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Sampson: [Fishery in Canada]
Thoreau MacDonald: Winter Morning
William Peters: Shakspeare. / King Henry the Eighth. / Act III. Scene I. / A Room in the Queen's Apartments. / The Queen, and some of her Women, at Work.___ Cardinals Wolsey & Campeius
Giacomo Lauro; Giovanni Alto: Splendore dell Antica e Moderna Roma nel Quale si Rappresentano Tutti i principali Tempii, Teatri, Anfiteatri, Cerchi, Naumachie, Archi Trionfali, Obelischi, Palagii, Terme, Curie, Basiliche, Fatti della Re, Consoli, Dittatori, & Imperadori Romani dignita civili, e militari, ordine de’ trionfi, nomi di tutti i trionfanti, sacrificio militare, colonna Traiana, colonna Antonina, colonna milliaria, colonna rostrata, & colonna bellica, con li piu segnalati giardini de gli antichi, e moderni Romani, & alter cose notabili, con fatti, & imprese di quelli, da’quali sono stati eretti, e dedicati : et in questa ultima impressione abbellito di molti disegni antichi, e moderni, & aggiuntoui le descrittioni delle figure cauate dall’antichi medaglie de gl’imperadori, in quattro lingiaggi Latino, Italiano, Tedesco, e Francese, per utilita commune
Hadriani Relandi (Adriaan Reelant): Hadriani Relandi Palaestina ex Monumentis Veteribus Illustrata
R. W. Dickson: Practical Agriculture; or, A Complete System of Modern Husbandry: with the Methods of Planting, and the Management of Live Stock. / By R.W.Dickson, M.D
Samuel Lewis: A Topographical Dictionary of Ireland, Comprising the Several Counties; Cities; Boroughs; Corporate, Market, and Post Towns; Parishes; Villages; With Historical and Statisical Descriptions: Embellished with Engravings of the Arms of the Cities, Bishoprics, Corporate Towns, and Boroughs; and of the Seals of the Several Municipal Corporations. By Samuel Lewis. / Second Edition. / [ATLAS VOLUME:] Lewis’s Atlas comprising the Counties of Ireland and a general Map of the Kingdom
William Simpson: The Seat of War in the East
John Jonston: Theatrum Universale Omnium Animalium Quadrupedum Abulis Octoginta ab Illo Celeberrimo Mathia Meriano Aeri Incisis Ornatum Ex Scriptoribus Tam Antiqus, Quam Recentioribus, Theophrasto, Dioscoride, Aeliano, Oppiano, Plinio, Gesnero, Aldrovando, Wottonio, Turnero, Mouffeto, Agricola Boetio, Baccio, Ruveo Schonfeldio, Freggio, Mathiolo, Tabernamontano, Bauhino, Ximene, Bustamantio, Rondeletio, Bellonio Citesio, Theueto, Marggravio, Pisone et Aliis Maxima Cura Collectum et ob Raritatem Denuo Inprimendum Suscepit
John Muir: Picturesque California: The Rocky Mountains and the Pacific Slope. The Region West of the Rocky Mountains from Alaska to Mexico. / Edited by John Muir. / Containing Over Six Hundred Beautiful Etchings, Photo-Gravures, Wood Engravings, Etc., by Eminent American Artists. / [VOL 2 TITLE:] Picturesque California: The Rocky Mountains and the Pacific Slope / California, Oregon, Nevada, Washington, Alaska, Montana, Idaho, Arizona, Colorado, Utah, Wyoming, Etc. / Illustrated with Etchings, Photogravures, Wood Engravings, Etc. By Eminent American Artists
Jean-Baptiste Tavernier: Carte des Isles du Japon Esquelles est Remarque la Route tant par Mer que par Terre que tiennent les Hollandois pour se transporter de la Ville de Nangasaqui a Iedo demeure du Roy de ces mesmes Isles
F. Schell: President Lincoln and Family
William Hamilton: Shakspeare. / Winter's Tale. / Act V. Scene III
Ehret: I. Punica foliis lineari-lanceolatis / II. Punica flore pleno majore. / III. Punica foliis linearibus
Ehret: Corallodendron foliis ternatis
Thomas Kirk: Shakspeare. / Measure for Measure. / Act V. Scene I. / Duke in a Friar's habit, Varrius, Lords, Angelo, Escalus, Lucio, and Citizens. Isabella, Peter, Mariana, Provost, &c
Henry Rafter: Large Musical Ensemble
