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Rev. Bowen P. Squire: Fur Traders, Hudson's Bay Company
Henry Salt: A View Near the Roode Sand Pass at the Cape of Good Hope
Th. Fischer: Papua New Guinea
N. Dance: Captain James Cook
John Webber: Cook's Voyages / A View of Karakakooa in Owhyhee
Ibrahim Haqqi Erzrumi Efendi, author Khalil al-Kamali Ali-ibn-Osman, scribe: Maarifat Nameh [Ma rifat Namih; Marifatnama], The Book of Knowledge and Skills
Sir W. E. Logan; J.W. Dawson; James Robb; J.B. Jukes: Geological Map of Ontario derived from the results of the Canadian Geological Survey..
L. Vivien: Carte de la partie septentrionale du Nouveau Monde; ou sont Comprises les Possessions Anglaises de l'Amerique du Nord
Henry Popple: The Harbour of Placentia
Cassini: Gli Stati Uniti Dell' America Delineati sulle ultime Offervazioni Sesto Foglio che comprende Parte Della Carolina Ed Inoltre L, Isola di Terra Nuova Colle Altre Isole del Golfo di S. Lorenzo
A. H. Dufour: Plan Topographique de la Ville de Paris, et d'une Partie de sa Banlieue jusqu'au Mur d'Enceinte
Adrien Hubert Brue: Carte Encyprotype de l'Amerique Septentrionale, Dediee et presentee a Monsieur, Par M. Brue, Ingenieur Geographe de S. A. Royale
J. Stephanoff; Augs. Pugin: The King seated in St. Edward's Chair, Crowned by the Archbishop of Canterbury
Vauthier: Ciceron
John Chardin: Port d'Abbas or Bander Abassi
Marcellus Laroon; Pierce Tempest: The Cryes of the City of London Drawne after the Life. / Les Cris de la Ville de Londres Dessignez après La Nature. / L’Arti Comuni che vanno di Londra Fatte dal Naturale. P. Tempest execudit
Antoine-Joseph Dezallier D Argenville: L Histoire naturelle eclaircie dans deux de ses parties principales, la lithologie et la conchyliologie, dont l une traite des pierres et l autre des coquillages, ouvrage dans lequel on trouve une Nouvelle method & une notice critique des principaux Auteurs qui ont écrit sur ces matières. / Enrichi de Figures dessinées d après Nature. / Par M *** de la Société Royale des Sciences de Montpellier
Louis Marie Lante; George-Jaques Gatine (engraver): Galerie francaise de femmes celebres par leurs talens, leur rang ou leur beaute. Portraits en pied, dessinés par M. Lanté, la plupart des originaux inédits, graves par M. Gatine, et coloriés avec soin; avec des notices biographiques et des remarques sur les habillements; ouvrage édité par M. de la Mésangère
Nolin; Piranesi: La Topografia Di Roma Digiobattanoli Dalla Maggiore in Questaminor Tauola
Hubert Jaillot; Sanson: La Sicile divisee en ses trois Provinces ou Valees scavoir Valle di Demona, Valle di Noto, et Valle di Mazara. Tiree des Meilleurs Autheurs, et sur les Memoires les plus Nouveaux. Par le Sr. Sanson. Presentee a Monseigneur le Dauphin Par son tres humble, tres fidele, et tres Obeissant Serviteur, Hubert Jaillot
J. B. Tardieu: Carte Generale du Theatre de la Guerre dans les Etats-Unis de l'Amerique avec une Carte du Mexique pour suivre les Operations Militaires
Jaillot; Sanson: Royaume d'Irlande divise en ses Provinces, subdivise en Shireries ou Comtes; Dressee sur les plus Nouveaux Memoirs par le Sr Sanson Geographe du Roy, Presente a Monseigneur le Dauphin, Par son tres Humble, tres Obeissant et tres Fidele Serviteur H. Jaillot. / Le Royaume d'Irlande divise en ses Quatre Provinces, qui sont la Lagenie, l'Utonie, Connacie et Momonie
Henry Salt: View in Abyssinia
Henri Meyer: Vue Generale de l'Exposition Internationale de Chicago / Le Journal Illustre / Le numero 15 centimes
D. MacDonald: Illustrated Atlas of the County of Victoria bound with Illustrated Atlas of Dominion of Canada containing authentic and complete Maps of all the Provinces the North-West Territories and the Island of NewFoundland from the latest official surveys and plans, by permission of the general and provincial governments, together with a general descriptive history, & c. Also maps of Europe, Asia, Africa, North and South America, United States, Oceanica, The World, & c., & c. and local maps prepared under the direction of D. MacDonald and the Atlas of Victoria County
Anton Reichsritter von Geusau: Geschichte der Romischen Kaiser mit ihren Bildnissen. Verssast von Anton Reichsritter von Geusau. Gestochen und herausgegeben von Quirin Mark
C.W. Mathers: The Far North / Photos by C. W. Mathers
Cham: Souvenirs de Garnison et des plaisirs attachés à la chose par Cham
Edward Gibbon: The History of the Decline & Fall of the Roman Empire by Edward Gibbon
Samuel Friedrich Lauterbach: Pohlnische Chronicke, oder historische Nachricht von dem Leben und Thalen aller Hertzoge und Koenige in Pohlen
Rudyard Kipling: The Writings in Prose and Verse of Rudyard Kipling. [27 Volumes (I-XIV, XVI-XXVIII) Including:] The Jungle Book and Kim
Thomas Sternhold; John Hopkins: The Book of Common Prayer. [BOUND WITH:] A Companion to the Altar. [BOUND WITH:] The Whole Book of Psalms Collected into English Metre by Thomas Sternhold, John Hopkins, and Others
John Cary: A New Map of Poland, and the Grand Duchy of Lithuania shewing their dismemberments and divisions between Austria, Russia and Prussia in 1772, 1793 & 1795 from the latest authorities
Carver, Captain; Samuel Dunn: A Map of the British Empire in North America
Don Florez;: Cape Finisterre to Vigo Bay
Canadian Pacific Railway: Chart of the Coast of British Columbia North of Latitude 51 chiefly from Capt. Vancouver's surveys in 1792 and 1793
Ed. Cave: A General Map of Eastern and Western Tatary, commonly call'd Tartary, drawn from the particular maps of Jesuit Missionaries..
