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Scott, J. W: Col. Scott's Letter, to Judge Nevius, Mr. Lupp, and Mr. Wood, of New-Brunswick, on the Constitutional Organization of the Legislative Council of New-Jersey, October 1841 W. D. Harriman et al: Testimony Taken Before the House Investigating Committee, Appointed on Motion of Mr. Conness, Thursday, April 18, 1861 Robert Taylor, Samuel J. Willis, et al: Document No. 101. Board of Aldermen, March 20, 1843. Report of the Special Committee, in Relation to the Bonding and Commuting of Passengers, Together with the Reports of Messrs. Taylor and Willis in the Respective Cases of John Ahern and James H. Ward
Findley, William: The Cause of the Country Truly Stated. Speech of Mr. Findley, (of Pennsylvania) in the Congress of the U. States, the Loan Bill Being Under Consideration Huntington, Asahel: A Discourse, Designed to Comfort the Afflicted, Delivered Feb. 28th, 1806, at the Interment of the Rev. Levi Frisbie, A. M., Pastor of the First Church of Christ in Ipswich Long, Mason: The Life of Mason Long, the Converted Gambler. Being a Record of His Experiences as a White Slave; a Soldier in the Union Army; a Professional Gambler; a Patron of the Turf; a Variety Theater and Minstrel Manager; and, Finally, a Convert to the Murphy Cause, and to the Gospel of Christ
Chipman, Daniel: An Essay on the Law of Contracts, for the Payment of Specifick Articles Furlong, Thomas: Fifty Years a Detective: 35 Real Detective Stories; Hitherto unpublished facts connected with some of Mr. Furlong's greatest cases--Other interesting incidents of his long and strenuous career which really began on September 14, 1862, when he was detailed from his company, (Co. G., 1st Pennsylvania Rifles, better known as the Pennsylvania Bucktails) for special service McClernand, John A: The French Revolution. Speech of Hon. J. A. McClernand, of Illinois, on the Resolution of Mr. Cummins, of Ohio, tendering the sympathies and congratulations of the People of the United States to the French People. (and) Speech of Mr. McClernand, in the House of Representatives, May 3, 1848 ..
Wood, Fernando: Communication from His Honor the Mayor, Fernando Wood, Transmitted to the Common Council of New-York, July 7th, 1856 William M. Morrison et al: Eleventh Annual Report of the Board of Directors, of the Saint Louis Mercantile Library Association, and the Sixth Annual Report of the Board of Directors, of the Mercantile Library Hall Company, of St. Louis, MO. January 13 and 19, 1857 Rantoul, Robert, Jr: An Oration Delivered at Concord, on the Celebration of the Seventy-Fifth Anniversary of the Events of April 19, 1775. Delivered Before the Massachusetts Legislature, and Published by Their Order
Sullivan, George: Speech of the Hon. George Sullivan, at the Late Rockingham Convention, with the Memorial and Resolutions, and Report of the Committee of Elections Shattuck, C. S: A Tribute to Departed Worth in a Father and Son. A Sermon and an Address, Delivered at the Funerals Respectively of Henry Holmes, February 8th, 1856, and Charles Henry Holmes, October 11th, 1854, in Union Village, Wash. Co., N. Y Is It Calumny?; or, Is It Truth?: An Examination of a Pamphlet, Entitled "Calumny Refuted, or a Glance at John Wilbur's Book."
Wilmer, Simon: A Sermon Delivered in the City of Burlington, on the First Day of May, A. D. 1811. At the Opening of the Convention of the Protestant Episcopal Church, in New Jersey C. P. Sprague & H. W. Atwell (Compiler): The Western Shore Gazetteer and Commercial Directory, For the State of California, Containing the Names of All the Adult Male Citizens of the State, Their Occupations and Professions; The Amount of Capital Invested; Value of Property, as Near as Can Be Ascertained from the Most Reliable Sources; The County, Town and Election Precinct in Which Each Resides, and His Post-Office Address. Yolo County Adams, Austin: Classical Learning as an Element of Modern Scholarship. An Address Delivered Before the Erosophian Society, of Lombard University, on Tuesday, June 18th, 1867
Tilghman, William: An Address Delivered Before the Philadelphia Society for Promoting Agriculture; at Its Anniversary Meeting, January 18, 1820 Waterhouse, Sylvester: The Resources of Missouri Miltimore, James: A Sermon Preached at Belle-Ville, in the Fourth Parish of Newbury, November 24, 1807, at the Dedication of the New Meeting-House in That Place
Dunster, Henry P. (Editor): The Discoveries of Columbus and of the English in America: Including Concise Narratives of the First Settlements Formed by Our Own Countrymen in That Important Continent Joyce, Stanislaus; Ellmann, Richard (Introduction and Notes); Eliot, T. S. (Preface): My Brother's Keeper: James Joyce's Early Years Whipple, H. B: In Memory of Wm. Wilkins Davis, Only Son of Allen Bowie and Hester Ann Davis, Born Easter Sunday, March 27th, 1842, Greenwood, Montgomery Co., MD., Fell Asleep in Jesus, Friday, March 2d, 1866, Faribault, Minnesota
A Reply to Horace Binney's Pamphlet on the Habeas Corpus Official Tourist Office of the Royal Hungarian State Railways: Hungary, Budapest, Ibusz Visitate Budapest: La Regina del Danubio; La Bellisima Capitale dell'Ungheria; La Metropoli dei Bagni Termali!