George Francklin Atkinson: Curry & Rice, on Forty Plates; Or, The Ingredients of Social Life at Our Station in India. By George Francklin Atkinson, Captain, Bengal Engineers, Author of Pictures from the North, in Pen and Pencil, The Campaign in India, 1857-1858, etc. etc. etc. / Second Edition
Mirza Muhammad-Ali: Baha'i Manuscript
William Gilpin: The Central Gold Region. The Grain, Pastoral, and Gold Regions of North America. With Some New Views of Its Physical Geography; and Observations on the Pacific Railroad. By William Gilpin, Late of the United States Army. Illustrated by Maps
John Gay: Fables by the Late Mr. Gay. In One Volume Complete
Robert Southey: The Life of Horatio Lord Nelson
James Boswell: The Life of Samuel Johnson. . .With marginal comments and markings from two copies annotated by Hester Lynch Thrale Piozzi
L.J. Hebert: Upper Canada / West Part
L.J. Hebert: Upper Canada / Central Part
Page: A Plan of the Action at Bunkers Hill, on the 17th of June 1775. Between His Majesty's Troops, Under the Command of Major General Howe, and the American Forces: Engraved for Stedman's History of the American War
Pierre Vander Aa: Pays de Bassora, avec les Bourgs, Rivieres, et Iles de sa dependence, habite par les Chretiens de S. Jean, nouvellement mis au jour par Pierre Vander A, Marchand Libraire a Leide
Nicolaes Jansz. Visscher: Nova Haec Tabula Galliae Lodovico XIIII Christianis Simo Regi Franciae et Navarrae Humillime Dedicatur a Nicolao Johannide Visscher
Jacques Bellin: Carte de l'Isle de la Barbade Dressee au Depost des Cartes et Plans de la Marine pour le Service des Vaisseaux du Roy. Par Ordre de M. de Massiac Lieutenant General des Armees Navales Secretaire d'Etat aiant le Departement de la Marine
Matthiaus Seutter; T. C. Lotter: Spatiosissimum Russiae Magnae juxta recentissimas Observationes Mappa Geographica accuratissime delineatum opera et sumtibus Tobiae Conradi Lotteri, Geogr. et Chalcogr. Augustae Vindel
Lallemand: Carte du Theatre de la Guerre dans l'Empire Ottoman Donnant Une grande partie des Empires de Russie d'Autriche et de Perse; des Provinces et des Mers ou se passent les operations Militaires / Dressee et editee par Lallemand Geographe Graveur ex Attache au Dep. de la Guerre
Goad, Charles Edward: Atlas City of Toronto Plate 34 [Toronto, Rosedale]
Goad, Charles Edward: Atlas City of Toronto Plate 33 [Toronto, The Annex, Yorkville, & Rosedale]
Thomas Jefferys: Plan of the Operations Before Quebec in 1759. / An Authentic Plan of the River St. Laurence from Sillery to the Fall of Montmorenci, with the Operations of the Siege of Quebec under the Command of Vice-Adml. Saunders & Major Genl. Wolfe down to the 5. Sepr. 1759. Drawn by a Captain in His Majesties Navy
Henry Popple: Boston Harbour
D'Anville: Carte pour l'Expedition d'Annibal, et sur laquelle son passage en Italie et les principales de ses marches sont tracees; Pour l'intelligence de l'Histoire Ancienne de Mr. Rollin
D'Anville: Carte pour l'Expedition de Cyrus le Jeune et la Retraite des Dix-Mil Grecs / Dressee sur Xenophon Pour l'Histoire Ancienne de Mr. Rollin
Braun & Hogenberg: Brixia / Tyrolis
Braddock Mead [alias John Green]; Thomas Jefferys: A Map of the most Inhabited part of New England, containing the Provinces of Massachussets Bay and New Hampshire, with the Colonies of Conecticut and Rhode Island. Divided into Counties and Townships: The whole composed from Actual Surveys and its Situation adjusted by Astronomical Observations. / A Plan of Boston Harbor from an Accurate Survey. / A Plan of the Town of Boston
G.B. Piranesi: Veduta del Palazzo Farnese
Geoffroy St. Hilaire: H.N. Mammiferes / Pl. 3 / Chauve-Souris d'Egypte / 1. Taphien perfore. 2. Roussette d'Egypte
Granville Perkins: Fleet Target Practice, Florida Bay. / The Naval Review--Key West, from the Martello Tower--Fort Taylor and Fleet in the Distance
