985, Wolke shot thousands of photographs along the Dan Ryan during the day and night, traveling up and down the expressway in an effort to accurately capture it. In the twenty years since the photographs were taken, Wolke has organized his pictures into a complex and fascinating portrait of this iconic highway, which he characterizes as an 'arterial organism' with its own cycles and flows, causes and effects. The book is a dynamic narrative that explores the Dan Ryan's enormous influence over the people who drive on it, the neighborhoods lined alongside it, and the industrial environs it weaves through. Examines where the highway fits within the trope of the American road and explores how it became a massive expression of the urban lexicon" (Publisher's blurb). "As chilling as 'Blade Runner'. Unfortunately, this is not a dystopian vision set in a distant, fictional future. This is Chicago. This is America now. The automobile has utterly changed the landscape and our lives. Jay Wolke has found a powerful way to record this historic transformation in this unique, important photographic achievement" (Joel Sternfeld). An absolute "must-have" title for Jay Wolke and Chicago collectors. This copy is very boldly and beautifully signed and inscribed in black pen on the half-title page by the photographer: "For Paul, a great Chicagoan, Jay Wolke". It is signed directly on the page itself, not on a tipped-in page. The recipient is Paul Berlanga, the Chicago-based photography expert and important artist/painter. This title is a contemporary photography classic. As far as we know, this is the only such signed and inscribed copy of the First Hardcover Edition/First Printing available online and is in especially fine condition: Clean, crisp, and bright, a pristine beauty. Please note: Almost all other copies available online are subsequent printings. A rare signed copy thus. Lavishly illustrated with color plates. One of the most brilliant American photographers of our time. A fine copy. (SEE ALSO OTHER JAY WOLKE TITLES IN OUR CATALOG). ISBN 1930066287.

Stock number: 21060. ISBN: 1930066287

$US 50.00Add To Cart

Wolke, Jay (Photographer) & Bamberger, Tom & Valtorta, Roberta (Contributors)
Architecture Of Resignation: Photographs From The Mezzogiorno

Imprint: Chicago, IL, Center For American Places, 2011
Edition: First Edition
Binding: Hardback , With Dust Jacket

First Edition / First Printing. As New in As New Dust Jacket. 84 pages. Retrospective collection of color photographs on subject. One of the most beautiful landscape photography books of our time. The First Hardcover Edition. Precedes and should not be confused with all other susbequent editions. Published in a small and limited first print run as a hardcover original only. The book is brilliantly produced, with brown cloth boards, gilt titles on cover and spine, full-page color photographic plates by Jay Wolke, and illuminating Essays by Tom Bamberger and Roberta Valtorta. Printed on pristine-white, thick coated stock paper in Singapore to the highest standards. In pictorial DJ with titles on the cover and spine, as issued. Presents Jay Wolke's "Architecture of Resignation: Photographs From The Mezzogiorno". Evocative photographs of a historic landscape as a palimpsest of centuries of history. "From 2000 to 2007, Jay Wolke photographed in the South of Italy to capture the complexity of a region that is colloquially known as 'Il mezzogiorno'. What he found in this historic and often troubled landscape was an elaborate set of physical, social, and political forces manifested in an extraordinary tapestry of visual information. Both referential and suggestive, Wolke's pictures reveal the marks of a long line of invaders, conquerors, and occupiers from the Greeks to the Spanish to the Camorra. Architectural and structural adaptations and 'resignations' are evident in every scene and serve as the photographer's focus. Although the landscape is marred by layers of dysfunction and greed, we cannot help but view it through the lens of the timeless belief in the 'bel paese': The Beautiful Country" (Publisher's blurb). An absolute "must-have" title for Jay Wolke collectors. This title is a contemporary art photography classic. This is one of few copies of the First Hardcover Edition/First Printing still available online and is in especially fine condition: Clean, crisp, and bright, a pristine beauty. Please note: Copies available online command as much as $100. This is surely an accessible and lovely alternative. A scarce copy thus. Lavishly illustrated with color plates. One of the most brilliant American photographers of our time. A fine copy. (SEE ALSO OTHER JAY WOLKE TITLES IN OUR CATALOG). ISBN 1935195131.

Stock number: 20339. ISBN: 1935195131

$US 40.00Add To Cart

Wolke, Jay (Photographer) & Bamberger, Tom & Valtorta, Roberta (Contributors)
Architecture Of Resignation: Photographs From The Mezzogiorno

Imprint: Chicago, IL, Center For American Places, 2011
Edition: First Edition
Binding: Hardback , With Dust Jacket
Inscription: Signed, inscribed or annotated