Charles R. Canedy?: The Trail of the Mohawk: Miles of Magnificent Mountain Scenes, Unrivaled on the Atlantic Coast Municipal Information Office?: Budapest: Map and Guide Rapport sur les Missions du Diocese de Quebec et Autres Missions Qui en Ont Ci-Devant Fait Partie; Mai 1870, No. 19; Avec Approbation des Superieurs
Leath, James Edward (Introduction and Compilation): The Story of the Old House: Columbia County's "House of History" as interpreted through the fragrant paths of memory Child, Willard: Sermon Preached Before the General Assembly of the State of Vermont: October 11, 1856, Board of Directors, North American Coal Company: Report of the Board of Directors of the North American Coal Company, Submitted to the Stockholders, June 22, 1852
Harris, Thaddeus Mason: A Discourse, Delivered at Dorchester, March 29th, 1813, at the Funeral of Moses Everett, Esq Wright, Silas, Jr: Address: Delivered 4th of July, 1839, at Canton, N. Y Sylvester, J. B: The Resurrection of the Body: A Sermon
Benton, N. S: The Auditor's Reply to Gerrit Smith, on the Niagara Ship Canal Brown, James H: Supreme Court of Appeals of West Virginia. Western Mining & Manufacturing Company, and Others, Complainants and Appellants, vs. Virginia Cannel Coal Company, and Others, Defendants and Appellees. In Chancery. Argument of James H. Brown, of Counsel for Appellants Beecher, Henry Ward: Henry Ward Beecher's Sermons. Selected Sermons as Delivered by Henry Ward Beecher, in Plymouth Church, Brooklyn. With a Superb Portrait
Select Committee, Illinois Senate: Illinois Legis. Senate. 12th Assem., 2d Session. February 19, 1841. Read and laid on the table. Report of the Select Committee Appointed to Investigate the Contracts for the Improvement of the Upper Rapids on Rock River Williams, John M: An Oration, Pronounced at New Bedford, July 4th, 1806 Codman, Dr: Dr. Codman's Speech in the Board of Overseers of Harvard College, Feb. 3, 1831
Thomas L. Broun et al: West Virginia Supreme Court of Appeals, Charleston, 1874. Argument by Thomas L. Broun, William A. Quarrier, Thomas B. Swann and Samuel A. Miller, Counsel for Complainants, in the Suit of Western Mining and Manufacturing Company, and Philadelphia Cannel Coal Company, Complainants, vs. [In Chancery.] Virginia Cannel Coal Company, Peytona Cannel Coal Company, et als, Defendants. William M. Peyton's Adm'r, Complainant, vs. [On Cross-Bill.] Virginia Cannel Coal Company, Peytona Cannel Coal Company, et als, Defendants Massachusetts House of Representatives; Massachusetts Senate: Address to the People of Massachusetts Brodhead, Jacob: A Sermon, Delivered in the Reformed Dutch Church in Broome Street, in the City of New York, on the Ninth of December, 1830, Being the Day Recommended by the Acting Governor of the State, to be Observed as a Day of Thanksgiving
Hepburn, James: Report to the Board of Directors of the North American Coal Company Alameda, California: City of Beaches The Tourist Association of Central California: Central California: Pleasure Land for the Traveler; California Invites you to the Convention of Associated Advertising Clubs of the World, San Francisco, July 7-11-1918
Pacific Highway Association of California: Road Maps: Pacific Coast Highways Dunshee, Kenneth Holcomb: Enjine!--Enjine!: A Story of Fire Protection Portland and Rochester Railroad Company: A Report of the Directors, of the Portland and Rochester R. R. Co., Embracing the Location of the Road and its Objects
King, Horatio C: Original and Selected Songs, Printed for the Use of the New York Commandery of the Military Order, Loyal Legion, United States Bureau of Labor Statistics of the State of Illinois et al: Statistics of Convict Labor. Advanced Chapters from the Fourth Biennial Report of the Bureau of Labor Statistics of the State of Illinois Whitman, John W: Report of a Trial in the Supreme Judicial Court, Holden at Boston, Dec. 16th and 17th, 1828, of Theodore Lyman, Jr., for an Alleged Libel on Daniel Webster, a Senator of the United States, Published in the Jackson Republican, Comprising All the Documents and Testimony Given in the Cause, and Full Notes of the Arguments of Counsel, and the Charge of the Court. Taken in Short Hand