Patterson: Sketches at the Montreal Hunt Club Races, 4th October, 1890
Allen; Whipple: The Public Garden and Commonwealth Avenue, Boston, Massachusetts--From Photographs by Whipple and Allen
Theodore R. Davis: Bird's-Eye View of Chicago As It Was Before the Great Fire
J.W. Champney: The Season at Niagara Falls--Photographing Visitors
Daniel la Feuille: Neufchatel of Nieuwburg aan Zee
George Theodore Sanford: Burning of the Splendid Steamer Erie off Silver Creek, Lake Erie, on the evening of Monday, August 9th, 1841, which dreadful calamity was attended with the Loss of Nearly 200 Lives of who, about 150 were German emigrants going West
Arthur Lumley: Niagara Seen with Different Eyes
Norman Wilkinson: S.S. Metagama / Canadian Pacific / Trans-Atlantic / Trans-Canada / Trans-Pacific
John Evelyn; Alexander Hunter: Silva: or a Discourse of Forest-Trees and the Propagation of Timber in His Majesty s Dominions: As it was delivered in the Royal Society on the 15th Day of October, 1662, Upon Occasion of certain Quaeries propounded to that illustrious Assembly, by the Honourable the Principal Officers and Commissioners of the Navy. Together with An Historical Account of the Sacredness and Use of Standing Groves
John Lloyd Stephens: Incidents of Travel in Central America, Chiapas, and Yucatan, By John L. Stephens, Author of “Incidents of Travel in Egypt, Arabia, Petraea, and the Holy Land,” etc. / Illustrated by Numerous Engravings. In Two Volumes
Rapkin, J: Cape Colony
Bordone: Guadalupe
Bordone: Matinina
Hesslo Gerardo [Hessel Gerritsz.]; Blaeu: Tabula Russiae ex autographo, quod delineandum curavit Foedor filius Tzaris Boris desumcta; et ad fluvios Dwinam, Zuchanam, aliaque loca, quantum ex tabulis et notitiis ad nos delatis fieri potint, amplificata: ac Magno Domino, Tzari, et Magno Duci Michaeli Foedrowits omnium Russorum, Autocratori Wolodimeriae, Moscoviae et Novogardiae, Tzari Cazaniae, Tzari Astracaniae, Tzari Sibieriae, Domino Plescoviae Magno Duci Smolenscoiae, Otweriae, Iugoriae, Permiae, Wiatkiae, Bulgariae etc: Item Domino et Magno Duci Novogardiae Inferioris etc: Domino regionum Iveriae Kartalinie et Groesiniae Tzari etc: dedicata ab Hesselo Gerardo
Johann Battist Homann [Johann Baptist Homann]: Accurate Vorstellung der Orientalisch-Kayserliehen Haupt-und Residenz-Stadt Constantinopel saint ihrer Gegend und zweyen beruhmten Meer-Engen, Bosphoro Thracio, und Hellesponto oder dem freto der Dardanellen herausgegeben von Iohann Battist Homann, Der Rom. Kays. Majest. Geographo in Nurnberg. /
Piranesi: Veduta degli avanzi del Tablino della Casa aurea di Nerone detti volgarmente il Tempio della Pace Mura da A.B. fatto prma. del restante della Fabbrica C. Anfiteatro Flavio
John Ross: A Voyage of Discovery, Made Under the Orders of the Admiralty, in His Majesty’s Ships Isabella and Alexander, for the Purpose of Exploring Baffin’s Bay, and Enquiring into the Probability of a North-West Passage. / By John Ross, K.S. Captain Royal Navy
J.G. Legrand; C.P. Landon: Description de Paris et de ses Edifices, avec un précis historique et des observations sur le caractere de leur architecture, et sur les principaux objets d art et de curiosité qu ils renferment; Par J.G. Legrand, Architecte des Monuments publics, Inspecteur des Bâtiments en construction dans la Commune de Paris, Membre et Secrétaire du Conseil des Travaux publics du department de la Seine, de plusieurs Sociétés Savantes et Littéraires; Par C.P. Landon, Peintre, ancient Pensionnaire de l Académie de France à Rome, Membre de plusieurs Sociétés Savantes et Littéraires, Auteur des Annales du Musée, etc. etc. / Ouvrage enrichi de plus de cent Planches, gravées et ombrées en taille-douce, avec un Plan exact de Paris et de ses embellissements