First Edition / First Printing. As New in As New Dust Jacket. 84 pages. Retrospective collection of color photographs on subject. One of the most beautiful landscape photography books of our time. The First Hardcover Edition. Precedes and should not be confused with all other subsequent editions. Published in a small and limited first print run as a hardcover original only. The book is brilliantly produced, with brown cloth boards, gilt titles on cover and spine, full-page color photographic plates by Jay Wolke, and illuminating Essays by Tom Bamberger and Roberta Valtorta. Printed on pristine-white, thick coated stock paper in Singapore to the highest standards. In pictorial DJ with titles on the cover and spine, as issued. Presents Jay Wolke's "Architecture of Resignation: Photographs From The Mezzogiorno". Evocative photographs of a historic landscape as a palimpsest of centuries of history. "From 2000 to 2007, Jay Wolke photographed in the South of Italy to capture the complexity of a region that is colloquially known as 'Il mezzogiorno'. What he found in this historic and often troubled landscape was an elaborate set of physical, social, and political forces manifested in an extraordinary tapestry of visual information. Both referential and suggestive, Wolke's pictures reveal the marks of a long line of invaders, conquerors, and occupiers from the Greeks to the Spanish to the Camorra. Architectural and structural adaptations and 'resignations' are evident in every scene and serve as the photographer's focus. Although the landscape is marred by layers of dysfunction and greed, we cannot help but view it through the lens of the timeless belief in the 'bel paese': The Beautiful Country" (Publisher's blurb). An absolute "must-have" title for Jay Wolke collectors. This copy is very prominently and beautifully signed and inscribed in black pen-marker on the half-title page by the photographer: "For Paul, regards, Jay Wolke". It is signed directly on the page itself, not on a tipped-in page. The recipient is Paul Berlanga, the Chicago-based photography expert and important artist/painter. This title is a contemporary art photography classic. As far as we know, this is the only such signed and inscribed copy of the First Hardcover Edition/First Printing available online and is in especially fine condition: Clean, crisp, and bright, a pristine beauty. Please note: Copies available online command as much as $100. This is surely an accessible and lovely alternative. A rare signed copy thus. Lavishly illustrated with color plates. One of the most brilliant American photographers of our time. A fine copy. (SEE ALSO OTHER JAY WOLKE TITLES IN OUR CATALOG). ISBN 1935195131.

Stock number: 21061. ISBN: 1935195131

$US 50.00Add To Cart

Wood, Tom (Photographer) & Holborn, Mark (Contributor)
All Zones Off Peak

Imprint: Stockport, England, Dewi Lewis Publishing, 1998
Edition: First Edition
Binding: Hardback , With Dust Jacket
Inscription: Signed, inscribed or annotated

First Edition / First Printing. Fine in Fine Dust Jacket. Unpaginated. The photographer's breakthrough second collection. One of the best photography books of our time. The First Hardcover Edition. Precedes and should not be confused with all other subsequent editions. Published in a small and limited first print run as a hardcover original only with the support of the Arts Council of England. The First Edition is now rare. A brilliant production by Tom Wood and Mark Holborn: Oversize-volume format. Blue linen cloth boards with titles embossed on cover and gilt titles embossed on spine, as issued. Photographs by Tom Wood. Afterword by Mark Holborn. Printed on pristine-white, thick coated stock paper in the United Kingdom to the highest standards. In pictorial DJ with orange titles on the cover and spine, as issued. Published on the occasion of the worldwide travelling exhibition: The photographs have been exhibited at Galerie du Jour Paris, Aperture Foundation New York, the Museum of Modern Art (MOMA), the International Center of Photography (ICP) New York, and numerous venues in the United Kingdom. Presents Tom Wood's "All Zones Off Peak". Black-and-white and color photographs taken by Tom Wood over a fifteen-year period, between 1979 and 1994. "Starting from the premise that he would photograph Liverpool and the people of Merseyside from the top of a bus, Tom Wood has shot over 3, 000 rolls of film, developing and refining his theme. The photographs are both visually stunning and dramatically revealing in their content. The result is a body of work of immense power already recognised as one of the most impressive achievements of recent British photography" (Publisher's blurb). The title comes from the fact that Wood bought bus tickets for "off-peak" hours, entitling him to travel to all areas within the Merseyside Region and in the course of time, becoming a photographic badge or ID for him and his singular project. Tom Wood pursued (and refined) his interest further with "Bus Odyssey", published more than a decade later, in 2001. The two books have been compared by admirers to the greatest works in the same vein: Walker Evans' "Many Are Called", Bruce Davidson's "Subway", and Robert Frank's "The Americans". "Informed in a most complex and compelling way. I cannot think of a more engaging body of contemporary work" (Chris Killip). An absolute "must-have" title for Tom Wood collectors. This copy is very prominently, neatly, and beautifully signed in green ink-pen on the title page by Tom Wood. It is signed directly on the page itself, not on a tipped-in page. This title is a great photography book. As far as we know, this is the only such signed copy of the First Hardcover Edition/First Printing available online and is in especially fine condition: Clean, crisp, and bright, a pristine beauty. A rare signed copy thus. 39 color, 30 black-and-white plates. Tom Wood's "All Zones Off Peak" was selected as one of the greatest photography books in "The Photobook". One of the most brilliant photographers of our time. A fine collectible copy. (SEE ALSO OTHER TOM WOOD TITLES IN OUR CATALOG). ISBN 1899235868.