Kinney, Hannah Hanson: A Review of the Principal Events of the Last Ten Years in the Life of Mrs. Hannah Kinney: Together with Some Comments Upon the Late Trial Wells, H. G.; Ray, Gordon N. (Introduction): The Desert Daisy Pond, W. I: A Lesson from the Providence of God. A Sermon Preached at the Union Fast-Day Service, Held in the Congregational Church, Henson, Vt., April 9th, 1863. Repeated by request at the M. E. Church, Saratoga Springs, Sabbath Evening, May 3d, 1863
Joint Committee: Report on the Joint Committee to Inquire into and Report upon the Condition of the Public and State Lands Lying Within the Limits of the State Stillman, Ed. B. (Compiler): Our State and Its Government. Statistics Relative to the Ninth General Assembly of the State of Iowa, and the State Departments, Civil and Military Porter, Charles H: A Statement of the Case of the People Against Elisha B. Fero. [From the Journal of Psychological Medicine, April, 1870.]
Wright, Robert M: Dodge City: The Cowboy Capital and the Great Southwest; In the Days of the Wild Indian, the Buffalo, the Cowboy, Dance Halls, Gambling Halls and Bad Men Quinby, G. W: The Gallows, the Prison, and the Poor-House. A Plea for Humanity; Showing the Demands of Christianity in Behalf of the Criminal and Perishing Classes Parker, Isaac: A Sketch of the Late Chief Justice Parsons, Exhibited in an Address to the Grand Jury, Delivered at the Opening of the Supreme Judicial Court at Boston, on the Twenty-third Day of November, 1813, After the Usual Charge
The Pastor: A Sermon on Making Good Resolutions, Delivered in the Unitarian Church, Washington City, January 1, 1832 Devens, Charles, Jr: General Meade and the Battle of Gettysburg. An Oration, Delivered Before the Society of the Army of the Potomac, at Its Reunion, at New Haven, Connecticut, May 14th, 1873 The Constitution of the Scots' Charitable Society, Instituted, 1657......Incorporated, 1786
Willard, Joseph: Letter to an English Friend on the Rebellion in the United States, and on British Policy Porter, William D.; Paulding, James Kirke: 1860 Association. Tract, No. 2. State Sovereignty and the Doctrine of Coercion, by the Hon. Wm. D. Porter; Together with a Letter from Hon. J. K. Paulding, Former Sec. of Navy. The Right to Secede, by "States." William Starke Rosencrans et al: A Savoury Dish for Loyal Men
Bellows, Henry Whitney; Philadelphia Agency of the United States Sanitary Commission: Speech of the Rev. Dr. Bellows, President of the United States Sanitary Commission, Made at the Academy of Music, Philadelphia, Tuesday Evening, Feb. 24, 1863 Ward, Erwin L: Collection of Original World War I Material Belonging to Ervin L. Ward Heitman, Francis B: Historical Register and Dictionary of the United States Army from its Organization September 29, 1789, to March 2, 1903
Butterfield, Daniel: Major-General Joseph Hooker and the Troops from the Army of the Potomac at Wauhatchie, Lookout Mountain and Chattanooga, together with General Hooker's Military Record, From the files of the War Department, Adjutant General's Office, U. S. A.; Address by Major-General Daniel Butterfield at the Battlefield Dedication Ceremonies at Chattanooga, September 18, 1895, by invitation of the National Commission United States Sanitary Commission: U. S. Sanitary Commission. No. 78. An Answer to the Question, "Why Does the Sanitary Commission Need So Much Money?" A Record and an Appeal Belllows, Henry Whitney: U. S. Sanitary Commission. No. 95. Provision Required for the Relief and Support of Disabled Soldiers and Sailors and Their Defendants. A Report to the Standing Committee of the U. S. Sanitary Commission
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