Artemus Ward (Charles Farrar Browne): Artemus Ward (His Travels) Among the Mormons. Part I. On the Rampage. Part II. Perlite Litteratoor. Edited by E.P. Hingston, the Companion ad Agent of Artemus Ward Whilst “On the Rampage”
Blaeu; Martini: Imperii Sinarum Nova Descriptio
J.A. Williamson; C. Roeser: Territory of Colorado
J.A. Williamson; C. Roeser: Territory of Arizona
J.A. Williamson; C. Roeser: State of Florida
Ioannis Imperialis (Giovanni Imperiale): Musaeum Historicum et Physicum
Thomas H. Shepherd; James Elmes: London And its Environs in the Nineteenth Century, Illustrated by a Series of Views From Original Drawings, by Thomas H. Shepherd, with Historical, Topographical and Critical Notices. Series the First, Comprising the Earlier Edifices, Antiquities, &c. / Metropolitan Improvements; or London, in the Nineteenth Century: Being a Series of Views, of the New and Most Interesting Objects, in the British Metropolis & Its Vicinity: from Original Drawings by Mr. Tho, H. Shepherd. With Historical, Topographical, & Critical Illustrations, by James Elmes, M.R.J.A
Wolfgang Jager; J. G. Boetticher; William Playfair: A Geographical, Historical, and Political Description of the Empire of Germany, Holland, the Netherlands, Switzerland, Prussia, Italy, Sicily, Corsica, and Sardinia; with a Gazetteer of Reference to the Principal Places in those Countries. Compiled and translated from the German. / To which are added, Statistical Tables of all the States of Europe: Translated from the German of J.G. Boetticher of Konigsberg. With a Supplementary Table, Showing the Changes Since the Commencement of the Present War. / Dedicated to Their Majesties and the Royal Family. / Illustrated with Twenty-Four Plates, and a Large Three-Sheet Post Map of Germany, Holland, Italy, &c
Andrew Halliday: The West Indies: The Natural and Physical History of the Windward and Leeward Colonies; with some account of the Moral, Social, and Political Condition of their Inhabitants, Immediately Before and After the Abolition of Negro Slavery: by Andrew Halliday, K.H., M.D., F.R.S.E., Deputy Inspector General of Army Hospitals
J.B. Waring: Dedicated by Command to Her Most Gracious Majesty the Queen. / Masterpieces of Industrial Art & Sculpture at the International Exhibition, 1862. Selected and Described by J. B. Waring, Architect. Chromo-Lithographed by and under the Direction of W. R. Tymms, A. Warren, and G. MacCulloch, from Photographs Supplied by the London Photographic and Stereoscopic Company, Taken Exclusively for this Work by Stephen Thompson. [VOLUMES 1 & 3 ONLY]
Edward Strahan; Walter Smith; Joseph M. Wilson: The Masterpieces of the Centennial International Exhibition Illustrated / Fine Arts / Industrial Arts / History, Mechanics, Science
Alexander Fletcher: The Devotional Family Bible. Containing the Old and New Testaments According to the Most Approved Copies of the Authorized Version with Practical and Experimental Reflections on Each Verse and Rich Marginal References and Readings. By the Rev. Alexander Fletcher, D.D
Dominic Serres: Historical Views of ye last Glorious Expedition ... against the Havannah
Basil Hall: Account of a Voyage of Discovery to the West Coast of Corea and the Great Loo-Choo Island; with an Appendix, Containing Charts, and Various Hydrographical and Scientific Notices. / By Captain Basil Hall, Royal Navy, F.R.S. Lond. & Edin. Member of the Asiatic Society of Calcutta, of the Literary Society of Bombay, and of the Society of Arts and Sciences at Batavia. / And a Vocabulary of the Loo-Choo Language, by H. J. Clifford, Esq. Lieutenant Royal Navy
Wenceslaus Hollar: Untitled Map the British Ilse; [England, English Civil War and Thirty Years\' War]
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