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Clearwater Books Books

F.SCOTT FITZGERALD: The Last Tycoon. An Unfinished Novel. Edited with a foreword by Edmund Wilson GÜNTER GRASS: From the Diary of a Snail. Translated from the German of 'Aus dem Tagebuch einer Schnecke' by Ralph Manheim. (SIGNED) ARTHUR CONAN DOYLE: The Surgeon of Gaster Fell. A story. With an afterword by Daniel Stashower
JERZY ANDRZEJEWSKI (writing as 'George Andrzeyevski'): The Gates of Paradise. A novel. Translated from the Polish of 'Bramy raju' by James Kirkup ANNE TYLER: Vinegar Girl. The Taming of the Shrew Retold. A novel. (SIGNED) EDMUND BLUNDEN: The Bonadventure. A Random Journal of an Atlantic Holiday. With an introductory letter by H.M.Tomlinson, and a drawing by R[alph] H[odgson] on the final text leaf
W.H.AUDEN: contributes his poem 'Natural Linguistics (for Peter Salus)' the first UK printing of this Auden poem, which was not subsequently collected, to the inaugural issue of the periodical 'Candelabrum. A Magazine of Poetry'. Vol. 1, No. 1, April 1970. Edited by Dale Gunthorp and M.L.McCarthy CAROL ANN DUFFY: Feminine Gospels. Poems MA JIAN: Stick Out Your Tongue. A novella. Translated from the Chinese by Flora Drew
JOE QUEENAN: The Unkindest Cut. How a Hatchet-Man Critic Made His Own $7,000 Movie and Put it All on His Credit Card. (INSCRIBED) JANE AUSTEN. D.D.Devlin: Jane Austen and Education GEORGIA O'KEEFFE: The Georgia O'Keeffe Museum. With an introduction by Mark Stevens and essays by Lisa Mintz, Barbara Novak and Barbara Rose
P.D'ANCONA AND E.AESCHLIMANN: The Art of Illumination. An Anthology of Manuscripts from the Sixth to the Sixteenth Century. Translated from the Italian by Alison M.Brown and with additional notes on the plates by Alison Stones CERI RICHARDS: The catalogue of a retrospective exhibition at the Whitechapel Art Gallery 1960 JOE ORTON: Crimes of Passion. Two plays: The Ruffian on the Stair and The Erpingham Camp
PHILIP LARKIN: Poems W.J.TURNER: The Hunter and Other Poems GRAHAM GREENE: The Name of Action. A novel
EDWARD THOMAS: Collected Poems. With a ten-page foreword by Walter de la Mare PHILIP LARKIN: The Less Deceived. Poems J.REDWOOD ANDERSON: The Human Dawn. A poem. (INSCRIBED)
H.E.BATES: The Fallow Land. A novel ROBERT GRAVES: Good-Bye to All That. An Autobiography. (WITH SIGNED SLIP) ROBERT GRAVES: Good-Bye to All That. An Autobiography
KENNETH HARE: Nymphs and Rivers. A Selection of Poems Composed Between 1910 and 1957. (INSCRIBED) MARGARET ATWOOD: Stone Mattresses. Nine Tales. (SIGNED) ROBERT HARRIS: Lustrum. A novel. (SIGNED LIMITED EDITION)
DOUGLAS ADAMS: So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish. The Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy 4. (INSCRIBED) J.M.COETZEE: Slow Man. A novel ESTHER FREUD: The Sea House. A novel. (SIGNED)
ELIZABETH WEBSTER: A Boy Called Bracken. A novel J.W.MASON: The Tiger's Back. A novel DANNIE ABSE: Ash on a Young Man's Sleeve. A novel
GUSTAVO ZALAMEA: Un Diccionario de Sabiduria H.E.BATES: Give Them Their Life. The Poetry of H.E.Bates. Edited, with an introduction by Peter Eads, a foreword by Richard Bates and calligraphy and illustrations by Lynne Evans. (SIGNED LIMITED EDITION) JOHN HEATH-STUBBS: Collected Poems 1943-1987