Stock number: 11217. ISBN: 1899235868

$US 250.00Add To Cart

Wood, James
The Broken Estate: Essays On Literature And Belief

Imprint: New York City, NY, Random House, 1999
Edition: First Edition
Binding: Hardback , With Dust Jacket
Inscription: Signed, inscribed or annotated

First Edition / First Printing. Fine in Fine Dust Jacket. 270 pages. The author's breakthrough debut collection of essays. Now considered a contemporary classic. The First Hardcover Edition. Precedes and should not be confused with all other subsequent editions. Published in a small and limited first print run as a hardcover original only. The First Edition is now scarce. Presents James Wood's "The Broken Estate: Essays On Literature And Belief". His first, and still his best, book. Bursting with intellectual energy that is put at the service of moral seriousness (without being moralistic) and written in accessible, elegant prose, these twenty-one essays "give a compelling account of modern fiction that is as conscientious as it is idiosyncratic, presenting a gallery of personal heroes (Herman Melville, Nikolai Gogol, Anton Chekhov, Virginia Woolf, W. G. Sebald), villains (Ernest Renan, George Steiner, Toni Morrison, John Updike, Julian Barnes), and great in-betweens (Thomas More, T. S. Eliot, Gustave Flaubert, Philip Roth). Incisive, beautifully-turned workings of a literary mind" (Publishers Weekly). James Wood writes regularly for The New Yorker Magazine, has published two subsequent collections, two novels, and a "how-to"-of-sorts, "How Fiction Works" (2008). They are all characterized by erudition, intelligence, and spots of brilliance. Still, Wood's debut remains unsurpassed by him. "He proves that superior criticism not only unifies and interprets a literary culture, but has the power to imagine it into being" (Cynthia Ozick). An absolute "must-have" title for James Wood collectors. This copy is very prominently, neatly, and beautifully signed, placed, dated, and inscribed in black ink-pen on the title page by the author: "With best wishes, James Wood, NYC '08". It is signed directly on the page itself, not on a tipped-in page. The recipient is named. This title is a contemporary classic. As far as we know, this is the only such signed, placed, dated, and inscribed copy of the First Hardcover Edition/First Printing available online and is in especially fine condition: Clean, crisp, and bright, a pristine beauty. Please note: Copies available online have serious flaws, are subsequent printings, or are remainder-marked. This is surely an accessible and lovely alternative. A rare signed copy thus. One of the greatest literary critics of our time. A fine collectible copy. (SEE ALSO OTHER JAMES WOOD TITLES IN OUR CATALOG). ISBN 0375502173.

Stock number: 18197. ISBN: 0375502173

$US 150.00Add To Cart
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Wood, John
The Photographic Arts

Imprint: Iowa City, IA, University Of Iowa Press, 1997
Edition: First Edition
Binding: Hardback , With Dust Jacket

First Edition / First Printing. Fine in Fine Dust Jacket. 191 pages. Landmark monograph on subject. One of the most important photography books ever published in our time. The First Hardcover Edition. Precedes and should not be confused with all other subsequent editions. Published in a small and limited first print run as a hardcover original only by a University Press. The First Edition is now scarce. A brilliant production by Richard Hendel: Oversize-volume format. Brown cloth boards with metallic-silver titles embossed on spine, as issued. Photographs by some of the greatest photographers of all time. Text by John Wood, one of the finest photography expert/scholars of our time. Notes to the Plates and extensive Bibliography appended at the end. Printed on pristine-white, thick uncoated stock paper to the highest standards. In pictorial DJ with titles on the cover and spine, as issued. Presents John Wood's "The Photographic Arts". A masterly and indispensable account. "This volume of essays deals with aspects of photography that have been neglected by John Wood's fellow historians. Although he has authored four previous books on the daguerreotype, he addresses oversights of his own, and discusses the subject from a different vantage than that employed by his colleagues. In his essay on European Pictorialism, he appraises the work of several undeservedly obscure masters of the craft, and disputes the nature of Alfred Stieglitz's legacy. Included in this seminal work are essays on the American daguerreotype, contemporary daguerreotypy, the American autochrome, the art of the cyanotype, and American symbolism in photography. Wood's fresh use of the diaries and journals of gold field miners and his penetrating vision of the near-extermination of indigenous peoples, "the American holocaust", enable him to contrast between the reality and the mythology manifested in the faces of the photographed participants. His equally ingenious view of the primary myth to which most of this work refers, the Grail Quest, leads him to some striking conclusions in the context of visions of spirituality and desire" (Publisher's blurb). An absolute "must-have" title for John Wood and photography book collectors. This title is a contemporary photography classic. This is one of few copies of the First Hardcover Edition/First Printing still available online and is in especially fine condition: Clean, crisp, and bright, a pristine beauty. Please note: Copies available online have serious flaws, are subsequent printings, or are remainder-marked. This is surely an accessible and lovely alternative. A scarce copy thus. 103 plates. Some of the greatest photographs the world will ever see. A fine copy. (SEE ALSO OTHER JOHN WOOD TITLES IN OUR CATALOG). ISBN 0877455732.

Stock number: 9413. ISBN: 0877455732

$US 50.00Add To Cart
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