P. Jalier: Get a Jet Start Round South America via Panagra and Pan American
J.H. Kenndey: Physical Map of Vancouver Island B.C
J. & G. Cruikshank: Going to Hobby Fair
Franc. Swain: Vue de L'Attaque pres du Chateau de Lemnos, qui Capitula le 4.8 bre=1770
J.T. Downman: Sleigh Scene, Toronto Bay, Canada West
Thomas Blackwell: An Enquiry into the Life and Writings of Homer
Robert Seymour: Sketches by Seymour
Nathaniel P. Willis; William H. Bartlett, illus: American Scenery; or, Land, Lake, and River / Illustrations of Transatlantic Nature. / From Drawings by W. H. Bartlett, Engraved in the First Style of the Art, by R. Wallis, J. Cousen, Willmore, Brandard, Adlard, Richardson, &c. / The Literary Department by N. P. Willis, Esq., Author of “Pencillings by the Way,” “Inklings of Adventure,” Etc
Edward Gibbon: The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire. / By Edward Gibbon, Esq. / A New Edition in Twelve Volumes
John James Audubon; George Dock Jr: The Audubon Folio: 30 Great Bird Paintings / Text by George Dock Jr
Janssonius: Siciliae Veteris Typus
Bartholomew, J.G: Labrador from the most recent surveys
P. M. McGill: Map of Fort Hill Monterey California reduced by scale from Lieut. Warner's field map made in 1847
William Newton: London / Westminster and Southwark / As in the Olden Times Shewing the City and its Suburbs with the Churches, Monasteries, and all the important Buildings as then stood in the Reign of Henry VIII before the Reformation / Accompanied by an Historical and Topographical Memoir compiled from Ancient Documents, Records, & other authentic sources By William Newton, Author of the \"Display of Heraldry,\" &c
Janssonius, Joannes: Lumen Historiarum per Occidentem ex conatibus
Janssonius, Joannes: Lumen Historiarum per Orientem illustrandis Biblys Sacris Martyrologio
Janssonius, Joannes: Gallia Vetus ad iuly Caesaris commentaria
Jaillot: Pour la Carte de la Moree (La Ville D'Athenes; Forteresse De Cerigo; S. Maura; Lepanthe; F.D'Asso;Forteresse De Volo; Forteresse De Zante; Negropont.)
Jaillot: Pour la Carte de la Moree. (Navarino; Plan De Zarnata; Modon; Passava; Coron; Malvasia; Chielafa; Napoli De Romanie.)
G. G. Aitken: Southerly Portion of Vancouver Island
Tobe: Japanese World Map
Saul Williams: Black Birds
Norval Morrisseau: Ravens Speaking an Awareness of Middle Path
H.S. Melville: United Order of Free Gardeners
Theo.R. Davis; J.A. Williams: Newport, Rhode Island
C. Stanfield: The Battle of Trafalgar
T. Sulman: New York from Bergen Hill : Hoboken
Robert E. Holloway: Through Newfoundland with the Camera
Roger Duhamel: Some Canadian Postage Stamps / Quelques Timbres-Poste Canadiens
Jacobs & Rock; Rodney Stokes: Map of the City of San Diego and Vicinity California
The Map Company; 14 Leader Lane Toronto: Map of Dufferin County
Sanson; H. Jaillot: La Moree Et les Isles de Zante, Cefalonie, Ste. Marie, Cerigo &c. Dresse sur les Memoires les Plus Nouveaux, Par le Sr. Sanson
Canadian Pacific Railway: Map from the Pacific Ocean across the Rocky Mountain Zone to accompany Report on the Exploratory Survey / Canadian Pacific Railway
Sandford Fleming: Map to accompany the Report on the Exploratory Survey of the Canadian Pacific Railway
J.H. Pope: Northern Part of Trafalgar
Keere, Petrus: Nova & accurata Tusciae Antiquae Descriptio
Coronelli, Vicenzo Maria: Frislanda, Scoperta Da Nicolo Zeno Patritio Veneto Creduta favolosa, ’o nel Mare Somersa, Descritta
Wyld, James: A Map of the Kingdom of Poland, describing it's Ancient Limits with the Dismemberments Likewise Its Present Boundary As Settled by Act of Congress at Vienna
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