ROBERT M.PIRSIG: Lila. An Inquiry into Morals PETER HUCHEL: Selected Poems. Translated from the German, with an introduction by Michael Hamburger HENRY TREECE: Viking's Sunset. A novel. With illustrations by Christine Price
PATRICK LEIGH FERMOR. Miles Reid: Into Colditz. With a seven-page introduction by Patrick Leigh Fermor and a foreword by Baroness Airey of Abingdon C.H.SISSON: Christopher Homm. A novel P.M.PASINETTI: Venetian Red. A novel. Translation from the Italian of 'Rosso Venezian' by the author
P.M.HUBBARD: High Tide. A novel RICHARD MATHESON: I Am Legend. A novel CHEONG LIEW with Elizabeth Ho: My Food. With illustrations by Timothy John and a foreword by Barbara Santich. (INSCRIBED)
FREDERIK POHL: A Plague of Pythons. A novel DUGALD SUTHERLAND MACCOLL: Poems C.S.LEWIS: Boxen. The Imaginary World of C.S.Lewis. Edited, with an introduction by Walter Hooper
JESSICA DOUGLAS-HOME: Violet. The Life and Loves of Violet Gordon Woodhouse. (SIGNED LIMITED EDITION) JOHN WAIN: Living in the Present. A novel DENNIS WHEATLEY: Old Rowley. A Private Life of Charles II. With illustrations by Frank C.Pape. (INSCRIBED)
HENRY WILLIAMSON: It Was The Nightingale. Volume ten of 'A Chronicle of Ancient Sunlight' ALEXANDER MCCALL SMITH, IAN RANKIN AND IRVINE WELSH: One City. Stories. With an introduction by J.K.Rowling. (SIGNED BY ALL THREE CONTRIBUTORS) ARMISTEAD MAUPIN: Maybe the Moon. A novel. (SIGNED)
JULIAN GRENFELL. Viola Meynell: Julian Grenfell. An essay OCTAVIO PAZ. (Charles Tomlinson, Elaine Feinstein, Omar S.Pound, Miles Burrows, Daniel Weissbort, John James, Anthony Rudolf & Richard Burns): An Octave for Octavio Paz. Edited by Anthony Rudolf and Richard Burns. (SIGNED LIMITED EDITION) LASCELLES ABERCROMBIE. [J.W.Haines]: Speculative Dialogues
LASCELLES ABERCROMBIE: The Sale of Saint Thomas. In Six Acts. (SIGNED LIMITED EDITION) WILFRID WILSON GIBSON [i.e. W.W.Gibson]: The Stonefolds. (INSCRIBED) WILFRID GIBSON [i.e. W.W.Gibson]: Krindlesyke. A play. (INSCRIBED)
WILFRID GIBSON [i.e. W.W.Gibson]: The Golden Room and Other Poems. (SIGNED) ANTHOLOGY: A Selection of Poems from Recent Volumes Published by Sidgwick & Jackson BEAT GENERATION. Harvey Pekar and Ed Piskor: The Beats. A Graphic History. Edited by Paul Buhle
ANTHOLOGY. James Dickey, Paris Leary and Jon Swan: Poets of Today VII. With a twenty-page introductory essay, 'Some Thoughts on Poetry', by John Hall Wheelock CHICAGO EIGHT. Judy Clavir and John Spitzer: The Conspiracy Trial. Edited by Judy Clavir and John Spitzer, and with an introduction by William M.Kunstler KEITH DOUGLAS: The Complete Poems of Keith Douglas. Edited by Desmond Graham
NAOMI MITCHISON: Judy and Lakshmi. A novel. With drawings and a dust wrapper design by Avinash Chandra ROBERT NICHOLS: Under the Yew; or The Gambler Transformed WILLIAM ORPEN. Robert Upstone and Angela Weight: William Orpen. An Onlooker in France. A Critical Edition of the Artist's War Memoirs
ANTHONY BURGESS: Ninety-Nine Novels. The Best in English since 1939. A Personal Choice NELSON MANDELA: The Prison Letters of Nelson Mandela. Edited by Sahm Zenter, and with a foreword by Zamaswazi Dlamini-Mandela TOM STOPPARD: The Coast of Utopia. Complete in three volumes comprising 'Voyage' [and] 'Shipwreck' [and] 'Salvage'
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